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- to wake up = to get up: thức giấc, thức dậy

- to rise and shine: thức dậy với tràn trề năng lượng
- to set an alarm: đặt báo thức
- to hit the hay = to hit the sack = to turn in = to go to bed: đi ngủ
- to scroll through/ surf social media: lướt mạng xã hội
- to make my bed: dọn dẹp giường ngủ
- to do some simple physical exercises: tập vài bài tập thể dục đơn giản
- to take a stroll: đi tản bộ, đi dạo
- let one’s hair down = relax = unwind = to refresh one’s mind: nghỉ ngơi
- to get my mind ready for a day: chuẩn bị tâm lý cho một ngày mới
- an early bird = a morning person: người hay thức dậy sớm
- a night owl: cú đêm/ người hay thức khuya
- to give myself plenty of time to do sth: dành nhiều thời gian cho bản
thân để làm gì đó
- to kick start your day: bắt đầu một ngày mới của bạn
- to hit the gym: đi tới phòng tập thể dục
- hectic/ busy schedule: lịch trình bận rộn
- heavy workload: lượng công việc nhiều/nặng
- to burn the midnight oil: làm việc đến khuya, làm việc muộn
- to run the deadline: hoàn thành bài
- be up to the ears with/ in: bận ngập đầu
- be under the weather: cảm thấy mệt mỏi
- to meet up with sb = hang out with sb: gặp gỡ ai đó, đi chơi vs bạn
- to clean up = to tidy up: dọn dẹp
- on a regular basis = every day = daily: hằng ngày
- to deal with = to handle with: xử lý, đối phó với (công việc, thử thách)
- spare time = free time = leisure time: thời gian rảnh
- have time to spare
- to go window shopping: đi dạo xem các cửa hàng
- to get rid of sth: loại bỏ thứ gì đó
- measure: phương pháp
- tedious = boring: tẻ nhạt
- to feel refreshed: cảm thấy sảng khoái
- to recharge my battery = to re-energise: lấy lại năng lượng
- indulge in doing sth: đắm chìm vào/ nuông chiều bản thân vào việc gì đó
- spontaneously: một cách tự phát
- achieve the work-life balance: cân bằng giữa cuộc sống và công việc
- reorganise: sắp xếp lại
- adjust to sth: điều chỉnh cái gì đó
- a myriad of sth: nhiều cái gì đó
- do wonder for (my health): tốt cho (sức khỏe)
- do harm for = have a detrimental impact on: có hại cho



