3 SignedSRB HUB ETIUM Sub GrantAgreementRIS 2020

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Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

under the RIS 2020 Program

In Belgrade, Serbia, on 1st July 2020, this Sub­Grant Agreement (the “Sub­Grant
Agreement”) is entered by and


On the one side,

EIT KIC Urban Mobility, S.L.U., a company incorporate under the laws of Spain with its
registered office at Barcelona, “Ca l’Alier”, c/ Pere IV, no. 362, Spain. With Tax
Identification number B­67513630 and registered in the Commercial Registry of
Barcelona, Volume 47.116, Sheet 94, Page B 541668, duly represented by Mr. Juan Carlos
Espada, in his capacity as COO (the “EIT UM”).

On the other side,

National Association for Autonomous and Electric Vehicles, as party receiving financial
support (the “Sub­Grantee 1”).

The EIT UM and the Sub­Grantees shall collectively be referred to as the “Parties” and each
one of them individually as a “Party”.


I. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology, a EU body created by the

European Union in 2008 to strengthen Europe’s ability to innovate having its
registred office in Infopark ­ Building E 1 Neumann Janos utca 1117 Budapest
Hungary (the “EIT”) and the EIT UM entered into a Framework Partnership
Agreement effective as from January 1, 2020 (the “FPA”), establishing a long term
cooperation and setting out its terms and conditions as well as the general terms
Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

and conditions and rights and obligations applicable to the specific grants that may
be awarded for specific actions under the FPA;

II. Under the terms of the FPA, the EIT UM has been awarded a specific grant for 2020
by the EIT (the “Grant”), to carry out a series of ‘KIC added value activities’ (the
“KAVAs”) in accordance with Article 2(11) of the Regulation (EC) No 294/2008, as
amended by Regulation (EU) No 1292/2013 (the “EIT Regulation”), contributing to
the integration of the knowledge triangle of higher education, research and
innovation, including the establishment, administrative and coordination activities of
the KICs, and contributing to the overall objectives of the EIT and, for this purposes,
has entered into a Specific Grant Agreement with the EIT (the “SGA”), which, among
others, allows the EIT UM to provide financial assistance to third parties for projects
and actions related to KAVAs (the “Financial Assistance to Third Parties”);

III. According to Article 13.1 of the SGA, the EIT UM must ensure that: (i) the EIT UM
obligations under Articles 41(Conflict of Interest), 42 (Confidentiality), 44 (Visibility
EU fundings) and 52 (Liability for Damages) of the FPA also apply to the Sub­
Grantees, as third party receiving financial support (the “Governance Principles”); (ii)
and that the EIT, the European Commission, the European Court of Auditors (ECA)
and the European Anti­fraud Office (OLAF) can exercise their rights under Articles 28
and 29 FPA also towards the Sub­Grantee (the “Survelliance Principles”), as third
party receiving financial support.

IV. According to Article 5.1 of the SGA, the EIT UM must ensure, among other
obligations, that the financial support to the Sub­Grantees: (i) is clearly identifiable
and verifiable, recorded in the EIT UM's accounts in accordance with the accounting
standards applicable where the EIT UM is established and with the EIT UM usual cost
accounting practices; (ii) complies with the applicable national law on taxes, labour
and social security, and; (iii) must be reasonable, justified and must comply with the
principle of sound financial management, in particular regarding economy and
efficiency (the “Eligibility Principles”).

V. The Sub­Grantees submitted a proposal to the call launched by the EIT UM on 27

March 2020 for the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (“RIS 2020 Program”) for the
activity field RIS EIT Urban Mobility Hubs projects 2020.

VI. After the review of the proposals received for the RIS 2020 Program, the EIT UM
selected and awarded a sub­grant to the Sub­Grantees, which qualifies as Financial
Assistance to Third Parties under the SGA.

Now, therefore, the Parties, mutually recognising each other’s sufficient legal capacity and
authority to execute this Sub­Grant Agreement, agree to enter into this Sub­Grant Agreement
pursuant to the following;
Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program


Article 1: Purpose

The purpose of this Sub­Grant Agreement is to lay down the contractual arrangements
between the Parties regarding the Financial Assistance to Third Parties to the Sub­Grantee
of € 50.000,00 (the “Sub­Grant”) under the RIS 2020 Program.

Article 2: Entry into force, duration and termination

2.1. Entry into force

This Sub­Grant Agreement shall have effect from the date referenced in its heading (the
“Effective Date”).

2.2. Duration and termination

The Sub­Grant Agreement shall be in force until the Parties have discharged in full their
obligations under this Sub­Grant Agreement and not later than 31 st December 2020.
However, this Sub­Grant Agreement may be terminated in accordance with the terms
provided for herein.

Article 3: Responsibilities of the Sub­Grantee

3.1. General Principles

The Sub­Grantees undertake to:

(i) comply with the milestones, budget plan and all the conditions included in Annex
I to the Sub­Grant Agreement;

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

(ii) Co­operate with the EIT UM to provide all information as is required and, for this
purpose, at the request of the EIT UM, provide as many reports, information
and/clarifications as necessary, in the form, with the contents and with the
periodicity requested by the EIT UM on the activities related to the RIS 2020
Program and the development of the awarded project. The Sub­Grantees shall
comply with the applicable guidelines issued by the EIT UM.

3.2. Sub­Grantees Obligations in relation to the FPA and SGA

3.2.1. General Obligations

The EIT UM receives funding from the EIT and some of the obligations of the EIT UM under
the FPA and the SGA have to be imposed on the Sub­Grantees by the EIT UM.

The Sub­Grantees acknowledge and expressely agree that the EIT UM obligations provided
under Articles 41, 42, 44 and 52 of the FPA are directly applicable to the Sub­Grantees, in
accordance to the rules for providing financial support to third parties included and foreseen
in Article 13 of the SGA.

Moreover, the Sub­Grantees acknowledge and agree that the EIT, Commission, the
European Court of Auditors (ECA) and the European Anti­fraud Office (OLAF) can exercise
their rights under Articles 28 and 29 of the FPA also towards the Sub­Grantees.

Annex III includes Articles 28, 29, 41, 42, 44 and 52 of the FPA and Article 13 of the SGA.

3.2.2. Breach

Failure to comply by the Sub­Grantees with any of its obligations related in Article 3.2.1.
above and/or the Governance Principles, Surveillance Principles and/or Eligibility Principles,
and/or the mil will grant the EIT UM an automatic right to request the Sub­Grantees to
return the Sub­Grant received, without prejudice to its right to claim compensation for loss
or damage.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

Moreover, in the event that a Party is in breach of its obligations under this Sub­Grant
Agreement, the non­defaulting Party will give formal notice to such Party requiring that such
breach will be remedied within 30 calendar days of such formal notice, unless such breach
cannot be remedied.

If such breach is substantial and is not remedied within that period or is not capable of
remedy, the non­defaulting Party may decide to declare the Party to be a defaulting Party and
to decide on the consequences thereof which may include termination upon notice.

Article 4: Financial provisions

Payment conditions of the Sub­Grant and Sub­Grantees’ Bank Account numbers are
attached to the present Sub­Grant Agreement as Annex II.

Article 5: Liability towards each other

5.1. Limitations of contractual liability

No Party shall be responsible to the other Party for any indirect or consequential loss or
similar damage such as, but not limited to, loss of profit, loss of revenue or loss of contracts,
provided such damage was not caused by a willful act or by a breach of confidentiality.
Each Party’s aggregate liability towards the other Party shall be limited to the amounts due
to be paid under this Sub­Grant Agreement, provided such damage was not caused by a
willful act or gross negligence.
The terms of this Sub­Grant Agreement shall not be construed to amend or limit either
Party’s statutory liability.

5.2. Damage caused to third parties

Each Party shall be solely liable for any loss, damage or injury to third parties resulting from
the performance of the said Party’s obligations by it or on its behalf under this Sub­Grant

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

5.3. Force Majeure

No Party shall be considered to be in breach of this Sub­Grant Agreement if it is prevented

from fulfilling its obligations under this Sub­Grant Agreement by Force Majeure. Each Party
will notify the other Party of any Force Majeure without undue delay.

