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Qualifying Examination for PED & Mise 3 the Unree of the equation x” + 3x? — 6x +2 = Oare (@ 35-2 + VG and ~ 216 = tb) 2; 14 VIZ and -3 + V6 {o) -1; 42 V6 and +2 - v6 2 {d) 2,3 V8 and ~ 24 Vo Whats the standard voltage in a2 pphase power system in igeria ye CO \ (a) 1a5v Ac gle ae Sa Had Ley Sete {b},220vAC — a dee Pea A ars ac c pot 230v AC BE soe a gan on sat achinn to sta wt he eat racauonar tae ake? 7 da) chuck te vottane rating {b} Plugin the equipmom (c} Power the eruipment — =D Mi Wear hand ove a % A fobise of the ot tion correctty come SA a) 0° = Bigg x 07 = Opa % wing nau ts degrees to radians ao) : fd} 0° = Oy x 28 a 2g. Which of the following equations correctly described angular kinematics FQ) o = ag at {b) wo? = w+ 200 Pp fo) @= Ygt(on +0 te alto ‘ 6. An electron 1s tikerated trom the lower of two larger paraltel metal plates sepa distance h = 20mm. The upper plate has a potential af 1/4000 celative to the lo-ver. How long re-miss ratio efm for the elciron is 1.8 hie ated by a ete reach it? (Assime doeé the electron 10M CK GT) fa) 14 x40 Ms ta) 14 10°75 io) 14 x 10M {d) 14 x 10" "*5 2" fay electric wating element to dissipate 480 watts on ickrame ribbon Lin wide and thickness0.05mm. calculate the lengih of riabon r HOV nsains is to he constructed fram red if the resistivity of Nichrome is 1.1 x 197%0m. {a} 945i {10.54 wee ee 73 Which of the foltuwing is a not (©) 7.29m (d) 545m 8 Mass polymerisation occur when GF A monomer is sloweut to strand at a reacti On temperature with a catalyst present {] Atmoromeris atlawed! to stand ata Feaction temperature without catalyst, () A monomer Massively react with céfcium {) & monomers cracked with metat in the presence of a catalyst. heat treatable alloys {2} Al ~My (b) At aig p (c) Al ~ si spd at of tre avove Which of these properties is not true (3) Metting point of 108300. {b] Very good corrosion resistance . (©) Crystal structure is spherical JF The young’s modulus, # = 1225 x 10? wn daFind £(0) wenf(s wee (3) 2420-6 4 3e @) 14 2erF 4 gente (0) 1+ 2e!~ sez ld) 1 2et — qo-se 72. laplace Transform is defined as of copper LEY = Re peyae a @ Ff) = Lr@) at (Oh bfeR) = (8 u-te-meyy (0) Allof the Auove. Fing the Laplace transformn of (1) 24.1 £the energy of a photon (2) 2.243 x 10-™ ky m/s (b) 2.243 x 10? ko uy jg {e) 3.324 x 1077 ku’ fy (2) 3.324 x 10 ey i fy, 4-2e.V, calculate its momentum, yap 3" 15. ‘the threshold ‘equency for photoclectric emission in Copper is 1.1x 10" He. Fin the # the photoelectrons emitted when light of frequency 1.5 x 10" i directed on a Copper surkice (a) 1.66eV (b) 1.32eV (c) 2.40eV (a) 3.22eV Whiel as the lowest rate of ultrasound absorjtion ea PO ween () Air. colnet A (@) Leng, 1 one of the followi sium Arsenide + Aries phorus . & (¢) Germaniumg p. Silicon pe ST maximum Kt of the: NOT a semiconductor? talculate the peak Voltage of a 11}0Vrms mains supply 4 155.5dy wer LenS (b) 77.8 7 NE a (c) 220 2 , iv @yoase 7 (c) Collector (d)They are alt equally doped we If e:=Asinwt and @,=Bsin(wt — C1). then (a)el lags e? by C1 (b) ex lags @: by (c) @; teads et by 1 {d) e, is in phase with eg wad. which of the followiny is true of voltage transformation ratio? {a) if k = 1 the transformer is a step down transforine: {bi if k < ithe transformer is a step up transformer. (@) if k > 1 the transformer is a step up transformer = {d) if k >1 the transformer is a step down transformer “v 2? Bolaji in a moving train blows the tain’s hom, The tra ie moving away from a person pared lo the frequeney of the sound tha d hears a sound with al the Bolaji hears, the person standing on the groun a (a) ‘The same waveiength (5) more iation in tone (©) greater amplitude Le low cr frequeney. ‘23"In a photoelectric effect experiment, the inten frequency is beldl constant. Asa result, ly of the light i \ereased while the (@) Vhere are more photoelectrons (b) The