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Safety Management

Safety Management

Management of
A key to safety—not just process safety
By Mark D. Hansen and Gerald W. Gammel

ON NOV. 25, 1998, a fire at the Equilon Enterprises oil
refinery delayed coking unit in Anacortes, WA, caused
six fatalities. A loss of electric power and steam supply
approximately 37 hours before the fire had resulted in
abnormal process conditions (CSB, 2001).
personnel must know how to recognize which devia-
tions are significant enough to trigger further review.
Thus, operating procedures must include well-de-
fined limits for process variables for all common tasks.
Once on-site personnel are trained on MOC policy
Management of
change (MOC) is critical
to process safety—and
it is a concept that if
The investigation revealed that personnel had and are knowledgeable about normal limits for well implemented
expected a tarry mass to drain from the drum. [A process variables, they can make informed judgments could likely prevent
drum is a tower or vessel in which materials are regarding when to apply the MOC system. incidents in many other
processed, heated or stored. Coke drums can be very Once a deviation is identified that triggers the industries as well. Many
large (e.g., 120 ft tall with a 29 ft diameter) and typi- MOC system, management must gather the right industries would bene-
cally stand several stories high.] The supervisor had people and resources to review the situation. A mul- fit from establishing
directed that the drum be opened with a minimum tidisciplinary team may be required to thoroughly policies to manage
number of people present. In response to concerns identify potential hazards, develop protective meas- deviations from normal
that the limited flow of steam might not sufficiently ures and propose a course of action. operations. This article
strip all the toxic compounds from the tar inside the The Equilon incident could have been avoided defines key change
vessel, workers removing the bolts on the drum heads had the change been managed by a team experi- concepts and examines
were required to wear self-contained breathing appa- enced in hands-on operations, safety procedures and several key elements of
ratuses. The top head was unbolted and lifted from engineering calculations. Written procedures for an effective MOC
the drum. The bottom head was also unbolted and cooling and emptying partially filled drums, as rec- process.
held in place by a hydraulic dolly. The operator then ommended by an investigation team in 1996, may
activated a release mechanism to lower the dolly. also have reduced the likelihood of this incident.
Witnesses reported hearing a whooshing sound
The Potential for Severe Injuries
and seeing a white cloud of vapor emanate from the
Manuele (2003), referring to Petersen (1998), notes
bottom of the drum. The hot petroleum vapor burst
that “studies in recent years suggest that severe injuries
into flames. The process supervisor, an operator and
are fairly predictable in certain situations. Some of
the four contract personnel assisting were caught in
these situations involve:
the fire and died (CSB, 2001). After the incident,
•unusual, nonroutine work; Mark D. Hansen, P.E., CSP, CPEA, CPE, is vice
Equilon relocated the controls for the hydraulic
•nonproduction activities; president, environmental and safety, for Range
dolly to allow workers to position themselves far-
•sources of high energy; Resources Corp., Ft. Worth, TX. A former ASSE
ther from a drum when opening it (CSB).
•certain construction situa- president, he has more than 26 years’ experi-
Lessons Learned tions.” ence in the field and holds a B.S. in Psychology
Why examine this accident? Because it illustrates These are just a starting and a M.S. in Industrial Engineering, specializing
the need for management of change (MOC). MOC is point. A long list could be in safety, both from Texas A&M University. An
critical to process safety—and it is a concept that if made that would more exten- ASSE Fellow, Hansen is a professional member
well implemented could likely prevent incidents in sively specify the areas where of ASSE’s Fort Worth Chapter and a member of
many other industries as well. Many industries severity is predictable. Man- the Society’s Engineering, Risk Management and
would benefit from establishing policies to manage uele (2003) continues: Transportation practice specialties.
deviations from normal operations. Systematic Data, not yet published and Gerald W. Gammel, CSP, CHMM, OHST, is
methods for managing change are sometimes provided by Franklin Mirer, safety and training director for Dixie Chemical
applied to physical alterations, such as those that director of the Health and Co., Pasadena, TX. He has 34 years’ experience
occur when an interlock is bypassed, new equip- Safety Department at the in the specialty chemical manufacturing industry
ment is added or a replacement is “not in kind.” International Union-UAW, and is a professional member of ASSE’s Gulf
For an MOC system to function effectively, field is in concert with Petersen’s Coast Chapter. OCTOBER 2008 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY 41
Figure 1 1
Management of Change

observations. The data indicate that severe of change in its PSM standard—29 CFR 1910.119
injury accidents occur disproportionately in (OSHA, l992). The standard requires that an employ-
unusual and nonroutine work, in nonproduc- er establish and implement written procedures to
tion activities and where high sources of ener- manage changes (except for replacements in kind) to
gy are present. During the 18 years prior to process chemicals, technology, equipment and proce-
Jan. 1, 2002, the data show that skilled trades dures, and changes to facilities that affect a covered
people—who represent about 20% of the process. In addition, the standard requires that the
UAW work population of about 700,000— procedures shall ensure that the following considera-
make up 40 to 50% of the fatalities. These indi- tions are addressed prior to any change:
viduals include maintenance personnel, 1) the technical basis for the proposed change;
millwrights, electricians, steamfitters and tin- 2) impact of change on safety and health;
smiths; they rarely engage in repetitive and 3) modifications to operating procedures;
routine work, nor do they engage in produc- 4) necessary time period for the change;
tion work. Total hours worked by the UAW 5) authorization requirements for the proposed
population over this period is in the billions, change.
