Batc 641

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1. Which of the following is most likely a cardinal rule of risk analysis modelling?
 Every iteration of a risk analyst is model must lead to an element of sensitivity
 Every iteration of a risk analyze is model must be a scenario that could physically
 Simulate when you can calculate.
 Simulate when you want exact answer
2. The biggest uncertainty in a risk analysis is:
 whether the analyst started off analyzing the right thing and inthe right way.
 associated with the estimation of probability of occurrence of a risk event.
 associated with the estimation of size of impact of the risk event.
 whether models developed are free from model risks and capable of withstanding
stress tests.
3. Which of the following is most likely true if a risk analysis is to sit within a certain
 Some assumptions are to be revised frequently for the sake of comparison
 A common set of assumptions often makes comparison meaningless and unfair.
 Risk analysts must avoid making any assumptions while developing a risk model.
 The risk analysis should comply with a common set of assumptions
4. A risk analysis model that separates uncertainty and variability is described as - ----
order .
 third
 first
 second
 fourth
5. The ------- process assumes that there is a constant probability that an event will occur
per increment of time.
 Pascal
 Hypergeometric
 Binomial
 Poisson

6. An influence diagram is essentially a:

 concept map that depicts the likelihood and impact of risk event.
 sketch of the mathematical functions used a risk model.
 replication of the mathematics built in a spreadsheet.
 diagram that reflects the efficacy of a risk model.
7. In terms of utility, suppose a business unit considers a loss of Rs. 500,000 vastly larger
than a gain of Rs. 500,000. Based on this infonnation. which of the following is most likely
the shape of the utility function of the business unit?
 Convex
 Kinked
 Linear
 Concave
8. The fourth moment about the mean is called the:
 variance
 skewness
 kurtosis
 percentile
9. A--------------- is a stochastic process with sequential variables, where the expected value
of each variable is the same and independent or previous observations.
 Gamma
 Pascal [ random walk]
 Dirichle
 Martingale
10. Which of the following is most likely to reduce the file size while building a risk model?
 Maintaining large datasets
 Using mega formulae
 Avoiding use of software's like Model Risk
 Avoiding use of fitted distributions
11.Which of the following probability distributions is most likely to return the number of
failures one will have before observing "s" successes?
 Negative Binomial Distnbution
 Hypergeometric Distnbution
 Normal Distribution
 Poisson Distnbution

12. Which of the following is/are least likely an element/s of an optimization problem?
 Input variables
 Output variables
 Objective function
 Constraints
13. Which of the following is least likely a common modelling error?
 Representing an uncertain variable more than once in a model
 Calculating means instead of simulating scenarios
 Calculating variances instead of simulating scenarios
 Manipulating probability distributions as if they were fixed numbers
14. Risk managers must distinguish between inherent risks and residual risks when
developing a risk management strategy . Which of the following best descnbes the
difference between inherent risk and residual risk?
 Residual risk is the level of risk after the impact of mitigation efforts, while inherent
risk is the risk associated with the business before any impact of mitigation efforts.
 Residual risk is concerned with hazard risks, while inherent risk deals with financial
 Residual risk is concerned with compliance risks, while inherent risk deals with
operational risks.
 Residual risk has got nothing to do with the mitigation efforts, while inherent risk
decreases as the mitigation efforts improve
15. Consider the following equations: F(x) = P(X ::; x) (I) G(F(x)) = x (2) Which of the
following is least likely true about the above-mentioned equations?
 The cumulative distribution function F(x) denotes the probability P that the
variable X will be greater than or equal to x
 F(x) obviously ranges from 0 to I.
 The cumulative distnbution function F(x) gives the probability P that the variable X
will be less than or equal to x.
 The inverse function G(F(x)) is used to generate random samples from each

