Super Powers 5 Unit 1 Sample Unit Zeszyt Cwiczen

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List of Contents

Starter Hello again! 4

Unit 1 Back to school 6
Culture 15
Unit 2 Film and TV Fun! 16
Review 1–2 25
Unit 3 Shopping time! 26
Culture 35
Unit 4 New worlds! 36
Review 3–4 45
Unit 5 Summer, autumn, winter … sport! 46
Culture 55
Unit 6 Let’s go to work! 56
Review 5–6 65
Unit 7 Hurray, it’s holiday time! 66
Culture 75
Closer 76
Grammar Bank 84
Writing Bank 90
Flashcards Time 92

Hello again!
Nagrania 0.1–0.3

Lesson 1 Vocabulary and Listening

Kod: U5UBB5

1. 0.1 Uzupełnij zdania (1–7) wyrazami 4. Podpisz zdjęcia (A–D) wyrazami z ramki.
z ramki. Posłuchaj i sprawdź.
spring winter summer autumn
is listening from his
her chatting subject A B
1. Meg from Warsaw.
2. Benny loves reading.
favourite things are books.
3. She loves to music.
4. Evie’s Great Britain.
5. Meg loves colours. C D
favourite colour is red.
6. Will loves with his
7. Benny likes school. His favourite
is history.
2. Przyporządkuj wyrazy z ramki do
odpowiednich kategorii. 5. Dopasuj wyrazy z ramki do opisów (1–2).

cap pencil jacket bus trousers racket stick

jumper car chair rubber desk 1. You can play tennis with it. 
school clothes transport 2. You play ice hockey with it. 
6. 0.3 E Uzupełnij luki (1–5) wyrazami
z ramki. Posłuchaj i sprawdź.
flat shop rest food truck
restaurant remember
3. 0.2 Połącz zdania 1–4 oraz A–D w pary
tak, aby utworzyły fragmenty rozmów.
I live in a big flat in the centre of York.
1. Hi. My name is Adelle. Next door there is a (1)
2. Is she your sister? which sells Polish food! Do you
3. How old are you? (2) Mia? Her sister
4. How are you? works in a (3) .
A. I’m OK. She serves food in a different place every day.
B. No, she is my friend. Jack’s uncle owns a (4) ,
C. I’m twelve years old. but it’s really hard to get a table there.
D. Hello, I’m Frank. They’ve got an amazing menu. After a long
day at work, he always likes to
(5) in the evening.
Nagranie 0.4

Lesson 2 Grammar and Vocabulary

Kod: U5ASZ2

1. Wskaż zdania, które są dla Ciebie prawdziwe 4. Napisz, co znajduje się w Twoim domu.
(T) lub fałszywe (F). Użyj zwrotów there is i there are, wyrazów
z ramki oraz własnych propozycji.
Ułóż 2 zdania.

jeans T-shirt shirt shoes top

dress mobile phone laptop

Example: In my room, there are six hats, but

there isn’t a dress. There aren’t any
shoes on my bed.

1. I am eleven years old. T/F

2. I have got a small family. T/F

3. I can swim. T/F

4. I can’t speak Italian. T/F

5. There are two beds in my bedroom. T/F
6. There isn’t a window in my classroom.T/F 5. Połącz wyrazy 1–4 z A–D tak, aby powstały
2. Podpisz ilustracje (A–C).
A 1 D A
foot boarding ball

3 2
B skate basket
C 4
B C boarding snow

6. 0.4 Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.

Posłuchaj i sprawdź.

there is it can’t there isn’t

British I’ve got it’s got
3. Uzupełnij wyrazy (1–5) brakującymi
literami. Następnie wpisz nazwę kraju,
odpowiadającą każdemu ze słów. I'm Marco. I’m from
Nationalities: Country: London, but I’m not British,
1. Polis     Poland     I’m Italian. (1)
2. B itish  three sisters, and (2)
also my dog, Henry. Henry is seven years
3. Japan se 
old. (3) a bed in the kitchen.
4. Italia 
(4) sleep in the garden
5. ren h  because (5) one – we live
in a flat!
Unit 1

