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THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL “Teasforing Lives Trough Quay Asesnent and Crete Coreen” ao a eel aan eds exonerate et REF: KNECIENEM/KCSR/CIR/PROJECT/2023001 2° February, 2025, Te: Principals of Secondary Schools preseming candidates forthe 2023 KCSE il) Principals of Secondary Sehools hosting 2023 KCSE exanination private candidates SUBJECT: ADVANCE INSTRUCTIONS oNDUCT OF 1 2023 KCSE EXAMINA {OJECTS AND PI TALS FOR GROUP IV AND V SUBJECT ‘The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) hereby isses the following guidlines with regard to the administration of 2025 KCSE projects and practical performance for Group IV and V subjects: 10. Projects ‘Administration of the 2023 KCSE examination will commence with projects and practical pesformance for the group IV subjects i, Art & Design (442/3); Agriculture (443) Woodwork (44/2); Metalwork (45/2); Building Construction (446/2); and Computer ‘Studies (451/3) The fllowing re she guidelines: 1.1 All the Projets wil sat inthe month of February 223 as per the 2023 KCSE examination timetable which wil be availed onthe KNEC website www. ke. ke, 1.2 Theadvanceinstmction fr KCSE examination subjects with Project component have been posted online forthe Project work to commence as timetabled, 13. All Principals or Sub-County Directors of Education (in the cas of private eandidates) wil acces the instructions by logging on to the KNEC website www: kmec-portaLaeke and clicking on 2023 Project/Practica buton to download al he istrstons relate tothe subjects the candidates are registered for 1.4 The PrneipalSubject teacher or Sub-County Director of Education (or private canidtes) ill access the insirctions by loging into the KNEC Projec Practical pore using the User Code and Password forthe examination cent, 1.5 A user manual is available on the KNEC projects’ portal guiding on how to log ino the projects portal to download the advance insirutions, key in the candidates’ scores, upload and print reports on the milestones. ls, Subject teachers, and Sub Couny Directs of Education photographic evidence, downlo 1.6 tis important for all Princ to take not ofthe following 1.6.1. The Projects assessment will have two (02) key milestones: lestone I and "WENTOUNRTORS Te ew Na! Hane, St (F078 Cp Spare NANONL RINT "foxpns (aves aeons a ‘ect “Milestone 1, which must be uploaded within the fllowing deslnes Paper | SubjeedProjet Desai F Draalines oF Cale Name Uploading iestoneL_|_Uplonding Milestone ung [Aten Design 20 [31 Mare 2025 BI Ap 2025 ‘Art and Design 3D 30%June 2023 Si tay 2055, 5 Aware BIT Apel 2025 SF muy 2023, | Woodwork Bi ap 2005 fay 2003 45 Metalwork 2 Apel 225 “62 [ Building Constweon | 27" Ape 2003 S15 | Compete Stes [1 Apat 2003 [3 July2023 1.62. Atthe end of each milestone, the Subjet Teachers wil key ia the candidates? ‘scores and upload th petorial evidence on te Project portal. Thepictoral evidence shouldbe group photograph of thecandidatesat ther Workstations either Graphle Interface Format (gif) or SPEG (jpg) format. 1.64 The project portal will only e accesible for keying in of scores and uploading of Pictorial evidence fora peieof one month prior othe dealine() 1.7 Tee the responsibility ofthe Sub County Directors of Education (or private candidate) or Prinipals to ensure the projet work is done by the candidates andthe canidates’ scores are ‘eyed in within the specifi timelines. peonlty of five hundred shillings (Kes. $00.00) er candidate will be charge for failure to upload the scores within he specified timelines 1.8 KNEC wil closely monitor the projet progress and authenticity of the scores for all the candidates who registred forthe 2023 KCSE examination Projeet/Practical 1.9 The school and individual candidates willbe expected to compile and maintain a portfolio (file of evidence on the progress of the Project work tobe presented fer assessment and ‘monitoring, 10.0 cis important forall Sub County Directors of Education (for private canitates), Principals, Subject teachers, and candidates to note tha all documents eating to assesment and conduct ‘of examinations ae confidential and must be handled as such at al times. 2.0 Oral/Aural and Performance Based Practical Papers ‘The following guidelines will apply for the Oral/Aural aad performance based Practical Papers 2.1 The advance instructions for Art and Design Paper 2 (4422) and Computer Studies (4812) practical papers wll be uploaded the schools’ Projet portal by 308 September 2023 10 ‘enable schools to prepare mitral in time forthe examinations. ‘Keying in and uploading of candidates" score for KCSE examination pspes with Oral, Aural tnd practical components for French Paper 3 (01/3), German Paper 3 (S02), Arabic Paper 3 (603/3), Kenyan Sign Langunge Paper 3 (5048) and Music Paper I (S111 willbe done by the assessors after the assessment ofthe candidates on the examination day as per the Page 202 assessment timetable 23. Keying in and uploading of Home Ssione practicl (4413) candidates stores will be done bythe abject teicher after the assessment ofthe candidates onthe examination dy as pr the assessment timetable 24 All Priacipal!Subjecteachers or Sub County Directors of Education (or private candtes) are expected to download the candidate’ scores report (in PDF format, int a ard copy of the uploaded scores for each milestone and maintain itas evidence. Tiss applicable othe subjects with a project and Home Science (41/3) practical only. 30 Hosting OF Private Candidates Restered for Subjects with a Project / Practical ‘component ‘Sub-County Directors of Education with private candidates registered for subjects with a projectpractical component are requested to identify suitable examination cents to host the ‘candidates for the projec/pracial work and infonn KNEC in wing. ‘The Council appreciates your continued support towards quality assessment and requests you to censure compliance tothe provided regulations and guidlines ie Dr. David Njengere, MBS (CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER i Education, MoE. ‘The Prinipal Secretary, Sate Department of B ‘The Director Genera, MoE ‘The Director, Quality Assurance and Standards, Stat Department of Edvaton, MoE ‘The Director, Basic Education, Slate Department of Edveation, MoE All Regional Directors of Education, Ministry of Education AAIITSC Regional Directors All County Director of Education, Minisuy of Education AIL TSC Couaty Director AILTSC Sub-County Discetoes Page 3 03

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