1. What is the busiest part of the day for you?

Well, it seems that I am up to my ears in workloads most parts of
the day. However, as my part-time job as a private tutor usually
starts in the evening, I guess that is the busiest part of my day. Each
day, I have about 3 to 4 different classes to handle and the job only
finishes after 9pm.
Quynh: I am currently working as an intern - which is a 9 to 5 job - and I
am also a senior student - therefore - I am up to the ears in deadlines a day
Huy Vu: well - as a student - in grade 12 - which is the most important
grade/ period in student life - to me - go to school and study take a lot of
time in my day - apart from studying at school, I also join extra classes to
be well-prepared for the national test - as you may imagine - I study from
dust to dawn.
Phat: well - I am working as a student - I spend most of my time at school -
- after school - I also need to deal with a heavy load of schoolwork - So I
have to say I am always up to my ears.
Vu Le: morning bc it is the time I am at school, focus on that. My schedule is
really hectic so I have to 100% focus on it. In the evening, when I have time
to spare, I will take my mind off and enjoy myself. Prepare for the next day
Han: I am still a student - all my time is spent on studying - during the
covid pandemic - I have the most hectic schedule - give myself some time
to relax, like listening to music or watching movies.
Au: Student - up to the ear during the daytime - a lot of subjects at school
- go home at 7 - the only time I can spend for myself
2. What part of your day do you like best?
To me, I love mornings the most. A beautiful morning, full of sunlight
and fresh air, is the best start for a day. It revitalizes (hồi sinh, lấy lại
sinh lực) my energy by giving me the chance to take gentle exercise
and enjoy a brisk walk (đi bộ nhanh) in the park. I am always in
high spirits (trong trạng thái tốt) in the morning, feeling ready for a
brand new day.
Canh: to me - i love the night most - because that is my leisure time when i
play games with friends all night - Moreover - at this part of the day, I can
unwind and recharge my battery after working hard.
Phat: as a student at high school - so hectic that I am always up to my ear
- the time i like most is the nighttime - settle down - surf the net -
Quynh: To be honest - I like the evening most - because at that period of a
day, I can hang out with friends - and I also hit the gym in the evening so
as to keep fit/ stay in shape and recharge my battery after a hard day at
Tien: you know what - i spend most of my time - studying - only at night -
can i have spare time - therefore - i love this part of the day most - at that
time - read books - watch tv - as for me - a good way to tighten my family
bonds and rewind after a hard-working day.
Au: if i am being honest - i prefer night time - as a highschool student -
who is always at school from dusk to dawn from monday to friday - with
my hectic schedule, i am almost busy with my school work so i have no
time to take a break - except for the nighttime - when I can settle down
and leave my study behind.
Khanh: well/ honestly - to me - the night is one of the parts of a day that I
like best - at night - after finishing homework, I can have spare time to
relax and watch movies.
Thanh: I think I like the evening most in which I don’t have anything to do -
so I can do recreational activities - spend time for my family to tighten the
family bonds - and re-energise to prepare the next day.
Huy Vu: Well - I have to say that it is afternoon - after I return home from
the school - this is the time when I can take a short break after school and
take a quick nap to recharge my energy for evening extra classes.
Hang: to me - i love morning the most - because morning is full of sunlight
and fresh air - good to kick start off my day - although i have a busy
schedule every morning - the tranquility (sự yên bình) of the morning
make me more concentrated on my work, which helps to boost the
productivity - so morning is my most favorite time of the day.
3. Do you usually have the same routine everyday?
Yes, I do. From Monday to Friday, I will take university courses in the
morning and undertake teaching classes in the evening. Only at the
weekends, I can spare time to hang out with my friends and family
members, which without doubt breathes new life into (thổi một làn
gió mới/ làm mới) my daily rigid (cứng nhắc) routine.
Hang: yes - my daily routine is always the same - i have 2 part time jobs - I
start my day with my first part time job which is a teaching assistant - i
work until midday - after that i have a short break to re-energise for the
rest of the day - in the evening - i have the second part time job which is a
private tutor - After coming back home from work, I have to help my sister
with her homework at school - i think my daily routine is quite pressure -
but I still handle it very well - by the way - as i am busy on the weekdays, i
have more leisure time in the weekends to hang out with friends or family
to recharge my battery.
Tien: of course - yes - as a student - usually spend most if my - studying -
kick start my day - by big breakfast - attend classes - go home and
complete my homework - before hitting the hay - i give myself a small
period of time to let my hair down - by leisure activities - … - from my
perspective - having the same routine day by day like this is tedious and i
need something new to make my life more interesting.
Huy Vu: except weekends, my daily routine remains quite the same,
starting with going to school and coming back home till dawn. Extra
classes - at home. It sounds really boring, so I always look forward to
holidays so I can spend valued time with my buddies and family.
Vân Khánh: except sat and sunday, to start my day, I will wake up and do
some exercises. Then all of my time is spent at school, or the extra classes.
But on weekends, my activities will vary week to week, including joining
social clubs or playing a new sport.
Duc Duy: for me - it just a small part - not at all - for many students like me
- from Monday to Friday - I spend the daytime learning at school - the
other part of the day - depends on my schedule - some days - extra
classes - go to bed - some days - do recreational activities to blow off
some steam.
Canh: Of course yes - I always start my day with a morning exercise; after
that, I go to work and have several meetings throughout the day - after
coming home from work, I will spend time playing games with my friends
until midnight - and I truly have a blast for having time with friends.
4. What is your daily routine?