Back to school
Nagrania 1.1–1.2

Lesson 1 Vocabulary

Kod: U5V2JY

1. Zakreśl jeszcze dziewięć wyrazów w pionie 4. 1.1 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.
i poziomie. Posłuchaj i sprawdź.
R U B B E R W R desk dictionary sharpener
where your
Billy: Can I get my schoolbag?
Nancy: Yes. It is on the desk.
D E S K K P P A Billy:  (1) is the desk?
C A N T E E N L Nancy: In (2) 
R S I B N N Z L classroom. What do you have in your
T R A I N E R S bag?
Billy: My pencil case, pencil (3) 
2. Wskaż wyraz, który nie pasuje do reszty.
and a (4)  .
1. pencil case October calculator
2. marker pen book gym 5. 1.2 Posłuchaj rapu i uzupełnij luki (1–3).
Posłuchaj jeszcze raz i zaśpiewaj.
3. April winter December
4. school library pencil case lunchbox
3. Uzupełnij wyrazy (1–10) brakującymi What do you think is in the classroom?
literami. A calculator and some (1) – my
1. libr_ry lunch and my drink.
What’s in the (2) ? What can you see?
2. shar_ener
An English-Polish (3) – a map of
3. sch_olbag
Japan … and me!
4. class_oom
5. bo_k 6. Odpowiedz na pytania (1–2).
6. _ctober 1. What is in your schoolbag?
7. marke_ pen In my schoolbag there is a 
8. d_ctionary  .
9. ca_culator 2. What is in your lunchbox?
10. interacti_e w_ite _oard In my lunchbox there is a 
Nagranie 1.3

Lesson 2 Grammar and Listening

Kod: U5CQ6N

Unit 1.2
1. Wpisz w luki formy czasu present simple 4. Zaznacz właściwe wyrazy.
czasowników z nawiasów.
1. A: How do / does you go / goes to school?
Example: Hanna teaches (teach) English every B: I go / goes by bus.
2. A: Do / Does the bus take / takes you all
1. I (like) school.
the way to school?
2. We (watch) videos on B: Well, I also walk / walks for five
the interactive whiteboard. minutes to the bus stop, but it’s OK.
3. Jakub (go) to the 3. A: What time do /does your school start /
school library to do his homework. starts and finish / finishes?
2. Utwórz przeczenia zdań z ćw. 1 w czasie 4. B: It start /starts at 8.30, and it finish /
present simple. finishes at 3.30.
Example: Hanna doesn’t teach English every 5. A: What do / does you do / does after
day. school?
1. B:Oh, I often play / plays football with
my friends. Then, I do / does my
2. 5. Ułóż zdania i pytania z podanych wyrazów.
 Example: in / never / gym. / football / We / play / the
We never play football in the gym.
1. every / Our / us / doesn’t / teacher / day. /
 give / homework

3. 1.3Połącz pytania (1–6) z odpowiedziami
(A–F). Posłuchaj i sprawdź. 
C 1. Do you always A. Yes, it does. Do you 2. you / lunch / do / for / usually / What /
walk to school? need one? have

2. Does your B. No, they don’t.
sister read books in They usually leave 
English? home around 3 o’clock. 6. Wpisz w luki formy czasu present simple
3. Do we have C. No, I don’t. czasowników podanych w nawiasach.
English lessons every I sometimes go by bus. Example: I don’t always do (not / always / do)
Monday? my homework.
4. Does the D. No, she doesn’t,
1. Where  (you / have)
school library have but she often listens to
lunch at schooll.
English dictionaries? stories in English.
5. Do you start E. Yes. We have them 2. At our school we 
school at 8 o’clock? every Friday, too. (not / have) lessons at weekends.
6. Do students F. Yes, I do.
in the UK finish
school at 5 o’clock?

Super Grammar 1.1 Grammar Bank SB

Grammar Bank 7
go to page 84
Kod: U5FS2K Kod: U5QQ5U
Video Lesson 3 Listening and Speaking
Unit 1.3

Excuse me … Can I …?


School: Sweden vs. England

2:24 2:15

Przed obejrzeniem filmu 2. Dopasuj wyrazy z ramki do definicji (1–5).

1. warm-up Spójrz na zdjęcia (A–F) i podpisz je. calculator canteen gym

interactive whiteboard pencil case
1. a place where you can eat dinner or buy

2. an electronic device that students use

while math lessons

3. a thing in which you keep pens, pencils,
C D rubbers and rulers

4. a place where you can exercise, play

volleyball or football

5. a smart, interactive screen, teachers use

              it for presentations

W trakcie oglądania filmu
3. Obejrzyj film. Odpowiedz na pytania (1–2).
1. Who are the speakers?

              2. Where are they?

Super Vlog 1.1
Kod: U5GPA6

4. Obejrzyj film i uzupełnij zdania (1–5). 7. Przygotuj trzy dialogi, używając

Następnie napisz kto wypowiada te zdania: zdań z ramki i własnych pomysłów.

