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1. (b) Barium sulphate
Related Theory
Explanation: A white precipitate of barium
 Two sodium cations and one oxygen anion combine
sulphate and sodium chloride solution is to form the molecules of sodium oxide. These two
produced when barium chloride solution is sodium-oxygen ionic interactions are present in
introduced to sodium sulphate solution. The Na2O molecules.
chemical interaction between barium chloride
and sodium sulphate can be shown as follows: 6. (d) 11 (2, 8, 1)
BaCl2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) → BaSO4(s) + 2NaCl(aq) Explanation: In general, non-metals can
produce acidic oxides. Four to eight electrons
2. (b) Colourless make up the outermost shell of non-metals.
Explanation: Because zinc is more reactive In contrast, if the outermost shell's electrons
than copper, when it is added to copper are from groups 1-3 (metals), basic oxides are
sulphate solution (blue color), copper is formed. As a result, the metal (Na) with atomic
replaced by zinc, and forms colourless zinc number 11 (electronic configuration 2, 8, 1) will
sulphate solution. A displacement reaction produce basic oxide.
takes place.
7. (c) 14
Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
Explanation: The element with atomic number
3. (d) NaHCO3 14 is silicon. The electronic configuration of
silicon, which has 14 electrons, is 2, 8, 4. For
Explanation: NaHCO3 is commonly known
Si, it is challenging to gain or lose 4 electrons
as baking soda and has the chemical name
in order to gain an octet. The electrons in the
sodium hydrogen carbonate. Because there is
silicon are distributed among five energy levels.
a low concentration of OH- ions in NaHCO3, it
The orbitals 1s, 2s, 2p and 3s are filled first
is a moderately non-corrosive basic salt.
with 2, 2, 6 and 2 electrons, respectively. The
4. (a) Sodium remaining two electrons are placed in the 3p
orbital. So, a total of 8 electrons are there in
Explanation: The metal ‘X’ is Sodium. Hydrogen
the p orbital.
gas (H2) is one product of the reaction between
sodium and dilute sulphuric acid. Hydrogen
Related Theory
gas is colourless and highly flammable. When
a burning matchstick is brought close to  First shell has 2 electrons. Second shell can have a
maximum of 8 electrons. The next shell can hold a
hydrogen gas, it will ignite with a "pop" sound,
maximum of 8 electrons as well.
indicating the presence of hydrogen gas.
8. (b) Mushroom
Related Theory Explanation: Groups of organisms including
 Metal 'x' in this scenario is most likely sodium since yeast, mushrooms, and bread mould, break
it combines with dilute sulfuric acid to produce
down and absorb food outside the body.
hydrogen gas, which is a reaction that is typical of
Related Theory

5. (b) 2Na +
O  Only fungi can break down food outside the body
and Amoeba, Paramecium and Lice are not fungi.