photoelectrons ave faster, (©) Both above-mentioned effects () Neither first effect nor second one. 24"When an elcetromagnetic radiation of wave length 2 is incident on sur 8 photosensitive >the Kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted from the sutlace ig 2 eV Whew the wave Tength of the incident radiations is 2, the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted from the surface is 0.5 eV. The threshold wave length (maximum woe length) for photocleetzic emission from the surface is ay, (b) 3a 37, @) 2a i 25 Arrange the following elec iromugnetic waves In increasing o1 1 Ulvaviolet H Gamma rays 11 X-rays of wavelength, (a) 4.1, ut Ss e) WLU : (a {) WL Mo Calas Mine ea Conduction electrons have more mobility than holes because they (29 are lighter x WY experience collisions quently (6) have negative charge (¢) need “27Which of the following obeys obs law? (a) Semiconductor junctions<= energy to move them. we Se bs. Wire X has twice the diameter and twice the length of wire Y, made of the same material. The ratio of the resistance X:¥ is _ tw region of a transistor most heavily doped is the ao i pe ovitter *o) Base A ¢} Collector 39, The power factor of an RC circuit is (a) Often zeros ee ge SO (b) between zeroand1 > eee es AcJ always unity (d) between zero and -1 22 Rit having 2 resistance of 109, an inductance of 0.1H and a capacitance of 100uF in series is connected across a 100V,50Hz supply. Calculate the impedance. i - tg (> fava = DIT (L- PDE TEC) <7" (b) 15.50 iy : yi (c) 202 Ad) 252 (The r.m.s value of a half-wave reclified current is 10A.Its value for full-wave rectification would be ____ ameres. (a)20 @) rasa (©) 20/n (d)40/n V of the following is true of a pees RLC circuit at resonance? current leads th (b) The voltage leads the current hy 60 degrees. (c) The capacitive reactance is greater than the inductive reactance The in phase with the voltage 3a. The algebraic sign of an IR drop depends primarily upon the (@) amount of current flowing through it (b) value ef R (C) direction of current flow ,_(d) battery connection. _Ag Kirchhoff's voltage faw is concerned with____ @ s eae (0) Battery Emes (©) Junction voltages /.{d) both a and tea" - Ae Which of the Following is tue of a step up transformer? It has i (@) more primary winding than secondary winding « (©) more primary voltage than secondary voltage; “te\nore primary current than secondary current d) less secondary current than primary current ee capacitor Is constructed from 2 parallel plate (2) Semiconductors AH) Conductors --— f (c) Insulators (d) Inductors, (#8: The capacitance of a Capacitor is not affected by which of the faltowing? (a) Dielectric Constan: (b) Plate Area €) Temperature Coefficient. —7 (d) Plate separation 38/n incluctor with an incluclance of 0.5H is Supplied with a current of 2A.Calculate f° the energy stored in the inductor. me a) 1.03 thee (b) 0.5) fal Pee (e) 0.13 9.013 ; Eines 's emitted by a hot metal filament in a cathode ray tube? a (a) xray {b) Proton es AF Eectron, | :(d} Photon, wis) Which of the following (yes of electromagnetic radiation has the lowest energy? Gilnfiu red hc ah dite, ihe maken, veaboas (b) visible fight fh (©) ultravieles (©) gamnn-rays 42, 45 Ohm resistor is indicated by a siagte =~ (a) Red {8} Green om (@) Brown, ~~ olor band around its body. 7 A3. The isotope 23492 undergoes five successive alpha decays. Identify Wie daughter nuicteus at each step. * 2 h 2301H90 ~S 226Ra8B --> 222RNKG > 218PO84 ~> 214PbB2 et 3 (b) 232th90--> 22BRaRs > 224RMB6—>220P084-> 216PhA2 {e 2301h90 --> 224Ra88 > 2201nB6 --> 2162084 ~> 212P)a2 7 Se) 2327H90 ~> 229Ra88 ~>275R N86 -—>218PO84 > 217Pb82 _ “Which is of the following statement is correct? {2} Machine Language isthe lowest level human readable language - 2 AEF Machine Language is tre low level instructions that are encoded fibinary wevels. —- (9) Machine Language isa program