Unit 1.3
Sophie (S) czy Tina (T)? Odegrajcie dialogi w parach.
1. We start the school year in England
Can I go to the toilet?
in        .
Can I drink some water?
2. The school day usually lasts from I’m sorry I’m late. It’s alright.
9 am to         in England. Give it back to me, please.
3. Swedish students usually I’m afraid that’s wrong. Try again.
Excuse me, I don’t understand.
have lessons from 8 am
Does everybody understand?
to        .
Can someone open the window, please?
4. Swedish students       
school around mid-August. Example: A: Can I drink some water?
B: Yes, you can.
5. English students can’t eat in
the        .
5. Obejrzyj film jeszcze raz. Zdecyduj czy
zdania są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F).
1. Swedish students don’t play  T/F
hockey or rugby.
2. Floorball is similar to cricket. T/F
3. Swedish students can’t eat  T/F
in the classroom.
4. English students have lunch  T/F
in the school canteen. A: 

Po obejrzeniu filmu B: 

6. Zareaguj na zdania i pytania (1–4).

1. Finally, you’re here! It’s 8.30!

2. Can you open the window, please?

3. Can I go the toilet? Project
 Przygotujcie projekt o edukacji w Polsce.
4. Does she understand? Nagrajcie film podobny do tego, który
 obejrzeliście lub przygotujcie wpis na blogu.

Lesson 4 Reading and Writing
Unit 1.4


History, PE, art – I love every subject!

German and French are difficult languages, but English is a funny
language. It has got many funny words. Do you know what
a (1) is? It likes eating cheese, but there is also
one next to your computer. In (2) and geography
everyone uses a ruler, but there are also rulers in history – kings
and queens. And (3) ? He is one of the kings of
science, but he looks very funny, too.

1. warm-up Połącz nazwy przedmiotów 3. Dopasuj wyrazy z ramki do nazw

szkolnych (1–4) z odpowiednimi zdjęciami. przedmiotów szkolnych (1–3). Dwa wyrazy
(A–D). podano dodatkowo.
ball calculator dictionary guitar
mouse poster paints picture song
1. IT
Super Powers book trainers

Example: English dictionary, Super Powers

1. PE
2. geography 2. music
3. art
4. W każdej parze wstaw znak  przy
C poprawnej wersji zapisu.
1. japan Japan
3. maths
2. John john
3. I am happy. I m happy.
D 4. Where do where do
you live? you live
4. science
5. Uzupełnij luki odpowiednimi znakami
interpunkcyjnymi (, . ?).
1. I am happy
2. 1.4 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij go 2. What is your name
wyrazami z ramki. Posłuchaj i sprawdź. 3. It is big blue and cold.
4. Do you have a dog
mouse Einstein maths French

Nagranie 1.4
6. Przeczytaj tekst i dodaj niezbędne znaki interpunkcyjne. Brakuje ich w trzech miejscach.

Unit 1.4
I have eight subjects at school. My favourite subjects are English, history and art. My brother
likes art and geography. You see, he likes to draw things What are your favourite subjects
Do you like sport Do you like languages?

7. Przeczytaj wiadomość od Helen. Następnie uzupełnij tabelę.

Hi! My name is Helen. I live in London, in the UK. My English teacher is Mr Hudson. He is my
favourite teacher, but my favourite subject is maths. My best friend, Sarah, doesn’t like maths.
I don’t like French because it is very difficult. We don’t have French on Tuesdays – it is my
favourite weekday! What is your school day like?

Not favourite
Place of living Favourite teacher Favourite subject Favourite weekday

Helen London


8.  Uzupełnij luki (1-8) w wiadomości do przyjaciela z innego kraju. Opisz swój dzień w szkole.
Narysuj też swój portret.


My name is (1) . I live in (2)

My favourite teacher is Mr / Ms (3) .
He / She teaches (4) . My favourite subject is
(5) because (6) . I don’t like
(7) . (8) is my favourite
weekday. Do you like my week at school?

Writing tip
Przeczytaj swój tekst jeszcze kilka razy. Dzięki temu uzupełnisz ewentualne braki i poprawisz błędy.

Writing Bank SB
Writing Bank 11
go to pages 90-91 Kod: U5KQD3
Lesson 5 Grammar and Vocabulary
Unit 1.5

1. Uzupełnij luki (1–5) wyrazami z ramki. 4. E Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz właściwą

art English geography
maths music PE

Example: I love learning new languages!