Well, as I have said in answer to the previous question, most of my
time is dedicated to (dành cho) studying and working. In the
morning, I wake up before 7am, do exercise and then have breakfast.
My classes last from 8am to 11am. After having lunch at the
university cafeteria, I take a quick nap at home before starting my
part-time job.
Canh: honestly speaking - a day of me is so boring - i just take my sister to
school and do chores - Aside from those tedious activities, the night is the
only period of the day when I have time to spare which I use to play games
with my friends until midnight.
Thanh: student - at school - 7am in the morning - 30 min prep - end at
around 4pm - relax 1 hour - spend time studying or doing homework - bed
10pm - a lot of deadline to get it done - burn midnight oil and get short
Tien: as i mentioned before, most of the day for - university students -
complete homework - exam - library → come back home late - exhausted -
relax and have leisure activities - wish to have spare time
Vũ Lê: since I am a high school student - time is dedicated to my school -
consists of going to school - after that, I go to extra classes until 7. At
weekends, Take up my hobbies like badminton, social clubs to improve my
Phat: wake and have breakfast but when I am late, I skip it. I go to school
from dusk till dawn - extra classes - no time except weekends.
5. Have you ever changed your routine?
Yes, sometimes. When I have no classes at school, I often study
IELTS at home by listening to authentic materials (đề thi thật) on
the internet or practicing speaking in front of the mirror. Besides, I
also read books and play chess whenever I have free time. However,
since I don't have flexible hours for studying and working, I rarely
have the chance to change my routine.
Huy: I am a student - change my routine often - busy at school - and the
evening is usually spent at extra classes - change my habit of eating - the
way I use my free time is flexible, as well - lot of free -> read book and play
games more than when I have many things to do
Thanh: yes - frequently - as a college student - therefore - keeping a strict
and proper daily routine - hard task - many aspects and unexpected issues
in lives that affect my mood for studying - and when i am down in the
dump, I am not willing to study - Instead - i prefer wasting whole afternoon
or evening - play video games - however - this habit actually does harm for
my mental and physical health - hence - get risk of it as soon as possible.
Au: well - for now - I haven’t changed my routine yet - as a student - who
is always up to the ears in schoolwork - Normally, i get up early at 6am
and get dressed for school - after that - i rush to school by my bicycle so
that I wouldn;t be late for it - because I am too busy with my study - it is
impossible for me to change the daily routine.
Tien: Of course yes, but just in some situations - Normally, I go to bed
before 11pm, but when the exam comes up - I tend to burn the midnight oil
to revise lessons so as to get higher scores - other example - exhausted/
worn out - skip lessons until my condition is improved.
Khánh: a student - rarely have a chance to change my schedule - but it is
usually the same during the year/semester - I go to school in the morning
and come home after 7 - it is quite repetitive and boring to me.
6. Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?
Definitely, yes. A proper daily routine will assist you in arranging
your activities in the most sensible way. Without a daily routine, you
usually do things on impulse (bốc đồng), which could reduce your
work efficiency and productivity in the day. I think those who are
disorganized can benefit more from a daily routine.
Au: this one is obvious important for sure - having a proper daily routine
can help me to follow up the daily tasks easily without thinking of what to
do when I start a new day - even though - I am fed up with my hectic
schedule at school - my daily routine supports me in controlling my daily
life in a more sensible way.
Quynh: Of course I think everyone should have their own daily routine. Like
me, I usually set an alarm so as to wake up early and start my day with
some workout and I can fill my lungs with fresh air → therefore, I can stay
in shape and improve my physical state. I do think that everyone needs to
have at least one habit that repeats day by day.
Huy: yes - proper daily routine - arrange time - enhance work - struggle -
no idea to do first - efficiency - stressed a lot to arrange their time - it is
also the reason why time management skill is no doubt vital
Phat: proper daily schedule- what you do day to day, and u follow the
same activities - know exactly what u should do and keep track on things u
do -> reduce the time and work more efficiently
7. What would you like to change in your daily routine?
Well, If I was given the opportunity to change my daily schedule, I
would like to have more breaks at night. Instead of studying till late, I
would like to spend more time doing exercises. This would be good
for my overall health because studying and working all day long is
fairly demanding and exhausting.
Khanh: I think that I would like to wake up early and do more exercise than
before - as recently my physical health is not very good and I am advised
to take more exercises. Therefore - I hope that I can have more time for this
activity to improve my health.
Canh: honestly - I am always a night owl - so I wake up late, which
decreases my working efficiency and makes me feel moody all day long -
therefore - I think that I need to wake up earlier to take a stroll and get
myself ready for work.
Huy Vu: well - to be honest - i am in grade 12 - the period for knowledge
revision and I have to stay up too late to learn and review lessons - so i
have less time to sleep - while I am forced to go to school early in the
morning - Therefore - I wish that my school can change the time so that I
can have more time to recharge my battery.
Vu Le: as I mentioned before, can change the schedule at school - more
leisure time for myself- a bit hectic - affect my personal health - take care
and do some exercise - achieve a balance in my work life.
Huy: As a student - I am busy with a lot of deadlines and schoolworks, I
usually skip meals or eat very late - Therefore, if I had a chance - would
change the time I eat and drink, as it may help me regain my energy -
improve my study efficiency and productivity.
Bảo: So now - I am bombarded with loads of exams, which makes me burn
the midnight oil to be well-prepared for the tests - Therefore - I wish to
start the class later in the morning so that I can have more time to re-
energise after a white night.

