Altar Server Seminar

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MINISTRY OF ALTAR SERVERS OUR LADY OF PEACE & GOOD VOYAGE PARISH GENERAL SANTOS CITY’ ALTAR SERVERS & THE LITURGY September 10, 2023 @Ipm-3pm SA What is LITURGY? According to Vat. Il, is an action of Christ and of his Body, the Church. Liturgy is the central worship we give to God as members of his family which is the Church. In the liturgy, we worship God in three forms: through the , through the , and through the —_ SA EUCHARIST The most important liturgy of the Church, however, is the celebration of the Eucharist, which we also call the Mass. The Mass is a celebration of Christ, a celebration of the Church, and also a celebration of our community which we do especially on Sundays. As altar servers you have special tasks to perform during the celebration of the Eucharist (Mass). But first, every altar server must know what the Mass is and its parts. a PREPARATION AND CELEBRATION te Preparation of the OF MASS ~F=" Credence Table :f, Preparation of @ Preparation of the lm the Altar Offertory Table mw Preparation of Preparation of the the Books mm Vestments —_ SA PREPARATION OF THE ALTAR The altar is to be covered with at least one cloth. On or near the altar there are to be candlesticks with lighted candles, at least two but even four, six, or, if the bishop of the diocese celebrates, seven. There is also to be a cross on or near the altar. The candles and cross may be carried in the entrance procession. The Book of the Gospels may be carried in the entrance procession then placed on the altar. 11K —_ SA PREPARATION OF THE BOOKS + Next to the priest's chair, the Sacramentary and the folder with the Prayers of the Faithful. The Sacramentary must be marked in its proper pages for a particular Sunday (prayers, preface, canon, etc.) « At the ambo or lectern, the lectionary which must be marked in its proper pages for the readings for a particular Sunday (first reading, responsorial psalm, second reading) + At the offertory table at the entrance of the church, the Book of the Gospel which shall be carried by the reader. This book will also be marked in its proper pages for the gospel of a particular Sunday. — PREPARATION OF THE CREDENCE TABLE On a credence table: the chalice, corporal, purificator, a paten and ciboria, with the bread for the communion of the ministers and the people, communion plate for the communion of the faithful; the requisites for the washing of hands. — PREPARATION OF THE OFFERTORY TABLE On a table for the presentation of the gifts: cruets containing wine and water, a ciborium with bread (hosts), and other offerings. — PREPARATION OF THE VESTMENTS In the sacristy the vestments for the priest and ministers: 1. For the priest: sotana, stole, and chasuble; 2. For the deacon: sotana, stole, and dalmatic; 3. For the other ministers: lawfully approved vestments or uniform. MIM. 0/0! Ver @| |), als HM MASS AND THEIR MEANING ™® THE LITURGY OF THE WORD - WHERE READINGS FROM THE BIBLE ARE READ AND EXPLAINED. =a“ —- BASIC. STRUCTURE OF THE y ™ THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST - WHERE WE GIVE THANKS TO GOD FOR ALL HE HAS DONE FOR US THROUGH JESUS BY RECALLING HIS DEATH AND RESURRECTION AND SHARING THE BREAD AND WINE WHICH HAVE BECOME THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST. wy ORDER OF THE MASS In particular the Mass follows a prescribed sequence which is called the Order of the Mass. The basic form of the Mass is as follows: Mf Introductory Rites @ Liturgy of the Word @ Liturgy of the Eucharist {@ Preparation for Communion ff Concluding Rite Oe Introductory Rites ENTRANCE SONG This opens the celebration and accompanies the procession of priest and servers to the Altar. It should be sung, to deepen our unity together and to introduce us to the Mystery of the Season or Feast. ORDER OF ENTRANCE PROCESSION Once the congregation has gathered, the priest and the ministers, clad in their vestments, go to the altar in this order: 1. Altar servers with 2 lighted candles 2. Reader with the Book of the Gospels 3. Other ministers (other servers, lay ministers, deacon, concelebrant) 4. The Priest who is to celebrate the Mass Oe Introductory Rites REVERENCE AT THE ALTAR On reaching the altar the priest and ministers make the proper reverence, thatis, a profound bow (from the waist). Note: The altar is shown reverence by 3 traditional gestures: the profound bow, the kiss, and the incensation (when incense is used). OPENING RITE The priest then goes to the chair. After the entrance song, and with all standing, the priest and the faithful make the sign of the cross. The priest says: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; the people answer: Amen. Then, facing the people and with hands outstretched, the priest greets all present. He (or some other qualified minister) may give the faithful a very brief introduction to the Mass of the day. (GIRM 86) Oe Introductory Rites PENITENTIAL RITE This part invites us to be sorry for our sins. We come to God in a spirit of contrition, so that we may celebrate the Eucharist worthily and grow in grace. The rite includes "| confess and Lord have Mercy." LORD HAVE MERCY AND GLORIA After the penitential rite, the Kyrie and Gloria (if prescribed) are said. The Gloria may be intoned (started) either by the priest, the cantors or by everyone together. Oe Introductory Rites OPENING PRAYER OR COLLECT With his hands joined, the priest then invites the people to pray, saying: Let us pray. All pray silently with the priest for a while. Then the priest with hands outstretched says the opening prayer in behalf of the people, at the end of which the people