My favourite subject is English.
1. Look at my new calculator! I can use it in
my favourite lesson. My favourite lesson
is .
2. I love looking at maps, and I’d like to Our school year starts in April. The school day
travel next summer. My favourite subject is (1) 8 o’clock to 3 o’clock. We have
is .
six lessons every day. Every lesson lasts
3. I’ve got some new poster paints. I can
use them every Thursday. My favourite (2) 45 minutes. At the end of the
subject is . day, we clean the classroom. On Mondays
4. I love sport. I always go swimming in and Wednesdays, boys clean the classroom,
the mornings. My favourite subject is and (3) Tuesdays and Thursdays,
girls clean the classroom. We don’t go to
5. I play my guitar for hours at weekends.
My favourite subject is . school (4) weekends or

2. Uzupełnij luki wyrazami at, in lub on. (5) the summer. What is school
Example: in the afternoon like in your country?
1. 29th April 6. Saturday
1. A. for B. from C. to
2. 3 o’clock morning
2. A. for B. from C. to
3. 2022 7. weekends
3. A. at B. in C. on
4. Tuesday 8. autumn
4. A. at B. in C. to
5. September 9. the park 5. A. at B. in C. on
3. Spójrz na zapiski Julii. Określ, czy zdania są prawdziwe (T), czy fałszywe (F).

Tuesday February 6th: Thursday February 8th: Saturday February 10th:

Visit Grandma 5-7 pm 7-8 pm – swimming class 9-12 am – Dance lesson
Wednesday February 7th: Friday February 9th: Sunday February 11th: Mum’s
Science club 8-9 am Do homework – 6-8 pm birthday: Party – 4-7 pm

1. Julia has got her science club in the evening. T/F

2. She does her homework on Friday for two hours. T/F
3. Her mum’s birthday is on February 11th. T/F
4. She starts her dance lesson at 12 o’clock. T/F
5. Her swimming class is from 6 pm – 8 pm. T/F
Super Grammar 1.2 Grammar Bank SB
Grammar Bank
Kod: U5CQN3
go to page 84 Kod: U5P8UY
Lesson 6 Vocabulary and Grammar Review

Unit 1.6
1. Zapisz trzy wyrazy w każdej kategorii. 4. Uzupełnij pytania w czasie present simple.
Example: przedmioty szkolne: biology, Stosuj Do lub Does. Odpowiedz na pytania
chemistry, maths tak, żeby mówiły prawdę o Tobie.
Example: A: Do your friends like Polish lessons?
1. coś do pisania: p ,
B: Yes, they do.
m ,
p 1. A: you often learn about famous
2. przedmioty w szkole: c , people during history lessons?
d ,w B: .
3. zajęcia językowe: P , 2. A: your English teacher use an
E ,F online dictionary?
B: .
4. miejsca w szkole: c ,
l ,g 3. A: your best friend like learning
2. Uzupełnij zdania (1–4) odpowiednią formą B: .
wyrazów w nawiasach.
4. A: your parents make you do a lot
Example: She doesn’t go (go) to school every
of homework?
day. 
B: .
Mrs Dawson always (1) 5. Dopasuj zdania (1–5) do reakcji (A–D).
(teach) us in a very interesting way.  Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo.
1. Can I go to the toilet?
Every Thursday I (2)
2. The answer is ‘17’.
(study) for the Friday maths quiz. 
3. I’m sorry I’m late.
My brother (3) (learn) 4. Does everybody understand?
French at school. They only have Spanish.  5.  
Can someone open the window,
I (4) (understand) my please?
German teacher. He speaks very fast.  A. I’m afraid that’s wrong. Try again.
B. That’s alright.
3. Uzupełnij luki wyrazami: in, on, at.
C. Yes, you can.
Example: I start my day at 7 o’clock, but not
on Saturdays or Sundays. D. Yes, of course. I can do that.

1. I have maths 8 o’clock. 6. E Uzupełnij drugie zdanie, tak aby

zachować sens zdania wyjściowego.
2. Saturday mornings I always sleep
Example: He goes for a run on Wednesdays.
in, but later, I play. EVERY
He goes for a run every Wednesday.
3. I often stay my grandma’s house.
1. She always watches TV after 6 pm.
4. the afternoons I relax, but EVENING
the evenings I watch TV. She watches TV .
2. John and Mary don’t play tennis together.
5. winter I miss the sun, but
summer I have so much fun. Mary tennis with John.