Explanation: When sodium burns in the air, a 9. (a) tongue

bright, white light appears. Even more light Explanation: The taste buds on the tongue
is produced when it burns in the presence and other areas of the buccal cavity contain
of oxygen. It produces sodium oxide, a white the gustatory receptors. Animals have
powder. gustatory receptors, which are sensory organs
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that produce flavour. The gustatory receptors thin particles, the path of the beam is apparent.
can distinguish between saltiness, sweetness, The dispersion of light by such colloidal particles is
savouriness, bitterness, and sourness as the known as the Tyndall effect.
five basic tastes. 15. (c) CFCs, Ozone
10. (c) Vegetative propagation Explanation:
Explanation: I would suggest the method of (1) Ozone levels in the atmosphere started to
vegetative propagation. It is an asexual mode fall rapidly in the 1980s.
of reproduction and can be accomplished by (2) Synthetic chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons
propagating banana rhizome as it has the (CFCs), which are used in fire extinguishers
ability to produce new banana plants. and as refrigerants, have been connected
to this decline.
Related Theory
(3) The United Nations Environment
 Cutting is a vegetative propagation method in which
a portion of the mother plant's stem, leaf, or root Programme (UNEP) was successful in
is cut off and encouraged to root and shoot in the phasing out CFC use and manufacture
proper medium. Accidental roots from the cuttings globally in 1987.
sprout a new plant. Plants including roses, champa,
honeysuckle, bananas, sugarcane, etc., can be 16. (a) Broken down by biological processes
cultivated using this technique. Explanation: Biodegradable material is
typically organic, such as plant and animal
11. (c) Growth hormones under the influence of
remains that come from living things. When
the enzymes coded by a gene.
buried under the soil, biodegradable materials
Explanation: Hormones control the growth will eventually decompose. These elements
and height of plants. Genes that affect the are crucial because they enrich the soil with
activity of the hormone-producing enzymes in nutrients.
turn control the synthesis of hormones.
17. (d) A is false but R is true.
12. (c) lack of oxygen and formation of lactic acid.
Explanation: Rusting is essentially a slow
Explanation: When a muscle contracts burning process that happens to iron. Although
involuntarily and does not relax, a cramp the process is extremely exothermic, because it
occurs. The skeletal muscles are typically moves slowly, the heat produced is lost before
affected. an increase in temperature occurs.
Pyruvate is transformed into lactic acid in
muscle cells when the muscles are deprived Related Theory
of oxygen and in need of energy. The lactate  You can actually see bright iron burning if the iron
dehydrogenase enzyme reduces pyruvate to is scattered in minute particles such that more of
lactate in the absence of oxygen. As a result, its surface comes into contact with oxygen and the
the sportsman experiences muscle cramps temperature is boosted by vigorous friction at the
from a shortage of oxygen in his muscles. same time.
This happens as a result of pyruvate being
18. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
converted to lactic acid.
explanation of A.
13. (d) behind the mirror and its position varies Explanation : It is true that sexually reproduced
according to the object distance. individuals have higher survival rates than
Explanation: When an object is placed in front asexually reproduced individuals. This is due
of a convex mirror, its image is formed behind to the fusion and combining of the male and
the mirror and its image location is determined female gametes during sexual reproduction. As
by the object distance. a result, the offspring possesses both parents'
genetic makeup. Variations are differences
14. (c) scattering of light in a species's individuals' characteristics or
Explanation: Light scattering occurs when fine attributes. They arise from an organism's
particles, dust, and other particles deflect light sexual reproduction. It is true that only
in all directions following reflection. variations that benefit a particular organism
can survive in a population.
Related Theory
19. (d) A is false but R is true.
 The earth's atmosphere is a heterogeneous
collection of minute particles such as smoke, small Explanation: A magnetic field is created
water droplets, dust particles floating in the air, around a wire as electricity flows through it. As
and air molecules. When a light beam impacts such one moves away from the wire, the intensity of

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the magnetic field weakens. As a result, when 20. (c) A is true but R is false.
a compass needle is positioned near a current Explanation: Manure and decaying plant
carrying wire, it deflects owing to the wire's material are combined to produce compost.
magnetic field. Enriched composited manure is produced by
The distance between the compass needle adding chemical fertilisers, such as ammonium
and the wire grows as the needle moves away sulphate, superphosphate, sodium nitrate, lime
from the wire. As a result, the intensity of the and others, in thin sprinklings between heaps
magnetic field weakens, as does the deflection of various plant debris, including vegetable
of the compass needle. market trash and other organic waste.

21. Response with any of the given two arguments. and v = (c/n), the speed of light ray will
(1) Bubbles of gas/ Evolution of gas increase in the second medium.
(2) Change in colour (Zn - silvery grey to black)
(3) Change in temperature 25. Resistance of each part is Ω (as resistance is
22. (1) 
After fertilisation, the zygote divides proportional to the length of the wire.)
several times to form an embryo within 1 3 3 3 9
the ovule. = + + =
R1 R R R R
(2) The ovule develops a tough coat and is
gradually converted into a seed. R R 1
\ R1 = ∴ 1=
The ovary grows rapidly and ripens to 9 R 9
form a fruit.
The petals, sepals, stamens, style and
stigma may shrivel and fall off. The magnetic field strength is more in the
region where the field lines are crowded. This
23. To filter out nitrogenous waste products like means the field strength is maximum near the
urea and uric acid [0.5m] from the blood [0.5m] poles and it reduces as we go away from the
in humans. poles.

The direction of the magnetic field is also
Organ for storage: Urinary Bladder
Organ for release: Urethra
OR 26. (A) 10000J because only 10 % of energy is
The blood emerges from the heart under high available for the next trophic level.
pressure and flows through arteries. Hence, to (B) No, since the loss of energy at each step is
bear this pressure the arteries have thick and so great that very little usable energy will
elastic walls. remain after 4 trophic levels.
Veins have valves to ensure that the blood Detailed Answer: The 10% law states that
flows in one direction only. each trophic level receives just 10% of the
energy from its lower level. If the amount of
24. (A) When light travels from an optically rarer energy available at the third trophic level is
medium to an optically denser medium it 100 joules. Since,
moves towards the normal. Since nB > nA 10% of 10000J is 1000J (For 2nd trophic level)
hence the light ray will bend towards the
10% of 1000J is 100J (For 3rd trophic level)
normal on passing from medium A to B.
Then, the energy available at the producer level
(B) The speed of the light will increase when is 10000J because only 10% of the energy gets
the light travels from B to C, Since nC < nB transferred to the next trophic level.

