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NAME:__________________________________ DATE:_______________ ENGR. LORRAINE CARRILLO DATE: JANUARY
16, 2014
Which of the following is the case of heat transfer by radiation?
a. blast furnace d. heat received by a person from fireplace
b. heating of building e. all of the above
c. cooling of parts in furnace
Heat transfer takes place as per -
a. zeroth law of thermodynamics d. first law of thermodynamic
b. second law of the thermodynamics e.Kirchhoff law
c. Stefan's law
Thermal conductivity of air with rise in temperature
a. increases d. decreases
b. remains constant e. none of the above
c. may increase or decrease depending on temperature
Cork is a good insulator because it has
a. free electrons d. atoms colliding frequency
b. low density e. all of the above
c. porous body
Heat is closely related with
a. liquids d. energy
b. temperature e. entropy
c. enthalpy.
When heat is transferred from one particle of hot body to another by actual motion of the heated particles, it is referred to as heat
transfer by
a. conduction d. convection
b. radiation e. conduction and convection
c. convection and radiation.
When heat is transferred by molecular collision, it is referred to as heat transfer by
a. conduction d. convection
b. radiation e. scattering
c. convection and radiation.
When heat is transferred form hot body to cold body, in a straight line, without affecting the intervening medium, it is referred as heat
transfer by
a. conduction d. convection
b. radiation e. conduction and convection
c. convection and radiation.
Which of the following is a case of steady state heat transfer
a. I.C. engine d. all of the above
b. heating of building in winter e.none of the above.
c. air preheaters
The insulation ability of an insulator with the presence of moisture would
a. increase
b. decrease
c. remain unaffected
d. may increase/decrease depending on temperature and thickness of insulation
e. none of the above.
Pick up the wrong case. Heat flowing from one side to other depends directly on
a. face area c. time
b. thickness d. temperature difference
e. thermal conductivity.
In a heat exchanger with steam outside the tubes, a liquid gets heated to 45 0C when its flow velocity in the tubes is 2 m/s. If the flow
velocity is reduced to 1 m/s, other things remaining the same, the temperature of the exit liquid will be
less than 450C equal to 450C
greater than 45 C
Initially decreases and remains constant thereafter.
Indirect contact heat exchangers are preferred over direct heat exchangers because,
heat transfer coefficient is high
there is no risk of contamination
there is no mist formation
cost of equipment is lower
In natural convection heat transfer the correlating parameter is
Graetz number
Eckert number
Grashof number
Bond number
The critical radius r of insulation on a pipe is given by
r = 2k/h
r = k/h
r = k / 2h
r = h/k
where k is the thermal conductivity of the insulation and h the heat transfer with the ambient.)
The non-dimensional temperature gradient in a liquid at the wall of a pipe is the
heat flux
Prandtl number
Nusselt number
Schimdt number
In thermal radiation, for a black body
a.α= 1 and εis not equal to 1
b. αis not equal to 1 and ε= 1
c. α and εare not equal to 1
d. α= 1 and ε= 1
where α is absorptivity and εis emissivity.
For a shell-and tube heat exchanger, with increasing heat transfer area, the purchased cost per unit heat transfer area
remains constant
passes through maxima
For condensation of pure vapors, if the heat transfer coefficients in film wise and drop wise condensation are respective hf and hd,
hf = hd
hf could be greater than or smaller than hd
The advantage of using 1-2 shell and tube heat exchanger over a 1-1 shell and tube exchanger is
lower tube side pressure drop
lower shell side pressure drop
higher tube side heat transfer coefficient
higher shell side heat transfer coefficient

Gibbs phase rule finds application when heat transfer occurs by

As the difference between the wall temperature and the bulk temperature increases, the boiling heat transfer coefficient
continues to increase
continues to decrease
goes through a minimum
goes through a maximum
In a pipe flow, heat is transferred from hot wall to the liquid by
conduction only
forced convection only
free and forced convection
forced convection and conduction
Heat transfer occurs by natural convection because change in temperature causes differences in
thermal conductivity
heat capacity
In a heat exchanger, floating head is provided to
facilitate cleaning of the heat exchanger
increase the heat transfer area
relieve stresses caused by thermal expansion
increase the log mean temperature gradient
The heat transfer by radiation from a mild steel surface is to be reduced by reducing the emissivity of the surface. This can be
achieved by
painting the surface black
painting the surface white
giving the surface mirror finish
roughening the surface
Heat transfer by natural convection is enhanced in systems with
high viscosity
high coefficient of thermal expansion
low temperature gradients
low density change with temperature
If the baffle spacing in a shell and tube heat exchanger increases, then the Reynolds number of the shell side fluid
remains unchanged
increases or decreases depending on no. of shell passes
The heat transfer co-efficient in film type condensation is __________ that for dropwise condensation.
a. greater than
b. lower than
c. is same as
d. half
Pick out the wrong statement.
a. Bubble size increases with the dynamic viscosity of the liquid in case of nucleate pool boiling.
b. Thermal conductivity of a dry material is more than that of the damp material.
c. Ratio of its capacity to economy equals the steam consumption in kg/hr in an evaporator.
d. Vaporization of organic substances in evaporator mostly causes foam formation.

LMTD for evaporators & condensers for a given terminal parameters & set of conditions for counterflow is equal to that for parallel
flow. In such heat exchangers, with one of the fluids condensing or evaporating, the surface area required is the least in the
__________ flow.
a. parallel
b. mixed
c. counterflow
d. same in either 'a', b' or 'c'
Thermal diffusivity of a material
a. has the unit m2 /sec.
b. is defined as K/ρ . Cp.
c. is the ratio of thermal conductivity to thermal capacity.
d. all (a), (b) and (c).
The absorptivity of a body is equal to its emissivity
a. at a particular temperature.
b. for circular bodies.
c. under thermal equilibrium.
d. none of these.
For gases, the thermal conductivity increases with temperature rise. For liquids, with increase in concentration, its thermal
conductivity generally
a. decreases
b. increases
c. remains unchanged
d. increases exponentially
Calculate the rate of heat energy emitted by 100 m 2 of a polished iron surface (emissivity = 0.06). The temperature of the surface is 10
a. 5 c. 18
b. 7 d. none of these

One face of a stainless steel plate 1 cm thick is maintained at 110 0C, while the other face is at 90 0C. Assuming steady state
conditions, calculate the rate of heat flux through the plate. The thermal conductivity of the stainless steel is 17 W/m-K.
a. 34 000 c. 28 500
b. 60 000 d. none of these
A cold storage wall (3 m x 6 m) is constructed of 15 cm thick concrete (thermal conductivity = 1.37 W/m-K) Insulation must be
provided to maintain a heat transfer rate through the wall at or below 500 W. If the thermal conductivity of the insulation is 0.04 W/m-
K, compute the required thickness of the insulation. The outside surface temperature of the wall is 38 0C and the inside temperature is
5 0C.
a. 0.034 m c. 0.028 m
b. 0.043 m d. none of these
A 12 V battery is being used to operate small DC motor with an internal resistance of 12 ohms. Compute the power requires to operate
the motor.
a. 72 W c. 1 W
b. 144 W d. none of these
In a heat exchanger, the rate of heat transfer from the hot fluid to the cold fluid
a. varies directly as the area and the LMTD.
b. directly proportional to LMTD and inversely proportional to the area.
c. varies as square of the area.
d. none of these.

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