Vocabulary and Grammar Review SB Grammar Bank 13

go to pages 16–17 go to page 84
Lesson 7 Review
Unit 1.7

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Uzupełnij wyrazy brakującymi literami. 4. Wybierz właściwe reakcje (A–B).
1. My grandpa’s got an old Polish-English 1. Pomyliłeś się. Co powie nauczyciel?
d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, which I sometimes use. A. Does everyone understand?.
2. There is a new i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B. I’m afraid that’s wrong. Try again.
w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in my classroom, so all
my friends want to go to the board now. 2. Prosisz kolegę, aby oddał Ci pożyczony
3. My maths teacher always writes with a
red m _ _ _ _ _ p_ _ on the whiteboard. A. Can I use your pen, please?
B. Give it back to me, please.
4. We usually use maps in g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lessons. 3. Oferujesz koledze swoją pomoc.
2. Rozwiąż krzyżówkę i odczytaj hasło. A. Let me help you.
B. Can you help me with this?
5. Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na
2 język angielski.
3 1. My birthday is (w sierpniu)  .
4 2. (Gdzie) does your best
friend live?
3. The school library is open (od 8:00 do 13:00)
6  .
1. The third month of the year. 4. Every summer we go to England (na dwa
tygodnie)  .
2. The sixth month of the year.
5. What do you usually do (w weekend)
3. The ninth month of the year.
4. The seventh month of the year.
5. The fifth month of the year.
6. Odpowiedz na pytania (1–3) pełnymi
6. The first month of the year.
1. What time do you usually get up on
3. Uzupełnij luki poprawna formą czasowników Saturdays?
w nawiasach w czasie present simple.

My grandma (1) (live) in

Cracow. She is 65 years old, but she still
2. Who do you meet at weekends?
(2) (teach) history at school.

She (3) (not work) every day.

She (4) (go) to school on
3. What is favorite weekday and why?
Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.

She (5) (say) that all her students

(6) (know) history very well.

14 Vocabulary and Grammar Review SB Grammar Bank

go to pages 16–17 go to page 84
Super Travel 1.1

Lesson 8 Culture Schools in

Kod: U5ZB5E

1 3

Unit 1.8
The end of the world Mice and men
Year 6 students want to Be bold – give blood Students from year 5 want to
know how the world can A team of year 12 students, know more about owls. There are
end. Teachers help them with help from their art a lot of mice around the school
to create a magazine and and biology teachers, buildings. Students research
a multimedia exhibition work together with a local effective ways to reduce the
informing the public of blood bank to promote population of mice. They think
the ways in which the the idea of donating blood. that owls can help. Their next
world can end. Students They research the topic step is to design owl boxes.
research many topics, for to create informational They want to report their findings
example: global warming. materials about it. via a multimedia presentation.

F.  The team decides to make a machine

Przed obejrzeniem filmu
that tells a story.
1. Zastanów się, jak – Twoim zdaniem – G. Brian works late into the night.
powinna wyglądać idealna szkoła. H.  Students talk to their teachers about
Napisz dwa zdania na ten temat. the whole project.
lessons subjects timetable teachers
grades tests exams homework Po obejrzeniu filmu

Example: At my ideal school students can

3. Przeczytaj informacje o projektach (1–3)
w High Tech High. Wynotuj, jak uczniowie
choose what to learn about.
planują zaprezentować wyniki swojej pracy.
1. The end of

the world
2.  2. Be bold – Example: create informational
 give blood materials,
3. Mice and
W trakcie oglądania filmu men

2. Ułóż sytuacje (A–H) w kolejności,

w której pojawiają się w filmie. Obejrzyj go
jeszcze raz i sprawdź. Project
Wyobraźcie sobie, że przed Wami jest
A. Brian has problems with the machine. czterotygodniowy projekt badawczy.
B.  The project is ready and it looks Znajdźcie temat, który chcecie zgłębić,
awesome! i wypełnijcie Kartę Projektu podzieloną na
C. Everybody is happy about their work. części, w których zapiszecie: title, aim, form
of presentation, activities, dates/places,
D.  They have a month to do their
people who can help, things we need.
E. Brian’s team is a bit late in finishing.

Ab blood bank – bank krwi donate – przekazać, podarować global warming – globalne
ocieplenie interview – robić wywiad z mice (mouse) – myszy (mysz) owl – sowa 15
piece of art – dzieło sztuki prophecies from the past – przepowiednie

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