16. Guruswamy, a risk manager at Global Finance Company, has allocated extra funds to a
project to deal with the associated risks. Which of the following risk management options
has been exercised by Guruswamy in the a fore said scenario?
 Risk acceptance
 Risk avoidance
 Risk reserve
 Risk transfer
17. A ------- plot is produced by grouping the data generated for a model's output into a
number of bars or classes.
 spider
 histogram
 trend
 scatter
18. Arpit, a risk manager at Pioneer Manufacturers, has changed the country location of a
factory to avoid political instability in that country. Which of the following risk
management options has been exercised by Arpit in the aforesaid scenario?
 Elimination
 Reduction
 Acceptance
 Transfer
19. If a random variable X is continuous, i.e., it may talce any value within a defined range
(or sometimes ranges), the probability of X having any precise value within that range is:
 significantly large because the total probability of I is allocated among an infinitely
small number of values.
 equal to 0.5 because of its central location.
 vanishingly small because the total probability of I is allocated among an infinite
number of values.
 equal to 1 because of its certainty.
20. Which of the following is most likely true if A and B are not mutually exclusive events?
 P(A UB) =P(A) +P(B) +P(A n B)
 P(A UB) =P(A) + P(B)
 P(A UB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A n B)
 P(A UB) = P(A) - P(B)

21. Which of the following is most likely to make Excel nm faster?

 Using more and more array functions available in Excel
 Keeping the simulation model in different workbooks
 Avoiding links to external files
 Avoiding built-in Excel functions
22. Which of the following is least likely true regarding calculations relating to moments?
 The mean of the product of two distributions is equal to the product of their means.
 The mean of the sum of two distributions is equal to the sum of their means.
 The variance of the sum of two independent distributions is equal to the sum of their
 The variance of the sum of two independent distributions is equal to the product of
their variances.
23. Which of the following best describes the difference between a risk and an opportunity?
 A risk is a random event while an opportunity is a likely event.
 The size of impact is less for a risk as compared to an opportunity.
 The probability of occurrence is always more for a risk as compared to that of an
 A risk is likely to impact an organization negatively while an opportunity would
have positive impact on an organization.
24. Which of the following is least likely to be included in a risk register?
 Potential risk impacts
 Risk drivers
 P-I scores
 Risk identification techniques
25. ----- is a numerical measurement of the likelihood of an outcome of some stochastic
 Probability
 Variability
 Opportunity
 Uncertainty

26. The cumulative distnbution function, F(x), is a mathematical equation that descnbes
 probability that a variable X is greater than x.
 most likely estimate of event x.
 least likely estimate of event x.
 probability that a variable X is less than or equal to x.
27. If a risk analyst is interested in finding where a distribution is centered, he should look
at a measure of-----------
 consistency
 spread
 shape
 location
28. Which of the following is most likely to make your simulation software nm slower?
 Running bootstrap analyses and Bayesian distribution calculations in a separate
spreadsheet when you are estimating uncorrelated parameters
 Turning off the Update Display feature if your Monte Carlo add-in has that ability
 Using the Vose Cumu JAO. Vose DiscreteQ, Vose D UniformO. Vose RelativeO and
Vose HistogramO distributions with large arrays if possible
 Using Multiple CPUs if your simulation software offers this
29. The NUSAP (Numeral Unit Spread Assessment Pedigree) method is a notational system
that communicates the:
 noise in a dataset that is used in a risk analysis.
 outliers in a dataset that is used in a risk analysis.
 level of inconsistency for data in a qualitative analysis used for policy making.
 level of uncertainty for data in a scientific analysis used for policy making.
30. Latin hypercube sampling uses a technique known as:
 convenience sampling with replacement.
 stratified sampling with replacement
 convenience sampling without replacement.
 stratified sampling without replacement
1. The ------------ process occurs when one is sampling randomly without replacement
from some population, and where one is counting the number in that sample that
have some particular characteristics.
 Hyper geometric
 Binomial
 Pascal
 Poisson
2. Which of the following is least likely true regarding P-1 scores
 A base measure of risk for calculating P-1 scores is impact divided by
 P-1 scores for a project pro, de a consistent measure of risk that can be used
to perform trend analyses.
 P-1 scores can be used to rank the identified risks.
 Higher the P-1 score, the greater is the risk.
3. Which of the following probability models is to most likely yield answers faster?
 A probability model that calculates the required probability
 A probability model that simulates the required probability
 A probability model that estimates the impact of a risk event
 A probability model that estimates the opportunities from a risk event
4. Which of the following is most likely to reduce the file size while building a risk
 Avoiding use of software’s like model Risk
 Using mega formulae
 Maintaining large datasets
 Avoiding use of fitted distributions
5. Which of the following risk management options is most likely to involve a range of
techniques which may be used together to reduce the probability of the risk, its
impact or both"
 Acceptance
 Mitigation
 Transfer
 Elimination

6. ----- is a measure of the degree to which a distribution is '1opsided."

