Ootd Preferences Simple Contra Trendy and The Level of Self-Confidence of Grade 12 Students in Miinhs

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Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

OOTD Preferences Simple Contra Trendy and the Level

of Confidence of Grade 12 student
of Munting Ilog Integrated
National High School

A research study
Presented to
Munting Ilog Integrated National High School
Munting Ilog, Silang, Cavite

In partial of Fullfillment of the Requirements of the Subject Inquiry,

Investigation and Immersion

Ramos, Christian O.
Rosal, Berenice B.
Regis, Laurence Andrei B.
Verana, Jayvhee R.
JUNE 2023
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite


We would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation

to all those who have supported and guided me throughout the course of this research project during

my high school journey. Without their assistance, this research would not have been possible.

First and foremost, We would like to thank my 3i’s teacher, Mrs. Lucita M. Bella, for her

continuous guidance, encouragement, and expertise. Her dedication and commitment to mentoring

us throughout this research process have been instrumental in shaping our understanding of the

subject matter and improving the quality of my work.

We are also deeply grateful to the teachers and faculty members of MIINHS, who provided

me with the necessary resources, guidance, and support to pursue this research project. Their

willingness to assist and share their knowledge has been invaluable in broadening our horizons and

fostering our passion for research.

We would like to extend our appreciation to our fellow classmates and friends, who have

provided us with their unwavering support, insightful discussions, and constructive feedback. Their

encouragement have been crucial in keeping me motivated and inspired throughout this endeavor.

We would also like to acknowledge the participants of this study, who willingly

volunteered their time and efforts to contribute to this research. Their cooperation and willingness

to share their experiences have been vital in gathering valuable data and insights.

Furthermore, We are grateful to our family for their endless love, encouragement, and

belief in our abilities. Their unwavering support and understanding have been a constant source of

motivation, and I am deeply thankful for their presence in our life.

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Lastly, We would like to acknowledge any other individuals or organizations that have

indirectly contributed to this research paper. Their support, guidance, and contributions have played

a significant role in the successful completion of this study, and for that, I am sincerely grateful.

In conclusion, We would like to express our deepest appreciation to everyone mentioned

above, as well as anyone else who has been part of our senior high school research journey. Their

collective efforts and support have helped shape my academic growth and have been instrumental

in the successful completion of this research project.

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite


This research entitled The Ootd Preferences and the Level of Self Confidence of Grade

12 students of Munting Ilog Integrated National High School that were held in Munting Ilog

Integrated National High School with the respondents from Grade 12 students will be described

by researchers

The variables used in research are Ootd preferences that defined as acronym OOTD

stands for “outfit of the day.” This is a piece of internet slang that people will use in a caption or

hashtag when they are posting a photo of what they are wearing on a particular day and Level of

Self Confidence defined as the feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's

own abilities or qualities.

The relationship of the two varialble were descroibe by the resewarcher which can be

used as the pattern of the student if the Ootd preferences is really significant the level of self

confidence. And it can used as way of improving their self confidences. The researcher will also

determined the relationship of OOTD preferences and Level Of Self-Confidence.

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Table of Contents

Table of Contents...................................................................................................................4
Chapter I:
Conceptual Framework........................................................................................6
Statement of the Problem.....................................................................................6
Definition of Terms..............................................................................................8
Significance of the Study......................................................................................8
Scope and Delimitation.........................................................................................9
Chapter II:
Review of Related Literature....................................................................................11
Chapter III:
Research Methodology........................................................................................16
Sampling Method……………………………………………………………….16
Research Instrument.............................................................................................18
Data Collection.....................................................................................................18
Data Analysis........................................................................................................19
Chapter IV:
Results and Discussion.............................................................................................20
Summary of Findings……………………………………………………………...22
Chapter V:
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire...............................................................................25

Appendix B: Informed Consent Form................................................................26

Data Collected…………………………………………………………………27
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite


Recent scientific advancements have brought us closer to understanding the brain

chemistry underlying our deep fascination with clothing. Surprisingly, it appears that the outfits we

choose to wear can actually influence how we approach and interact with the world around us. In

a study conducted by Bernard in 2012, participants who wore white coats they believed belonged

to doctors performed better on tests compared to those wearing street clothes or those who thought

the coats were associated with artists. This heightened focus was observed only when the

participants physically wore the specific coat associated with doctors.