If the consequences of Force Majeure are not overcome within 12 weeks after such
notification, either Party shall have the right to terminate this Sub­Grant Agreement upon

Article 6: Personal data

By signing this contract Sub­Grantees state that have read and agree to the data processes
implemented by EIT UM. The detailed description of data processes is available via this link:

If requested by the EIT UM the Sub­Grantees will adhere to any annexes or documents
necessary to regularize and implement the data protection policy of the EIT UM.

Article 7: Miscellaneous

7.1. Inconsistencies and severability

Should any provision of this Sub­Grant Agreement become invalid, illegal or unenforceable,
it shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Sub­Grant Agreement which
will thus remain valid and enforceable. The Parties undertake to renegotiate in good faith
the null, invalid, or unenforceable provisions and replace them with others that are valid and
enforceable and substantially have the same effect, in regard to the matter regulated by this
Sub­Grant Agreement and the purposes that the Parties aim to achieve with it.

7.2. No representation, partnership or agency

No Party shall be entitled to act or to make legally binding declarations on behalf of the
other Party. Nothing in this Sub­Grant Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a joint
Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

venture, agency, partnership, interest grouping or any other kind of formal business
grouping or entity between the Parties.

7.3. Notices and other communication

All communications and notifications to be made or attended to by the Parties under or in

relation to this Sub­Grant Agreement shall be in writing and sent by; (i) certified post; (ii) by
e­mail with recorded delivery or; (iii) telefax with acknowledgement of receipt, to the
following addresses:

Att. E­mail Address

Av. Diagonal, 211,
EIT KIC Urban bence.huba@eiturbanmobility.eu
Bence Huba Torre Glòries, 27,
Mobility, S.L. with copy to:
Barcelona, Spain
Knez Mihajlova 19,
SUB­GRANTEE 1 Radomir radomir.zikic@naev.rs
11000 Belgrade,
(Lead Partner) Zikic with copy to:

Any changes to the details contained above, must be duly and promptly notified by the other

7.4. Assignment and amendments

No rights or obligations of the Parties arising from this Sub­Grant Agreement may be
assigned or transferred, in whole or in part, to any third party without the other Parties’
prior written consent.
No change or addition to this Sub­Grant Agreement will be valid or enforceable if not made in
writing and signed by the Parties.

7.5. Mandatory national law

Nothing in this Sub­Grant Agreement shall be deemed to require a Party to breach any
mandatory statutory law under which the Party is operating.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

7.6. Language

This Sub­Grant Agreement is drawn up in English, which language shall govern all
documents, notices, meetings, arbitral proceedings and processes relative thereto.

7.7. Applicable law and Jurisdiction

The Agreement shall be governed by, and be construed in accordance with the laws of Spain.

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this contract, or the
breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be referred to the Courts of the city of
And, in witness of thereof, Parties sign this Agreement at the place and date indicated in the

Date: 31 August 2020.

_______________________________ ____________________
EIT KIC Urban Mobility, S.L.U. (EIT UM) National Association for Autonomous and
Mr. Juan Carlos Espada, Electric Vehicles
COO Ivan Vulovic, President of the Board

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

Annex I ­ milestones, budget plan and conditions

No. Milestone title & short description Means of verification
achievement date

Contract and annexes are

1 Contract signature 31 August 2020 dully completed and
signed by all parties.
Education/training programs prepared,
and Stakeholders mapped along with Milestone approved by the
2 31 October
Technical and Financial Progress Report for EIT UM Thematic Director
first quarter Q1
Approval of the final
3 Final financial Reporting 1 February 2021 financial Report by EIT
Table 1. List of Milestones

Budget Plan
Lead Partner: National Association for Autonomous and Electric Vehicles

Cost item Cost description Cost category Amount

A Personnel Stuff cost Direct cost 16,000.00

C1 Subgranting Travel costs related to project Direct cost 5,000.00


D3 Cost of Costs for the realisation of WP3 (also Direct cost 29,000.00
other goods specified in activity template excel
and services spreadsheet), including event organisation
costs, central marketing costs, trainers and

E Indirect costs Indirect costs linked to direct costs Indirect costs 12,500.00
Table 2. Budget Plan – Lead Partner

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

Eligibility conditions
Only costs accrued from 1st July to 31st December 2020 will be eligible.

Annex II
Payment Conditions and Bank Account

I. Payment Schedule: the financial support granted to the Sub­Grantee is provided as


a. Fifty per cent (50%) shall be released once milestone 1 as stated in Annex I has
been achieved;

b. Forty per cent (40%) shall be released once milestone 2 as stated in Annex I
has been achieved;

c. Ten per cent (10%) shall be released after EIT approval of the overall Business
Plan as stated in milestone 3 in Annex I.

Subgrantee 1

Sub­Grantee’s Bank Account

Account­holder: National
Association for Autonomous and
Electric Vehicles
IBAN: RS35275001022564987675
Bank: OTP bank Srbija AD Beograd

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

Annex III – FPA and SGA Provisions



28.1 Checks, reviews and audits by the EIT and the Commission

28.1.1 Right to carry out checks

The EIT will — during the implementation of a specific action or afterwards — check the proper
implementation of the specific action and compliance with the obligations under the Framework Partnership
Agreement and the Specific Agreement, including assessing deliverables and reports.

For this purpose the EIT may be assisted by external persons or bodies.

The EIT may also request additional information in accordance with Article 23. The EIT may request KIC
Partners to provide such information to it directly.

Information provided must be accurate, precise and complete and in the format requested, including electronic

28.1.2 Right to carry out reviews

The EIT may — during the implementation of a specific action or afterwards — carry out reviews on the proper
implementation of the specific action (including assessment of deliverables and reports), compliance with the
obligations under the Framework Partnership Agreement and the Specific Agreement.

Reviews may be started up to two years after the payment of the balance. They will be formally notified to the
KIC LE or KIC Partner concerned and will be considered to have started on the date of the formal notification.

If the review is carried out on a third party (see Articles 15 to 22), the KIC Partner concerned must inform the
third party.

The EIT may carry out reviews directly (using its own staff) or indirectly (using external persons or bodies
appointed to do so). It will inform the KIC LE or the KIC Partner concerned of the identity of the external
persons or bodies. They have the right to object to the appointment on grounds of commercial confidentiality.

The KIC LE or KIC Partner concerned must provide — within the deadline requested — any information and
data in addition to deliverables and reports already submitted (including information on the use of resources).

The KIC LE or KIC Partner concerned may be requested to participate in meetings, including with external

For on­the­spot reviews, the KIC Partners must allow access to their sites and premises, including to external
persons or bodies, and must ensure that information requested is readily available.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

Information provided must be accurate, precise and complete and in the format requested, including electronic

On the basis of the review findings, a 'review report' will be drawn up.

The EIT will formally notify the review report to the KIC LE or KIC Partner concerned, which has 30 days to
formally notify observations ('contradictory review procedure').

Reviews (including review reports) are in English.

28.1.3 Right to carry out audits

The EIT or the Commission may — during the implementation of a specific action or afterwards — carry out
audits on the proper implementation of the specific action and compliance with the obligations under the
Framework Partnership Agreement and the Specific Agreement.

Audits may be started up to two years after the payment of the balance. They will be formally notified to the
KIC LE or KIC Partner concerned and will be considered to have started on the date of the formal notification.

If the audit is carried out on a third party (see Articles 15 to 22), the KIC Partner concerned must inform the
third party.

The EIT or the Commission may carry out audits directly (using its own staff) or indirectly (using external
persons or bodies appointed to do so). It will inform the KIC LE or the KIC Partner concerned of the identity of
the external persons or bodies. They have the right to object to the appointment on grounds of commercial

The KIC LE or the KIC Partner concerned must provide — within the deadline requested — any information
(including complete accounts, individual salary statements or other personal data) to verify compliance with
the Framework Partnership Agreement and Specific Agreements. The EIT or the Commission may request KIC
Partners to provide such information to it directly.

