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OCR A Biology

Summary Questions
1 Metabolic activity relatively low (1); so relatively little oxygen needed or carbon dioxide produced
(1). SA : V is large (1); so diffusion distances small (1).
2 Large SA for exchange to overcome limitations of SA : V ratio of larger organisms (1); thin layers so
distances substances have to diffuse short, making the process fast and efficient (1); good blood
supply so substances constantly delivered to and removed from exchange surface which maintains
steep concentration gradient for diffusion (1); ventilation (for gaseous systems) maintains
concentration gradients and makes process more efficient (1).
3 Radius 2 au = 3:2 Radius 6 au = 1:2
(1 for correct ratio, 1 for correct workings in each case)
The SA : V ratio of smaller animal is three times bigger than that of larger animal, this illustrates how
the SA : V ratios of larger animals are much smaller than those of smaller animals (1); as a result they
need specialised exchange systems to get enough oxygen in, or carbon dioxide out of the system (1).

Attacking asthma
1 Give immediate relief from symptoms (1); attach to receptors on membranes of smooth muscle cells
(1); relax smooth muscles (1); dilate airways (1).
2 Steroids taken every day (1); reduce sensitivity of lining of airways to asthma triggers (1); reduce
likelihood of an attack (1).

The first breath

1 Before first breath tissue has never been extended (1); drawing air in baby has to overcome the
elastic recoil of the lungs (1); and the adhesion of the surfaces (1); 15–20 times more effort than next
breath (1); lung surfactant stops alveoli collapsing and surfaces sticking together (1); means
subsequent breaths easier (1).

Summary Questions
1 a Nose: large SA with good blood supply warms the air to body temperature (1); hairy lining
secretes mucus which traps dust and bacteria, protecting delicate lung tissue from irritation and
infection (1); moist surfaces increase humidity of incoming air, reducing evaporation from exchange
surfaces (1); produces air at similar temperature and humidity to air already in lungs (1). (max 3)
b Trachea: wide tube, supported by incomplete rings of strong, flexible cartilage that stop tube
collapsing (1); rings incomplete so food moves easily down oesophagus behind trachea (1); lined with
ciliated epithelium with goblet cells between epithelial cells (1); goblet cells secrete mucus to trap dust
and bacteria (1); cilia beat and move mucus and trapped particles away from lungs to throat to be
swallowed and digested. (max 3)
c Bronchioles: Small tubes spreading into both lungs (1); the smaller bronchioles (diameter 1mm or
less) have no cartilage rings. The walls contain smooth muscle which contracts to close up
bronchioles and relaxes to dilate them, changing the amount of air entering the lungs (1); lined with
thin layer of flattened epithelium, making some gaseous exchange possible (1). (max 3)
2 a large SA of ~50–75 m for gaseous exchange (1); thin layers so short diffusion distances (1); good
blood supply with large capillary network supplying alveoli bringing carbon dioxide and picking up
oxygen, maintains steep concentration gradient for carbon dioxide and oxygen between air in alveoli
and blood in capillaries (1); good ventilation as breathing moves air in and out of alveoli, helping
maintain steep diffusion gradients for oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood and air in lungs (1).
b Alveolar structure breaks down giving air sacs with much bigger radii (1); this reduces surface to
volume ratio which makes them much less effective for gaseous exchange (1), e.g., (Students can
choose any radius they like – it will have a noticeable effect)
3 Trachea lined with ciliated epithelium with goblet cells that secrete mucus (1); mucus traps dust and
bacteria (1); cilia beat to move mucus and trapped particles away from lungs to throat to be
swallowed and digested (1); in smokers cilia anaesthetised so do not beat (1); mucus with its load of
bacteria and dust moves down into the lungs (1); more pathogens reach lungs so smokers more likely
to get infections of breathing system than non-smokers with active cilia (1).


© Oxford University Press 2015 This resource sheet may have been changed from the original.
OCR A Biology

Summary Questions
1 Record number of breaths for a timed period and repeat (1); calculate means of results under
different conditions (1); use spirometer to observe breathing rate (1); any other sensible suggestion.
2 Ventilation rate is tidal volume of air breathed in at each breath, multiplied by number of breaths per
minute (breathing rate) (1); units are cm3 or litres per minute.
VR = TV × bpm (1)
Oxygen uptake closely related to ventilation rate, the more air is moved into the lungs, the more
oxygen can be taken up by haemoglobin in blood (1); so as ventilation rate increases oxygen uptake
also increases (1).
3 VR = TV × BR dog under stress so pants, breathes rapidly, but breathes shallowly so although
breathing rate increases tidal volume falls (1); so the ventilation rate stays the same (1).
4 a VR = TV × BR (1) so VR/BR = TV (1); TV = 45000/30 = 1500 cm . (2)
Normal TV = 500 cm . (1) So during strenuous exercise it is 3 × higher (1)
b VR = TV × BR (1); so with infection VR = 300 × 25 = 7500 (2)
Normal 500 × 18 = 9000 (1)
9000 – 7500 = 1500 (1)
1500/9000 × 100 = 16.7% fall in ventilation rate (1)

Discontinuous gas exchange cycles in insects
Look for thought and ingenuity on the part of the student along with recognition of the difficulties in
these types of investigation and the need for safe and ethical handling of insects (up to 5 marks for
each experiment suggested).

Dissecting, examining, and drawing gaseous exchange systems

1 Easy to make alterations and corrections (1); won’t run if it gets damp/splashed (1)
2 For each diagram give marks for use of pencil; size; accuracy; and quality of drawing; accuracy of

The histology of exchange surfaces

1 For each diagram give marks for use of pencil, size, accuracy, and quality of drawing, accuracy of
labelling (3).
2 Show up more detail than can be seen with the naked eye (1); can use stains to show up specific
aspects of tissues or organs (1).

Summary Questions
1 In air gill filaments all stick together (1); SA for gas exchange is greatly reduced and so fish dies
from lack of oxygen (1).
2 Table should compare key differences between humans, insects, and bony fish. For example the
main organ of gaseous exchange, entry into exchange system, main site of gaseous exchange, and
how ventilation occurs (5 marks).
3 Fluid towards end of tracheole limits penetration of air for diffusion (1); when energy demands high
lactic acid build up in tissues, water moves out of tracheoles by osmosis, exposing more surface area
for gaseous exchange (1); tracheal system can be mechanically ventilated with air actively pumped
into system by muscular pumping movements of thorax and/or the abdomen (1);movements change
volume of body, changing pressure in tracheae and tracheoles so air drawn into trachea and
tracheoles, or forced out, as pressure changes, making gaseous exchange more efficient (1). Some
very active insects have collapsible enlarged tracheae or air sacs which act as air reservoirs, used to
increase amount of air moved through gas exchange system (1); they are usually inflated and
deflated by ventilating movements of thorax and abdomen (1). (max 6)
4 Gills have large stacks of gill filaments carrying gill lamellae that have large surface area (1); good
blood supply (1); and thin layers (1); needed for successful gaseous exchange. Constant flow of water
maintained over gills so best possible diffusion gradient for the respiratory gases (1); tips of gill
filaments overlap – increasing resistance to flow of water, slowing it down for more effective gaseous
exchange (1); water and blood flow in opposite directions. Countercurrent exchange system
maximises the potential exchange of gases (1). An annotated diagram/diagrams to make any or all of
these points would be acceptable.

© Oxford University Press 2015 This resource sheet may have been changed from the original.

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