This research highlights the notion that selecting an outfit is skin to selecting social armor, and it

further emphasizes the power that our clothing holds over others. The study demonstrates that if

we have a strong cultural association with a particular garment, wearing it can impact our cognitive

processes. It suggests that our attire has the potential to shape how we think, perceive, and engage

with the world, further emphasizing the intricate relationship between fashion and our cognitive


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on people worldwide, including children and

adolescents. Research suggests that compared to adults, young individuals may experience more

significant and lasting adverse effects from the pandemic (Shen et al., 2020). With lockdowns and

quarantine measures in place, children and teenagers have been confined to their homes, resulting

in limited socialization opportunities. This has particularly affected teenagers, who are at a stage of
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

life marked by physical, emotional, and cognitive changes, as well as hormonal shifts, increased

independence, and peer challenges. Consequently, teenagers have been more vulnerable to declines

in their psychological well-being during the pandemic (Brittany Le Monda PhD).

To cope with the social challenges brought about by the pandemic, adolescents have turned to

digital platforms and online socialization as a means of connection. With increased reliance on

gadgets and online interactions, they have sought alternative ways to alleviate the impact of social

restrictions and maintain social connections within their society. These digital avenues have

provided a means for teenagers to engage, communicate, and find support during these challenging


Conceptual Framework


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1.1 The Conceptual Model of the Study

Figure 1 shows the direct relationship of OOTD preference and their confidence of a student. This

study aims to prove that a fashion has a really effects on a student confidence while interacting at

school and home.

Statement of the Problem

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

1. What is the OOTD (Outfit of the Day) preferences vary across different levels of self-confidence

among Grade 12 students at MIINHS?

2. To what extent does the level of self-confidence predict the level of OOTD preferences among

Grade 12 students at MIINHS?

3. Is there a significant correlation between the level of OOTD preferences and the level of self-

confidence among Grade 12 students at MIINHS?


The hypothesis formulated in this study are:

1. Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant variation in the level of OOTD preferences

across different levels of self-confidence among Grade 12 students at MIINHS.

Alternative Hypothesis (HA): There is a significant variation in the level of OOTD

preferences across different levels of self-confidence among Grade 12 students at MIINHS.

2. Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant correlation between the level of OOTD

preferences and the level of self-confidence among Grade 12 students at MIINHS.

Alternative Hypothesis (HA): There is a significant correlation between the level of OOTD

preferences and the level of self-confidence among Grade 12 students at MIINHS.

3. Null Hypothesis (H0): The level of self-confidence does not significantly predict the level

of OOTD preferences among Grade 12 students at MIINHS.

Alternative Hypothesis (HA): The level of self-confidence significantly predicts the level

of OOTD preferences among Grade 12 students at MIINHS.

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Definition of Terms

In order for the readers to fully comprehend the terms used in this research, the subsequent

terms are defined conceptually and operationally.

 Clothing - is any item worn on the body.

 Confidence - feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own

abilities or qualities.

 Fashion - a popular trend, especially in styles of dress and ornament or manners of


 Preference – described as the things that you like or make you happy

 Simple - plain, basic, or uncomplicated in form, nature, or design; without much

decoration or ornamentation.

 Style - the way an individual expresses themselves through aesthetic choices such as

their clothing, accessories, hairstyle, and the way they put an outfit together.

 Trendy - very fashionable or up to date.

