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Exchange configuration မွာ ေအာက္ပါအတိုင္းအၾကမ္းျပထားပါသည္။

တကယ္ကေတာ့ exchange server မွာ installation လုပ္ပီး restart လုပ္ပီးျပန္တက္လာလွ်င္စသံုးႏိုင္ပါဘီ။ အထူးတလည္ configuration

Exchange system manager ကိုသြားပါ။

ျပထားေသာ window ပြင့္လာပါမည္။

Connectors ကိုသြားပါ။ ေအာက္ပါအတိုင္းလုပ္ပါ။
New connector ကိုယူပါ။
After that click to Address Space

Click Add

Choose SMTP and click OK

Will see this screen and click OK. Nothing to change.
this is for connecting with exchange5.5 servers, no need to configure if you don't have no exchange 5.5 servers.

delivery restrictions are forbidding not allow users to send emails to outside destination, normally exchange send all email
addresses that doesn't exist in domain will send to outside using this smtp connector.
restricting which type of mails will allow to pass through this connector.

delivery restriction can delay sending your mails to outside destination like below time restriction
By default, Exchange uses the EHLO start command, which is an Extended SMTP (ESMTP) command. Not all
mail servers are capable of using ESMTP. Use this option to send the HELO start message instead, and thus use
standard SMTP.
After that click apply and click OK.
IMAP4 and POP3 were default disabled, if you want to use that services you must enabled manually.

တကယ္ကေတာ့ SMTP connector က internal transfer email for exchange ပဲသံုးမွာဆိုရင္မလိုပါဘူး။ bagan အခုေတာ့လဲ ရတနာဘံု
ေပါ့ေလ။ ဘဂံ email ကိုအ၀င္သံုးမယ္ ကိုယ္email ကို ဘဂံ ကိုျပန္ပို ့ပီးအျပင္ကိုဆက္ပိ့ုမယ္ဆိုမွလိုတာပါ။ internal email မ်ားသည္ SMTP

Connector ကို ျဖတ္ပီး internet connection မွတဆင့္ Bagan mail server, Bagan mail server မွတဆင့္ အျပင္သို ့ထြက္သြားပါမည္။

လြယ္ပါသည္ gmail address တခုသို ့စမ္းပိုၾကည့္ပါ။

ေကာင္းဘီ အတြင္းကေနအျပင္ထြက္ပါဘီအျပင္ bagan ကmail ကို အတြင္း exchange server ကိုဘယ္လိုပို ့မွာလဲ။ ေအာက္မွာဆက္ၾက့ည္ပါ။

GFI MailEssentials ဆိုတာကိုသံုးပီးလုပ္ျပထားတာပါ။ ဒီေနရာမွာ GFI Mailessential configuration ကလြယ္လို ့ေနရာပဲျပထားပါတယ္။

GFI MailEssentials Configration Page

Your email addres from
bagan is

Email user
name and
must add
အေပၚကအတိုင္း configure လုပ္လိုက္ရင္ bagan mail ေတြ exchange server ဆီကို၀င္လာပါလိမ္မယ္။

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