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College of Education, Arts and Sciences



1. Based on the elements of a profession given in this lesson, can be a taxi driver be
considered a professional?
a. No, because riding is not a college/university degree.
b. Yes, because there is a such term professional driver.
c. It depends on the technical and ethical competence of the taxi driver.
d. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest.

ANSWER: A, because a teacher, therefore we must consider the elements of TEACHER

PROFESSIONALISM in her/his mind, not just the term "professional" and "license", but also Professional
Growth, Initial Professional Education, Accreditation, and Code of Ethics

Other Explanation: The question begins with an OBJECTIVE concept of "elements" therefore the answer
CANNOT be SUBJECTIVE hence, we ELIMINATE options B, C and D.

2. Which are elements of a profession like teaching? Analysis.

I. Long years of professional education
II. Passing the competency-based examination to obtain a diploma from TESDA
III. Continuing professional development
IV. Adherence of a code of ethics for a professional group.
a. I, II, and III
b. II, III, and IV
c. I, III, and IV
d. I, II, and IV

ANSWER: C, because I, III. IV it describes the elements of a profession like teaching.

Other Explanation: A, is not the answer because Passing the competency based examination to obtain a diploma
from tesda is not belong in elements of a profession like teaching, also in letter B and D.

3. It is not generally begin their professional lives by completing a university program in their
chosen field, is it means long arduous years of preparation?
a. Initial professional education
b. Accreditation
c. Licensing
d. Professional Development

ANSWER: A, because the statement describes the Initial professional education

Other Explanation: The answer is not letter B because in terms of status, accreditation provides public
notification that an institution or program meets commonly accepted standards of quality or excellence set forth
by the accrediting organization granting the accreditation, it is not also letter C because Licensing serves as a
gateway to the profession, allowing only those who have met minimum standards of competence to practice.

College of Education, Arts and Sciences

Lastly it is not letter D because the term professional development may be used in reference to a wide variety of
specialized training, formal education, or advanced professional learning intended to help administrators,
teachers, and other educators improve their professional knowledge, competence, skill, and effectiveness.

4. It refers every pre-service teacher who need to understand and appreciate the teaching
profession in terms of the provision of critical question that enable teachers and student
teachers to reflect on the different issues and challenges in education particularly in the
teaching profession.
a. Practice Oriented
b. Theory Based
c. Research oriented
d. Filipino in Perspective

ANSWER: C, because the statement tells about Research Oriented.

Other Answer: It is not letter A because Practice-oriented approach is about allowing students to acquire.
necessary professional skills and competence, to obtain experience of organizational work, the. system of
theoretical knowledge, ability to work in a team and to take responsibility for the decisions made. It is not letter
B because in theory-based applied learning, students study a principle or idea on which the practice of an
activity is based, and then they apply it through in-class exercises and laboratory activities. In other words,
learning by doing. The answer is also not letter D because as teachers, our perspectives directly impact student
emotions and their learning, because emotions are contagious.

5. This course referring to develop excellent Filipino teachers in viewed with a strong passion
and a deep sense of mission to serve the country by helping shape the minds and character
of Filipino learners like you.
a. Practice Oriented
b. Theory Based
c. Research Based
d. Filipino in Perspective

ANSWER: A, because the statement tackles about Practice Oriented.

Other Answer: B, C and D are not the answers because the statement is referring to Practice Oriented.

6. To whom does the word teacher refer?

I. Full time teachers
II. Part time teachers
III. Guidance counselors
IV. Librarians
V. Division Superintendent
A. I, II, and III
B. I and III
D. III and IV

College of Education, Arts and Sciences


7. Teacher Kevin has not practiced his profession for the past five years. Can he go back to teaching
A. Yes, if nobody can take his place.
B. No, unless she has enrolled in refresher course of 12 units.
C. Yes
D. No


8. Is membership to the accredited professional organization for teacher’s mandatory for all LET
A. No
B. Yes, when the teacher is already teaching.
C. Yes
D. Only for LET passers who are not repeaters


9. Which is true of the periodic merit exam for teacher provided for in RA 7836?
I. Consist of oral exam
II. Consist of written exam
III. May serve as additional basis for merit promotion in addition to performance rating
IV. Taken with fee of P 1000 per examinee
A. I only
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II Only


10. What does the Teacher Education Development Program signify as a prerequisite for
employment of teachers in basic education schools?
A. National Standard Competencies among teachers
B. Licensure Examination for Teachers
C. Induction for New Teachers
D. Job interviews for teacher applicants

ANSWER: B, Because the question is referring to Licensure Examination among teachers.


College of Education, Arts and Sciences

Paguigan, Lorie Jean C.

March 19 2023

1. What is your own philosophy as a teacher?

My philosophy of teaching is centered around the belief that every student is unique and
has individual learning needs.

As an educator, my role is not only to impart knowledge but also to facilitate a learning
environment that fosters critical thinking and creativity. I believe in creating a classroom
culture that encourages active participation, collaboration, and open communication. The
belief that every student is unique and has individual learning needs is a fundamental
principle of education. It recognizes that no two students are alike, and each one has their
own learning style, strengths, and challenges. This approach to education acknowledges
the importance of personalized instruction to ensure that all students reach their full
potential. Teachers who embrace this philosophy strive to create a classroom
environment where every student feel valued and supported in their learning journey.
They recognize that by tailoring instruction to meet individual needs, they can help
students develop confidence in themselves as learners, leading to greater success in
academics and beyond. I strive to create a safe space where students feel valued,
respected, and empowered to express their opinions. I also believe in the importance of
incorporating technology into my teaching practices as it provides opportunities for
students to engage with content in new ways. Technology can also help bridge the gap
between different learning styles and abilities. Furthermore, I believe in setting high
expectations for my students while providing them with the necessary support and
resources to achieve their goals.

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