Significance of the Study

Fashion has always been dominating our society. People having different fashion styles

serve different levels of self-esteem and efficiency. The main objective of this study is to know

how fashion style preferences will impact the students' confidence which will benefit the following:

This study helps the Grade 12 Students understand the effects of the various fashion style choices

they utilize or wear. Today's students typically alter their attire by the fashion they observe, which

has led to a variety of styles emerging in this small society. While some teenagers commit to follow
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

the latest fashions, others simply stick to wearing what they seem appropriate. As a result, this study

looks for the additional influencing element on self-confidence of Grade 12 Students.

The importance of this for fellow students is that they can join the current fashion trend and they

can also do what they want in fashion style. It will also make people feel at ease and increase

confident at school and home. It also influences how people perceive themselves to be good and

comfortable with their appearance. In addition to making you more presentable, a great fashion

sense has a positive effect on your self-esteem.

This study will tend to help small or big groups of students, by making them feel

comfortable and boosting their confidence. It will imply a good impact as they will become more

confident in themselves and this may result in better performance not just in school but also in a

regular setting. Furthermore, this can certainly inspire other students and lead to the unification of

each group that shares a common interest in a particular fashion style. This means it will also

affect their psychological well-being in a good way, which is important for every student.

To the community, this study aims to help them in terms of finding their comfort

style so as to develop one's confidence and spread awareness about how they could improve the

way they perceive themselves. This will also help them to develop their fashion choices that will

mostly suit them as preferred to the study. In addition, this will enable the community to be aware

of the fashion trend that dominates their outfit preferences.

This study gives upcoming researchers a clearer idea of how the subject will develop and

makes it easier for them to understand it. This paper offers several directions for additional

research, making it a valuable resource for individuals preparing to discuss a related subject in the

near future.

Scope and Delimitation

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite


OF CONFIDENCE OF GRADE 12 STUDENTS OF MIINHS will focus on how the fashion style

affects the MIINHS-Grade 12 students' to the level of confidence. Furthermore, this study will also

aim on what is the attitude and behavior of the students as they interact to their peers including their

classmates and teachers.

First, the researchers will conduct a face-to-face survey by printing the questions or through

online questionnaires about students ’preferences about the fashion style nowadays and what's the

impact their OOTD to their confidence and what are the advantages and disadvantages and what

are the benefits they get from it.

Second, in this study, the respondents will be Munting Ilog Intergrated National Highschool

Senior High School Students. The total number of respondents will be 231 students across all

strands, as determined by the heads of all Grade 12 departments.

The researchers plan to use the convenience sampling method in order to find respondents

in the questionnaires to be given. Only a certain number of students per section is required to answer

the form.

Lastly, there will be an allotted time of about one week in the data gathering process,

starting the third week of April. The overall research study is expected to finish around the last

week of march to first week of May.

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite


The purpose of this literature review is to provide the readers not only the general overview

of this study but also to disseminate information that further supports this paper. With regards to

the relevance of this topic, it is the fashion of one's student can affect their confidence inside of the

school. However, this is an already existing topic even before, both in and out of the country, thus

the researchers will present preceding studies related to it. The first part of this chapter gives a

theoretical basis related to the study. Next, pre-existing studies will be given along with their

abstract that are connected to the variables and the whole study itself. The conceptual framework

and hypotheses will be provided as well to show the variables’ relationship all throughout the study.

Finally, the definition of terms is located at the last part which will serve as a guide for some terms

used in this research.

Enclothed cognition is a field of research that examines how people think with both their

bodies and thoughts. It also depicts the consistent impact clothing has on a person's psychological

functioning. This theory alone is part of a bigger one which is Embodied Cognition where it has

been demonstrated that our mental processes built on physical occurrences that set off associated

abstract concepts, including those produced by the objects we wear.

The researchers aim to demonstrate with this theory that one's choice of dress style does

alter their level of self-confidence and that it has somehow become more relevant in modern
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

society. Authors Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky introduce the term to describe the systematic

impact that clothing has on a person's psychological functioning. The researchers would make

connections between this and the young, in particular the Grade 12 students, and use this to study

their behavior and response.