logic expressed in a conceptual levet ignoring ay implementation details which i are requited by assembiy language * juage is a symbolic oriented tanguage MAS AWhich of the following is the local user with the MOST authority on » computer runni 4 Windows xP? (9) Bene se (Power we p (Network Contguation Operator falvistrator + Hy whieh oF the folowing modes wil provide retrieval Jeast amount of boot-up tim ee {a} Shutdown yD ) Standby id) Restart Ay 4g) Machine Lae “ previous computing session with the ~ Which of the following will happen when a user plugs a third-party adapter which outputs alternating current (AC) diréctly into a lapton? (2) The laptop witl start in Safe Mode (b) The tapto will start, noweve: not charge the battery. (c) The laptop processor will be overclocked ZG) The laptop components will be damaged,” BE which oF the following isa viay to Wentify which Window 's operating system is currently installed 2 (a) Click on Start » Run and type version/info (b) cl ic 4 on Start > Run and type version info/detait —{ ) ‘nt click My Computer > Manage i click My Computer > Properties &7 Cf XP, which of the following utilities is used to nartition the disk? * Disk Management ~*~ °F (bo) System Configuration utity pi {c) Registry Editor 4) Device Manager 2i6./An alder printer is Connected to a computer using a paralie! port, Which of the following comnectors is MOST likely used on the computer's parallel port? {a} 8-50 connector DB-25 pin connectorg/ (c) 08-9 pin connector Md) 08-37 connector se, Which of the following IP classes is the IP address 200.168,212,226 an éxample of? {fa}, Class ¢ (b) Class a (e) Class 8 {a Class © 52//The standard connector used for an UTP Ethernet connection is =" (a) 08-9, [By Ras {e) ONC. \ at} PU-12, ‘user reports that (he computer keeps freezing. Which of the following information should the technician obtain FIRST? {a} The model nunber of the user's computer 0 {b) Windows Error Reporting Log i {c} The type of machine, whether it isa laptop or a desktop Ags vohat tne user was doing when the problern occurred \~ Je % p 47° user reports an issue tat does nol occur while the technician is onsite. Which of the following actions should the technician perforni white troubleshooting this issue with the user? (a) Ask the user which web sites they have been viewing. (b} Tell the user that the problem is usually related to user training. Ask the user a series of questions designed to narrow the scope of the problem. (cl) Tell the user that the technician wil solve the problem quickly. 55/ computer will not perform power-on self test (POST), also no lights or sounds are emitted. Wiici of the following components should be checked FIRST? {2}, Display AB) Power supply 7 B () RAM a (@) Motherboard __58! A technician observes that a computer's performance has decreased, and accessing large files takes more t Walp sf ew noes) Werany (eee rye grave Bei) Sourhafps eth, *9 Pablen- A, pryide Cea harm agen POs hea nS, 5 Kes INQW gee ( 3 eo ees Nea Lyagid, LOO, Shee dl, phaghard, letan \ ’ Bog Coconale AA : Len Pena x hen, Born echo, f Selb 2 ES ANY ached Ly natn uk cages qermt SOs an ett, Awl EY EAD Wage Be Sea wala We iba ceed lhe | ie Saee Reet sbi yey chee gh ive Hef perhhainn 2h yoo chest, o roel monk Lswees UE Nee et may ink ek ae heey tn eau, Ce 1 et gee ey bt, epee DET ACD BAKED Recht Gener Sewers aah, aGetse co cate Ge Capertee F ~ maton / “eg Wee asl hased a-ger © sepa carvbing 2) vse null royennte {kpc ine oNN cal Mon precens Acer Wo Arwyrers eal ty ay MW teurers ood ideale Wo ty wea 5 a oj rere rede hood t 1 Cathe 5) OTA, Ay beapnns haat pelos Ss Joglel \ pellany y a is ge aS Awe ghunds ae (e) The biblical passag Penatty 100. The Clois buiteing cox }e In question has only recently been applied to the debate over the death 's. A New York museum devoted to ecclesiastical art prising Five ry provide the average visitor wi the five