which represents a sound statistical base; these Under the standard, employees involved in oper-
data have significance. ating a process, and maintenance and contract
The potential for severe injuries to occur during employees whose job tasks will be affected by a
nonroutine activities is being recognized by some in change in the process are to be informed of, and
industry. According to Manuele (2003), the safety trained in, the change prior to start-up of the process
director of one chemical company reported that or affected part of the process. The standard also
when the system is running, the risks are lower; states that “if a change covered by this paragraph
when the system must be opened for maintenance results in a change in the process safety information
or equipment fails or a chemical release occurs, required by paragraph (d) of this section, such infor-
severity potential is greatly increased. A safety direc- mation shall be updated accordingly.” It further
tor for a heavy electrical equipment manufacturer states, “If a change covered by this paragraph results
says that severe injuries in his company rarely occur in a change in the operating procedures or practices
during routine production operations. required by paragraph (f) of this section, such proce-
dures or practices shall be updated accordingly.”
Management of Change Defined Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS, 1989)
OSHA has made three things about process safety offers this guidance regarding MOC:
management (PSM) clear: Write what you do, do In any operation, situations will arise that
what you write and, if no written records were made, were not foreseen when the operating proce-
it never happened. The agency defines management dures were developed. At such times, person-
nel may want to conduct operations in a way non-PSM companies document lessons learned, yet
that differs from, or contradicts, the process because they lack an effective management system,
technology or the standard operating proce- the controls are typically lacking.
dures. To ensure that these deviations from PSM companies that continue to incorporate MOC
normal practice do not create unacceptable best practices and systems in their processes are able
risks, it is important to have a variance proce- to achieve continuous PHA revalidation, which offers
dure, or to have incorporated the same means measurable cost reductions and safety benefits (CCPS,
of control into other management systems. 2000). Where non-PSM facilities are not required to
The variance procedure will require review of perform PHAs, clearly these analyses provide the
the planned deviation and acceptance of the basis for engineering design for safety. Failing that, an
risks it poses. The variance procedure should MOC program provides a control mechanism to pro-
require the explanation of
the deviation planned; the
reasons it is necessary; the Examples of Temporary Changes
safety, health and environ-
mental considerations; con- Requiring an MOC
trol measures to be taken; •Changes in materials of construction
and duration of the vari- •Change in raw materials or feedstocks
ance. Variances should re- •Replacement equipment, machinery and piping that differ from the original design
quire the approval by a specifications
suitable level of manage- •Addition or removal of process equipment or piping such as adding block valves or
ment, based on the process flowmeters
risks involved. •Changes in physical layout that may affect employee escape paths
•Change in product recipe or the introduction of new products
Effective MOC Programs •Temporary electrical equipment or connections
As noted, an effective MOC •Removal or decommissioning of equipment, alarms and safety systems
process can help prevent •New projects that involve tie-ins of equipment modifications of units already operating
accidents. Numerous investi- •Projects to increase throughput or accommodate different feedstocks or products
gations have identified weak- including differing catalysts
nesses in the MOC process as a •Equipment changes including the installation of new equipment and modifications of
root cause of process safety equipment already in use
incidents (CSB, 2001). CSB has •An alternative supply of process materials, catalysts or reactants, possibly through tem-
also stressed the need for non- porary drums or tanks in the plant
PSM companies to adopt a sys- •Changes resulting from process hazard analyses, safety reviews before start-ups, and acci-
tematic MOC process. dent or incident investigation recommendations
Following the completion of •Modification of the process or equipment that causes changes in the relief requirements
initial process hazard analyses including capacity, trip points or venting routes
(PHAs), a systematic MOC •Changes in the process or mechanical design
methodology (Figure 1) serves •Change in process chemicals or chemistry
as the principal PSM system to •Introduction of new or different process additives (e.g., corrosive control agents,
ensure that risk levels associat- antifoulants, antifoam agents)
ed with process modifications •Major equipment replacement by a manufacturer that did not make the original
are addressed properly. This equipment
ensures that changes do not •Change in equipment design
bypass or otherwise render the •Temporary piping connections or hoses
safety controls useless. •Change in piping and equipment specifications
Non-PSM companies (e.g., •Change in operating or maintenance procedures
automobile parts, consumer •Change in process control or conditions including changing control ranges of tempera-
products) that have various ture and pressure instruments to exceed defined standard operating limits
manufacturing processes could •Change in equipment service or maintenance routine (e.g., the introduction of reliabili-
benefit from an MOC program ty centered maintenance such as pumps)
to ensure that changes to the •Change in metallurgy of a piping system
process do not render safety •Change in electrical service
controls and safety critical con- •Adding or removing insulation on a major scale
trols ineffective. Such a program •Installation or changes in structural members supporting covered processes
would also reduce equipment •Changing the method or controls scheme of an instrument loop
failure as a result of factors such •Changing or bypassing (“jumping”) alarms, permissive switches or trips
as incompatible materials and •Change in warehousing procedures, indexing and storage conditions
technologies, and ensure that •Change in operating discipline such as a computer programming change
operating procedures are updat- Note. From “Documentation—The Key to MOC,” by M.M.R. Eastman and J.R. Sawers, 1998, Chemical
ed for equipment operators. In Processing.
the author’s experience, some OCTOBER 2008 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY 43
Examples of Changes
to Facilities & Processes
Requiring an MOC
•Structural changes to a unit or facility including changes in access turnaround and other project management soft-
roads, manways, ladders or stairs ware—should also be included.