Self-confidence was conceptualized and a multidimensional measure, the Personal

Evaluation Inventory, was developed which assesses college students' confidence in six areas most

important to them. The measure's psychometric properties and relationships with other personality

attributes were described. Three studies exploring behavioral correlates of confidence demonstrated

the following: People's expressed self-confidence is consistent with others' appraisals of their

confidence; when given a choice between two activities, people choose the one on which their

confidence is higher; and less confident people perceive their futures, although not those of other

people, less favorably than highly confident people. The importance of distinguishing and assessing

both domain-specific and general confidence is discussed ( Shrauger & Schohn, 1995).

"The WEAR scale: Developing a measure of the social acceptability of a wearable device".

The factors affecting the social acceptability of wearable devices are not well understood, yet they

have a strong influence on whether a new wearable succeeds or fails. Factors uniquely affecting

wearable acceptability as compared to other technology include manners, moral codes, the

symbolic communication of dress, habits of dress, fashion, context of use, form, and aesthetics

(Kelly & Gilbert , 2016).

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

"The effect of teachers’ dress on students’ attitude and students’ learning: Higher

education view". Dress which has had the influences on the perceptions of viewers whether

students or outsiders, is more than just a wearing. At first instance, the outlook imposes a very

positive expectation subjective to the likeliness and behavior pattern of the students. A positive

impression ultimately imposes a positive atmosphere of learning toward the students’ mind. How

the dress usually influences the learning of students depending on students’ attitude is the prime

concern of this study. (Abul Kashem , 2019)

"Self confidence, and the ability to influence" This article examines whether individuals

achieve greater interpersonal influence in peer groups, particularly related to purchasing, when

they have greater social self confidence. Literature in this area has only considered the negative

effects of low social self confidence on interpersonal influence, neglecting potential positive

effects of positive self confidence. In our first study we survey a general US sample and find that

greater perceived interpersonal influence is felt by those with greater social self confidence. In

our second study we demonstrate through a field experiment that those with greater social self

confidence influence the actual purchase decisions of their peers to a much greater extent than

those with less social self confidence. The results demonstrate that greater levels of social self

confidence lead a person to act as a de-facto leader, with peers following their purchasing

behaviour as a consequence of the influence they exert. (Greenacre, Ngo Manh Tung, &

Chapman, 2014).
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

According Alisha Legere and Jiyun Kang the role of self-concept in shaping sustainable

consumption: A model of slow fashion. To address environmental and social concerns, the slow

fashion model has arisen not as merely the antithesis of fast fashion but a holistic philosophy that

seeks to change the modes of production and consumption. Grounded by self-concept theory, we

proposed a comprehensive model of slow fashion that depicts the effects of moral self-identity

and proximity of clothing to self on behavioral intentions toward slow fashion, with perceived

self-enhancement benefits as mediators. The model was tested by latent variable modeling and

indirect effect tests with survey data collected from 364 nationwide consumers in the U.S. The

results showed that symbolized moral identity, but not internalized moral identity, had directly

affected perceived self-enhancement benefits and behavioral intentions. Proximity of clothing to

self positively affected behavioral intentions, but the effects were only indirect and mediated by

perceived self-enhancement benefits. Our research contributes to a deeper understanding of self-

concept in shaping decisions and behaviors related to slow fashion, which in turn provides

practical implications into how to inspire a more sustainable way of production and consumption.
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Senior High School Student’s Fashion Preference towards Wearing of School Uniform

(SHS San Mateo Campus, 2020) the function of the school uniform is to represent the role of

student and also restrict the scope of action for the student. Many students wear school uniforms

for the most of their daily lives. So, the school uniform is very important for the students during

schooldays. But somehow, some students have their own preference on how they should wear

their school uniforms. According to the American Academic Pediatric (2019), 4 out of 5 students

are really into fashion and they tend to choose items that are fashionable. In the Philippines,

fashion is overrated, Facebook, Instagram and twitter are some of social media platform that are

being used by the Filipino teens. #OOTD is the popular hashtag used in fashion context for

someone to indicate to other what they are wearing or have worn. Artist like Vice Ganda portrays

a look of being a fashionista. Many teenager or students are inspired to imitate the way they look

that made them have their own fashion preference. Here in San Mateo Vocational and Industrial

High School, some students were not able to wear their uniform properly because they have their

own fashion preference like for example, some girls prefer above the knee skirts than lower the

knee and some boys prefer fitted pants than the normal ones.

