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CAMERA PANS down from the setting sun shifting the focus to a
couple of girls.

It is dusk as a pair of friends are walking along the side of

the river. MYA (aged 16 years old, short with straight blonde
hair) has come a long way to visit her long-distance best
friend LILLI (also 16 years of age, taller with long ginger
hair) who is familiar with her surroundings having lived there
for 3 years now.

CAMERA HEADSHOT of the girls moves with them following their

walk along the peer. The girls continue their unsuspecting
catch up while enjoying the scenic view that is unfolding.

*As they walk*

CAMERA PANS OUT while following the girls as they reminisce on
their shared childhood.

Mya: ” I miss having you back home.”

Lilli: “I miss being back home!” She exclaimed.

Mya: “All the girls miss you too, they want to see you!”

Lilli: “Let them know I’ll come see them soon.”

*Mya smiles and nods.*

Lilli: “There’s nothing to do in this boring town.” She


Mya: “Yeah but it’s posh!”

Lilli: “That’s the problem.”

*Lilli sighs as she looks to the ground, Mya offers a

sympathetic smile.*

Lilli: “I wish you could stay forever.”

Mya: “Yeah and what would my parents say about that?” She

CAMERA SHOOTS FROM AFAR the girls link arms as they giggle and
continue to look back on preferred times spent with each
The sun, having completely set by this time and the air
beginning to thin, doesn't put a stop to the girls catching
up; they sit side by side on the wooden walkway that overlies
the water below talking to no end.
As the conversation gradually fades into silence both girls'
focus is now solely on the river beneath their feet.
CAMERA SHOOTS FROM ABOVE highlighting the moonlight that is
flickering on the gentle ripples that mimic a calm sea.

Mya: “It's peaceful here.” She says at ease.

Lilli: “I know, dare I say it’s a favoured spot of mine; my

only spot in this displeasing town.”

*Mya rests her hand on top of Lilli’s.*

Mya: “Oh Lilli it can't be all bad.”

Lilli: “No but it is.”

CAMERA SHOOTS FROM AFAR revealing the two girls sat alongside
one another while simultaneously dipping their feet into the
slow moving water.

Lilli: “I just want to come home, and back to everyone.”

Mya: “I know, I wish you could. You kn-.”

*Mya feels something brush her feet in the water below.*


*Lilli jumps up.*

Lilli: “What?! What is it?”

Mya feels in the water below in hopes to reveal the culprit,

leading her to fish out a phone thickened with seaweed and
clogged with water.

Mya: “Shit is that it? That fright for this?”

Lilli: “That's weird, pass it here.”

Mya: “Wha-.”
Lilli: “Listen, just pass it!”

Mya reluctantly hands Lilli the phone and watches as she

begins to unravel the seaweed that has managed to encaserate
the mystery device. Lilli, after achieving her quest, starts
to hurriedly turn on the phone.
CAMERA PANS OUT on the pair who are now sat cross-legged
cradling the newly found phone.

Mya: “What is with you? It’s just a phone!”

Lilli: “‘Just a phone’ is the highest extent of the excitement

I've endured in the past 3 years of living here Mya.”

Mya: “Okay if you say so.” She smirks.

Lilli: “I do.”

CAMERA SHOOTS exclusively Lilli’s face as it is lit up by the

now powered on phone.

Mya: “How does this thing even have charge?”

Lilli: “Who cares this is intriguing!”

Mya: “It’s just a phone.”

Lilli looks up to glare but before she can make her point by
way of a frown Mya apologizes for her insensitive disinterest
for Lilli’s enthusiasm towards the discovery.
CAMERA SHOOTS FROM ABOVE focusing on the phone that is barely
legible and warped from the river water that has entered its
Finally the phone stops flickering resulting in a clear view
of the lock screen.

*The girls stare at one another in disbelief.*

Mya: “What the hell? Lilli throw it away!”

*Lilli sits frozen in dismay.*

CAMERA PANS OUT on the pair's faces and then CUTS to the phone
screen that reads: “Help me.”

Mya: “I am not joking Lilli put that thing back in the


Lilli: “Okay but hold on.” She exclaims.

Mya: “Hold on for what? To be cursed?!”

Lilli: “Really Mya? I doubt an old phone has the capacity to

curse us. What if someone really needs our help?”

Mya: “Oh and the phone just washed up at our feet? That’s
convenient isn’t it?”

*Lilli gets up and walks the opposite direction in


Mya: “Okay wait! Don’t leave me here.”

Lilli ignores Mya’s plea and continues her walk down the path
while her eyes remain fixated on the recently discovered
CAMERA PANS OUT as the pair walk single file towards the end
of the walk way.

Mya: “I said don't walk off!” She yells.

Lilli doesn't acknowledge her friend's attempts to catch up

with her, and instead paces hurriedly around the decking.
Mya: “Come back!”

Lilli’s almost trance-like state is then broken by a splash

heard behind her. The pair share a scream and begin to run to
each other's aid.

Lilli: “What the hell was that?”

The friend's eyes glaze at the river below following the

CAMERA SHOOTS FROM ABOVE leaving the girls in frame with the
open body of water which calls attention to the middle of the
river that appears to be moving at a quicker rate than its

Mya: “This is creepy.”

All of a sudden the girl's preoccupied view is interrupted by

a hand that emerges from said river. The two screech in horror
as the unidentified arm beckons them in closer.

Mya: “Run!”

*Lilli remains stationary out of shock.*

Mya: “I’m not joking, run!” She grabs Lilli’s hand and starts
racing down the decking.


peripheral vision blurred mimicking her tunnel vision for the
exit. The pair seek safety in the slim alley of two
neighboring buildings and exhale with relief having escaped.
Lilli then looks down at the phone that was still tight in her
grasp and instantly drops it out of fear.

Mya: “What?!” To which Lilli doesn't respond.

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