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The Code of Ethics for Nurses is a guide for This theory suggests that leaders choose the
conducting nursing responsibilities in a manner best course of action based upon situational
consistent with quality in nursing care and the conditions or circumstances. Different styles of
ethical obligations of the profession. It leadership may be more appropriate for
emphasizes the practice of compassion, different types of decision-making. Hersey and
respect, and dignity towards every person. Blanchard are the theorists behind this model.

The five main principles are: STYLE THEORY

 Nonmaleficence (do no harm) Also known as the Leadership Styles Theory, it
 Beneficence (do good - taking steps to suggests that leaders have a preferred style of
benefit patients and to improve their leadership which they're comfortable with, and
health outcomes) they need to adjust this preferred style to the
 Autonomy (respect for patient's choice needs of different situations and followers.
and independence) This theory is closely associated with Kurt
 Justice (fairness) Lewin and his colleagues.
 Privacy/Confidentiality (ensure the privacy
of patient information and respect their TRAIT THEORY
right to control who can access it) This theory suggests that individuals have
certain inherent traits that make them
CONTINGENCY THEORY effective leaders. It identifies specific
This is a behavioral theory that claims there is personality or behavioral characteristics shared
no single best way to lead an organization, by leaders. Theorists like Ralph Stogdill and
make decisions, or organize a corporation. It Edwin Ghiselli contributed to this theory.
suggests that optimal course of action is
contingent (dependent) upon the internal and TRANSACTIONAL THEORY
external situation. A leading theorist in this Transactional leadership theory, also known as
area was Fred Fiedler. Managerial leadership, focuses on the role of
supervision, organization, and group
EXCHANGE THEORY performance, where leaders promote
This is a social psychological and sociological compliance by followers through both rewards
perspective that explains social change and and punishments. Bernard Bass was a key
stability as a process of negotiated exchanges figure in developing this theory.
between parties5. Theorists like George
Homans and Peter Blau have been associated TRANSFORMATIONAL THEORY
with the development of this theory. This theory is about leadership that creates
positive change in the followers whereby they
PATH-GOAL THEORY take care of each other's interests and act in
This leadership theory states that a leader's the interest of the group as a whole. James
function is to clear the path toward the goal of Victor Downton first coined the term
the group, by meeting the needs of Transformational leadership, but the concept
subordinates. Robert House is the psychologist was further developed by leadership expert
who developed this theory. James V. Burns.

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