According to Saul Hellman the dressing with confidence is more than just putting on the

most recent form of fashion, it’s about liking what you’re wearing, looking balanced and feeling

confident in all circumstances. The way you dress can have a gigantic effect on your conduct,

outlook, and even identity. You will be definitely surprised to know that something as simple as

how you dress usually goes on to affect your self-confidence and attitude. Changing the way you

dress will change the way you feel. When you are well dressed and look good you will

automatically feel better. When you feel good about yourself, you are more likely to feel good

inside, treat others better, and have more energy.

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Fashion has a powerful way of boosting one’s self-confidence. Knowing your style, the

colors you look best in, and the pieces that radiate your personality and lifestyle can create a

unique ensemble that will leave you placid and fearless no matter the occasion. Fashion

transforms your self-perception. Before others can perceive and treat you a certain way, you first

perceive and treat yourself the way you deserve. And oh, how well you deserve to look and feel

good about yourself! This all begins with loving and accepting yourself without reservations. It’s

making the choice to declutter your life and leaving only that which helps you to grow happier

and more confident – your clothing preferences included. ( Battles 2020 ).

Fashion refers to the clothes that we wear and also to an item that is popular but the

popularity is usually short lived (Skov & Melchior, 2008). Clothing is used to cover and keep the

body warm, it is also used as a method of self-expression (Tombs, 2010). We wear clothes to

make us feel good, change our moods and those emotions can be understood by others (Tombs,

2010). Our choice of clothing can be used to express ourselves or enable communication of

information to others for example our nationality, social status or profession, it can serve as a way

of identifying our belongingness to a certain group (McCracken & Roth, 1989)

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite


In this study, the researchers looked for the closest study related to confidence of

a sample of a simple and trendy wearer.

In this study, the researchers looked for the closest study related to confidence of

Grade 12 students through a simple contra trendy. In addition is to motivate self-enhance,

consumers, also strive to confirm their self-views. We prepare to know the high and low

self-esteem consumers gravitate to the Grade 12 students, most of all the purpose of this

correlation studies is to discover and measure possible relationships between two or more

variables. It is correlation in the view of the fact that it seen the relationship between the

simple contra trendy and the level of confidence.

Sampling Method

The sample size of the population is set out to be the Grade 12 students enrolled in

the Munting Ilog Integrated National High School for the academic year 2022-2023. It has

a total number of 231 students in all strands.

The random sampling" strategy use to gather data.. It is a kind of probability

sampling technique in which the researchers follow these methods to select a simple

random sample: They prepare a list of all the population members initially, and then each

member is marked with a specific number. Only to ensure that it would provide the

necessary amount of data, a precise number of responders was provided.

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Only 192 sample size Grade 12 students were required to engage in the study. Only

a specific section and a single set of pupils were asked to answer willingly for each strand.

All responses were from students who was chosen base on the data we're currently studying

and none of them was forced to answer. Slovin’s formula will be used to determine the

sample size. There were a total of 231 Grade 12 students using media in Munting Ilog

Intergrated National High School. Using 3% as the marge of error, the sample size is 192.

To determine the sample size per section, the formula below will be used:

𝑛(𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒/𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑥= 𝑁
where: x=sample size/section

n=computed sample size

N=population size

Using the above formula, the sample frame was determined as shown in the table below

Table 3.1: Sample Size

Section Population Size Sample Size

Emerald 14 12
Garnett 13 11
Pearl 31 26
Sapphire 41 34
Amethyst 44 36
Diamond 48 40
Jade 40 33
Total 231 192
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Research Instrument

The instrument that this study will use the following;

Self Confidence in OOTD’S

This research instrument will determine the Grade 12 self-confidence and their

OOTD preferences. The researcher will also determine what they experiences when they wear their

ootds by doing the Likert scale questionnaire survey. Each scale has an equivalent scores.