For on­the­spot audits, the KIC Partners must allow access to their sites and premises, including to external
persons or bodies, and must ensure that information requested is readily available.

Information provided must be accurate, precise and complete and in the format requested, including electronic

On the basis of the audit findings, a 'draft audit report' will be drawn up.

The EIT or the Commission will formally notify the draft audit report to the KIC LE or the KIC Partner concerned,
which has 30 days to formally notify observations ('contradictory audit procedure'). This period may be
extended by the EIT or the Commission in justified cases.

The 'final audit report' will take into account observations by the KIC LE or KIC Partner concerned. The report
will be formally notified to it.

Audits (including audit reports) are in English.

The EIT or the Commission may also access the KIC Partners' statutory records for the periodical assessment of
unit costs, flat­rate amounts or lump sums.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

28.2 Investigations by the European Anti­Fraud Office (OLAF)

Under Regulations No 883/20131 and No 2185/962 (and in accordance with their provisions and procedures),
the European Anti­Fraud Office (OLAF) may — at any moment during implementation of a specific action or
afterwards — carry out investigations, including on­the­spot checks and inspections, to establish whether there
has been fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity under the Framework Partnership Agreement or Specific
Agreement affecting the financial interests of the EU.

28.3 Checks and audits by the European Court of Auditors (ECA)

Under Article 287 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and Article 111 of the EIT
Financial Regulation3, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) may — at any moment during implementation of a
specific action or afterwards — carry out audits.

The ECA has the right of access for the purpose of checks and audits.

28.4 Checks, reviews, audits and investigations for international organisations

Not applicable

28.5 Consequences of findings in checks, reviews, audits and investigations —Extension of findings

28.5.1 Findings in a specific grant

Findings in checks, reviews, audits or investigations carried out in the context of a specific grant may lead to the
rejection of ineligible costs (see Article 48), reduction of the specific grant (see Article 49), recovery of undue
amounts (see Article 50) or to any of the other measures described in Section 5.

Rejection of costs or reduction of the specific grant after the payment of the balance will lead to a revised final
grant amount (see Article 4 SGA).

Findings in checks, reviews, audits or investigations may lead to a request for amendment for the modification
of Annex to the Specific Agreement (see Article 61).

Checks, reviews, audits or investigations that find systemic or recurrent errors, irregularities, fraud or breach of
obligations may also lead to consequences in other EIT, EU or Euratom grants awarded under similar conditions
(‘extension of findings from the specific grant to other grants’).

1 Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11
September 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti­Fraud Office (OLAF) and
repealing Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council
Regulation (Euratom) No 1074/1999 (OJ L 248, 18.09.2013, p. 1).

2 Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/1996 of 11 November 1996 concerning on­the­spot

checks and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European
Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities (OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2).

3 Decision of the Governing Board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) of 27
December 2013 on adopting the financial regulation for the European Institute of Innovation and

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

Moreover, findings arising from an OLAF investigation may lead to criminal prosecution under national law.

28.5.2 Findings in other grants

The EIT or the Commission may extend findings from other grants to a specific grant (‘extension of findings
from other grants to a specific grant’), if:

(a) the KIC Partner concerned is found, in other EIT, EU or Euratom grants awarded under similar
conditions, to have committed systemic or recurrent errors, irregularities, fraud or breach of
obligations that have a material impact on the specific grant and

(b) those findings are formally notified to the KIC Partner concerned — together with the list of grants
affected by the findings — no later than two years after the payment of the balance of the specific

The extension of findings may lead to the rejection of costs (see Article 48) reduction of the specific grant (see
Article 49), recovery of undue amounts (see Article 50), suspension of the action implementation (see Article
55) or termination of the specific grant (see Article 56).

28.5.3 Procedure

The EIT or the Commission will formally notify the KIC Partner concerned the systemic or recurrent errors, and
its intention to extend these audit findings together with the list of grants affected. If the findings concern eligibility of costs: the formal notification will include:

(a) an invitation to submit observations on the list of grants affected by the findings;

(b) the request to submit revised financial statements for all grants affected;

(c) the correction rate for extrapolation established by the EIT or the Commission on the basis of the
systemic or recurrent errors, to calculate the amounts to be rejected if the KIC Partner concerned:

(i) considers that the submission of revised financial statements is not possible or practicable or

(ii) does not submit revised financial statements.

The KIC Partner concerned has 90 days from receiving notification to submit observations, revised financial
statements or to propose a duly substantiated alternative correction method. This period may be extended by
the EIT or the Commission in justified cases.

The EIT or the Commission may then start a rejection procedure in accordance with Article 48, on the basis of:

- the revised financial statements, if approved;

- the proposed alternative correction method, if accepted


- the initially notified correction rate for extrapolation, if it does not receive any observations or revised
financial statements, does not accept the observations or the proposed alternative correction method
or does not approve the revised financial statements.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program If the findings concern substantial errors, irregularities or fraud or serious breach of obligations: the
formal notification will include:

(a) an invitation to submit observations on the list of grants affected by the findings and

(b) the flat­rate the EIT or the Commission intends to apply according to the principle of

The KIC Partner concerned has 90 days from receiving notification to submit observations or to propose a duly
substantiated alternative flat­rate.

The EIT may then start a reduction procedure in accordance with Article 49, on the basis of:

- the proposed alternative flat­rate, if accepted


- the initially notified flat rate, if it does not receive any observations or does not accept the
observations or the proposed alternative flat­rate.

28.6 Consequences of non­compliance

If a KIC Partner breaches any of its obligations under this Article, any insufficiently substantiated costs of
specific actions will be ineligible (see Article 5 SGA) and will be rejected (see Article 48).

Such breaches may also lead to any of the other measures described in Section 5.


29.1 Right to monitor and evaluate the KIC

The EIT or the Commission may carry out interim and final evaluations of the output, results and impact of the

Evaluations may be started during implementation of a specific action and up to five years after the payment of
the balance. The evaluation is considered to start on the date of the formal notification to the KIC LE or KIC

The EIT or the Commission may make these evaluations directly (using its own staff) or indirectly (using
external bodies or persons it has authorised to do so).

The KIC LE and KIC Partners must provide any information requested to evaluate its impact, including
information in electronic format.

29.2 Consequences of non­compliance

If a KIC Partner breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the EIT may apply the measures described in
Section 5.


Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program



29a.1 Obligation to take measures to implement the Commission Recommendation on the management
of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities

KIC Partners that are universities or other public research organisations must take measures to implement the
principles set out in Points 1 and 2 of the Code of Practice annexed to the Commission Recommendation on the
management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities.

This does not change the obligations set out in Subsubsections 2 and 3 of this Subsection.

The KIC Partners must ensure that researchers and third parties involved in the specific actions are aware of

29a.2 Consequences of non­compliance

If a KIC Partner breaches its obligations under this Article, the EIT may apply any of the measures described in
Section 5.


41.1 Obligation to avoid a conflict of interests

The KIC Partners must take all measures to prevent any situation where the impartial and objective
implementation of the specific actions is compromised for reasons involving economic interest, political or
national affinity, family or emotional ties or any other shared interest (‘conflict of interests’).

They must formally notify to the EIT without delay any situation constituting or likely to lead to a conflict of
interests and immediately take all the necessary steps to rectify this situation.

The EIT may verify that the measures taken are appropriate and may require additional measures to be taken
by a specified deadline.

41.2 Consequences of non­compliance

If a KIC Partner breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 49) and
the Specific Agreement or participation of the KIC Partner may be terminated (see Article 56).

Such breaches may also lead to any of the other measures described in Section 5.


42.1 General obligation to maintain confidentiality

During implementation of the specific action and for four years after the period set out in Article 3 SGA, the
parties must keep confidential any data, documents or other material (in any form) that is identified as
confidential at the time it is disclosed (‘confidential information’).

