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## Team Building

1. What’s one thing you love about tabletop RPGs? This could be a favorite moment
from a previous campaign, a reason they’re excited to play (strategy, story, social
interaction), or anything else.
2. Are you most excited by combat, exploration and puzzles, or roleplay?
3. As a player, what’s one strength you bring to the group If someone can’t think
of their own strengths, let others share a strength they see in that player.

## Scheduling
1. How long can the group reasonably commit to playing this campaign? I want this
campaign to last a long time but we can review how long we want to play it after a
couple of months.
2. How often can everyone meet? Weekly is great, but twice per month is the reality
for most groups.
3. How long should a session last? About 3 to 4 hours is a good timeframe, e.g. 7pm
till 11pm.
4. Where will you meet, or what virtual tabletop will you use? Based on the group,
Roll20, Foundry or Table.
5. What’s the preferred day of the week and session start time? Wednesdays if
possible, mondays would be manageable as well but are not preferred.
6. Finally, under what conditions will you cancel your game night? What do you do
with the character of an absent player? If we have a group of at least 4 players I
think I can manage but based on important story points I would postpone the session
if players are missing. If a character is absent, he will usually be ill and can't
leave the camp, we act as if he isn't an accessible resource (non-attuned items he
carries are accessible).

## Table Expectations
1. Is food welcome at the table? Alcohol? Smartphones? Phones can be distracting,
but they are great tools for looking stuff up! Everything allowed as long as
players are responsive, after approx. 2 hours I would have a 10-15min break.
2. On that note, how much time, if any, should be spent to check a rule? And how
much can player knowledge overlap with character knowledge? If you think that I got
a rule wrong tell me, I will decide if I change it on the spot or play my rule
until the end of the game until I had time to check it and come to a conclusion on
how to implement the rule in our game. I am not a big fan of meta gaming but I can
understand that it isn't easy not to meta game, so please try to check yourself.
(Also I am known to change monster stats and effects)
3. Does your group want to roleplay like the gang on Stranger Things or Critical
Role? Remember all characters should get their time in the spotlight if they want
4. Is the general tone of the game dramatic or comedic?
5. How much narrative control do the players have? I like on-the-fly descriptions
of a scene to assist the DM.
6. When can a situation be taken back, or retconned? While it happens, but after I
asked if it really is what you want to do and you still say yes, I will make it
7. Player-vs-Player action is generally prohibited.
8. What other RPG pet peeves do they have? This question could bring up some
serious topics, in which case, we jump right to the next point…
9. What is the “rating” of your typical game: PG, PG-13, R? Encourage your players
to privately share with you any topics they do not want to come up in the game.
Trigger warnings for example.

Consequences: Talking to, Warning, Kick

### Campaign Framework

1. What’s the accessibility of magic and general level of technology?
1. Europe 17th century
2. Medium to high fantasy setting
3. Medium to high technology setting
2. What are the primary adventuring environments?
1. City based, with land based travel (enough settlements in between)
3. What are the major threats and main story themes?
1. Fey & Human racism
2. Religious conflict
3. Political intrigue
4. Adventure
4. Do players prefer a very linear or very non-linear structure?
1. Sandbox vs. semi-guided vs guided
5. What’s the starting character level, and how will you ensure that the characters
are all connected to each other and the setting?
1. Level 1 Characters
2. Connections will be provided if needed

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