1. Describe one of your typical days.

You should say:

● How do you start your day?

● How long have you been following this routine?
● Your favorite time and activity of the day.
● And explain what you do on a typical day of your life.
Tien: my daily routine - most of the day - a morning person - wake up
really early in the morning - not to miss the bus - big breakfast - like other
students - join lectures - in the evening - have dinner - complete tons of
homework - the night - have spare time to do activities that i love - reading
books - chatting with friends - watching movies - all of these activities help
me to unwind after a hectic day - on the weekends - hang out - milk tea -
arrange and follow this schedule - suitable for a freshmen - daily routine
sounds rigid and repetitive - helps me a lot in studying and working.
Khanh: Today I will tell you about my daily routine. I usually kick start my
new day at around 6AM to prepare for school because I am a high school
student. Then, I attend first class at 7 and finish at midday - After
lunchtime I usually don't have classes so I hang out with my mother or my
friends - this is the best time of the day because I can let my hair down as
well as relieve stress. In the evenings, I have to join extra classes to review
recent lessons. I will call it a day at 11:30. Actually, I have kept this routine
for a long time and it is really effective for me. I think as a student, we
should have our own daily scheme to enhance (đẩy mạnh) our academic
performance (kết quả học tập) (1p30)
Morning person/early bird >< a night owl
Hang out with friends
Let my hair down = relax = unwind = blow off steam: thư giãn
Relieve stress: xả stress
Escape from the hectic schedule
Duy (2p42): my typical day - start at 5:30 - have to wake up early to have
enough time to be well-prepared for school although I am not an early bird
- clothes - get dressed - breakfast - don;t have the schedule after school -
in the afternoon - work or doing homework - sometimes play sports, which
helps me to improve physical health - the most enjoyable time - don’t have
anything to worry - spend time relaxing - immersing myself in games - at
the weekends or on holidays - enjoy fresh air - take a stroll - Honestly - this
daily routine has been my habit which i can’t get out of it and thanks to it, I
have achieved the study-life balance.

Huy (1p35): interesting question - tell you about one of my typical day -
with a lot of deadlines and schoolworks - don't have much time - take a
quick shower - … - get ready for my school - used to it - I enjoy studying
English - helps me let my hair down - regain my energy - drained or tired -
a ideal time for everyone
socilase in English - not only enhances my English skills - but also helps me
unwind before starting next classes.