If a KIC Partner requests, the EIT may agree to keep such information confidential for an additional period
beyond the initial four years.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

If information has been identified as confidential only orally, it will be considered to be confidential only if this
is confirmed in writing within 15 days of the oral disclosure.

Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, they may use confidential information only to implement the
Framework Partnership Agreement or Specific Agreement.

The KIC Partners may disclose confidential information to their personnel or third parties involved in the
specific action only if they:

(a) need to know to implement the Framework Partnership Agreement or Specific Agreements and

(b) are bound by an obligation of confidentiality.

This does not change the security obligations in Article 43, which still apply.

The EIT may disclose confidential information to its staff, other EU institutions and bodies. It may disclose
confidential information to third parties, if:

(a) this is necessary to implement the Framework Partnership Agreement or Specific Agreement or
safeguard the EIT’s financial interests and

(b) the recipients of the information are bound by an obligation of confidentiality.

The confidentiality obligations no longer apply if:

(a) the disclosing party agrees to release the other party;

(b) the information was already known by the recipient or is given to him without obligation of
confidentiality by a third party that was not bound by any obligation of confidentiality;

(c) the recipient proves that the information was developed without the use of confidential information;

(d) the information becomes generally and publicly available, without breaching any confidentiality
obligation, or

(e) the disclosure of the information is required by EU or national law.

42.2 Consequences of non­compliance

If a KIC Partner breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the specific grant may be reduced (see Article

Such breaches may also lead to any of the other measures described in Section 5.


43.1 Results with a security recommendation

For security recommendations restricting disclosure or dissemination, the KIC Partners must ­ before disclosure
or dissemination to a third party (including linked third parties, such as affiliated entities) ­ inform the KIC LE
which must request written approval from the EIT.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

In case of change to the security context, the KIC Partners must inform the KIC LE which must immediately
inform the EIT and, if necessary, request for Annex 1 SGA to be amended (see Article 61).

43.2 Classified information

The KIC Partners must comply with the security classification set out in Annex 1 SGA (‘security aspect letter
(SAL)’ and ‘security classification guide (SCG)’).

Information that is classified must be treated in accordance with the security aspect letter (SAL) and Decision
No 2015/4444 — until it is declassified.
Action tasks involving classified information may not be subcontracted without prior explicit written approval
from the EIT.

In case of change to the security context, the KIC Partners must inform the KIC LE which must immediately
inform the EIT and, if necessary, request for Annex 1 SGA to be amended (see Article 61).

43.3 Activities involving dual­use goods or dangerous materials and substances

Activities involving dual­use goods or dangerous materials and substances must comply with applicable EU,
national and international law.

Before the beginning of the activity, the KIC LE must submit to the EIT (see Article 58) a copy of any export or
transfer licences required under EU, national or international law.

43.4 Consequences of non­compliance

If a KIC Partner breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the specific grant may be reduced (see Article

Such breaches may also lead to any of the other measures described in Section 5.


44.1 Communication activities by the KIC Partners

44.1.1 Obligation to promote the specific action and its results

The KIC Partners must promote the specific action and its results by providing targeted information to multiple
audiences (including the media and the public) in a strategic and effective manner.

This does not change the specific dissemination obligations in Article 35, the confidentiality obligations in
Article 42 or the security obligations in Article 43, all of which still apply.

Before engaging in a communication activity expected to have a major media impact, the KIC Partners must
inform the EIT (see Article 58).

44.1.2 Information on EIT and EU funding — Obligation and right to use the EIT KIC logo and the EU emblem

4 Commission Decision 2015/444/EC, Euratom of 13 March 2015 on the security rules for protecting
EU classified information.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

Unless the EIT requests or agrees otherwise or unless it is impossible, any communication activity related to the
specific action (including in electronic form, via social media, etc.) as well as any infrastructure, equipment and
major results funded by the specific grants must:

(a) display the EIT KIC logo as adopted by the EIT;

(b) display the EU emblem;

(c) follow the brand guidelines outlined in the EIT Community Brand Book as adopted by the EIT; and

(d) include the following text:

For communication activities: ‘This activity has received funding from the European Institute
of Innovation and Technology (EIT). This body of the European Union receives support from
the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.‘

For infrastructure, equipment and major results: ‘This [infrastructure] [equipment] [insert
type of result] is part of an activity that has received funding from the European Institute of
Innovation and Technology (EIT). This body of the European Union receives support from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.‘.

When displayed together with another logo, the EIT KIC logo and the EU emblem must have appropriate

For the purposes of their obligations under this Article, the KIC Partners may use the EIT KIC logo and the EU
emblem without prior approval from the EIT.

This does not, however, give them the right to exclusive use.

Moreover, they may not appropriate the EIT KIC logo or the EU emblem (or any similar trademark or logo),
either by registration or by any other means.

44.1.3 Disclaimer excluding EIT responsibility

Any communication activity related to the specific action must indicate that it reflects only the author's view
and that the EIT is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

44.2 Communication activities by the EIT and the Commission

44.2.1 Right to use KIC’s materials, documents or information

The EIT and the Commission may use, for its communication and dissemination activities, information relating
to the specific action, documents notably summaries for publication and public deliverables as well as any
other material, such as pictures or audio­visual material that it receives from any KIC Partner (including in
electronic form).

This does not change the confidentiality obligations in Article 42 and the security obligations in Article 43, all of
which still apply.

If the EIT’s or the Commission’s use of these materials, documents or information would risk compromising
legitimate interests, the KIC Partner concerned may request the EIT or the Commission not to use it (see Article
Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

The right to use a KIC Partner's materials, documents and information includes:

(a) use for its own purposes (in particular, making them available to persons working for the EIT, the
Commission or any other EU institution, agency or body, or institutions in EU Member States; and
copying or reproducing them in whole or in part, in unlimited numbers);

(b) distribution to the public (in particular, publication as hard copies and in electronic or digital format,
publication on the internet, as a downloadable or non­downloadable file, broadcasting by any
channel, public display or presentation, communicating through press information services, or
inclusion in widely accessible databases or indexes);

(c) editing or redrafting for communication and publicising activities (including shortening,
summarising, inserting other elements (such as meta­data, legends, other graphic, visual, audio or
text elements), extracting parts (e.g. audio or video files), dividing into parts, use in a compilation);

(d) translation;

(e) giving access in response to individual requests under Regulation No 1049/2001 , without the right
to reproduce or exploit;

(f) storage in paper, electronic or other form;

(g) archiving, in line with applicable document­management rules, and

(h) the right to authorise third parties to act on its behalf or sub­license the modes of use set out in
Points (b),(c),(d) and (f) to third parties, if needed for the communication and publicising activities of
the EIT or the Commission.

If the right of use is subject to rights of a third party (including personnel of the KIC Partner), the KIC Partner
must ensure that it complies with its obligations under the Framework Partnership Agreement and the Specific
Agreement (in particular, by obtaining the necessary approval from the third parties concerned).

Where applicable (and if provided by the KIC Partners), the EIT or the Commission will insert the following

"© ­ [year] ­ [name of the copyright owner]. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Institute
of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and the European Union (EU) under conditions."

44.3 Consequences of non­compliance

If a KIC Partner breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the specific grant may be reduced (see Article

Such breaches may also lead to any of the other measures described in Section 5.


52.1 Liability of the EIT

The EIT cannot be held liable for any damage caused to the KIC Partners or to third parties as a consequence of
implementing the Framework Partnership Agreement or a Specific Agreement, including for gross negligence.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

The EIT cannot be held liable for any damage caused by any of the KIC Partners or third parties involved in the
specific action, as a consequence of implementing the Framework Partnership Agreement or a Specific

52.2 Liability of the KIC Partners

Except in case of force majeure (see Article 57), the KIC Partners must compensate the EIT for any damage the
EIT sustains as a result of the implementation of a specific action or because a specific action was not
implemented in full compliance with the Framework Partnership Agreement or a Specific Agreement.



