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Chapter 1- Falling for you Oh Hi!

Its my first
time seeing you here.
I'm Sara , its my
HI! "shake hands" I just
came home from US so
tha'ts why you don't know
friend's birthday me. I'm the cousin io the
party birthday girl and I'm
Mary nice to meet you:)
One day, Sara met a woman
named Mary at a friend's
party. They hit it off
immediately, and Sara found
herself drawn to Maya in a
They talked and
way she had never
laughed for hours,
experienced before. and as the night
went on, Sara
realized that she
Sara had always felt like something was was developing
feelings for Maya. It
missing in her life, but she couldn't quite was like love at first
put her finger on what it was. She had sight.

always identified as straight, but she had

never felt truly fulfilled in her relationships Sara, takes a deep
with men. breath and says, "I Mary looks
think I'm falling in shocked but happy
Over the next few weeks, Sara and Mary
love with you." as she says, "I
began to spend more time together, and
think I'm falling in
Sara felt herself falling deeper and
love with you too.!
deeper in love. She had never been
attracted to a woman before, but with
Sara, looks
nervous as she
Mary it felt natural and right.
says, "I have to
tell you Mary, looks up at
something." Sara with
curiosity as she
responds, "What
is it?"

The two women Mary and Sara

embrace, smiling as standing on a hill,
they realize that their overlooking the
feelings for each other city, as they say, "Love knows no
are mutual. gender, and
"We're in love!"
Mary and Sara are everyone deserves
going on dates, holding
to love and to be
hands, and kissing, all
while experiencing the
ups and downs of a new

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