Song Han (2p05): i am going to tell you guys my typical day - daily
schedule - the same - wake up at 5am - a glass of warm water :))) -
balance my body - a good habit that i have kept for many years - take a
short nap to recharge my battery - afternoon for online classes - play
badminton - release myself - dinner - the time of the day that I enjoy the
most - time to gather and a meaningful time to me - share stories - laugh a
lot - as a night owl - night - I have a habit of reading books before going to
sleep, as it lulls me to sleep better - go to bed at 10pm - when i have a free
time - to unwind or relax - I have kept this routine for a very long time -
daily routine - tedious - enjoy it very much.

Thanh (2p04): the daily routine of my - typical - wake up at 6am - take a

quick shower - coffee makes me uncomfortable - have breakfast and go to
school - after school - ???? - doing the homework - have kept this routine -
after the covid19 pandemic - evening - as optimal as possible -
overstressing - procrastination - don;t spend time on my - try my hard to
optimize my routine
watching / surfing facebook - blow off some steam - after a hard-working
Huy Vu (2p13): well - as a student - in grade 12 - most important period -
so my schedule is hectic - followed in for the whole year - an early bird -
stay up early in the morning - do exercise -and have a big breakfast to get
enough energy for the whole day - go to school - have lunch with mom -
take a quick nap - favorite activities of the day - a short break - can
recharge my battery for the next activities or the evening extra classes -for
the end of the day - complete assignment - take revision - despite my
hectic schedule - I still spend my free time with my friend at the weekends
as a way to take a rest and tighten the friendship - Although my routine is
so rigid - I still enjoy it, and thanks to it, I have achieved the study-life

Vu Le (2p05): let you have an insight - since i am an early bird - start early-
ready myself up for school - leave home - hot bowl of pho is such a treat
for me - start school day - from sunrise to sunset - a little lunch break -
don't return home until .. - hectic - have a lot of pressure on my shoulder -
really let my hair down - I love the daytime more, as in this part of the day,
brain is in the active mood so that I can take in more information - take
place at the day - socialize - routine - repetitive - necessary for me to easily
control my day and I don’t need to think much about changing my routine.

Cảnh: kick start my day with strong beats and exercise- 3 months ago that
I had to improve - get up early - do workout before work- spend at office -
at night - play games and some sports - recharge my battery after one day
- the evening is also the best time of day because I can widen my circle of
friends or tighten the bond with them (thắt chặt mqh với họ) - even though
i just get into this routine recently, I find this really effective to me bc I can
spend time for myself as well as my friends. I highly recommend you have a
particular routine like me so that we can keep fit and stay healthy. (1p20)
→ trả lời thêm về thời gian yêu thích của bạn và lý do tại sao thích. Kết bài
còn hơi đột ngột nhenn :(
Bảo: honestly I am a student - most of my day at class with fr- wake up
early around 5 AM and do some exercise to kick start my day. This is a
helpful activity for me because I can gain energy all day long . As usual, I
commute to my uni at 7 and finish all classes at around 5PM. After that, I
spend time playing football with buddies to improve my physical state. In
the evening, after concentrating on my study for 3 hours, I surf the web and
listen to some pieces of songs. I have had this routine for 1 year. I think this
timetable is really wholesome (lành mạnh) and productive and highly
recommend to u.

2. Describe a time of the day that you like.

You should say:

● What time of day is it?