13.1 Rules for providing financial support to third parties

13.1.1 The KIC Partners must provide financial support in accordance with the conditions set out in Annex 1.

At a minimum, these conditions must include:

(a) the maximum amount of financial support for each third party.

The maximum amount may not exceed EUR 60 000 for each third party, unless it is necessary to
achieve the objectives of the specific action as described in Annex 1;

(b) the criteria for calculating the exact amount of the financial support;

(c) the different types of activity that qualify for financial support, on the basis of a closed list;

(d) the persons or categories of persons that may receive financial support, and

(e) the criteria for giving financial support.

The KIC Partners must ensure that the EIT, Commission, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) and the
European Anti­fraud Office (OLAF) can exercise their rights under Articles 28 and 29 FPA also towards the third
parties receiving financial support.

13.1.2 The KIC Partners must ensure that their obligations under Articles 41, 42, 44 and 52 FPA also apply to
the third parties receiving financial support.

13.2 Financial support in the form of prizes

13.2.1 The KIC Partners must provide prizes in accordance with the conditions described in Annex 1.

At a minimum, these conditions must include:

(a) the conditions for participation;

(b) the award criteria;

(c) the amount of the prize, and

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

(d) the payment arrangements.

The KIC Partners must ensure that the EIT, Commission, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) and the
European Anti­fraud Office (OLAF) can exercise their rights under Articles 28 and 29 FPA also towards the third
parties receiving a prize.

13.2.2 The KIC Partners must ensure that their obligations under Articles 41, 42, 44 and 52 FPA also apply to
the third parties receiving a prize.

13.3 Consequences of non­compliance

If a KIC Partner breaches any of its obligations under Articles 13.1.1 or 13.2.1, the costs related to the financial
support or prize will be ineligible (see Article 5) and will be rejected (see Article 48 FPA).

If a KIC Partner breaches any of its obligations under Articles 13.1.2 or 13.2.2, the specific grant may be
reduced (see Article 49 FPA).

Such breaches may also lead to any of the other measures described in Section 5 of Chapter 3 of the
Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA)

Annex IV – full description of the accepted proposals

EIT Urban Mobility –Proposal for Call for Proposals

2020 on Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS)

A short and succinct proposal is appreciated. Please use Calibri Light 10pt, standard line spaces and

1. General Information

Activity title Serbian Urban Mobility Hub

Activity Acronym SrbUM Hub

Start date 01/06/2020

End date 31/12/2020

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

Activity description for public dissemination The aim of the SrbUM Hub project is to
(max. 1.000 characters) establish a new UM Hub in Serbia. The Hub
will focus on obtaining a framework that
supports any similar UM initiative on local
and national levels through raising
awareness by organizing frequent meetings
with authorities, public and stakeholder
surveys, TV and other media appearances. It
will map the innovation potential in Serbia
through stakeholder surveys and joint
workshops. The Hub will assist stakeholders
in the search for systematic, integrated,
user­centric solutions in UM of people,
goods, and waste by finding funding
opportunities and assisting them in project
implementation. One of the aims of the Hub
will be the promotion of enhancing formal
education concerning UM. The project is
proposed by National association,
networking 15 Faculties and Institutes from
all four Serbian public Universities and with
20 high­tech SMEs, and with national
authorities and municipalities, and with
national associations from all SE EU

2. Contacts

Activity website (if applicable) www.naaev.rs

Activity Lead Partner National Association of Autonomous and

Electric Vehicles (NAAEV)

Activity Leader Radomir Zikic

Email Activity Leader radomir.zikic@naev.rs

Consortium National Association of Autonomous and

Electric Vehicles (NAAEV)

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

3. Activity overview

3.1 Activity purpose

(maximum 2.000 characters)

Please describe crisp, in the style of an elevator pitch, what the Activity intends to achieve and why.
The questions, you should handle are the followings:

• What is your activity about?

o RIS innovation (product, service, solution, policy, method, software etc.)
o RIS connected projects (to which already running BP2020 project would you
like to connect, what is your role and added value)
o RIS Hub activities (How do you handleawareness raising, local community
building, innovation, education and business creation support)
• What does it do/will it do?
• For whom (who are the target customers, users of this)?
• What will be the expected benefits for them?
• What is the development plan (short description of which outcomes and major
milestones the Activity is going to deliver in 2020)?
• What is to be expected after the Activity?
This text may be used as part of the Business Plan, or for presentations and other materials, and
should therefore be formulated in the style of an elevator pitch.

SrbUM Hub project aims to establish an Urban Mobility Hub in Serbia and to be a backbone
of local KIC. The Hub will focus on creating a framework that supports any similar UM
initiative on local and national levels through raising awareness on making urban spaces
more liveable. Following the EIT approach by connecting, educating and accelerating, this
will be achieved by organizing frequent meetings with authorities, public and stakeholder
surveys, TV and other media appearances. The innovation potential in Serbia will be
mapped through stakeholder surveys and joint workshops, and Serbian cities encouraged to
join Pan­EU City Club. Also, one of the aims of the Hub will be the promotion of enhancing
formal education concerning UM, as well as permanent assistance in fundraising and project

For whom: The Hub will network knowledge triangle (education, research, and business)
with national and local authorities, city governments and municipalities.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

Expected benefits: Citizens will benefit from healthier city environments. Indeed, citizens of
major cities in Serbia in particular in Belgrade are suffering from long­term air pollution
caused by UM. The Hub will fill the gap on a lack of systematic solutions for organized
actions that would improve the quality of life in cities enabling an easier transition to new
modalities of UM. National and local authorities would benefit from reaching inclusive,
green and prosperous cities and regions. An additional benefit from SrbUM Hub would be
an opportunity for job creation in the mobility sector.

Main outcomes:

Panel discussion on issues raised through mobility survey – moving towards solutions

Green Mobility event

Serbian UM workshop

Forum on new business opportunities

Next steps: The HUB will continuously assist stakeholders in the search for systematic,
integrated, user­centric solutions in UM of people, goods, and waste by finding EU and
national funding sources and assisting them in project implementation.

3.2 Expected outcomes and impact of activity on economy andsociety

(max 2.000 characters)

• Please state the broader impact achieved through the outputs of the activity, the extent
and kind of impact the activity has on its participants, the potential users of its outputs,
and the world at large. Impact shall be understood as any change, benefit or value
resulting from the activity. This includes intended as well as unintended effects, negative
as well as positive, and long-term as well as short-term.
• Describe recent societal and/or technological developments that make the solution you
are developing relevant and timely. Also name the relevant competitors and/or other
ongoing activities in the domain of the planned solution and explain your positioning with
respect to them.
• Explain where the idea originates from (past Activities) and justify that it is close to the
market introduction or almost ready for other large scale use.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

• Describe how your Activity specifically relates to the EIT Urban Mobility Strategic
Objectives and City Challengesand how it contributes to the EIT Urban Mobility strategic
• Explain its importance for the KIC and the urban mobility sector (e.g., a particular city
challenge), continuation or complement to another EIT or non-EIT project, etc.
• Justify how the activity will differ from existing projects (not just KAVA Activities,but also
other existing programmes outside the KIC).
• Explain what the activity intends to achieve, its objectives and scope (e.g., by using
SMART metrics - Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound). Objectives
should be linked to EIT Urban Mobility Strategic Objectives and City Challenges (see Call
for Proposals).
• Explain the customer/user needs and justify how these needs have been investigated
and will be validated.
• Describe the targeted activity output (product/service/process) and its specific
characteristics (in terms of cost, performance, efficiency, safety, environmental impact,
lifetime, etc.).
• Describe how the proposed solution will contribute to solving the problem.
• If your project is focusing on the product, please explain what the level of maturity (TRL
level) of the output will be at the end of the activity duration.
• Explain how the activity will complement existing initiatives, whether and in what form
educational aspects will be included and how it will contribute to the achievement of the
KIC targets. Specify the geographical coverage and relevance (in which cities will the
solution be tested/ implemented, which other European / Non-European cities could
benefit from it).
• For RIS projects,please indicate theimpact of your Activity on the RIS countries.