The researcher listed 15 close-ended question that will be answered by a Likert scale. The

researcher will determine if the respondent the score in the table score interpretation.

Table 3.2: Score interpretation

Weight Scores Total Response Scale Description
5 4.00-5.00 67.50-75 Always Very High
4 3.50-4.49 52.50-67.49 Usually High
3 2.50-3-49 37.50-52.49 Often Average
2 1.50-2.49 22.50-37.49 Sometimes Low
1 1.00-1.49 15-22.49 Rarely Very low

Data collection

The data was acquired using the interpretations of Fashion preferences and self-confidence.

We have 192 students who wear clothes will serve as our respondents. The researcher employed

the survey technique. We chose the survey method because it makes it possible to standardize and

uniformly ask questions and approach subjects, making it much simpler to compare and contrast

responses by respondent group. It also ensures more reliability than some other techniques. In

administering the Self confidence in OOTDS and 15 close ended-question, the researcher asked

permission from the school authorities or head to conduct the study. Upon approval, the researcher

made an informed consent to the respective teachers for scheduling of data gathering.

To ensure protection of rights of the respondents, the researcher asked them to accomplish

informed consent. The researcher assured the respondents that their identity will not be publicly
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

revealed and will not be mentioned in the paper. Their names were not also be divulged in any part

of the paper. Their answers to the questionnaire were presented and analyzed in summary.

Moreover, the researcher told the respondents that in the event they will feel uncomfortable in

answering the questionnaire, they can withdraw anytime without any pressure from the researcher.

The researcher personally distributed the anonymous questionnaires on individual pieces

of paper. The respondents handed the questionnaires again with their informed consent during

retrieval. The researcher distributed questionnaire on Tuesday April 24, 2023 in the morning to

allow the students enough time to answer during their vacant time. From May 04, 2023 the

researcher retrieved the questionnaires. Data gathering was undertaken in a 2 weeks period.

Data were tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis. Data were presented in tables and


Data Analysis

The Microsoft Excel was used to describe the Fashion preferences and Self-confidence of

Grade 12 students in MIINHS.

To determine the correlation between Fashion preferences and Self-confidence, Microsoft

Excel was used.

The following statistical treatment was used in analyzing the data:


To determine the mean, the formula was used:

∑ 𝑓𝑥
𝑥̅ = 𝑛

Where :

𝑥̅ = mean

X = the value x
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

f = frequency

∑ 𝑓𝑥 = sum of frequencies and the value of x

n = total number of cases

Pearson r

It was used to correlate the relationship of OOTD Preferences And Level Of self-

confidence of Grade 12 students in MIINHS.

Where :

r = correlation between x and y

∑ 𝑥 = sum of x

∑ 𝑦 = sum of product of x and y

n = number of cases

∑ 𝑥 2 = sum of squared x score

∑ 𝑦 2 = sum of squared y score

Testing the Significant of r

The pearson r was tested to determine its true significance.

√1 − 𝑟

Where :

r = correlation

n = sample size
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite


This chapter shows the results of the survey and the data gathered. Table

4.1 shows results of the survey hat described the self-confidence of the student in

their ootds preferences.

Table 4.1 Level of OOTD Preferences and Level of Self-Confidence of Grade 12 Students in

LEVEL OF SELF- 49 12.79

The results of the analysis indicate that Grade 12 students at MIINHS have an average

OOTD (Outfit of the Day) preference level of 3.14, which is considered average. This required

that these students tend to prefer simpler outfits over trendy ones. The standard deviation of 1.23

indicates that approximately 89.065% of the population are simple wearers, while 10.35% are

trendy wearers. On the other hand, the level of self-confidence among the students has an average

score of 49 (or 48.95), which falls within the category of average confidence. However, the

standard deviation of 12.79 indicates a very low level of self-confidence. This required that

regardless of whether they are wearing simple or trendy clothes, the students do not based there

confidence in what their wearing. Therefore, the findings required that the Grade 12 students at

MIINHS have an average preference for simple outfits and an average level of self-confidence.