component bu of the middle Ages is ee leval structures brought from Europe, Although the intent was to ith a pleasant sonse of actualy turn ings are alin diferent architect Unpleasant experience for most tourists, ie. Medieval cloister, because al styles, a visit to the mus scum is an All of the following assumption: underlie the con: {a) The average New York tourist is intere: (o) The average tourist recognizes, at leas architerturai styles (c) The different styles of architecture in the Cloist (a) The average visitor finds the clusion of the argument above EXCEPT sted in experiencing a medieval cloister. t unconsciously, the differences among the ters clash with each other. combination of styles in the Cloisters unpleasant, e) itis impossible to create a harmonious buitdiny styles. \corporating several different architectural é ENTRANCE EXAM VOR POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM Bf rhaioty tx 1 3y 65) by x4 5y 43) NEE i: Bx! I3yx? t 1Osy 4 15y? 1 Lay 4 10x? # 2x 410 RB & 2x" NGys? b Sey t 1Sy? | ALY | 10821 Ox b10 —— a e. 2x! & Syx? 4 Sxy e109? 4 13y HIBy + 5x? 42x + 10 I 2x) 1 Gyx? 4 Sey 4 1Sy? 4 Ly + 1Dx2-F 2x + 10 ny Solve the following equations Of AL wo ys RT DVS ‘The derivative of cos ie (A) nmr cose x GB)-cotxsee"x —(C)._tanx Sex eC X COL. AAP IE A, B2an whe values from the’ sel 11.2.3, 4}, Pind the probability that thé product of A and Biss not greater than 6, Dee pawn sey ana, Be ae y ISS (0) 5116 (CH Gd BR GACA, B ard Care mur follow with orders 32 if mais eatculations are possible? 42 respectively, hows muny of the AB BLA. CR) T CBA ‘(D3 Ne f Nw = (tts 2 le ww 5 } Find the value of x, i tls A 6 a @0 3 @2 Ww (9) Hind the roots of 2 a L 0, given that z= 2 is a root. EHC 11 N32, and (1 N32. (h) (LF iV39/2, and (1 insy2 (e) CYB y/2, and © iN3)/2. (A) 1 and ( 1 ~ iN3y2. ye U0)Find the partial fraetion repre a an a oe aes La aera) Tr Ath ; ©) Seay | iets | TG ye sory | Bera 4 ees Ke ind « unit vector in the direction of a= 3i : tis oe Ja unit vector in the direction of a= 34+ 2 7 ‘ r LVL NTO SAIDK. (0) GN38) + A389 - GNN3E)K. eet q aa } 4 ei ed (©) GND F219) - S/T). ME CHB}. + QNS8Y + (SN38)k. ta One b(t K 135) f qi Q2)1L wo vectors n and b are given by a=7i4 6k, and b= 3] Fk. Calculate the cross gi product ofa and b. (a) 181-7} QIK (by USE 7A Qk (FAB-MS: ~ Tj -21k 423) Find the inverse Laplace) Serra Se BHT Fe" (VOM GE CM Let fly How many Three-digit nuy 2) 120 sen é (BiB aw cian be formed from 32564 without any digi it being repeated (20 (IO st i ater Bye ae gid tie ink 2 ENTRANCE EXAM FOR PC ‘GRADUATE PROGRAM Brbinvipty cx ¥By FS) by (x? Sy 12) \ 5 , a xP 43yx? 1 LOxy 4 Sy Ly 4102 hax 4 10 p 28) boys? Sey 1 15y2 FALy 110821 x #10 Ea Cah yx Say HtOy? 4 13y H3y be Be + 10 D. 2x Gyx? 4 Sxy 1 15y24 13y 4 10K! 2x 4 10 fet / RY Solve the following equations 4x-3=3x 4 y= 2y 65x 012 & x=S.y B.x=2, y=s @ _Simplity 38301 The derivative of cosee x is (A). tanacoseex (3 oset X CUL x. eine ‘A, Becan take values Irom the set-{1, 2. 3, 4}, Find the probability thai and 8 is not greater than 6, product of A ve cL Bey De ay Hane MS Se 223,202 5/8 (b) 5/16 (e)/2 Cay 58 y - FAB and Care matrices with orders 33, 283 ancl d\2 respectively, how many of the * fetlow ng matrix catculations are possible? HBA TR SB! te AB BLA CBT. CBA, al aa (13 e. - 3Bo-t4 f and B SF le a al ee "3B yepina® pis D ie ‘i sil ed : tr 4 Ask | Me ue *- C15) Find the equation of the line that passes through the points (2 SELON BE (hy B/S 45y = 70 ()xty=7 A) and (1 2) WSs 17y=90 , B the ft sem of AP. i824 and the eleventh term is 96. Find the fiat term 124 ih) 2 (9-12 @r4 “am = aiaGne NF Hate the Limit: tim x joy 23 1 (1 (c)0 @- CLO Me uraoll of 252 tiwethew tary nea] maximums (ao (byt @2 (2 a 9) In how many ‘ways can 6 contestants be selected from 10 contest éompetitivn? to 7710 ean (e) 215 (a) 224 ven AO Find the mean deviation of 2, 4, 5 and 9, “at BP @3 (a ITA certain