•Changes to pressure-relief devices such as adjusting valve set- Many PSM companies reshape their MOC pro-
tings or relieving capacity grams based on past experiences and current best
•Any replacement of equipment or components, piping, instru- practices. In addition, the author knows of some
ments or electrical components that is not an in-kind replacement refineries that adhere to PSM requirements even for
•Nonroutine changes to instrumentation, control loops or comput- process units not regulated by that standard. Clearly,
er programs such as changing the range of transmitters or control- while many may struggle to address issues that affect
valve failure positions overall program objectives and effectiveness, they
•Any change in safety alarm settings, interlocks, process or equip- benefit from the disciplined approach to change.
ment trips, or in the testing or calibration frequency or standards of
those devices It’s All in the Details
•All temporary facilities and connections including pipe clamps, While implementing MOC is, in principle, a posi-
temporary pipe, hoses, temporary utility connections and temporary tive control process, companies often overlook the
electrical equipment or connections details. As a result, the process has some inherent pit-
•Changes to fire protection, emergency response or other safety falls (CCPS, 1989; 1992; 1994; 1995; 1996). The same is
systems true (or worse) for PSM companies that have no dis-
ciplined approach to managing change. Factors that
Note. From “Documentation—The Key to MOC,” by M.M.R. Eastman and J.R.
are often overlooked include the following:
Sawers, 1998, Chemical Processing.
•Inadequate definition of a change: What is
replacement in kind?
vide a disciplined engineering process to manage the •Resolution of temporary changes: Do we want
documentation and system operations. to extend the duration of the change, return the
process to original condition or make the change
Documentation Is Key
According to Eastman and Sawers (1998),
•Managing emergency changes: How do we
“Document control and training are critical to the
ensure that all requirements of normal changes are
MOC process.” All affected personnel must be in-
formed by memo, through formal training or by other
•Procedural changes: Do we require a prestart-
appropriate methods. Inform purchasing depart-
up safety review?
ments and stores to ensure new or replacement parts
•Tracking/closure of action items: How do we
are ordered and that no costly mishaps occur through
verify that action items have been completed and
less-than-up-to-date inventory control.
meet the intent of the recommendation?
A good approach for this effort is to have the per-
•Communication of the change: How do we
son requesting the change complete a request for
achieve this and maintain adequate documentation?
change to policies or procedures. This would nor-
•Prestart-up safety review: How do we decide
mally be the employee responsible for job documen-
when one is needed?
tation, the draftsperson or the project engineer who
•Updating process safety information (PSI):
owns a particular document. The request is then sent
How do we manage updating to ensure MOC action
to the area superintendent who will approve it and
items are closed out in a timely manner?
verify that the training required for MOC is sched-
•PHA interface: How do we revalidate an exist-
uled and conducted; affected documents have been
ing PHA for each MOC?
updated; and appropriate operations, maintenance,
purchasing, stores and other personnel have been MOC Implementation Issues
notified of the changes. Let’s take a closer look at each of the overlooked
Affected documents may include operations job factors.
documents, such as job analyses, training plans (basic
and job-specific), standard operating procedures and Inadequate Definition of a Change
skill demonstrations. General-purpose reference doc- A common shortfall of many MOC programs is
uments might include standard operating conditions an inadequate and inconsistent methodology in
and limits (SOCLs), pressure-relief devices, lubrica- identifying changes that should be captured by the
tion manuals and others. Similarly, maintenance craft MOC process (CCPS, 1989, 1995). According to
documents, such as job analyses, training plans (basic CCPS (2000), in general, all process and changes
and craft-specific), standard maintenance procedures except replacements in kind should be associated
and skill demonstrations are included, as are general- with an MOC, although some latitude can be exer-
purpose reference documents, such as technical data cised regarding the specific methodologies and the
sheets, spare parts lists, manufacturers’ manuals and level of reviews required.
corresponding documents for contractors. In most Care should be taken to ensure that even seeming-
cases, site policy manuals, reference documents and ly minor issues, such as personnel changes in key
software—including safety, process safety manage- positions or changing set points of instruments, are
ment, environmental (with the risk management captured to ensure that requisite safety and reliability
plan), employee, purchasing, warehouse, MSDS, qual- levels are maintained. As noted, MOC should be initi-
ity, maintenance scheduling, training scheduling, ated when a process is altered or when the mechanical
Figure 3 3
MOC Form

design is modified. It may also result from changes in same issues. The key difference is that they do not
feedstocks, catalysts, product specifications, by-prod- store the large quantities of highly flammable liquids
ucts or waste, design inventories, instrumentation and that trigger the PSM and MOC requirements.
control systems, or materials of construction (CCPS, Technology is another type of change that should
1994). Non-PSM companies experience many of the be tracked. Such changes occur when equipment is OCTOBER 2008 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY 45
Written MOC Process
Following is an example of how a management of change process
would be written as part of an overall management system.
