Chap 1-2 Update

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Research Paper
Presented to the faculty of
Lucena City National High School- Senior High School
Lucena City

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements For
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

Palermo, Genesis
Ortazon, Zandrei Selwyn
Marasigan, Cesar

November 2022
In this study, An unexpected instability in the workforce is affecting

many businesses including Hardware Stores. As workforces and communities try to

function and perform while trying to cope with what is happening in their daily lives,

virtually hardware store are still figuring out how we will work in the short- and long-

term. People, organizations, and communities need fit-for-purpose plans today that

can adapt as the global health and economic environment changes. A human-

centered, systems-minded approach that enhances shared workforce resilience

must be established, and businesses, governments, individuals, and non-profits all

play important parts in this process.

This chapter presents a adopting future-oriented technologies may seem like

a distant priority when seen in the context of the current crisis, but the new normal

actually demands it.

With the pandemic continuing to peak in some markets and returning in

others, the environment has shifted. The procedures for reopening and reinvention

are unaffected by this uncertainty, but businesses must now take think about how

the pandemic's spread, intensity, or recurrence in certain regions is affecting their

recovery plans.

Whether those risks do materialize, certain businesses are less likely to be

affected by unforeseen.Your business cannot grow through financial management

alone. Additionally, it offers tips for increasing and retaining customers, effectively

marketing your business, preserving employee morale, and improving operational

procedures. Additionally, you should look for chances to network and form

partnerships in order to lower your risk.

Purpose of the Study

This study will be conducted whether those risks do materialize, certain

businesses are less likely to be affected by dangers or unforeseen events the

stronger they are. Your business cannot grow through financial management alone.

Moreover, it offers tips for increasing and retaining customers, effectively marketing

your business, preserving employee morale, and improving operational procedures.

Additionally, you should look for chances to network and form partnerships in order

to lower your risk exposure.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers intend to conduct a determine the marketing strategies of

Hardware Stores in Lucena City.Why Maharlika Highway it seeks answer to the

following question:

1. What is profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Length of operation:

1.2 Company size(no. of emplyees)

1.3 Income (Monthly income)

2. What are the marketing strategies employed by the respondents?

3. How do marketing strategies affect the company’s sales volume?

Literature Review

Marketing is about getting your business known and building your position

within the marketplace. Small businesses don’t always have a big budget for

marketing, so they have to do things a little differently than big businesses in order to

grow their presence, increase results, and meet business goals. This online course

will help small business owners and managers develop their marketing message,

create a marketing plan, and apply the right strategies.

A few of the many impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic included business

closures and bankruptcies. To address this issue, the study looked into a variety of

critical entrepreneurial characteristics that entrepreneurs rely on to survive a

pandemic. This study, which was conducted in Bangued, Abra, the Philippines, used

an exploratory qualitative-narrative research methodology and a phenomenological

approach. It included one focus group discussion with 12 participants and in-depth

interviews with ten micro-enterprise owners. The study's conclusions show that the

impact of experienced entrepreneurs' entrepreneurial abilities on their lives through

their personal experiences. They believed that goal-setting, systematic planning and

monitoring, independence and self-confidence, opportunity searching, taking risks,

and information seeking were all successful ways to assure the longevity of their

firms. Calixto Librado Valera(2022).

Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) make up the majority of the industrial

structure in developing nations and provide livelihood opportunities for millions of

individuals globally. But empirical data indicates that the vast majority of MSEs never

upgrade significantly.
This study assesses the barriers to upgrading for Filipino-owned MSEs using

the definition of upgrading as "growth via innovation" and the Philippines as a

country case. It concludes that the traits of entrepreneurs and their methods for

overcoming a variety of sectoral and structural restraints are the most crucial

elements for success. Entrepreneurs alone improve their companies by creatively

substituting or enhancing inputs of production . Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa Studies, 2014