respond: Amen. (GIRM 88) Oe Liturgy Of The Word After the opening prayer, the reader goes to the lectern for the first reading. All sit and listen and make the acclamation at the end. (GIRM 89) Note: On a Sunday or Solemnity the first reading is usually taken from the Old Testament. RESPONSORIAL PSALM After the reading, the psalmist or cantor of the psalm, or even the reader, sings or recites the psalm and the congregation sings or recites the response. (GIRM 90). Note: The Responsorial Psalm continues the theme of the reading or express the mood of the season or occasion. It should be sung as "responsory", that is, with the people making the responsive verse their own prayer and the cantor or choir singing the psalm itself. It is incorrect to describe it as "response to the readings." Oe Liturgy Of The Word SECOND READING Then, if there is a second reading before the gospel, the reader reads it at the lectern as before. All sit and listen and make the acclamation at the end. (GIRM 91). Note: The Second Reading on Sunday or Solemnity is taken from any portion of the New Testament which is not a Gospel, especially the Letters of Paul. ALLELUIA OR GOSPEL ACCLAMATION The Alleluia or other chant, according to the season, follows. (GIRM 92) Note: The Alleluia should be sung as our joyous welcome to the Word in the Gospel. The verse that accompanies the alleluia should also be sung, not read; otherwise the verse may be omitted if not sung. Oe Liturgy Of The Word GOSPEL READING The priest or deacon takes the Book of the Gospels on the altar and takes it to the ambo. At the ambo the priest opens the book and says: The Lord be with you. Then he says: A reading from. . ., making the sign of the cross with his thumb on the book and on his forehead, mouth, and breast. (Note: If incense is used, he then incenses the book). After he proclaims the gospel he kisses the book and people make the customary acclamation. (GIRM 95) Note: The Gospel is the major reading of the Liturgy of the Word. We stand to show our reverence for the words of Jesus Christ and the events of his life. Only an ordained minister may read the Gospel. Oe Liturgy Of The Word HOMILY The homily is an explanation and proclamation of the readings of the Liturgy. The homily is given at the chair or at the lectern. (GIRM 97) CREED OR PROFESSION OF FAITH The profession of faith is said by the priest together with the people. (Note: At the words, by the power of the Holy Spirit, etc., all bow; on the solemnities of the Annunciation and Christmas all kneel). (GIRM 98) Note: The Creed is our act of faith, our assent to the teachings of Christ in the Church. Oe Liturgy Of The Word PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL OR GENERAL INTERCESSION Next, with the people taking their proper part, follow the general intercessions (prayer of the faithful), which the priest directs from his chair or at the lectern. (HITM 99) Note: In the Prayer of the Faithful we offer the petitions of the community before God. Oe Liturgy Of The Eucharist OFFERTORY OR PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS After the general intercessions, the presentation song begins. The servers place the corporal, purificator, chalice, and missal on the altar. (GIRM 100) During this time, the faithful express their participation by presenting both the bread and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist and other gifts to meet the needs of the church and of the poor. The faithful's offerings are received by the priest, assisted by the servers, and put in a suitable place; the bread and wine for the Eucharist are taken to the altar. (GIRM 101) Note: During the offertory, the bread and wine which God has given to us are offered back to him, from whom everything comes. Oe Liturgy Of The Eucharist OFFERING OF BREAD At the altar the priest takes the paten with the bread. With both hands he holds it slightly raised above the altar and says the accompanying prayer. Then he places the paten with the bread on the corporal. (GIRM 102) OFFERING OF WINE Next, as the servers present the cruets, the priest stands at the side of the altar and pours wine and a little water into the chalice, saying the accompanying prayer softly. He returns to the middle of the altar, takes the chalice, raises it a little with both hands, and says the appointed prayer. Then he places the chalice on the corporal and may cover it with a pall. (GIRM 103) The priest bows and says softly the prayer, Lord God, we ask you to receive. (GIRM 104) Oe Liturgy Of The Eucharist WASHING OF HANDS. After the prayer, Lord God, we ask you to receive (or after the incensation) the priest washes his hands at the side of the altar and softly says the prescribed prayer as a server pours the water and the priest dries his hands. (GIRM 106) INVITATION TO PRAY The priest returns to the center and, facing the people and extending then joining his hands, pronounces the invitation: Pray, brothers and sisters. After the people's response, he says the prayer over the gifts with hands outstretched. At the end the people make the acclamation: Amen. (GIRM 107). Note: People should stand at this part.) Oe Liturgy Of The Eucharist PREFACE The priest then begins the Eucharistic Prayer. With hands outstretched, he says: The Lord be with you. As he says: Lift up your hearts, he raises his hands; with hands outstretched, he adds: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. When the people have answered: It is right to give him thanks and praise, the priest continues the preface. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY At the conclusion of the Preface, the priest joins his hands and sings or says aloud with the ministers and people the Sanctus-Benedictus. (GIRM 108) Oe Liturgy Of The Eucharist CANON OR EUCHARISTIC PRAYER The priest continues the Eucharistic Prayer according to the rubrics that are given for each of them. CONSECRATION A little before the consecration, the server may ring a bell as a signal to the faithful. He also rings the bell at the showing of both the host and the chalice. (GIRM 109) THE EUCHARISTIC PRAYER The Eucharistic Prayer is a prayer of thanksgiving, a prayer of consecration, a priestly prayer of sacrifice. Oe Liturgy Of The Eucharist OUR FATHER OR LORD'S PRAYER After the doxology at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer, the priest, with hands joined, says the introduction to the Lord's Prayer. With hands outstretched he then sings or says this prayer with the people. (Note: Only the priest raises his hands during the Our Father). (GIRM 110) Note: In the Our Father we ask for our "daily bread", the food for those who have been forgiven. After the Lord's Prayer, the priest alone, with hands outstretched, says the embolism, Deliver us. At the end the congregation makes the acclamation, For the kingdom. (GIRM 111) Oe Preparation For Communion GREETING OF PEACE Then the priest says aloud the prayer, Lord Jesus Christ. After this prayer, extending then joining his hands, he gives the greeting of peace: The peace of the Lord be with you always. The people answer: And also with you. Then the priest may add: Let us offer each other a sign of peace. All exchange some sign of peace and love, according to local custom. The priest may give the sign of peace to the ministers. (GIRM 112) LAMB OF GOD The priest then takes the Eucharistic bread and breaks it over the paten. He places a small piece in the chalice, saying softly: May this mingling. Meanwhile the Agnus Dei is sung or recited by the choir and congregation. (GIRM 118) Then the priest says softly the prayer, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, or Lord Jesus Christ, with faith in your love and mercy. (GIRM 114) Oe Preparation For Communion COMMUNION RITE The Communion Rite begins with the Lord's Prayer, when we ask for our daily bread", the food for those who have been forgiven. In the rite of peace we beg for peace and unity in the Church and the world. We show our love for one another, our preparation for communion, by giving a sign of peace, as a sign of true which our Lord gives us. COMMUNION Next, facing the altar, the priest says softly: May the body of Christ bring me to everlasting life and reverently consumes the body of Christ. Then he takes the chalice, saying: May the blood of Christ bring me to everlasting life, and reverently drinks the blood of Christ. etc. (GIRM 116) Oe Preparation For Communion PURIFICATION OF THE CHALICE ‘After communion the priest returns to the altar and collects any remaining particles. Then, standing at the side of the altar, he purifies the paten or ciborium over the chalice, then purifies the chalice, saying quietly: Lord, may | receive these gifts, etc., and dries it with a purificator. (GIRM 120) Afterward the priest may return to the chair. A period of silence may now be observed, or a hymn of praise or a psalm may be sung. (GIRM 121) PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Then, standing at the altar or at the chair and facing the people, the priest says, with hands outstretched: Let us pray. He recites the prayer after communion, at the end of which the people make the response: Amen. (GIRM 122) Note: The Prayer after Communion completes the Communion Rite. A brief announcements may follow. Oe Concluding Rite ANNOUNCEMENTS If there are any brief announcements, they may be made at this time. (GIRM 128) FINAL BLESSING Then the priest, with hands outstretched, greets the people: The Lord be with you. They answer: And also with you. The priest immediately adds: May almighty God bless you and, as he blesses with the sign of the cross, continues: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All answer: Amen. (Note: On certain days and occasions another form of blessing or prayer over the people may be used). DISMISSAL AND COMMISSIONING Immediately after the blessing, with hands joined, the priest adds: Go in the peace of Christ, or: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord, or: The Mass is ended, go in peace, and the people answer: Thanks be to God. (GIRM 124) Oe Concluding Rite ENDING PROCESSION As atule, the priest then kisses the altar, makes the proper reverence with the ministers, and leaves. (GIRM 125) Note: If another liturgical service follows the Mass, the concluding rites (greeting, blessing, and dismissal) are omitted. (GIRM 126) Mf LITURGICAL MINISTERS AT MASS According to the GIRM 2002, there are two kinds of ministers at Mass: the ordained ministers and the non-ordained ministers. The ordained ministers are the Bishop, the Priest, and the Deacon. The non-ordained ministers are: the Instituted Acolyte, the Instituted Lector, the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (Layco), the Altar Server, the Reader, the Psalmist (cantor), the Choir (members, director, accompanist), the Sacristan, the Commentator, the Ushers, the Offerers, the Collectors, the Lay Liturgists (planners), and the Master of Ceremonies. The altar servers, therefore, belong to the non-ordained liturgical ministers. They, together with the other liturgical ministers, make the celebration of the Mass more worthy and solemn. MINISTRY OF ALTAR SERVERS OUR LADY OF PEACE & GOOD VOYAGE PARISH GENERAL SANTOS CITY” THANK YOU September 10, 2023 @Novitiate, Lagao, GSC SAN

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