27. (A) 
The above reaction is known as a (B) Substance oxidised - Al(s)
thermite reaction as the reaction is highly Substance reduced – MnO2(s)
exothermic reaction. (C) Aluminium is preferably used in thermite
reactions as it is placed above Fe and Mn

The metal (Mn/Fe) obtained will be in
in reactivity series of metals.
molten/ liquid state.
Al is more reactive than Fe/ Mn

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28. AMCl3 ; M2(SO4)3 31. (A) 
The refractive index of a medium
M in general forms Ionic bond. It can acquire with respect to air is given by
a stable electronic configuration of neon (2, 8) speed of light in air .
by losing its three valence electrons to form speed of light in the medium
Since, speed of light in the medium is
Compounds formed will conduct electricity in always less than the speed of light in air,
liquid / molten state but not in solid state in hence the above ratio is always greater
contrast to ‘M’ than 1.
OR (B) The ray of light is undergoing normal
(1) ‘X’ - Copper/ Cu and ‘Y’ - CuO. incidence at the air-plastic block interface
and for normal incidence there is no
Diagram to represent the process of
refining of ‘X’.
Key – + e (C)
Cathode – +
Anode Normal
Impure copper
Pure copper Plastic block r
Acidi ed copper
Cu2+ sulphate solution
Cu2+ 40°
(anode mud)
Incident ray

29. (1) 
Iodine is essential for the synthesis of (Credit arrows, refracted ray moving away
thyroxin hormone. from normal)
Thyroxin regulates carbohydrate, protein
and fat metabolism in the body. 32. (A) Joules law of heating states that the heat
(3) Thyroxin provide best balance for growth dissipated across a resistor is directly
in the body. proportional to:
(1) the square of the current flowing
Related Theory through it
 A lack of iodine in the diet may result in a lack of the (2) The resistance of the conductor
hormone thyroxine in the body. Goitre is a sickness (3) duration of flow of current.
brought on by a lack of iodine in the diet, which
H=I2Rt (alternative answer).
results in less thyroxine being produced by the body.
As a result, doctors advise using iodized salt while (B) Resistance of a conductor depends on:
cooking. (1) the length of the conductor
30. There are 50% chances that a girl may be born (2) the area of the cross section
and 50% chances that a boy may be born. It (3) nature of material
can be explained as follows: (4) temperature of the conductor.
Most human chromosomes have a maternal (Any two should fetch full marks).
copy and a paternal copy. We have 22 such
chromosomes. One pair of chromosomes 33. (A) 
Anannya’s answer is wrong. Electrical
called sex chromosomes is odd in not always appliances with metallic bodies need an
being a perfect pair. Women have a perfect earth wire which provides a low resistance
pair of sex chromosomes, both called X. (XX) conducting path to the flow of current,
But men have a mismatched pair of sex in case there is an accidental leakage of
chromosomes in which one is normal sized – current through the conducting body of
X chromosome while the other is a short one the appliances.
called Y chromosome. (XY) (B) An electrical fuse is a safety device that
A child receives one chromosome from mother operates to provide protection against the
which is essentially X chromosome. overflow of current in an electrical circuit.
A child who inherits an X chromosome from An important component of an electrical
her father will be a girl, and one who inherits a fuse is a metal wire or strip that melts
Y chromosome from him will be a boy. when excess current flows through it.