1.1 The health, safety, security, environmental, technical and other
impacts of temporary and permanent changes are formally assessed,
managed, documented and approved. down of a process unit in an emergency. That type of
1.2 Changes in legal and regulatory requirements, technical codes, change needs to stay in accordance with emergency
and knowledge of health and environmental effects, are tracked and procedures and protocols, and is documented in
appropriate changes implemented. appropriate log books, returning the process to its
1.3 Effects of change on the workforce/organization, including original state as soon as practical (OSHA, 1992).
training requirements, are assessed and managed. An ideal MOC policy should allow for variances to
1.4 The impact on product quality of changes in manufacturing handle special cases or circumstances. Preventive
processes is assessed, associated hazards are evaluated and risks are maintenance and related inspections and tests includ-
controlled. ing repairs are also exempt, as are recalibration of
1.5 The original scope and duration of temporary changes are not instruments; in-kind or equivalent replacement of
exceeded without review and approval. insulation, instrumentation or equipment; cleaning of
exchangers, piping or other equipment; bypassing
interlocks, trips and alarms; trips bypassed during
altered or new equipment, such as process equip-
normal operations to blowdown transmitters; trips
ment piping, electrical or control system alarms,
bypassed for weekly checks; and nuisance alarms
instrumentation and control schemes, are added.
bypassed when equipment is down for maintenance.
Changes in technology also occur when the process
For non-PSM companies, technology is often a
is modified or the relief requirements are changed,
huge driver. Companies are market-driven and
including modifications in relief points, capacity or
must respond quickly to market conditions. As a
other corrective actions. These changes can result in
result, details of system parameters may be missed,
increased throughput, operation at higher tempera-
creating the potential for an incident. As the number
tures or pressures, increased size of equipment, or
of changes grows, corporate memory can evaporate.
the addition of equipment that might contribute to
When software is added to the mix, being able to
higher capacity relief requirements. Installation or
remember what changes took place 1 month ago,
removal of bypass connections around equipment
much less 1 year ago, is challenging—and is often
that is normally in service is a change in technology
made more so by frequent personnel changes.
under MOC requirements (Eastman & Sawers, 1998).
Changes in facilities are also changes in technolo- Temporary Changes
gy as defined in 29 CFR 1910.119. A change in a facil- Documentation, closure and communication of
ity would not necessarily appear on a process and temporary changes are often cited as major quality
instrumentation diagram (P&ID). These changes can issues in MOC programs (CCPS, 1989; 1995).
occur in equipment configuration; materials of Examples of temporary changes requiring an MOC
construction; installation of temporary facilities; are discussed in the sidebar on p. 43. Common
temporarily bypassing or disabling equipment, in- issues include the following:
cluding electrical jumpers; and operating a control •authorized period expires without removing or
valve with the handjack engaged. making the change permanent;
Changes in technology also include any new •change is made permanent, but is not reflected
administrative controls, document controls and in the P&IDs and other process safety information;
training. In addition, projects to increase plant •change is improperly or incompletely removed.
throughput or accommodate different feedstocks or Non-PSM companies experience similar tempo-
products are also considered under this definition. rary changes, such as the interim use of a hose in place
Significant changes in operating conditions also of failed piping to allow the process to be brought to a
constitute changes in technology. These can include safe stopping point to make the necessary repairs.
alterations to pressures, temperatures, flow rates, Another example of a temporary change is the need to
equipment operating speeds or process conditions accept a raw material from an unapproved supplier
outside the engineering maximum-minimum limits because the normal supplier has experienced a busi-
set in the SOCLs or manufacturer’s specifications. ness interruption and cannot provide the material.
Changes in process chemicals are also construed
as changes in technology. Examples include intro- Emergency Changes
duction of new process additives, new process mate- Due to their nature, emergency changes are often
rials, and new catalysts or reactants in covered extended special privileges in the MOC process
processes such as corrosion control agents, (CCPS, 1992; 1995). These privileges allow personnel
antifoulants and antifoam agents. to perform emergency field changes and modifica-
What is exempt? Certain routine changes do not tions using a less-rigorous process than normal
require MOC procedures under the OSHA standard. changes. However, these field changes often are not
One example is a change of set point within the brought into the mainstream MOC process even
administrative limits of an SOCL. Administrative after the emergency situation has been addressed.
limits demarcate the range where control room oper- Consequently, a change that may be temporary often
ators are allowed to make changes (OSHA, 1992). inadvertently becomes permanent (Ozog & Stickles,
Changes of the engineering MOC limits are con- 2003). As one of Murphy’s laws states, “Nothing is
sidered management of change items, which include more permanent than that which is marked tempo-
replacement of equipment that is replacement in rary and nothing is more temporary than that which
kind or changes made to allow for the safe shut- is marked permanent.”
Non-PSM companies also experience emergency especially in a marketplace where speed is of the
changes. If not incorporated into the system, the essence, training often takes a backseat.
documentation does not follow and the information
Prestart-Up Safety Review
and knowledge are not captured.
