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LCH1109 Preparing for IELTS Grammar: Speaking Hypothetically

Grammar: Speaking Hypothetically

Example If the necklace wasn’t so old, it wouldn’t be valuable.
1 2nd conditional refers to present time: The necklace is old, and for that reason it is
Example If my aunt hadn’t travelled to India, she would never have acquired the necklace.
2 3rd conditional refers to past time: My aunt travelled to India, and for that reason she
acquired the necklace.
Example If she had passed the exam last summer, she would be at university now.
3 Mixed conditionals: If … had passed (3rd conditional) + would be (2nd conditional)

Example If I couldn’t speak French, I wouldn’t have been given the job.
4 Mixed conditionals: If … couldn’t speak (2nd conditional) + wouldn’t have been given
(3rd conditional)
Example She would only accept the job position on condition that she was given the contract
5 in writing.
on (the) condition (that) / providing that / provided that: more formal than ‘if’
Examples Consumers would always buy a second-hard car as long as it hadn’t been in an
6–7 accident.
Even if there were fines, people would still drop litter.
as long as / even if: more emphatic than ‘if’
Examples As a child, I wouldn’t go swimming if the sea was not warm.
8–9 As a child, I wouldn’t go swimming unless the sea was warm.
‘if’ + negative = unless
Example If I were to sell the necklace, I would probably get a lot of money.
10 ‘if’ + subject + ‘were’ + to-infinitive = express an unlikely conditional
Example If it weren’t for my smart phone, I would never keep in touch with all my friends.
11 ‘if it weren’t for’ + noun = say ‘if something didn’t exist’
Example Were it not for my smart phone, I would never keep in touch with all my friends.
12 ‘were it not for’ + noun = emphasize ‘if something didn’t exist’
Examples If we had had more time, we would have been able to finish the work.
13 – 16 Had we had more time, we would have been able to finish the work.
If he had not called the office, he wouldn’t have found out about the meeting.
Had he not called the office, he wouldn’t have found out about the meeting.
‘had’ + subject + (not) + past participle = emphasize 3rd conditional
Examples If it hadn’t been for Sam’s help, I wouldn’t have known how to address the problem.
17 – 18 Had it not been for Sam’s help, I wouldn’t have known how to address the problem.
‘if it hadn’t been for’ + noun = say ‘if something hadn’t existed’
‘had it not been for’ + noun = emphasize ‘if something hadn’t existed’

Reference: Brook-Hart, G., & Jakeman, V. (2013). Complete IELTS bands 6.5-7.5 student’s book
with answers. Cambridge University Press. (p.118)

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