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34. (A) 
Rehmat’s observation is correct as the leading to discharge of blood and mucus
hydrogen atoms are substituted by hetero along with the unfertilised egg. This is
atom i.e., Cl called menstruation.
CH4 + Cl2 → CH3Cl + HCl (E) Nutrition and oxygen will not be provided
(in the presence of sunlight) to the growing embryo affecting its
growth, which could have serious
(B) Any other relevant equation in the chain
implications as well.
2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(I) → 2NaOH(aq)
(A) Sameer is suffering from diabetes
+ Cl2(g) + H2(g) Insulin
NaCl → Na+ + Cl– Pancreas
2Cl– → Cl2 + 2e–(At anode) (B) Cytokinins
H2O → H+ + OH– Abscisic Acid
2H+ + 2e– → H2 (At cathode) Detailed Answer:
Na+ + OH– → NaOH (A) High blood sugar levels are a defining
(B) Sodium hydroxide/ NaOH/ Caustic soda feature of this metabolic disease. The
Hydrogen - ½ hormone insulin is frequently produced
insufficiently or not at all, which leads to
Uses: (any one each) [1]
this disease. This means the condition the
Sodium hydroxide/ NaOH/ Caustic soda
patient has is diabetes mellitus.
(1) Degreasing of metals
The pancreas secretes the hormone insulin.
(2) Preparation of soaps and detergents
Its primary function is to transform blood
(3) Paper making sugar into glycogen for storage. As a result,
(4) Artificial fibres administering insulin intravenously will aid
Hydrogen - in the breakdown of blood glucose, hence
(1) Fuels reducing its level.
(2) Margarine (B) Cytokinins(CK) are a class of plant growth
(3) Manufacture of ammonia for fertilizers hormones that promote cell division, or
OR cytokinesis, in plants’ roots and shoots.
X - Ethanoic acid/ acetic acid/ CH3COOH They are primarily involved in cell growth
Y - Ethanol/ Ethyl alcohol/ C2H5OH and differentiation, but they also affect
Z - Ethyl ethanoate/ Ester – CH3COOC2H5 apical dominance, axillary bud growth, and
leaf senescence. The plant hormones such
CH3—COOH + CH3 —CH2OH  → as auxin, gibberellins, and cytokinins are
(Ethanoic acid) (Ethanol) linked to plant growth.
CH3— C —O—CH2—CH3 -A hormone called abscisic acid inhibits
|| growth. Its effects include seed dormancy,
O wilting of the leaves, etc.
CH3COOC2H5→ C2H5OH + CH3COONa 36. (A) Convex lens
(B) 1 = 1 – 1
35. (A) 
Sperm formation will be adversely
f v u
affected because it requires a lower
In this case, v = 7m and f = 5m.
temperature than the body temperature.
Putting the values in the equation we get -
(B) Vas deferens is a passage for transfer of
sperms, so sperms will not be transferred 1 1 1
= –
further. 5 7 u
(C) When prostate and seminal vesicles are 1 1 1 5 – 7 –2
not functional, they will not add secretions = – = =
u 7 5 35 35
for nourishment and medium for the
transport of sperms. 35
u= – = –17.5 m
(D) When an egg is not fertilised in a human 2
female, it lives for about one day. Then, The object will be placed 17.5 m on the left of
the thickened lining of the uterus breaks the convex lens.

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(C) h' −v
(B) =
h u

f f 20
⇒ = 3
(two rays, arrows, object placed beyond 2f on 10 5
the left) 4
⇒ h' = × 10
OR 3
1 1 1 r 40
(A) = + where u = – 5 cm, f = = – 20 cm ⇒ h' = cm
f v u 2 3

1 1 1 = 13.34 cm
– = –
20 v 5 (C)
1 1 1 –1+ 4 3
= – + = = A
v 20 5 20 20

1 1 –1+ 4 3
+ = – == B P B'
5 20 20 C f

v= = 6.67 cm
The image is obtained at 6.67cm behind the (two rays, arrows, object placed between pole
mirror. and the focus)

37. (A) A - Ethanol; F - Ethene (C) Father – Ff (free ear lobe), Mother – Ff (free
Alkaline KMnO4 +Heat ear lobe), Rahul – ff (attached ear lobe)
(B) CH3—CH2OH 
Or acidified K 2Cr2O7 +Heat
→ and Nisha – Ff (free ear lobe)
CH3COONa → CH3COOH (C) Suresh’s father – ff (attached ear lobe),
C mother – ff (attached ear lobe), Suresh -

Hot conc.
CH3—CH2OH→ CH2 = CH2 +H2O ff (attached ear lobe), Siya – ff (attached
H2SO4 ear lobe). If both parents have recessive
character, then all the children can have
recessive character only.
Oxidation, Addition/ Hydrogenation Propanol,
39. (A) (i) 12 Ω lamps (only) on.
Detailed Answer:
(ii) 4 Ω lamps (only) on
(A) Ethanol is a primary alcohol, an alkyl
alcohol and a volatile organic substance in (B) 12 V for both sets of lamps and all of them
which one of the hydrogen is substituted are in parallel.
by a hydroxyl group. (C) (i) 12 Ω lamps are on when the wire is
The hydrocarbon ethylene, also known as connected to position 2.
ethene by the IUPAC, has the formula C2H4 Voltage across both 12 Ω lamps = 12 V.
or H2C = CH2. When pure, it is a colourless,
V = IR (Ohm’s law).
combustive gas with a little “sweet and
musky” smell. It is the most basic alkene V 12
I= = = 1A
(a hydrocarbon having double bonds R 12
between carbon atoms).
(ii) 4 Ω lamps are on when the wire is
38. (A) Free ear lobe is dominant because it is connected to position 3.
found in a large majority of the population. Voltage across both 4 Ω lamps = 12 V.
(B) No. It is not sex linked. As per the data V = IR (Ohm’s law).
of the family as well as the class, it is V 12
indicated that free ear lobe is present in I= = = 3A
males as well as in females. R 4

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OR 12×12
For 4 Ω lamps → P = = 12 W
(C) P = V2/R 12
All lamps are in parallel and hence same V
for all lamps. Hence, 4 Ω lamps will have higher power.
For 4 Ω lamps → P = = 36 W

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