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 In the long term

 In the short them
 at any rate: de todos modos
 In the wake of: a raiz de/ tras
 Be that as it may: sea como sea
 It is crystal clear
 Be entitled to their own opinion: tener todo el derecho de opinion
 On no account: En ningún caso/ bajo ningún concepto
 Speak volumes
 Best case scenario
 On paper
 Facts speak for themselves
 The fact remains
 Bear fruit: dar su fruto
 By and large
 Needless to say
 No wonder: con razón/ no en balde/ no de extrañar.
 Give rise to: dar origen a
 Set the bar high: poner el listón alto
 By no means: en absoluto
 As far as “x” goes: en cuanto a x.
 By the same token: de la misma manera
 Make every effort to: hacer todo lo posible por/ para
 Set one’s sights on: poner la vista en
 Hit rock bottom: tocar fondo
 Not to mention: por no mencionar
 In the face of: frente a/ ante (In the face of that challenge, we must take
bold measures.)
 First and foremost: principalmente


 Point out
 Carry out
 Sum up

Rule out: descartar/ excluir (This will help rule out pneumonia.)
 Contribute to
 Result in
 Subjected to: sometido a (Subjected to rigorous product and
manufacturing quality control)
 Look forward to
 Based on
 Bear out: confirmar/ corroborar (However, the research appears to bear
out some risks.)
 Point towards: apuntar a
 Attribute to
 Allude to: aludir a
 Turn out: resultar/ salir
 Stem from: derivar de/ provenir de (These objectives stem from the
 Bring about: lograr/ provocar/ producir (Bring about changes in
consciousness and corresponding changes in life.)
 Come about: producirse/ ocurrir/ suceder (How did this miracle come
 Come down to: llegar a/ referirse a
 Accounted for: representar (Matrimonial disputes accounted for 11.05%
of cases.)
 Consists for: se compone en (South Korea consists for the most part of
 Expand on: ampliar
 Build on: basar en (As underlined before, such support can build on the
EU's own experience in water management.) Aprovechar (We
should build on existing competencies.) Construir sobre (We must build
on the accomplishments achieved)
 Devoted to
 Refer to
 Put forward: proponer/plantear (put a plan together)
 Factor in: ser un factor en (Occupational exposure may be an
important factor in rural areas.)
 Phase in: introducir progresivamente (It has also taken measures
to phase in competition in natural monopoly sectors)
 Result in
 Along with
 Bring up: mencionar/ criar/ sacar/ sacar a relucir (tema)

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