● What did you do at that time?
● Who are you usually with?
● And explain, why do you like it
Âu: As a student, the time that I feel most interested is lunchtime. As you
may know, most of my time at school is from 7 to 7pm almost everyday
and from 9 to 5 for my schoolwork, except the lunchtime which occurs
from 11am to 1pm, that is also the time i can take a break - On a regular
basis, I have lunch at the canteen with my buddies - talk about our hobbies
or even discuss on the films we watch last night. After that I will take a
short nap. For the reasons why I enjoy my break - this is the only time
when I can let my hair down - don't worry about anything at all. In
addition, I can also improve my productivity and concentration after that.
This is also the reason why I believe in the importance of taking a nap
during the day. (1p50)

Hang: Today, I would like to talk about a part of the day that i love most -
that is the morning - after waking up - have breakfast at some street foods
stalls and look at other people driving to work or school - By looking at
them, I can feel the fast pace of life which makes me become more
energetic - after a big breakfast - i go to work to a primary school to work
as a teaching assistant - this jobs give me a great chance to meet many
people learn the experience from other teachers, which helps to improve
my English skills - after that - i go home and take a nap to re-energise for
the rest of the day - Although most people prefer the nighttime when they
can leave their work or study behind to relax, I prefer the daytime because
the morning is always full of sunlight and quite refreshing. Moreover, this
tranquil atmosphere can boost my energy and is perfect for me to kick start
off my day - Therefore, I highly recommend people to wake up earlier to
enjoy this tranquility.