Although the PSM standard does not require a
Procedural Changes PSSR for every MOC item (such as those that do not
Although 29 CFR 1910.119 specifically mentions entail any PSI changes), it is not uncommon to
“modifications to operating procedures” as falling encounter situations where there is no record of a
under MOC requirements, many companies do not PSSR even though it is required (CCPS, 1992; 1994;
review procedural changes through an MOC process 1995). Often, this may be due to a lack of adequate
(CCPS, 1992; 1994). Confusion typically stems from documentation or a formal approval process prior to
the wording of the prestart-up safety review (PSSR) start-up. While this is required for PSM companies,
element, which for example states, “A PSSR is not even an informal process would prove wise for a
required if there is no change in the PSI” (Ozog & non-PSM company seeking to ensure that change is
Stickles, 2003). Since procedures are not included in managed.
the definition of PSI, companies often think that a Updating PSI
PSSR is not required for a change that only affects Updating relevant PSI is the litmus test of an
procedures. However, this reasoning clearly does not effective and systematic MOC process (CCPS, 1992;
exempt procedural changes from being managed via 1994; 1995). Most companies attach redlined copies
the MOC process (Ozog & Stickles). of the relevant PSI (such as procedures, P&IDs, loop
Non-PSM companies also experience procedural diagrams) to the respective MOC forms that serve as
changes—perhaps even more often than PSM-com- guidelines to update the master/controlled copies.
panies. The question is whether the documented However, a random field audit of completed MOCs
procedures are changed and maintained or whether in an operating facility may reveal that the PSI in
the company relies on key personnel to pass on many cases has not been updated and is not reflec-
knowledge rather than document and update it tive of the field conditions (Ozog & Stickles, 2003).
when things changes. This can lead to the conclusion that many companies
are struggling to identify procedures and work
Tracking/Closeout of Action Items processes which ensure that an MOC program cap-
PSM audits often cite companies for lacking an tures PSI updates in their entirety.
efficient mechanism for tracking and closing out
assigned action items (CCPS, 1992; 1994). A typical PHA Issues
MOC will involve multiple departments and per- An MOC for a major modification and/or change
sonnel, each with an assigned responsibility. Often, a involving inherently hazardous materials requires a
single individual may have hundreds of assigned formal PHA using an accepted methodology such as
action items related to MOCs, PHAs, audits and hazard and operability analysis (HAZOP) or fault-
similar activities. Under such circumstances, it may tree analysis (CCPS, 1992; 1994; 1995). The sidebar
be that MOC items remain active simply because the on p. 44 identifies changes to processes and facilities
assigned individuals have not documented the requiring an MOC.
closeout stage (Ozog & Stickles, 2003). Over time, However, many MOC programs do not provide
with no tracking system, the facility accumulates a clear guidance on when a PHA may be beneficial or
large MOC backlog—or worse, loses track of open required. Consequently, there may be a tendency to
MOCs. According to some sources, it is not uncom- bypass a PHA in the interest of cost/schedule even
mon for a medium-sized processing facility to have though one may be required.
more than 1,000 open MOCs because of an ineffi- Another inherent inefficiency occurs when a PHA
cient tracking mechanism (Ozog & Stickles). associated with a particular MOC item is conducted
Even with a documented process, it is a challenge without integrating the information with the then-
to keep current. In the author’s experience conduc- current PHA documentation (Ozog & Stickles, 2003).
ing PSM-related audits and inspections, lack of fol- By not doing so, the operating facility is ignoring the
low-up and closure with corrective actions and revalidation aspect of the overall PHA. This will like-
action items is a problem. ly result in a longer, more costly PHA revalidation
effort at the next 5-year cycle because at that time the
MOC-Initiated Training operating facility will need to review and incorporate
An MOC process often indicates the need for all MOCs into the PHA, thereby incurring redundant
additional training (CCPS, 1994). The following cost and schedule demands. Non-PSM companies
issues are common concerns: experience many of the same changes and would do
•lack of documentation regarding the training well to follow some kind of procedure to manage
date and participants; them. The example checklist presented in Figure 3
•commencing operations covered by the MOC (p. 45) could serve as a starting point.
process before conducting the required training.
How often does training ensue after big changes Administering MOC
occur in the system, especially for non-PSM compa- Adminstering the MOC process can be accom-
nies? Without a disciplined approach to change, plished using a low-tech, paper-driven process OCTOBER 2008 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY 47
MOC: A Risk Reduction Tool for Every SH&E Toolkit
By Vickie L. Chapman
time, the only substitute pump available key components: 1) a written program
M anagement of Change (MOC) is the
universally adaptable analysis
process that emerged from OSHA’s Proc-
is rated 200 gpm—and it will take 1 week
for a new 300 gpm model to arrive. Be-
detailing the step-by-step elements—from
purpose to auditing effectiveness; 2) MOC
ess Safety Management standard (29 CFR cause of the difference in pumping capac- generation form that acts as the router
1910.119 in 1992) and EPA’s Risk Manage- ity, the installation of the 200 gpm pump, document, ensuring inclusion of all rele-
ment Program (40 CFR 68.75 in 1994). even temporarily, cannot be considered a vant parties to the change process; and
MOC is a proactive process for reducing replacement in kind. Additional consider- 3) a checklist that articulates matters for
the risk of an incident associated with ation is needed regarding the risk in- consideration involving the change.