Long­term impacts of the Activity will be raised awareness, the improvement of quality of
life by introduction of efficient and safe solutions in UM of people, goods, and waste and
reduction of air and noise pollution caused by motor vehicles. These impacts will be mostly
felt in the major Serbian cities (affecting 2 out of 7 million people of total population), with
the possibility to spread to neighbouring countries and wider. Additional benefit is
economic, as the introduction of efficient and safe modes of transport will reduce
expenditures on health issues and increase investments in innovations. Short­term impacts
of the SrbUM Hub would be an opportunity for job creation in the mobility sector and a
legislative framework that supports efficient and safe modes of UM.

With the intention to become a RIS Hub, the SrbUM Hub will achieve all EIT UM Strategic
Objectives in long term. Reaching the objectives will be performed by involvement of
policymakers, educational and research institutions and business partners in creating a
supportive ecosystem that encourages KTI­driven innovative solutions and citizen
engagement in UM that could be transferred to European and global levels.

Through SrbUM Hub new stakeholders and job opportunities will appear, as the Hub will

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

create local EIT KIC. NAAEV membership in AVERE (The European Association for
Electromobility) and in Electrification Alliance Europe provides access to projects under the
various EU pre­accession and structural funds programs.

The Hub will strengthen EIT UM network and form a local KIC by mapping and interlinking
local stakeholders by KTI principles, provide them funding opportunities in UM, and strive to
achieve sustainable ecosystem for innovations in UM. It will also encourage Serbian cities to
join City Club.

There are only few Initiatives for improved UM in Serbia (SKGO and City of Belgrade SUMP)
to which the Hub is well aligned. The Hub could complement these initiatives by offering EIT
UM sustainable solutions that integrate policymakers, educational and research institutions
and businesses. It will promote enhancing formal education concerning UM. NAAEV has
offices in four Serbian major cities. The City of Čačak agreed to be a testbed if the
opportunity occurs.

The SrbUM Hub will cooperate with other RIS countries and be an example of good practice.

3.3 Workplan 2020

(max 5.000 characters)

Please describe in a condensed way the work that is planned within the KAVA for the year 2020.
Describe also the feasibility of your approach.

The description should be on a high level, listing the key aspects and success criteria.

In case of RIS Hubactivities please specify your subactivities for all the following subfields:

1. Awareness raising, info events, support of potential candidates,

2. Local community building, knowledge triangle integration, stregtheningthe local
innovation ecosystem
3. Support of local innovation activities
4. Support of local education activities
5. Support of local business creation activities

The project will be realised via 3 work packages (WP). The progress of the project will be
communicated to EIT UM by relevant reports created during the project.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

WP1: Management

The aim of this WP is to form teams from NAAEV partners that will handle specific tasks
from other WPs. Its main tasks will be:

1. Kick­off meeting to form teams from NAEEV partners. The meeting will be held at the
first week of the project.

2. Coordination of tasks will be performed on team meetings. This is a non­stop activity.

3. Writing reports

4. Writing revised program & activity plan.

WP2: Communication & Dissemination

The aim of this WP is to raise awareness on smart UM and the SrbUM Hub by organising
campaigns and info events. This WP will also serve to promote the project and EIT UM to
wider group of stakeholders and public, and citizen engagement through participation in
online surveys. Objectives will be reached through following tasks:

1. Green Mobility online campaign aims is to raise awareness and attract audience for
Online survey on mobility issues by production of SrbUM Hub website, launching
campaign on social networks (Facebook, Twitter) and promotion of future Green mobility
event. 15/07/2020. Success criterion – 2.000 people engaged through online campaign.

2. Online survey on mobility issues aimed at citizens of Serbia, will help defining local
common issues and challenges in UM that should be addressed. 15/07/2020. Success
criterion – 1.000 people reached through online campaign.

3. Panel discussion on issues raised through mobility survey will engage UM experts,
policy makers and people from industry in finding possible solutions. 01/11/2020.
Success criterion – 50 participants.

4. Green mobility event aimed towards the wide audience with the goal of raising
awareness and shifting towards alternative modes of transport. 15/12/2020. Success
criterion – 150 participants.

WP3: Local KIC building and support

The aim of this WP is to map the UM innovation landscape in Serbia, help finding (EIT UM
and/or other) funding opportunities for stakeholders and assisting them in project
implementation. The SrbUM Hub will advise the stakeholders to form teams by EIT KTI
principles (education, research, and business) to apply for funding. Objectives will be

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

reached through following tasks:

1. Green tech database of hi­tech companies, research and educational institutions with
a potential to contribute to green mobility in Serbia will be produced stemming from
Online survey on mobility issues (WP2 task 2) and online research.

2. Info sharing forum aimed to bringing together people from research, academia, and
tech companies to exchange ideas and create new business opportunities.

3.SrbUM Hub workshop will present EIT to applicants, and deal with project application.
Success criterion – 60 participants attending the workshop.

Awareness raising, info events, support of potential candidates

Awareness raising will be handled through wide Green Mobility online campaign (WP2 task
1) which will be launched on most popular social networks, and, if possible, accompanied by
TV appearances. Major info event will be the Green mobility event open for wide audience,
which will involve all organizations that promote the use of smart UM. Green mobility event
is envisaged to be interesting for both wide audience and people from industry, and it will
include presentation and testing of green mobility solutions.

Support of local innovation activities

Local innovation activities are supported through development, supervision and realization
of multidisciplinary research and investment and business projects in the field. Support is
also provided in the organization and cooperation of local and foreign experts and scientific
institutions in the design and implementation of relevant studies and projects. We plan a
SrbUM Hub workshop (WP3 task 3), which will present EIT to applicants, and deal with
project application. Success criterion – 60 participants attending the workshop.

Support of local business creation activities

Our Info sharing forum aims to bringing together people from research, academia, and tech
companies in order to exchange ideas and create new business opportunities. The Hub will
support local KIC to participate in EIT UM calls for projects, strengthening cooperation
across EIT UM network. NAAEV membership in AVERE and Electrification Alliance Europe
provides access to projects under the various EU pre­accession and structural funds
programs. Success criterion – 3 project participations in 2021 and 1 start­up created by

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

Support of local education activities

With our current and future partners from academia we will work on creating new
educational programs. Success criterion –one new course created by year 2020.

Local community building, KTI, strengthening the local innovation ecosystem

Local community building will start with online campaign (WP2 task 1), and followed by
online survey (WP2 task 2), whose analysis will be presented at panel discussion (WP2 task
3) engaging experts and policy makers. We have already approached Serbian Prime Minister
with the initiative for creation of Electromobility strategy. Previously Serbian government
adopted our “Guidelines for the development of Electromobility in the Republic of Serbia for
the period from 2019 to 2025”.

The lead organization NAAEV, an established UM promoter and R&D hub, is already formed
by KTI principles and will steer the Hub in that direction. NAAEV possesses a well­
established network of partners whose professional and production potentials are included
through the implementation of joint project activities. Through creation of a database of hi­
tech companies (WP3 task 1) with a potential to contribute to green mobility in Serbia we
will strive to grow our network even further.

3.4 Key Milestones, incl. measurable go/no go criteria where applicable

Please enter the major milestones of the activity. If possible, include clear criteria for achieving them.
For multiyear activity proposals, there should be clear milestones in the first half of 2020, to allow the
assessment of activity progress for the re­evaluation of the continuation proposal for 2021.