However, the low standard deviation in self-confidence indicates that many students experience
Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

very low levels of confidence in their clothing choices, irrespective of whether they choose

simple or trendy attire.

Table 4.2 : Shows the correlation of OOTD Preferences and Level of Self-confidence of Grade 12

students in MIINHS.

Pearson r
Bar 1 : 1.23

Bar 2 : 12.79

n = 192

r = 0.05 Neglible Correlation

Testing the Significance of r

Two tailed

: z-test

∞ = 0.05

Critical Value of z : 1.64

Computed z value = 1.96

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Based on the Table 4.2, the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between the two

variables is 0.05. This indicates a negligible correlation between the variables being

studied. The correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, with 0 indicating no

correlation and values close to 1 or -1 indicating a stronger positive or negative

correlation, respectively. In this case, the correlation is very close to 0, suggesting that

there is little to no linear relationship between the variables. To test the significance of

the correlation, a two-tailed z-test is conducted. The critical value of z at a

significance level of 0.05 is 1.64. The computed z-value, which is 1.96, exceeds the

critical value. Therefore, the correlation is considered statistically significant at the

0.05 level. Therefore, the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.05 suggests a negligible

correlation between the variables. However, the statistical analysis reveals that this

correlation is statistically significant, indicating that the observed correlation is

unlikely to occur by chance.

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Summary of Findings

In summary, the findings from Table 4.1 indicate that Grade 12 students at MIINHS have

an average level of 3.14 in terms of OOTD (Outfit of the Day) preferences. This tend to prefer

simple outfits over trendy ones. The standard deviation of 1.23 indicates that approximately

89.065% of the students are simple wearers, while 10.35% are trendy wearers.

Regarding the level of self-confidence, the students have an average score of 49, which

falls under the category of average confidence according to the interpretation in Table 4.1. The

standard deviation of 12.79 suggests a very low level of self-confidence, indicating that students

do not feel confident in what they are wearing, regardless of whether it is a simple or trendy


Moving on to Table 4.2, it presents the correlation between OOTD Preferences and Level

of Self-confidence. The computed Pearson correlation coefficient (r) is 0.05, indicating a low

correlation between the two variables. Additionally, the computed z-test value falls within the

acceptance region, leading to the acceptance of the null hypothesis. This means that there is no

correlation between OOTD Preferences and Level of Self-confidence among Grade 12 students in

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite


This chapter shows the conclusion of the results and provided recommendations:

The last chapter of the study is Conclusion and Recommendation. In writing this Chapter.

The Researchers provide an overview of the study.

In conclusion, the findings, that Grade 12 students at MIINHS is homogenously preference

for simple outfits and an low level of self-confidence. However, the low standard deviation in self-

confidence indicates that many students experience very low levels of confidence in their clothing

choices, irrespective of whether they choose simple or trendy attire. Furthermore, the correlation

analysis reveals a negligible correlation between OOTD preferences and self-confidence. Therefore

the students' level of self-confidence is not significantly influenced by their outfit choices.


Based on the findings and implications of this study, is that whether it is somple or trendy

OOTD do you wear doesn’t define. Its based how you feel confident about yourself whetehr its

trendy,simple or anything you wear doesn’t decrease you or have rights to get down because at the

end of our life we will be six feet under.

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite



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Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Appendix B
Informed Consent

Title of study: OOTD Preferences Simple Contra Trendy and The level of Self-confidence of Grade 12 students in Munting Ilog
Intergrated National HIghschool

Researcher(s): Ramos,Christian
Regis,Laurence Andrei

Contact Number(s):

You are invited to participate in this research study. Before you decide, it is important that you know what the research is all
about and why it is being done. The main purpose of this study is to know that if the ootd preferences had an impact to the self-confidence
of Grade 12 Students . The study will require 1session(s) of answering survey questionaire. It will require 5-10 minutes for you to
complete the session(s).