changes to machinery, equipment, volved with such a substitution. How Written Program
processes and other activities. will it affect the process? Will it starve the The written program outlines the
Under an MOC structure, any process downstream in the reactor and scope of the program in detail. Sections
changes made to a process—whether it is cause an upset or runaway reaction? include: purpose; definition of change/
a new product/process or a not-in-kind Upstream, will it cause tank Z to over- modification as it relates to MOC; respon-
replacement or upgrade to existing pressurize or overflow? sibility; MOC process details; installation
equipment and/or process—must under- Now consider a more difficult sce- phase; temporary/expedited MOCs; doc-
go multistage reviews. What results is a nario. The engineering and technology ument retention; training requirements;
systematic, comprehensive review that is department has been asked to invent and annual program auditing; personnel and
designed to reduce or eliminate opportu- install a state-of-the-art combination ver- organizational changes; MOC forms (and
nities for failures such as permit misses, tical extrusion furnace flame tempering the order of their use).
bad design installation, incomplete/in- machine. Nothing else in industry is
adequate rollout of the change, or equip- available against which to benchmark MOC Generation Form
ment failure up to and including loss of this machine. How much cooling water The MOC generation form generally
property or life. will it use? What type of waste will it has three parts: Part 1 requires the change
generate? What permits are required? initiator (e.g., engineer, operations manag-
Making Changes: Three Examples How many operators will be needed and er) to document relevant descriptive infor-
Process X uses a 300-gallon per minute at what skill level? How does the site mation about the change. This includes
(gpm) centrifugal pump to move a chem- imagine all possible scenarios and items details such as the place and the process
ical from tank Z into the process reactor. needed for this new apparatus? where the change is located; the origina-
The pump fails. The site has another 300 tor; the type of installation (temporary or
gpm pump in storage. Fairly simple— MOC Structure permanent); equipment name; MOC title
install the pump and move on because An MOC program provides a struc- and tracking number; affected documents;
the substitution in this case is a replace- tured manner by which to address the and a narrative section where the origina-
ment-in-kind (300 gpm = 300 gpm). concerns that would arise in these scenar- tor details the reason for the MOC.
Imagine the same situation, but this ios. The program revolves around three Part 2 of the form is a section for col-

requiring signatures and reviews by various parties management systems, while others use sys-
or it can also be accomplished by using MOC soft- tems that conform to available guidelines. . . .
ware. According to Eastman and Sawers (1998), There is widespread agreement that the use of
MOC software should “monitor the creation, notifi- management systems can improve organiza-
cation, distribution, tracking and reporting of tional performance, including performance in
approvals and tasks that must be completed for the the occupational health and safety arena.
change item.” It should also track not-in-kind equip- OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Programs re-
ment changes, procedure changes and changes to ly on management system principles and has
documents not in the document management sys- reported success in improving occupational
tem, such as check requests and travel vouchers. A health and safety performance among partici-
preferred software package should include a func- pating companies. In addition, the American
tion that allows managers and workers to be notified Chemistry Council reports success in improv-
via e-mail regarding the need to approve or take ing environmental performance of participat-
other actions. ing organizations. The major professional
health and safety organizations are also on
record in support of management systems as
Integrating With Management Systems
effective tools for improving health and safety
Occupational safety and health management sys-
performance, as well as for contributing to the
tems are evolving and becoming more prevalent
overall success of the business. Finally, the fact
(Manuele, 2006). ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 states:
that many organizations in the U.S. and
Quality, environmental and occupational abroad are implementing management sys-
health and safety management systems are tems in occupational health and safety is evi-
used by many organizations in the U.S. and dence that these systems add value to their
around the world. Quality and environmental businesses.
systems are frequently in conformance to Management systems require an MOC process
international voluntary consensus standards, because it is good business to manage change prop-
or they share many basic concepts and princi- erly (Manuele, 2006). The sidebar on p. 46 is an
ples with them. . . . Many organizations oper- example of how such an element would be written
ate their own occupational health and safety for a management system.
lecting signatures of those who attend form and creates a package of materials of completed MOC forms and the project
the design package review meeting. that explain the change project. The ini- package should be filed in the initiator’s
Parties that should be active in this meet- tiator then schedules a design review office, as well as in the SH&E and engi-
ing include: operating technicians, main- meeting with all applicable team mem- neering department offices. These
tenance, quality, SH&E, engineering, bers (e.g., maintenance, SH&E, technolo- records will be used when auditing the
technology and others. gy, operations leaders, technicians) and program’s effectiveness and robustness.
Part 3 of the form is section for col- provides each with a copy of the MOC The duration of the MOC review
lecting signatures of those involved in a project package. process varies depending on the breadth,
final walk-through inspection of the At the meeting, participants ask ques- width and depth of the change—which
changes made. This inspection should tions and review relevant project draw- can range from a small change (e.g.,
ensure that the equipment is in a condi- ings and documents. Participants also pump, blower, valve changeout, on-site
tion to be safely started and operated. At collectively work through the MOC equipment move) to the introduction of
a minimum, final signatures should checklist in order to openly discuss, con- expensive process equipment. The MOC
include the MOC originator, operating sider and capture any tasks related to program should differentiate flexibility
technician and the department manager. making the proposed change. The check- for small process changes (e.g., a process
MOC Checklist list may be in a paper checkbox form, temperature increase from 300 to 400 ºF),
The third document is the MOC but an electronic spreadsheet expedites conducted under controlled conditions
checklist (see p. 50). It helps those the process and helps the team easily (e.g., research and development experi-
involved recognize all possible items to provide descriptive action details, identi- mentation). Lastly, the program should
be considered concerning the change. fy action owners and list target comple- address a temporary/expedited MOC
Subelements of the checklist include tion dates. strategy for emergency situations.
operations, health (industrial hygiene), After the meeting, personnel sign The MOC process is not a matter of
training, process controls, maintenance, off on the MOC generation form to conducting a review simply as a regula-
process analysis, environmental, engi- acknowledge their participation in the tory requirement. The real payoff from
neering and safety. Each subelement con- review process. Team members then this process is reduced risk and fewer
tains bullet points to be considered work to address and complete assigned incidents. The MOC process takes time
regarding the change. As projects are action items. Once these are completed, to work through, but it is time well
completed, the checklist should be the initiator is notified. spent. 䡲
improved to make it more robust and Once all action items are completed
comprehensive. and the change is in place, the initiator
schedules the final walkdown inspection.