Code Title Description Expected

MS01 Revising program and EIT UM Evaluation of Revised program 30/07/2020
project activities and first EIT UM payment
MS02 First technical and financial Evaluation of First technical and 31/10/2020
report financial report and second EIT UM
MS03 Supporting education Education and training programs 31/10/2020

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

MS04 Local community building Stakeholders mapped and new 31/10/2020
network partners recruited
MS05 Awareness raising (ARE) Event organised 31/12/2020
and info events (IE)
MS06 Supporting innovation Identified novel innovation project 31/12/2020
MS07 Supporting Business Startups and scaleups identified and 31/12/2020
creation registered in database.
MS08 Organising local start­up Startups/scaleups identified and 31/12/2020
competition registered for competition.

3.5 Outlook beyond project funding: what will happen after the end of
(max 1.000 characters)

Please describe briefly what will happen with the results outputs of the activity after its end, how they
will be used, and any intended follow­up activities (with or without EIT Urban Mobility involvement).

We will engage all of the stakeholders and build a firm foundation for a future development
in the field of UM in Serbia. After the Activity, the Hub will continue its work by following
the EIT UM roadmap and be sustainable as it will adopt the EIT financing scheme (see EIT
UM Strategic Agenda).

The Hub will continue to:

• Support local KIC to participate in EIT UM calls for projects, strengthening

cooperation across EIT UM network.
• Seek other funding opportunities through national funding agencies (like
Innovation Fund or Science Fund) or through the lead entity’s memberships in
AVERE and Electrification Alliance Europe.
• Expand the network of stakeholders, raise awareness and help policymakers to
improve legislation, search for new UM innovative solutions, and encourage
citizen engagement.
• Actively participate in improving formal education in UM by constantly surveying
the needs of the business sector for educated human resources.
• Provide participation of Serbian major cities in City Club.
Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

The vision of the SrbUM Hub is to be not just a local, rather a regional promoter of green
UM. Thus, it will expand its activities and network to neighbouring countries.

3.6 Role of partners and team members

Provide a list of partners involved, clear description of the expertise and distinct role of each partner
and describe the complementarity between partners. Justify the selection of the lead partner.
Describe how the various partners provide access to the relevant resources and cover the relevant
steps to produce and deliver the solution to the targeted customers/users. In particular, demonstrate
strong involvement of cities and relevant industrial partner(s) as required to ensure deployment and
commercialisation of the developed solution on a broad geographical scope.

If the partner plans to sub­grant or sub­contract part of the work to an organisation outside of EIT
Urban Mobility, this should be mentioned here. In case of sub­contracting, include some indication of
the selection criteria, for sub­granting the name of the sub­grantee, if known already. Note that sub­
grants are only possible when the main value the Activity generates will be for the benefit of the sub­
grantee. Otherwise, sub­contracting is the model to be used.

Add further lines as needed.

Partner Description (partner organization) Partner Role

The lead and only partner in this Activity is Lead Beneficiary – preparation of the call,
the National Association of Autonomous and project management, media, budget,
Electric Vehicles (NAAEV). an organization communication. Events organization and
dissemination (for details refer to
which already works on projects of research,
development, and solutions for urban
mobility, as well as on the promotion of the
use of electric and autonomous vehicles and
construction of supporting e­infrastructure.
The Mission & Vision of NAAEV aligns well
with EIT UM Mission & Vision and Strategic
Objectives. NAAEV has a network of partners
in all corners of the Knowledge Triangle
(education, research, and business). NAAEV
has MoU with 15 Faculties and Institutes
from all four Serbian public Universities and

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

with 20 high­tech SMEs. NAAEV has close

collaboration with national authorities
delivering a “Guidelines for the development
of Electromobility in the Republic of Serbia
for the period from 2019 to 2025” which
was adopted by Serbian government. NAAEV
has fruitful Regional cooperation and signed
MoU with national associations from all
South East Europe countries (Bulgaria,
Romania, Greece and FYRM). NAAEV also
ratified MoU with Zalazone Cluster Hungary.
These facts make NAAEV well prepared for
prompt SrbUM Hub implementation.

Key outputs in 2020

Please enter the major outputs of the Activity in 2020. Outputs in the sense used by EIT mean:
The tangible or intangible results of an activity, e.g. the concrete technology, product, service,
method, design, concept, methodology, approach, skills and experience, etc. created by the KAVA.
Examples: new products or processes, transformation of existing products, innovative education and
training modules, new curricula and qualifications, e­learning modules, guidance material for new
approaches and methodologies, testbeds and experimental facilities, prototypes, patents,
publications, start­ups, new jobs, business models, etc.
Add further lines as needed.
Code Title Description Expected
OUT01 Revised program plan Revised program plan 30/07/2020
Technical and financial Technical and financial report for first
OUT02 31/10/2020
report quarter.
Education and training
OUT03 Education and training program 31/10/2020
Recruited new network partners. List
of stakeholders involved in individual
OUT04 Local community building 31/10/2020
consulting or mentoring or
Info day with more than 60
OUT05 Info events participants, press event organised, 31/12/2020
press release published

OUT06 Novel innovation project Project drafts 31/12/2020

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program


OUT07 Business creation List of local final participants. 31/12/2020

OUT08 Local start­up competition List of pipeline 31/12/2020

3.7 Key Deliverables in 2020

Please describe in a condensed way the work that is planned within the Activity for the year 2020 in
the table below. Describe key deliverables, corresponding major tasks, involved partners and
percentage of the total acitivity required per deliverable, and expected date of delivery. Add further
lines as needed.

Please enter the major deliverables of the activity created in 2020. Deliverables in the sense used by
EIT mean:

Documents encapsulating the outputs (see above) created by a KAVA.

Examples: comparative studies, market analysis reports, design documents, handbook and training
tools, innovative education and training module descriptions, new curricula specifications, seminar
reports, conference reports, newsletters, term sheets for newly created or supported start­ups, etc.

The deliverables specified here need to fully document the achievements of the activity. They will be
assessed by EIT HQ in Budapest as part of the performance review.

N.B.: internal KIC documents (plans and reports that support internal reporting) are part of the KIC
planning and monitoring process and should not be listed as deliverables.

Add further lines as needed.

Code Title Description Expected
DEL01 Revised program plan Revised program plan 30/07/2020
Technical and financial Technical and financial report for first
DEL02 31/10/2020
report quarter.
Education and training
DEL03 Education and training program 31/10/2020
Report on workshop, attendance
DEL04 Community building 31/10/2020
sheets, minutes, photos.

DEL05 Raising awareness and Info Report on info day with more than 60 31/12/2020
participants, press event organised,
Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

events press release published

Supporting innovation and
DEL06 novel innovation project Project drafts 31/12/2020
List of pipeline, list of mapped start­
DEL07 Business creation 31/12/2020
ups and scale­ups.
Start­ups and scale­ups Report on local final applicants and list
DEL08 31/12/2020
competition. of training program applications.

3.8 KPI targets

EIT Core KPI targets

Please choose the KPI types applicable to the Area and the activity and enter target values. As EIT
Urban Mobility is measured on a yearly cycle, it is highly desirable (and will have an influence on the
evaluation of the proposal) to have KPIs in 2020. Please also note the documentation requirements
for KPI achievements (see Annex I, column 4. KPI Explanation ­ supporting evidence).

Add further lines as needed.

Please consult Annex I for a list of the KPIs.

KPI Code KPI Title Target Value Target Value Target Value
2020 2021 2022
EITN03 # Products 1 1 2
(goods or
services) or
launched on the
EITN04 # Start­ups 1 1 1
created as a
result of
EITN05 # Start­ups 5 7 10
supported by
Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

EITN06 Investment 10k EUR 100k EUR 700k EUR
attracted by
supported by
EITN07 # Success 0 1 2
submitted to
and accepted by
EITN08.1 # External 1 3 5
participants in
EITN08.2 # External 5 7 10
participants in

EIT Urban Mobility Specific KPI targets

Please choose at least one Key Performance Indicator that is relevant for your activity. Make sure you
commit to realistic KPIs since at the reporting stage your performance will be assessed against it and
under performance might have a financial impact.
Please indicate the target value for year 2020 as well as for 2021 and 2022. The multi­annual
planning of KPIs is optional but helps the evaluators to better understand the project development
over years.
Add further lines as needed.
Please consult Annex I for a list of the KPIs.
KPI Code KPI Title Target Value Target Value Target Value
2020 2021 2022
KON03 Members of 1 2 4
City Club
KON06 Outreach events 2 3 4
KON07 Sub­grants to 3 4 5
EIT RIS country

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

KON08 Education 1 1 2
activities at EIT
RIS hubs
KON13 Annual reach of 1000 2000 3000
impressions for
EIT Urban
Mobility online
content (no. of

3.9 Risk Management

The risk categories are predefined. Risk categories are:

• External (e.g. technological, business)

• Strategic
• Operational
• Legal
• Financial
• Governance & Management
• Other

Risk impact: low, medium, high

The rest of fields are not predefined.

