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Colegio San Agustin-Makati

First Semester - AY 2023-2024


WORKSHEET #1: Rights of Research Participants (Individual)

Name:_____Ezickhiel Perez________________ Sec:__11-F___ Date: ___9/25/2023___


Direction: Read and analyze the case study and write 3-5 sentences to answer the guide
questions below. See the grading rubric below for your guidance.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Case Study

The Tuskegee syphilis case study is a significant event in the history of medical research
and ethics. It occurred in the United States from 1932 to 1972 and involved African-American
men in Alabama who were unknowingly left untreated for syphilis. This reading aims to explore
the ethical issues raised by this study and prompt critical thinking about the importance of
ethical research practices.

The Tuskegee study was initially conducted to observe the natural progression of
untreated syphilis in a population over time. However, participants were not informed about the
true nature of the study or the potential risks involved. They were instead told they were
receiving free healthcare and treatment for "bad blood." This deceit violated ethical principles
such as informed consent and benevolence, as the participants were denied access to
appropriate /medical care.

One of the most concerning aspects of the Tuskegee study was its continuation even
after the discovery of penicillin as an effective treatment for syphilis in the 1940s. Despite this
medical breakthrough, the researchers did not provide the participants with the necessary
treatment. This decision demonstrated an apparent disregard for the participants' well-being and
autonomy, further highlighting the ethical violations committed during this study.

The Tuskegee study raised important questions about the responsibility of researchers
to prioritize the welfare of study participants. It also emphasized the need for strict adherence to
ethical guidelines, such as informed consent, protection of vulnerable populations, and the right
to withdraw from a study at any time. By reflecting on this case, students can develop a deeper
understanding of the significance of ethical considerations in research.

Reference: Vonderlehr, R.A., Clark, T., Wenger, O.C., Heller, J.R., Untreated Syphilis in the Male Negro,
Journal of Venereal Disease Information. 17:260-265, (1936).
Guide Questions:

1. What was the purpose of the Tuskegee syphilis case study?

To treat the African-America men in Alabama who were unknowingly let untreated for syphilis

2. How did the researchers deceive the participants in the study?

Because they said they would give Proper Treatment to those who participated

3. Why was the continuation of the study unethical after the discovery of

ANSWER: they did not prepare proper treatment

4. What ethical principles were violated during the Tuskegee study?

ANSWER: The Principle of Autonomy

5. Why is it important for researchers to prioritize the welfare of study


ANSWER: the protection of the vulnarable of population and the withdrawwal of the study

Grading rubric:

5 pts - The response is highly relevant and directly addresses the question, staying on topic throughout. The
response includes a thorough and insightful explanation, providing context and addressing potential questions
or concerns. The answer is clear, concise, and well-organized, presenting the information logically and
4 pts - The response is highly relevant and directly addresses the question, staying on topic throughout. The
response includes a thorough and insightful explanation, providing context and addressing potential questions
or concerns. The answer is somewhat straightforward and organized, but it may contain unnecessary details
or redundancies.
3 pts - The response is somewhat relevant and addresses the question, staying on topic in some parts. The
response includes a thorough and insightful explanation, providing context and addressing potential questions
or concerns. The answer is somewhat straightforward and organized, but it may contain unnecessary details
or redundancies.
2 pts - The response is partially relevant but may include off-topic details. The answer offers some explanation but
lacks depth or elaboration, leaving the reader unanswered questions. The response is unclear, poorly
organized, or excessively lengthy, making it difficult to understand.
1 pt - The response does not directly address the question or includes irrelevant primary information. The answer
provides minimal or no explanation or context for the data presented. The response is unclear, poorly
organized, or excessively lengthy, making it difficult to understand.
0 - NO answer.

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