The benefit(s) involved in participating in this study is/are knowing that the Grade 12 students are feeling confident enough
in theirselves.The risk(s) involved in participating in this study is/are it may result that the student may feel disencourage while taking
this. You may decline to answer any questionaire you may terminate your involvemennt at any time if you choose.

Your responses to this study will be anonymous. Please do not write any identifying information in your questionaire. Your
comments will also be anonymous. We will ensure the confidentially of your data through the process of the research. Respondent data
will be kept confidential, except in cases where the researcher is obligated to report specidic incidents.

If you have questions at any time about this study, you may contact the researcher(s), whose contact information, is(are)
provided above.

Your participation in this study is voluntary. It is up to you to dcide whether or not to take part in tjis study. If you decided
to take part in this study, you will be asked to sign this consent form. After you sign the consent form, you are still free to withdraw at
any time, and without giving any reason. If you withdraw from the study before data collection is completed, your data will be destroyed.

Republic Act 10173, also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, “does not apply to personal information processed for…
research purposes… provided, that the personal information shall be held under the confidentially and shall be used only for the declared



I have read and understand the provided information and have had the opportunity to ask question. I understand that my
participation is voluntary and I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving a reason and without cost. I understand that I will be
given a copy of this consent form. I voluntaryly agree to take part in this study.

_____________________________ _____________________________

Respondent’s Name/Signature and Date Researcher’s Name and Signature

Munting Ilog Silang, Cavite

Appendix C

Data Analysis on excel

46 3 175.2738
70 5 1.514152
35 3
43 3
75 4
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57 4
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60 1
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60 4
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52 3
45 4
34 4
45 3
64 5
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75 2
43 4
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43 5
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45 5
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56 3
35 4
34 2
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36 4
36 2
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69 4
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34 2
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65 4
24 3
63 4
28 3
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34 4
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38 2
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64 4
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71 5
63 3
52 5
35 3
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47 3
50 5
30 3
29 5
40 3
41 5
67 3
43 2
68 4
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36 3
27 4
48 2
57 5
48 4
25 2
74 1
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41 2
51 4
67 1
47 3
54 3
54 2
63 4
63 2
25 5
70 2
47 5
36 3
25 1
17 4
47 3
56 4
65 3
34 4
34 2
56 4
37 2
48 4
47 2
43 4
51 1
46 3
36 2
38 4
64 2
67 4
64 2
57 3
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20 3
48 2
46 2
51 2
47 3
68 2
56 3
46 2
48 1
32 4
57 5
36 3
74 5
67 3
43 2
25 4
37 1
46 4
47 1
36 3
59 4
69 1
42 3
49 2
43 4
55 2
64 1
71 4
46 2
47 4
38 2
47 4
53 1
25 2
68 3
9399 603
49 3.14
12.79 1.23
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46 3 175.2738
70 5 1.514152
35 3
43 3
75 4
34 2
57 4
25 1
32 5
67 1
40 3
51 2
42 5
45 4
61 1
57 5
65 2
75 3
62 5
60 1
49 5
47 1
52 4
46 5
60 1
52 3
55 2
60 4
35 2
48 5
37 1
56 3
52 3
45 4
34 4
45 3
64 5
75 2
43 4
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45 4
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45 3
45 5
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36 2
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39 1
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60 5
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55 5
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36 5
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29 5
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43 2
68 4
36 3
27 4
48 2
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57 5
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25 2
74 1
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54 3
54 2
63 4
63 2
25 5
70 2
47 5
36 3
25 1
17 4
47 3
56 4
65 3
34 4
34 2
56 4
37 2
48 4
47 2
43 4
51 1
46 3
36 2
38 4
64 2
67 4
64 2
57 3
20 3
48 2
46 2
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51 2
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46 2
48 1
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74 5
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37 1
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53 1
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68 3
9399 603
49 3.14
12.79 1.23

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