The COVID-19 epidemic has had a profound impact on businesses and

people across every industry in the world. Businesses and employees from all

industries found it extremely challenging to function in the face of tighter mobility

limitations. Effectively disrupting traditional operational patterns, the pandemic also

infused widespread developments like telework and digital adoption that could

potentially last beyond the pandemic. In light of these circumstances, it was crucial to

consider how businesses and employees would cope with the "new normal" that

would follow COVID-19. Even though COVID-19 has been the subject of a great deal

of research, the alterations at the meso (organizational) and micro (individual) levels

are not fully understood. The emergency-learning-institutionalization-new normal

(ELIN) framework, which is based on the timeframe of the pandemic. The article

aims to bring forth the overall trends in how organizations and employees are

adapting to the pandemic, the lessons they have learned, and how they will change

and adapt in a post-COVID-19 “new normal”. We have analyzed existing policy

papers, articles published in business, public administration, nonprofit journals, and

other studies to achieve this. We find an increasing trend towards the adoption of

telework and digital tools at both meso- and micro-levels.

The effective implementation of telework policies and digital transformation

plans at the meso-level will ensure the sustainability of organizations and jobs in the

new normal.

Although these trends vary across sectors and within and across countries,

there is an overall increase in the flexibility of organizations and employees in

adopting new solutions, making them more open to innovation. The article makes

important recommendations for organizations to make these transitions more

sustainable in the medium and long term. Aarthi Raghavan, Mehmet Akif

Demircioglu, Serik Orazgaliyev Sustainability 13 (21), 11942, 2021

In the Philippines, economic recovery in the aftermath of the COVID-19

pandemic necessitates a digital shift for businesses. Through this innovation, their

operations can continue under the new normal. The adoption of digital payments is

one of the common business recovery options supported by the government. Even

while experiences are now recognized as fundamental ideas in marketing, there are

various opinions and interpretations of what exactly experiences include. Analyzing

the concepts of experience and experiential marketing is the main goal of this article.

According to the literature assessment, experience marketing is a more strategic and

comprehensive word than experiential marketing.

Every business must assess the impact of the current crisis on its operations

and develop workable solutions based on a distinct outside-in perspective, ideally

supported by scenario-based mitigation plans. Particularly in these trying times,

decision-making must involve a fact-based strategy, which includes gathering crucial

data to examine other possibilities, while avoiding the use of biased data in

modifying their aims and are undertaking programs meant to help combat COVID-
19. Businesses involved in COVID-19-related activities have the option to do so or

may profit from swings in demand that happen throughout the outbreak. (2010)

Hoekstra and Leeflang

Over time, a number of tendencies have developed. The way firms are run

has also altered as a result of these trends. Marketing boosts brand exposure,

generates revenue, and engages customers. Strategic marketing can lead to a long-

lasting relationship between your organization and the consumers.

A marketing strategy is a detailed plan created to realize your company's

marketing goals. Increasing consumer contact is one of these marketing goals in

order to boost sales. It's crucial to pick your target market carefully. This will simplify

who you offer your goods or services to or sell them to.

Among all of the advantages of developing a marketing strategy, the ultimate

one is that it makes all of the planning becomes easier - not just the marketing.

Marketing strategy also allows you to have a tool to increase your retail sales and

helps you become more effective in doing efforts because you know who you are

talking to in the first place (Phibbs, 2017). Marketing for small scale businesses like

sari-sari stores is important because low businesses like these are generic, which

need to be known for people to patronize and gain sales. The success of these

businesses depends on the marketing ability of the owners and marketing efforts to

keep the business in the competition (Sims, 2013). This study aimed to reach the

people of the community particularly the store owners by assessing the marketing

needs of the sari-sari store, as well as the marketing capability.

Organization management at each company should purpose to tap from both

offline and online platforms. Diversifying the scope of the consumer market will help

a firm gain a strategic position in the market. It is important that a firm studies the

consumer market and ascertain operational aspects that can help in increase

performance (Chartered Association of Business Schools. 2020).

An example of an aspect that can help consumers get attracted to products is

use of discounted prices for online users. Discounting is used as a promotional

approach that helps firms gain more traffic and increase its sales. Also, running

promotional campaigns and giveaways through social media is a form of integrated

marketing. It is vital that firms purpose to apply more than one approach in reaching

out to the customer as a way of enhancing effectiveness .