 Skewness
 Kurtosis
 variance
 Mode
7. If a risk analyst is interested in determining how broad a distribution is, he should
analyze a measure of----------
 location
 spread
 shape
 consistency
8. In a least-squares linear regression, the fraction of the total variation in the
dependent variable that is explained by the independent variable is known as the:

 Coefficient of correlation.
 Total s1un of square.
 Coefficient of determination.
 stun of squares errors
9. If a risk analyst wants to determine how skewed a distribution is, he should focus on
a measure of ----------
 location
 shape
 spread
 consistency
10. The NUSAP (Numeral Unit Spread Assessment Pedigree) method is a notational
system that communicates the:
 Outliers in a dataset that is used in a risk analysis.
 Level of inconsistency for data in a qualitative analysis is used for policy
 Noise in a dataset that is used in a risk analysis.
 Level of uncertainty for data in a scientific analysis used for policy making.
11. Which of the following is least likely a limitation of risk models built using
 Spreadsheets are generally limited to the two dimensions of a grid.
 Spreadsheets scale very badly.
 Spreadsheets cannot easily handle modelling dynamic systems.
 Spreadsheets function too fast to be applied to a huge risk analysis model.

12. fra
13. that you are doing a risk analysis and have made 20 reasonable assumptions
concerning your analysis. Also assume that there is a 95°o chance that an
assumption made is correct which of the following is the closest to the probability
that all the assumptions made are correct?
 0.73
 0.36
 0.37
 0.63
14. Which of the following probability distributions is most likely to return the number
of failures one will have before observing "s" successes?

 Normal Distribution
 Hyper geometric Distribution
 Negative Binomial Distribution
 Poisson distribution
15. Which of the following is least likely to be included in a risk register
 Potential risk impacts
 P-1 scores
 Risk drivers
 Risk identification techniques
16. Which of the following is most likely an extension of the binomial process which
treats the probability. p" as a random variable

 Beta-Binomial Process
 Negative-Binomial Process
 Positive-Binomial Process
 Multinomial Process
17. Which of the following best describes the difference between the terms "variability"
and 'uncertainty
 Variability does not depend on the system while uncertainty depends on the
 Variability cannot be reduced by changing the physical system while
Uncertainty cru1be reduced by altering die physical system.
 Variability cru1be controlled while 1u1certainty c.ruu1ot be controlled.
 Variability is associated wid1die effect of chance while uncertainty relates to
assessor’s level of ignorance.

18. Which of the following best describes the difference between a risk and an
 The size of impact is less for a risk as compared to an opportunity.
 A risk is likely to impact an organization negatively while an opportunity
would have positive impact on rut organization.
 A risk is a random event while rut opportunity is a likely event.
 The probability of occurrence is always more for a risk as compared to that
of an opportunity.
19. Which of the following is most likely true if A and B are not mutually exclusive
 P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B)
 P(A u B) = P(A) + P(B) + P(A n B)
 P(A u B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A n B)
 P(A U B) = P(A) - P(B)
20. The -----------process assumes that there is a constant probability that an event will
occur per increment of time.
 Binomial
 Pascal
 Hyper geometric
 Poisson
21. Pawan Singh, a risk analyst ill Iconic Risk Consultancy, says his teammates that
"We have to maintain a healthy pessimism about published work and about how
good our subject matter experts are." Which of the following qualities of a risk
manager is most likely to be associated with the Pawan's statement
 Cynical
 Pedantic
 Careful
 Social
22. Which of the following is most likely true about the Value-of-information (VOI)
 Value of perfect information (\TOPI) is the outcome of the VOI analysis.
 VOI analysis helps to determine the worth of acquiring extra information to
help the decision-maker.
 The usual starting point of a VOI analysis is to consider the value of
imperfect information (VOI).
 VOI analysis helps to determine value of imperfect information (VOI) to
facilitate decision making.

