MIL-11-12LESI-IIIg-17-23 - 006

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A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL related concepts
B. Performance Standards The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community focusing on being a media and information literate individual.

C. Learning Competencies / The learner: The learner: The learner: The learner:
Objectives (Write the LC codes 1. Puts into practice their understanding 1. demonstrates proper conduct and 1. Explains copy right, fair use, etc. vis- 1. explains actions to promote ethical
for each) of intellectual property, copy right, and behavior online (netiquette, virtual à-vis human rights (MIL11/12LESI-IIIg- use of media information
fair use guidelines (MIL11/12LESI-IIIg- self) (MIL11/12LESI-IIIg-18) 20) (MIL11/12LESI-IIIg-22)
17) 2. puts into action their personal 2. discusses current issues related to 2. enumerates opportunities and
1.1. define intellectual property rights; resolve to combat digital divide, copyright vis-à-vis gov’t/ provide challenges in media and information
1.2 differentiate the common types of addiction, and bullying sectors actions (MIL11/12LESI-IIIg-21) (MIL11/12LESI-IIIg-23)
intellectual property; and (MIL11/12LESI-IIIg-19)
1.3 show appreciation on the work of
II. CONTENTS: Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media and Information
a. Copy right/ Fair Use/ Plagiarism
b. Netiquette
c. Digital Divide
d. Virtual Self
e. Others
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages Media and Information Literacy Media and Information Literacy Media and Information Literacy Media and Information Literacy
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Materials portal v=Tamoj84j64I

Give examples of media and information Differentiate the common types of Give the proper conduct and behavior Explain copy right, fair use, etc.
A. Reviewing previous lesson languages. intellectual property online (netiquette, virtual self).
or presenting the new lesson
 Game ka na ba? Present a video campaign about the Play a video presentation related to The students will watch a video
B. Establishing a purpose for Mechanics proper conduct and behavior online current issues about copyright presentation about the
the lesson 1. The participants will find their pair. Opportunities and Challenges of
2. Each pair will be given a flag. The Media and Information
first pair to raise the flag will be given
the chance to answer.
3. Each correct answer is equivalent to
one step. In every step, the pair should
flip the hole. The first pair to reach the
top will be the winner. Remember,
once your pathway is blocked by the
players that means you are
automatically eliminated in the game.
4. The questions will be presented and
will be read only once. The participants
will wait for the hosts cue to answer
the question.
5. The winner will receive 10 recitation
6. Define what ethics is (three
recitation chips)

Identify and define ethics. The students will enumerate the The students will be assigned to The students will be assigned to discuss
C. Presenting examples/ observed improper conduct and discuss what have they observed what have they observed about the
instances of the new lesson misbehavior online based from the video about the video presented. video presented.

D. Discussing new concepts  The class will be grouped into two 1. Based on the observed misconduct The class will be divided into 3-4 Based from your own experiences what
and practicing new skills #1 (2). and misbehavior online, the students will groups, and they are going to have a do you consider the biggest
 With the use of MS PowerPoint, each enumerate their real life experiences in brainstorming about copyright as opportunity offered to you by the
relation to the video being presented. presented on the video. media? Why?
group will define what intellectual
2. The students will identify and define
property is. what netiquette is.
 The group will choose a 3. Lastly, they will discuss what virtual
representative to discuss their self is.
definition in class.
 The teacher will present statement(s) 1. The students will be grouped into The students will present their Based from your own experiences what
E. Discussing new concepts that will be read by the students. three. work in the way they want to do you consider the biggest challenges
and practicing new skills #2  Soon after, jumbled letters will be 2. Each grouped will be asked to present it. offered to you by the media? Why?
conceptualize on the following:
showed and the students will answer
2.1 digital divide
what the given word is. Through song, role play, poem,
2.2 addiction in technology
2.3 cyber bullying etc.

 Lastly, the students will discuss the 3. With the concepts given, the students With the given presentations of The students will discuss their common
F. Developing mastery (Leads common types of intellectual will be asked how to combat digital each group, the students will be answers about challenges and
to Formative Assessment 3) property. divide, addiction in technology, and asked to discuss current issues opportunities in media and
cyberbullying through an online related to copyright. information.
The students will identify the The students will create a video/ The class will be divided into 3 – 4
G. Finding practical pictures/words whether it is a copy presentation campaign regarding the The students will cite different groups. Every group will be assigned to
applications of concepts and right, trade, or patent. following: ways on how they are going to explain actions to promote ethical use
skills in daily living 1. Penicillin a. digital divide use the copyrighted materials in of media information.
2. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s b. addiction in technology relation to their daily activities.
Stone c. cyberbullying
3. McDo
4. Globe
5. Fast and Furious 8
1. What is intellectual property? 1. Enumerate proper conduct and 1. What is copyright? 1. How are you promote ethical use of
H. Making generalization and 2. Differentiate the common behavior online. 2. discuss current issues related to media information.
abstractions about the lesson types of intellectual property. 2. What is netiquette and virtual self? copyright 2. What are the opportunities and
3. Discuss and differentiate digital divide, challenges in media and information?
addiction, and cyberbullying.
Read the following statements and 1. The students will upload their video / Essay Writing Answer the following questions:
I. Evaluating learning answer the given questions. (10 points presentation clip on Facebook depicting
The students will create/compose
each) the combat on digital divide, addiction in 1. Enumerate the different challenges
an essay about their learning about
technology, and cyberbullying. and opportunities in media and
2. The group shall earn 100 likes and 10 copyright and fair use.
1. This is an officially licensed information
image of Warner Bros. shares.
3. Students should also present 2. in 1 sentence, how are you going to
Studios and you use this promote ethical use of media
comments from the netizens.
image in your book without information.
acquiring the proper
permission, what intellectual dishonesty
did you commit? What corrective
measure will you do?

2. This image, although not

an exact copy of the Warner
Bros. version, is still close
enough to the original to
cause confusion. Its use
would probably be
considered as what? What
corrective measure will you

V. Assignment Advance reading on “proper conduct and Advance reading on “Explain copy right,
J. Additional activities for behavior online (netiquette, virtual self).” fair use, etc.”
A. Define the following in
application or remediation
B. Compare and
to Legal, Ethical, and
Societal Issues
in Media and Information:
1. Fair Use
2. Plagiarism
3. Netiquette

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers

Submitted by: Checked by:

Dianne Jacqueline R. Manahan BRENDA LEA A. CARANTO

Teacher Master Teacher 1 Science Department

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