1. Do you think people need to have a day-to-day plan?

I think it depends on individual jobs. On the one hand, people with careers,
like manual workers, builders, miners, and many other jobs that are
physically demanding (đòi hỏi cao về mặt thể lực) do not need to have a
daily plan, as they just need to finish their tasks in accordance with (theo)
the wishes of customers. On the other hand, it is highly crucial for people
with highly specialized jobs (công việc có tính chuyên môn cao) to have a
daily work plan. A clear and detailed plan can help them easily follow their
work and figure out priority tasks, which enhances their work productivity
and efficiency.
Cảnh: with different individuals, they will have different personalities - like
me, I am a forgetful person. So I have to make a daily plan so as not to
forget things and remember what to do next. I can also figure out priority
tasks and finish them in order, so I will have free time to play soccer with
my friends. But with those who are already organized (có tính tổ chức), i
think that they can bear in mind (nhớ) the assigned missions in a day and
just need a monthly or weekly scheme.
Huy: not my interest - but i will answer - based on my experiences - i think
that the 1st reasons why people need a daily plan is that it is crucial for
them to arrange the work and somehow manage the time better Moreover,
it can reduce the risk of procrastination - 2nd - follow what they do in the
plan - not confused - writing down what we need to do everyday will help
to ensure what we need to do, which leads to enhance their work
Âu: detailed scheme - Follow work easily - prioritize tasks which are
important - enhance their work productivity and efficiency. As a student, I
am usually up to the ears in assignments or projects at school. This also
means that I need a particular timetable to allocate my time properly. I
think it is really important/ effective to me.
Vũ Lê: have a daily routine - Work effectively - find out prioritized tasks -
as a student, daily scheme helps me to work effectively - set aside time for
important things/subjects to study in one day.
2. Do you think it’s possible to learn how to manage your time?
From what I can observe, there is no academic institution or educational
materials that teach people about time management skills, and this skill
can just be acquired through frequent practices. Therefore, to master this
skill, people need to start by planning their daily activities by listing which
are priorities and which can be done later first, and then they can move it
to another level by planning more complicated things like project plans or
monthly plans. Gradually, they will know how to adjust the time spent on
each task and soon master the time management skills.
Definitely - with the advancement of technology, we can learn through
videos on youtube, which contain a lot of ways to arrange our time. if I can
choose, make a list and figure out priority tasks and everyday I will take up
this habit and know the way to allocate time for each task properly (hợp
lý). Since then, I think we can easily master this skill.
Huy: No books or institute - reason why pp learns by practical - manage
by figuring out which to do first, then detach (tách) them into different
groups and finish them according to the importance of each - a few
months or weeks, you will find that you are controlling the time by the way
you desire - this also the perfect way to improve time management skill in
long term.
Duy: I think it’s possible to learn how to manage time. Nowadays, people
can easily learn soft skills including managing time from Youtube or social
media and skill can just be acquired through frequent practice. From my
point of view, different people will have their own ways to manage time.
Some people will tend to write their detailed plan to make sure that there is
nothing procrastinating in a day and they can enhance work efficiency and
productivity. But the others believed that work spontaneously is more
interesting and they also have time to blow off some steam.
spontaneous: bốc đồng, tự phát
Procrastination: sự trì hoãn
Huy Vũ: from my point of view, it is possible to manage time better - this
can be learnt through experiences we have in daily life - at first, we should
learn how to divide the schedule in one day, …
3. Why do you think some people don’t plan their day in advance?
I think the top reason why many people resist making schedules ahead of
time is that they are not used to doing that. It is a fact that in my country
since we were kids, our timetables were scheduled by schools or parents,
and we just needed to follow them, so it is hard for us to take up this habit.
Moreover, with spontaneous people (người có thiên hướng hành động
theo ý muốn), they may think it is unnecessary to use much energy to think
about things that are not immediately relevant. Last but not least, some
people feel uncertain with detailed plans, as they believe something
unexpected may happen and interrupt their plans, which may waste them
more time making another plan.
- They are not used to having a schedule in advance → they have
nothing to do during the day, and believe that they just take life as it
besides, moreover, in addition
- Others afraid of unexpected incidents, which will mess up the
arranged routines before → Gradually, they may be fed up with
planning something ahead of time
Unexpected/inevitable incidents: sự kiện kh lường trước được
Tien: some reasons which prevent planning their day in advance - (1st) in
countryside, most of pp work in the fields not having the fixed timetable -
gradually, they feel there is no need to make a detailed routine and take
life as it comes (tới đâu hay tới đó) - (2) others can't realize the importance
of having specific plan in advance - For example, some procrastinators
always resist getting the ball rolling (bắt đầu việc gì đó) - as time goes by,
they are afraid that everything doesn't happen as planned, and ultimately
give up making daily routine.
Thanh: In my point of view, there are a variety of reasons to explain why
people usually don’t tend to write detailed plans. The first reason is due to
childhood’s habit. When people were young, they often played or studied
following their parents’ requests. Therefore, when they grow up, they don’t
know how to make their day-to-day plan. The next reason is that people
frequently don’t have enough persistence to follow a strictly daily scheme
and they will give up after just a few days. Moreover, some people figure
out that they can work more effectively without a plan because they feel
stressed or maybe work under pressure when they have to be bombarded
with a lot of tasks within a day.
4. Do you agree or disagree that students who follow a daily routine
do better than the others without any kind of plan?
I cannot agree with this statement more. Although being spontaneous
may help people have more freedom, having a frequent daily routine may
bring people more benefits. First of all, they may learn organizational skills.
With this skill, people can easily follow their routine, like what they have
done and what they need to do next, ensuring that they do not miss
anything important. Moreover, people who follow a daily routine are less
likely to feel depressed. I mean that when people do not have any plans,
they may postpone their work and then suffer from pressure about when
they may get it done. On the other hand, people with a detailed routine
may know when the deadline is to finish the task on time.
Han: I totally agree with this idea. Because as I observe, people who have
a detailed plan may cope with less stress because they know what needs
to be done and which to do next in a certain period of time. Meanwhile,
others without plans may not know what to do, and will be under the
pressure of fulfilling the tasks before deadlines. Or even worse, they
probably miss the important missions.
Bao: There is no doubt about it - having a consistent routine may bring
people more benefits, especially with students. First of all, students who
live within constraints feel less overwhelmed and underpressure, which
can help them unwind or take naps to recharge their battery. On the
other hand, having a daily scheme can develop students’ time
management skills which play a vital role in their life. For example, with a
detailed plan, students can not only figure out priority subjects to study
but also limit the procrastination in their study.
Duy: I cannot agree any more. Have enough time to make everything
in control and do them on time - can finish their work in time,
dedicated to pursuing other pastimes/passions like working out,
singing or drawing to develop themselves more. So I believe that
having plans is a must-do thing for students.
Complete work in a shorter time with no procrastination.

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