23. The biggest uncertainty in a risk analysis is:

 Whether the analyst started off analyzing the right thing and in the right
 Associated with the estimation of size of impact of the risk event.
 Associated with the estimation of probability of occurrence of a risk event.
 Whether models developed are free from model risks and capable of
wid1standing stress tests.

24. Which of the following is least likely to be associated with risk-analysis software’s
 PERT master
 Crystal Bail
 Analytica
25. Stochastic dominance tests are a statistical means of:
 Calculating the relative Skewness of two distributions.
 Calculating the relative kurtosis of two distributions.
 Determining the variance of one distribution over another.
 Determining the superiority of one distribution over another.
26. A risk analysis model that separates uncertainty and variability is described as-----
 fourth
 first
 third
 second
27. --------------is a numerical measurement of the likelihood of an outcome of some
stochastic process
 Uncertainty
 Probability
 Variability
 Opportunity
28. Which of the following is most likely true regarding an event tree
 An event tree offers a way to describe a sequence of probabilistic events,
together with their probabilities and impacts.
 An event depicts a probabilistic event without any reference to its impact.
 An event tree foils to be intuitive due to its complexity.
 An event trees start from the right with a node and arrows to the left
indicating possible outcomes.

29. Which of the following is most likely a reason for doing risk analysis
 Identifying risks and risk management strategies
 Analyzing past performances
 Validating risk models and eliminating model risks
 Writing a risk report

30. Which of the following is the most likely the purpose of a risk analysis
 To mitigate risks completely
 To calculate the probability of a risk event
 To estimate the impact of a risk event
 To pro, de information to help make better decisions in an uncertain world
31. If a risk analyst is interested in finding where a distribution is centered, he should
look at a measure of ---------
 Consistency
 Spread
 Shape
 Location

1. -----is a measure of the tailedness of a distribution

 Quartile
 Kurtosis
 Percentile
 Mean
2. The third moment about the mean is called the:
 quartile
 percentile
 skewness
 kurtosis
3. The results of a risk model must be presented in a form that clearly answers the
questions that the analyst sets out to answer. However, many reports fail in that respect.
Which of the following is most likely a reason for such a failure?
 The report includes an explanation for the model assumptions.
 The report relies purely on statistics.
 The report is ored to audience.
 The report is customized to the problem.

4. Monte Carlo simulation is often criticized as being an approximate technique.Which of

the following is most likely a means to overcome the aforesaid criticism?
 Theoretically, any required level of precision can be achieved by simply increasing
the number of iterations in a simulation.
 Correlation and other interdependencies can be modelled.
 The level of mathematics required to perform a Monte Carlo simulation is quite
 Changes to the model can be made very quickly and the results can be compared
with previous models.
5. -----is a measure of the degree to which a distribution s 1opsided."
 Skewness
 Kurtosis
 Mode
 Variance
6. Which of the following is least likely a quality of a risk analyst?
 Curious
 Unbending
 Modest
 Confident
7. The cumulative distnbution function, F(x), is a mathematical equation that descnbes the:
 most likely estimate of event x.
 probability that a variable X is less than or equal to x.
 probability that a variable X is greater than x.
 least likely estimate of event x.
8. Which of the following is the most likely a reason that can make a risk analysis terrible?
 Made-up numbers due to non-availability of relevant data
 Availability of too much of raw data
 Congenial business environment for creative thinking and innovation
 Absence of regulations and guidelines

9. Which of the following best describes the relationship between cdf and density
(histogram) plots?
 The steeper the s
 e of a cdf, the lower a relative frequency (histogram) plot.
 The steeper the slope of a cdf, the higher a relative frequency (histogram) plot.
 The flatter the slope of a cdf, the higher a relative frequency (histogram) plot.
 The flatter the slope of a cdf, the closer a relative frequency (histogram) plot to
vertical axis.

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