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Chapter 5 – Implementation

6.0 Introduction
Implementation phase is where the actual new system developed is put into practice and is
actually adopted for use. All the processes done within the new system are checked to see if
they are performing to expectations and whether the system’s objectivities are being met.

6.1 System Implementation

It is the delivery of that system into production .This involves
 User training
 System conversion
 System operation
 User Manual
6.3 Installation
Users are changing from using the old system to using the new system. In this phase the
required software is installed on the appropriate hardware converting from the as-is system to
the to-be system. Users are moved from using the old system to using the new system. The
system is installed within the driving school’s network as defined within the design

6.3.1 Steps for Application Software Installation

Installation steps
1. Connect the computer to Harare poly network.
2. Install an internet explorer.

6.4 System Conversion

Basically this involves the following

1. File conversion and data transfer.
2. System changeover

6.5 Methods of conversion

Several methods were taken into account before selecting the best conversion method to use.
This is the stage were we stop using the old system and put the new system in place for use
We chose to use the Direct Changeover Method of Conversion hence the operation of the old
system was ceased and the new system immediately became operational.

This conversion method sees a complete overhaul in the use of the existing system. The new
system is then implemented and begins being used by the organization. The Old system will
stop operating as all the users will have been updated with the new system. This strategy has a
relatively low cost of implementation, however there is an imminently high risk if the new
system fails to live up to expectations or does not provide better functionalities compared to the
old system.

We used the Direct-cut Over Method because it is very cost effective since only one system is
in operation, however there is a risk in that there is no backup option if the new system fails to
The other methods that were taken into account include the following:-

 Pilot conversion
 Phased conversion
 Parallel conversion

6.5.1 Pilot conversion

Pilot conversion is a selective implementation method. Installation of the new system is only to
those departments that require the use of the system. Cost is relatively moderate since only one
location runs both systems. Risk is also relatively moderate as risk of failure is reduced to the
pilot site.

6.5.2 Phased conversion

The new system is installed in different stages. This is done while the old system is being
slowly phased out. Users can easily adjust to the new system as there is no rush in
implementing it. Cost is relatively moderate because the system is implemented in stages. Risk
is also relatively moderate because the risk is limited to the module being implemented.

6.5.3 Parallel conversion

This involves running the two systems together at the same time. This gives the users a better
background and backup to refer back to if the new system fails to live up to the expected
standards. The implementation costs are relatively high as both systems are in operation for the
changeover period. Risk is relatively low due to the existence of backup options provided by
still operating the existing system. A parallel run is done to ensure that all users get used to the
system and that data is safely moved to the new system

Steps of parallel conversion

 Install system to all terminals

 Train users on the use of system
 Capture data
 System Process all activities using old and new system.

6.6 File Conversion

During file conversion we were exporting data from the Harare Polytechnic’s manual Asset Registry
System data storage format (Paper Files) to the new data storage format (Microsoft Access)

6.6.1 Data Transfer

This method was done by simply typing every computer asset’s details into the system. The
stores personnel will do this.

6.7 User Training

The training of the user will be done on a departmental level as few people hence the intricacy
of the system can be taught to the users faster and more effectively man the terminals.
Training is done at two levels
 Module level: this is for the particular modules that concern the particular users.
 System level. This is for management who must appreciate the development of the
system and its function. Users who have access rights to all modules also must be
versed with the entire system as it functions.
If the users do not know how to use the System, it can be classified as a failure and to ensure
that it is not users were trained as follows:
 Data Capturers – using a hard copy, data capturing staff were trained on the aspects of
all their operations ranging from capturing details to handling inquiries. They were also
trained on how to easily and quickly navigate the system through the use of short cut
keys provided.
 Management – management was taught on how to access their reports. The training
also presented an opportunity for explaining to the Management the content of the
reports and how to make the most of these reports.
 System Administrators – the main duties for the System Administrators in regard to
the new system is the maintenance of parameters and how to make backups at the end
of the day. System Administrators were trained how to set up and maintain parameters
as well as to manage the System Security issues such as Users and Levels.

6.8 System Security

Implementation of the system took into account security concerns that were raised during the
analysis phase.
6.8.1 Physical Security
This was achieved through adopting the following:
 Physical Locks: The main server is located in a server room that is only accessible to
IT staff only. This restricts employees from entering certain areas like the server room.
 Air Conditioning: Like in any computer room, the server is air conditioned to limit the
level of heat .in the room.

6.8.2 Software Based Security

In the event that a user bypasses the physical security measures, software based measures were
also implemented to cater for such disasters.
 Operating System Access Controls: The database server is running on Microsoft
Windows 2000 Server. Windows 2000 Server has effective password based controls
that restrict unauthorized system access.
 Transaction Log In/Audit Trials: as a means of tracing back operations to users, audit
trials are automatically created for any data manipulation operations that occurs. This is
achieved through the transaction log in which reflects which user was logged in at what
time and which forms were accessed or manipulated.
 Program Based Access Control: The new system will make use of access rights,
passwords and usernames to allow only authorized users to gain access in the system.

6.8.3 Counter Measures in Place for Other Threats

 The use of ESET Anti-Virus Software to prevent viruses from attacking the system
 The use of a firewall to protect the local area network from hackers
 The use of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and surge protectors to prevent
electricity related catastrophes
 The use of tape drives to backup data in case of equipment failure. The tapes are stored
in a safe
 Security guards from a reputable security company guard the premises at all time.