The MOC Process in Practice The team assesses the completed change Vickie Chapman is a professional member of
Identifying the need for a change is to ensure that all items are in place and ASSE’s Northern Ohio Chapter. She has more
the first step. The MOC initiator general- that the equipment and/or process is than 20 years’ experience in the SH&E and
ly is the management leader tasked with ready to be placed into service. All par- security fields. Chapman holds an M.S. in
making the change happen. The initiator ties participating in this inspection sign Occupational Health and Safety Management
completes Part 1 of the MOC generation off on the MOC generation form. Copies from the University of Findlay.

Conclusion Guidelines for technical management of chemical process safety. New

The overall quality and effectiveness of MOC York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
CCPS. (1991). Plant guidelines for technical management of chem-
programs in the process industries can be improved. ical process safety. New York: AIChE.
Most gaps in existing MOC programs fall into three CCPS. (1992). Guidelines for auditing process safety management
categories: lack of well-defined workflow, documen- systems. New York: AIChE.
tation and information management capabilities CCPS. (1994). Guidelines for implementing process safety manage-
ment systems. New York: Wiley-AIChE.
(CCPS, 1996). Implementation of software systems CCPS. (1995). Guidelines for safe process operations and mainte-
can help companies better define workflow require- nance. New York: Wiley-AIChE.
ments and be both more efficient and effective in CCPS. (1996). Guidelines for integrating process safety management,
instituting MOC programs that drive measurable environment, safety, health and quality. New York: Wiley-AIChE.
CCPS. (2000). Fundamentals of process safety. New York: AIChE.
cost and safety benefits to the facility. Crowl, D.A. & Louvar, J.F. (2001). Chemical process safety:
Many lessons learned within the process indus- Fundamentals with applications (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
tries could benefit non-PSM-covered companies. Prentice Hall.
Just because companies do not meet the chemical Eastman, M. & Sawers, J.R. (1998). Documentation: The key
thresholds does not mean they do not have similar to MOC. Chemical Processing.
Manuele, F. (2003, Feb.). Severe injury potential: Addressing
implementation problems. In fact, these problems an often-overlooked safety management element. Professional
could be worse because the data are not collected to Safety, 48(2), 26-31.
identify them. Non-PSM-covered companies are as Manuele, F. (2006, Feb.) ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005: The new
prone (and perhaps more) to have poorly defined benchmark for safety management systems. Professional Safety,
51(2), 25-33.
workflow, inadequate documentation and poor OSHA. (1992). Process safety of highly hazardous chemicals
information management capabilities. (29 CFR 1910.119). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor,
It has been said that there are three states of intel- Author.
ligence: Knowing what you know; knowing what Ozog, H. & Stickles, R.P. (2003). Management of change or
change of management? (White paper). Salem, NH: ioMosiac.
you don’t know and not knowing what you don’t Petersen, D. (1998). Safety management (2nd ed.) Des Plaines,
know. From an MOC standpoint, not knowing what IL: ASSE.
you don’t know can have devastating and perhaps Shrivastava, P. (1987). Bhopal: Anatomy of a crisis. Cambridge,
catastrophic results. 䡲 MA: Ballinger Publishing.
U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB).
References (2001, Aug. 20). Management of change (Safety Bulletin No. 2001-
Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). (1989). 04-SB). Washington, DC: Author. OCTOBER 2008 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY 49
MOC Sample Checklist
❏ All ❏ N/A Operations ❏Y ❏ N/A Regulation forms (U1, etc.)