Add further lines as needed.

Risk Risk Title Risk Risk Impact Risk Risk Mitigation

Category Likelihood Description
Operational Covid19 High Low Planed events Online
pandemic for 2020 communication
induced could be with all
measures for impacted by interested
public current parties.
gathering situation.
Financial Financial High High The expected Search for
impact of impact of the third­party
Covid19 Covid19 funding

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

pandemic pandemic on opportunities

the world related to UM
economy is solutions in
huge. It could fighting
have impact Covid19 (and
on all sources other)
of financing pandemics.
and business

3.10 KTI Integration

(Max. 1.000 characters)

Please describe how your Activity will integrate innovation, education and business creation aspects,
e.g. by creating nuggets in innovation activities, aligning education programmes with business
creation activities, etc.

Two major courses of action of the SrbUM Hub are raising awareness (public, authorities,
academia, research and business) and formation of groups by KTI principles and finding
funding opportunities for them. The latter course of action includes mapping the innovation
landscape (DEL05), panel discussion on issues raised through mobility survey (OUT01), info
sharing forum (OUT04) and SrbUM workshop (OUT03). After mapping stakeholders (DEL05),
the Hub will present to them EIT UM and other funding opportunities (OUT03 and OUT04).
With the help of the Hub, stakeholders interested in project applications will be linked in
compatible teams consisting of education, research and business partners (OUT03 and
OUT04). Being a link between academia and business, the Hub will actively participate in
improving formal education in UM by encouraging of alignment of education programmes
with business creation activities.

The lead entity NAAEV, established R&D hub and promoter of electric and autonomous
vehicles usage and construction of supporting e­infrastructure, is led and formed by KTI
principles, having a network of partners from academia, research and business.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

4. Activity specific info

4.1 Communication &Dissemination plan

(max 1.000 characters)

Please describe the Communication & Dissemination plan, how you intend to disseminate the results
of the Activity.

Our Communication & Dissemination plan will heavily lean on corresponding EIT Urban
Mobility strategy (see EIT UM Strategic Agenda), as it is “as an essential pillar of its work”.
The Hub will be in close contact with EIT UM Communications team in order to align its
specific communication tasks with EIT UM principles. It will preserve branding coherence
with EIT UM. TheSRBUM Hub will communicate with public, authorities and stakeholders,
and disseminate its achievements through Green mobility online campaign (MS02), Mobility
online survey (MS03), panel discussion on issues raised through mobility survey (OUT01),
Green Mobility event (OUT02), Info sharing forum (OUT04), SRBUM workshop (OUT03), TV
appearances, the website, webinars and newsletters. We will also use social networks such
as Twitter and Facebook for communication and dissemination purposes. Any Activity result
that could be published as scientific article will be Open Access.

4.2 Gender and Diversity

(Max. 1.000 characters)

When relevant, please outline briefly how the activity takes into consideration the diversity
dimensions (gender, ethnicity, socio­economic status, etc.)
Where applicable, make a clear distinction in the description of diversity in the actual purpose and
outputs of the activity and/or the activity team composition and execution.

The SrbUM Hub is governed by the principle of valuing diversity and will encourage
stakeholders to use the same principle shown by supporting qualified team members
regardless of age, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or ethnic background.

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

4.3 Ethics requirements

Where a proposal contains the recruitment and/or evaluation of human volunteers, e.g. collection of
biological samples, personal data, medical interventions, interviews, observations, evaluation of
devices, tracking or the secondary use of information provided for other purposes (e.g. other
research projects, officially collected information, social media sites), it is required to include a
statement in the submission document confirming that the H2020 Programme Guidance –‘How to
complete your ethics self­assessment’ has been read and that the guidance with respect to
completion of procedures for ethics approval in your local region will be followed.

Do you confirm that the H2020 Programme Guidance –‘How to complete your ethics self­
assessment’ has been read and that the guidance with respect to completion of procedures
for ethics approval in your local region will be followed?:



For a complete overview regarding ‘Ethics’ under Horizon 2020, please consult the following website:

5. Sustainability
Describe the selected financial return mechanisms
(max 1.000 characters)

In case of
• RIS innovation: please focus on the incomes connected to the product,
• RIS Hub activities: please focus on cofinancing opportunities and potential incomes
• RIS connected projects and RIS internship:not applicable

The SrbUMHub will follow the EIT UM roadmap and be sustainable as it will adopt the EIT
financing scheme (see EIT UM Strategic Agenda). Besides EIT UM support through RIS Hub,
in short­term the Hub will be financed by membership and service and consulting fees. In
Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

long­term the Hub will use third­party funding, innovation success fees and ROI from
supported start­ups as a source of financing.

The lead entity NAAEV has now a network of partners from all corners of knowledge triangle
which pay membership fees. The third­party funding will be provided via NAAEV’s
memberships in AVERE and Electrification Alliance Europe, since these membership sallow
access to projects under the various EU pre­accession and structural funds programs, which
will provide opportunities for involvement and concrete engagement of our scientific and
professional potential, which we, as an association, pay special attention to. Additionally, via
its partners, the Hub will have access to national funds, such as Innovation Fund and Science
Fund of Republic of Serbia.

6. Budget
Please provide an estimate of the expected KAVA costs and co­funding on Activity level in the tables

6.1 KAVA Budget estimate

Add further lines as needed.

KAVA Costs 2020 Thereof: Personnel Co­funding (EUR) Co­funding ratio (%)
(EUR) costs (EUR)

62.500 16.000 12.500 20%

6.2 Expected Costs per partner

Add further lines as needed.

Partner name KAVA costs per partner Share of total Subcontracts (EUR)
(EUR) Activity KAVA costs

NAAEV 62.500 100 0

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

6.3 Budget breakdown

Year 2020 WP1­3 Total

Delivering partner NAAEV
FTE 6 months (0.5FTE) 6 months (0.5FTE)
A Personnel 16.000 16.000
B Subcontracting
C1Subgranting 5.000 5.000
C2 Prizes
D1 Travel and subsistence 0 0
D2 Depreciation
D3 Cost of other goods and 29.000 29.000
D4 Cost of Large Research
D5 Costs of internally invoiced
goods and services
E Indirect costs 12.500 12.500
F Costs of EIT labelled
Education Programmes
Total Cost 62.500 62.500

EIT funding 50.000 50.000

Co­funding 12.500 12.500

6.4 Budget Justification

Each category and budget line (A­F) should briefly be explained and verified.Maximum 1.000
characters per budget line.

Cost category Calculation and justification of the cost

FTE 6 months (0.5FTE)

Sub­Grant Agreement – RIS 2020 Program

A Personnel
6 months (0.5FTE) Management, reporting and project activities

B Subcontracting
C1Subgranting Sub­grants to EIT RIS country partners.
C2 Prizes
D1 Travel and
D2 Depreciation
D3 Cost of other Costs for the realisation of WP3 (also specified in activity template excel
goods and services spreadsheet), including event organisation costs, central marketing costs,
trainers and mentors.
D4 Cost of Large
D5 Costs of internally
invoiced goods and
E Indirect costs Programming databases and web administration, office expenses and rents
F Costs of EIT labelled


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