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How do you imagine yourself in ten years’ time?

I will have garduated from universitry.

My dream is to become a………………..which is a very challenging profession, to pursue a masters’

degree in…………………. and then to set up an own firm/ company…………..

To what extent do you think technology improves people’s live?

Are there also any negative aspects to technology?

I think that technology has changed people’s lives to a great extent.

Nowadays, thanks to the development of technology, we can enjoy our lives more instead of
devoting time to boring things that used to take up a lot of our spare time.
Technology provides people with a lot of conveniences, like television,mobile phones, computers and
the Internet. Since we have less work, we can spend more time and effort on creative work and
training ourselves in other fields which require a greater deal of mental ability.

However, technology can have negative aspects as well. Firstly, it requires large amounts of
energy which can have negative effects on the environment.

In addition, technology has become the main way people interact, socialise and work, which has
changed the nature of communication.

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