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PRETEST Multiple Choice

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. B


1. H
2. G
3. E
4. A
5. K
6. C
7. I
8. D
9. J
10. B


1. The police see the world as a responsibility for the police personnel are given a special task of
maintaining the law and order in the community. This huge responsibility covers an even wider and
even broader scope. However, even with this undeniably heavy responsibility placed on the shoulders
of every single police officer, they still manage to create a healthy relation to the community which in
fact is also one of their responsibilities.

This remarkable police worldview has catalyzed the maintaining and developing of confidence
and goodwill of the community by means of obtaining public assistance and cooperation.
Furthermore, public appreciation, understanding and support for the services of the police are also
developed. This does not end here because a broader understanding and sympathy with the need and
the problems of the police and the community are also created. Other than this, law enforcement and
compliance are also facilitated. In addition to this, public opinion in favor of the police is also build to
achieve the police purpose of preserving peace, protecting life and property, and the prevention of
All of those mentioned above are just some of the effects of police’s worldview to police-
community relations. All in all, we just all have to bear in mind that the police value the people’s
safety more than their own life.

2. When I finally become a police officer, I can apply good community relations by means of
maintaining public support, avoiding public resentment, developing public goodwill, and keeping the
public informed. In addition to these, I will strengthen public information, public relations, civic
action, and lastly I will strengthen mass communication.
In order to do all of these, I need to keep members of the society to be informed always so that
they will appreciate and understand the complexity of our work as police officers and the services
rendered by us. I can make this possible through the use of personal media, it can also be through
mass media such as printed materials, or it can also be through the use of audiovisual
communications. As you see, there are actually many ways to do this.
On the other hand, I can also focus on building a good image for the police organization through
actual performance without the presence of neither inefficiency nor any type of corruption. Why do I
need to do such? It is because of the objective set which is to gain public support and win the
cooperation of the citizens in order to accomplish every single police task. I can also impart to every
member of the community that police officers are their friends and their partners as well as their
defenders. Lastly, as a police officer I can influence the opinions, attitudes, behavior and emotions of
the public in a manner that they will behave in accordance with law.

3. In my own point of view, I do believe that police organization is the headquarters of the real-life
superheroes. Thus, the purpose of police organization is to create brave saviors of the nation for the
nation. The main purpose of every police officer’s existence is to protect his country and everyone
one of his fellowmen.
As the world was created with chaos, it was also created with peace keepers and these peace
keepers are the people we call as “police”. Police officers are people who are tasked to maintain
peace and harmony in the world we live in and because peace and harmony are what the whole world
deserves, police officers are present in every country and territory in the whole round globe.
Therefore, in every part of the world there are people who are maintaining peace and order;
People who serves justice to people whom justice must be served; people who lead each citizen to
live a lawful life and become a law abiding citizen; and people who show that every wrongdoing has
an equal punishment.
In conclusion, police organizations and police stations are the people and place where we can
seek for help and get the justice we all deserve.

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