❏Y ❏ N/A Technician review ❏Y ❏ N/A Standards (new codes/specs)
❏Y ❏ N/A Manpower (+/-) ❏Y ❏ N/A Process flow diagram
❏Y ❏ N/A Startup services ❏Y ❏ N/A Baseline integrity inspection
❏Y ❏ N/A Painting ❏Y ❏ N/A Piping and instrumentation diagram
❏Y ❏ N/A Labeling (pipes and valves, etc., for purpose ❏Y ❏ N/A Electrical line diagram
and content) ❏Y ❏ N/A Material balance
❏Y ❏ N/A Accessibility (e.g., need a ladder?) ❏Y ❏ N/A Energy balance
❏Y ❏ N/A Success (keep running) or failure (shutdown) ❏Y ❏ N/A FMEA
criteria ❏ All ❏ N/A Safety
❏ All ❏ N/A Training ❏Y ❏ N/A Fire protection (sprinkler, extinguisher)
❏Y ❏ N/A MPIs changed (job instructions) ❏Y ❏ N/A Explosivity/inerting
❏Y ❏ N/A Emergency procedures ❏Y ❏ N/A FM compliance (insurance underwriter)
❏Y ❏ N/A Training materials (new/existing) ❏Y ❏ N/A Compressed gases and storage
❏Y ❏ N/A Training time ❏Y ❏ N/A Carseal
❏Y ❏ N/A Maintenance inclusion ❏Y ❏ N/A Hot/cold surfaces/insulation
❏Y ❏ N/A Operations inclusions ❏Y ❏ N/A Grounding/bonding/earthing
❏Y ❏ N/A Other training overlap (cranes, PPE) ❏Y ❏ N/A Energy isolation points and LOTO
❏ All ❏ N/A Maintenance ❏Y ❏ N/A Eyewash/safety shower
❏Y ❏ N/A Maintenance accessibility ❏Y ❏ N/A Laser light
❏Y ❏ N/A Equipment compatibility ❏Y ❏ N/A Job safety analysis
❏Y ❏ N/A Drawings/prints/documentation ❏Y ❏ N/A Personal protective equipment
❏Y ❏ N/A Isolation ❏Y ❏ N/A Contractor safety and health review
❏Y ❏ N/A Procedures ❏Y ❏ N/A Hazard analysis
❏Y ❏ N/A PM program and equipment and tools ❏Y ❏ N/A Occupancy changes
❏Y ❏ N/A Spare parts ❏Y ❏ N/A Potable water
❏Y ❏ N/A Critical equipment ❏Y ❏ N/A Means of egress
❏Y ❏ N/A Excavating and trenching ❏Y ❏ N/A Confined spaces
❏Y ❏ N/A Hot work ❏Y ❏ N/A Walking/working surfaces
❏Y ❏ N/A Mechanical integrity ❏Y ❏ N/A Machine guarding
❏Y ❏ N/A Inspection and testing criteria ❏Y ❏ N/A Hazardous materials
❏Y ❏ N/A Safety labeling/warning (signs, pipes, color
❏ All ❏ N/A Process controls coding)
❏Y ❏ N/A Critical instrument involved? ❏Y ❏ N/A Fall protection
❏Y ❏ N/A Calibrations ❏Y ❏ N/A Hot work (welding, cutting, brazing)
❏Y ❏ N/A Input/output additions or deletions ❏Y ❏ N/A Hand and power tools
❏Y ❏ N/A Sequence program change? ❏Y ❏ N/A Emergency equipment (SCAT pack, stop but-
❏Y ❏ N/A Instrument change? (range, type, etc.) tons, etc.)
❏Y ❏ N/A New/modified interlocks?
❏Y ❏ N/A Variable changes (timers, recipes, alarms?) ❏ All ❏ N/A Health (IH)
❏Y ❏ N/A Determine control feasibility ❏Y ❏ N/A Noise (85 dB)
❏Y ❏ N/A New/modified control strategy ❏Y ❏ N/A Fumes/ventilation
❏Y ❏ N/A Statistical process control ❏Y ❏ N/A Ergonomics and positioning of people
❏Y ❏ N/A PM program ❏Y ❏ N/A Material introduction/compatibility
❏Y ❏ N/A HazCom-MSDS and labeling
❏ All ❏ N/A Process analysis ❏Y ❏ N/A Toxicity
❏Y ❏ N/A System layout ❏Y ❏ N/A Working environment (hot, cold)
❏Y ❏ N/A Corrosive/erosive ❏Y ❏ N/A Laboratory safety
❏Y ❏ N/A Pressure (relief/containment) ❏Y ❏ N/A PPE assessment
❏Y ❏ N/A MEPT (maximum expected pressure and
temp) ❏ All ❏ N/A Environmental
❏Y ❏ N/A Reactivity ❏Y ❏ N/A Operating permits: air/water/waste
❏Y ❏ N/A Utilities (Any demand changes?) (new/modified)
❏Y ❏ N/A Backup power required? ❏Y ❏ N/A Emission controls
❏Y ❏ N/A Process stability? ❏Y ❏ N/A Waste minimization
❏Y ❏ N/A Block flow diagram ❏Y ❏ N/A Waste type/quantity
❏Y ❏ N/A Fail-safe conditions (equipment/valves) ❏Y ❏ N/A Waste characteristics (any change)
❏Y ❏ N/A Equipment tagging ❏Y ❏ N/A Emission point change
❏Y ❏ N/A Water demand change
❏ All ❏ N/A Engineering ❏Y ❏ N/A Tank change usage
❏Y ❏ N/A Codes/standards referenced? ❏Y ❏ N/A SARA 311, 312, 313
❏Y ❏ N/A Civil/structural (building changes) ❏Y ❏ N/A Containment/spill prevention
❏Y ❏ N/A Stress ❏Y ❏ N/A SPCC change?
❏Y ❏ N/A Material compatibility understood ❏Y ❏ N/A Change in fugitive emission points (LDAR)
❏Y ❏ N/A Insulation ❏Y ❏ N/A RMP change
❏Y ❏ N/A Best practices ❏Y ❏ N/A HVAC systems (CFCs, ozone depleting)
❏Y ❏ N/A Electrical class ❏Y ❏ N/A Waste water impact reviewed
❏Y ❏ N/A Pipe/equipment supports ❏Y ❏ N/A Chemical control/restricted chemicals
❏Y ❏ N/A Inerting supports ❏Y ❏ N/A Review storm water permit


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