6.8.4 Back Up Plan

System back up is as follows
 System application backup
 Database backup

5.8.5 Database Backup

Database backup is in the following stages
 Primary backup
 Secondary backup Primary Backup

The Database Management System as set by the administrator does this. To invoke this facility
set the backup plan within the Microsoft Access 2000 server. Care should be taken to set the
Backup Parameters
Parameter to set Parameter value

Number of days when to set backup days Everyday

Backup files Database and log files

Database pathway Any directory not in the same drive as
the database

6.9 Maintenance
The management was taught that maintenance is an important process to be given good
attention if the system is to live longer while delivering goods.
The system is important because:
 A system continues to changes and evolves as it is used.
 The changes will be arising, change and evolve as it is used.
 The changes will be arising from change request due to the problems. Reports from
operating groups who identifies the bugs in the system that must be fixed.
 Changes will be arising from users.

The Maintenance Process

6.9.1 Corrective Maintenance
This is concerned with correcting discovered and reported error. Errors range from wrong
implementation (dividing instead of multiplying) to completely not performing. Once an error
has been reported, investigations are to be launched to establish the root and cause of the
errors. As soon as these are established, a design is mapped out for how to effectively correct
the error, followed by the correction (implementing the corrective design). Once a correction
has been made, weekly reviews or follow ups should be made to make sure that everything is
in place, and to make sure that no new bugs were introduced during the fixing. All the
correction activities from the investigations to the implementation are documented.
When To Carry Out Corrective Maintenance
 Anomality is critical to the organization’s needs and objectives
 Anomality is not conforming to laws of the government assets in terms of business
 Anomalities are not meeting software standards
Corrective maintenance schedule of activity
 Identify anomality and verify if it is critical
 Liase with all stakeholders
 Is anomality worth changes
 Decide on plan of action
 Document anomality
 Implement corrective measure as decided
 Test new corrective measures
 Implement new measures to system

6.9.2 Adaptive Maintenance

Like any other system, the Asset Registration and Management Information System operates in
an ever-changing environment. The changing of the environment also detects that the system
be accordingly changed. During adaptive maintenance, the situation or condition calling for a
change is analyzed to get a better understanding, leading to designing how to integrate or
introduce the design into the existing system, and finally implementing the change. Once a
change has been implemented, monthly reviews, depending on the size of the change, are to be
done to make sure that the implementation was correct, and to make sure that no bugs were
introduced during the implementation of the change. All adaptive maintenance change
activities, from analysis all the way to the implementation should be documented.
Adaptive deals with the system adapting to changes within the operating environment.
When To Apply Adaptive Maintenance
 Changes in operating environment limit the systems capabilities
 Changes in the operating environment have not been anticipated for the system
 Changes are ordered by operative laws of the country
1. Identify change in environment
2. Liaise if change is important
3. Implement change
4. Test change
5. Apply change to system

6.9.3 Perfective Maintenance

During development it is not always the case that the best implementation is implemented. It’s
not by design that the best implementations are not implemented, but at times situations such
as schedule constraints or even ignorance, detect that it be like that. During perfective
maintenance the goal is to implement a better version of what already in place, as well as to
add missing functionalities. This is achieved by first assessing whether it is worth the effort to
perfect the system to those extents. If it is, then design specifications should be drafted and
when approved implemented. As with any other maintenance activity reviewing is done. All
activities ranging from analysis to implementation are to be recorded.
Perfective maintenance involves the improvement of the application so that it functions at an
optimum level, which is deemed possible and needed. Just like corrective maintenance can be
initiated by the
 User
 Management
 System developer
Perfective Maintenance Schedule of Activity
 Request for change
 Assess if changes are necessary
 Implement changes
 Test changes
 Apply to system
 Document changes

When To Do Perfective Maintenance

 Users require additional features to system
 New additions are identified within the market
 Changes will improve efficiency of the system

6.10 Recommendations
From what we have gathered throughout the Life cycle of the project, we recommend that the
system be installed and begin to be used with immediate effect. We recommend that all users
should stick to the basics learnt during the training, and if any problems are faced they should
refer to the User Manual.
I would also recommend that the users responsibly use the system that they should not disclose
their passwords to any personnel or let anyone temper around with the system.

I also recommend that the firm be consistent in maintenance because it is an integral process as
far as the performance of the system is concerned. Maintenance should include in the core
activities that the firm has to do over a stipulated period of time.
6.10.1 Suggested Improvements

 Report formatting options should be available to the users.

 The system should allow offline transaction processing in cases when the LAN is down
6.10.2 Performance in Relation to Objectives
The newly developed system (Asset Registration and Management System) works satisfactory
so to say. It has managed to meet the following objectives as originally specified:
 Improved Service/Business Processes – almost all business operations have been
computerized resulting in speedy operations with accurate results; translating to
improve business processes.
 Cost Reduction – the erratic and expensive maintenance costs have been forfeited, and
the amount of paper and redundant staff has been reduced.
 Improve on the User Friendliness – with a Graphical User System coupled with a
Help System, the user friendliness of the system has improved.
 Improve the Flow and Quality of Information – developed with the users’ needs and
contributions in mind and the enforcing of data integrity and consistency, the reports
have improved the flow and quality of information.

6.10.3 Constraints and Limitations

There were some hitches that were encountered in the development and implementation of the
Asset Registration and Management System. These include:
 Time to carry out research was limited. There was need to thorough investigate
the systems that other companies are using.
 Reluctance on the part of some personnel at times.

6.11 Conclusion
The implementation of the system went on well and a detailed documentation of the system has
been done. Proper verification and validation of the system was done so as to come up with a
system with data integrity. In this chapter, the developer also highlights what is expected to be
done after the system has been installed. There is also a look at the system backup in place and
to be continuously done.

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