Some firms in the market have gained a competitive advantage by using a

strategic marketing approach to its operations. A marketing mix is the set of

components used to pursue objectives in the target market. According to the existing

literature on marketing strategy, the 4Ps of marketing make up a perfect mix for

organizations to use in the industry. They include the product itself, place where it

will be sold, promotional approaches that will be used and price of the products

(Chartered Association of Business Schools. 2020). The product portfolio in the

market impacts performance to a large extent. It is vital that organizations purpose to

produce high quality products that meet consumer needs. Wrong products in the

market or poor quality will be detrimental to efforts of the company to grow within the

consumer market. Research indicates that firm performance is directly related to the

products that individuals or organizations are selling within the consumer market.
Theoretical Framework

According to (Kotler et al., 2016), marketing tactics must change as a product

does, from conception to obsolescence. Companies should customize their

marketing mix early on to pique interest and inform potential customers. As barriers

against rivals enter the market during the growth phase, the focus switches to

securing a larger audience by fostering brand loyalty, a reliable supply chain, and

new distribution channels.Weaker competitors are driven out as the market for the

product develops, and there is minimal differentiation among rivals.

Marketing should focus on attempting to take market share away from rival

producers by offering incentives to distributors, including joint advertising, in-store

promotions, and volume discounts. The idea behind the theoretical framework is to

explain and illustrate the relationships between the marketing strategy elements. I

want this website to serve as a resource for you, both as a review of the main

theories and concepts related to marketing, and as a starting point when planning

your own marketing strategy.

This framework is a theoretical model that can help you create a marketing

strategy. It will help you to understand where your organization is today, where it

wants to be in the future, and how you can plan for that future.Marketing strategy is a

theoretical framework that provides a framework for the strategic planning process.

The marketing strategy is concerned with defining the direction of a firm’s marketing

Significance of the Study

By examining the "Marketing Strategies of Hardware Stores In Lucena City In

The New Normal," this study is anticipated to benefit the already-existing hardware


To the academe, this could be used as a resource for fresh approaches to

teaching the core courses for Masters in Marketing. Additionally, it might offer

recommendations for potential informational facts and bits that would back up the

theories being taught in classes on media management, marketing campaigns,

public relations, etc.

To BSBA Students, this study may aid in developing business strategies,

plans, and projects. The findings may also act as a framework for them to think

critically about marketing methods and how they are used. As the study goes further,

this can provide the researcher with a glimpse of the current net income and

liabilities. Researchers want to work in marketing and public relations.

To the researcher, the study goes further, this can provide the researcher

with a glimpse of the current net income and liabilities. Researchers want to work in

marketing and public relations.

To the future Researchers,This would be an excellent addition to the

collection of theses available in the Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation

Academic Library Complex and would be a useful tool and extra reference for

scholars who would want to make any relevant themes to the subject study.
Research Paradigm/Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Profile of respondents Conducting an interview Level of effectiveness of

Marketing strategies regarding the length of marketing strategies

employed by the of operation, company according to Lucena City’s

respondents Marketing size(no. of employees), Hardware Stores.

strategies affecting and Income(Monthly)

company's sales volume. Researcher will craft a

self-made questionnaire

in the pursuit of the study.

In Fig.1. The study's IPO is represented by the paradigm. You can see the first box
and the issues facing small enterprises. Additionally, it says in the second box that
the that the business owner must employ. Lastly, the outcome is shown in the third
box.the steps taken by the businessman to preserve his enterprise.

The numbers of micro and small

enterprises and people working
in the informal economy are
growing rapidly around the
bulk of new
employment and for the
majority of the working poor.
In assessments of working
employment conditions,
including issues of
occupational safety and health,
protection, work-family issues,
homework, working time,
wages and income, work
organization, sexual
harassment, violence at work,
workload, worker’s welfare
housing, nutrition and
environment, the millions of
women and men in micro and
enterprises and the informal
economy (MSE/IE) face
perhaps the greatest problems
the working population
(Rinehart, 2004). Conducive
work environment ensures the
of employees which always was
enable them exert themselves to
their roles with all force that
may translate to higher
productivity (Akinyele

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