radionctive isotope decays at a rate of 2% per loo fears. tf years amount of the isotope left then the equation for how many years will there be 934 and y represents the y0e-0.0002t. In b Yo of the isotope left? A) 253 years #8) 350 years C) 700 year ie The capae 8 D) 368 years mee of # Capacitor is not affected by wi wt (by Phite Area Temperature Coelfi (Dielectric Const nt) Plate 22/A po junotion ale rent flow when ich of the following? es Recta tants ina music eet ae fever L represents time in the situation isy= 30 separation aa 3 op, (greg actex ee 2 le \2 a ao (@) Thee is no potential on dhe netype ot p-type materials, G5) Me p-lype material is more positive than the n-type material (¢)Fhe n-type material is more positive than the p-type materia! ()Both the n-type and the p-type have the ne potential, y fy Which of the following is true o lep up transformer? It has . (2) mote primary winding than secondary wining (Gmore primary volaye than secondary voltage (more primary current than secondary current ~ (d) less secondary current than primary eutvent 25) The resistivity of a watcrial having a cross sectional area of 3m? is 2.0 2m. What is the ox n=! (co) LS€2 4! (a)0.6707 in" braic sign of an IR drop depends primarily upon the GW amount ofc prent Howing duough it (bywatue of R (Qdirection of eurrent Now (d)battery connection. J) Iei=Asinwt and ey Bsii(ot - 4, then (a) et lays 02 by & (jer lags ey by wp (e)e2 leads el by o (d)ey is in phase with es 28) Which of the following is true of voltage transformation ratio? (@) Ik =1 the transformer is a step down transformer (b) if k < the transformer is a step up transformer (gk > 1 the transformer is a step up transtormer 1 the transformer is a step down transformer 28) ‘The depletion region of emiconductor diode is due to «1 biasing (b)reverse biasing (@)migration of charge carriers (@)erystal doping a QP Wire X has ovice the diameter and ice the length of wire Y, made of the same material, wy Uhe ratio of the resistance X:¥ is (ALE] b)T4 (p21 Le 1:2 > *1) Ia particle moves in a plane so that its position is described by the functions X* Acos teand yA sin It, the patticle is (A) moving with constant speed along a parabola é We ieee a (3) moving with varying speed along a circle 50 (C) movi vith constant acceleration along a straight Hine eat (D) moving with constant speed along a circle & be the acceleration due to gravity at the surfice of a planet of radius R. Which of the ‘Ollowing is dimensionally correct formula for the minimum kinetic energy K that a projectile Sf ees ts Umive tthe. players tans (the seefesit isto es Seape from the planet's. gravite ional eld? (A) K = ¥gr : (B)K = mgr (C)K= my {D) K = Ving (E)K= gk 32) The sum ofall the external forces on a systein of patticles ©. Which of the following must be true of the system? 0) The total mechanical energy is constant, {B) The total potenti! energy is const int. (©) The toial Kinetic energy is constant (D) Pre ‘otal linear momentum is constant. Substance A hus a higher specifie heat than Substance B. With all other factors equal which “Sane the most energy 1 heat equal masses of A and B to the same temperature? 7 Gf Substance A (b) Substance B (©) Both re Hire the seine anwauat oC heut (d) Answer depends on the density of each substance ‘ 35) A large and a small container of water with the same temperature have (a) The same total amountoof internal energy (b) The sane amounts of internat and external energy (6) Diterent amounts of heat {@) The same amount of all forms of energy (B5)'As a solid gous through a phase change to a liquid, heat is absorbed and the tomperat ire (a) Fluctuates, F increases (e) decreases (@) Remains the same Z QIFNo woler vapour ia wdded to ur removed from a sample of air that is cooling, so the relative humidity of this sample of air will @) remain the sume (b) be lower (c) be higher (d) May increase or decrease dependit 3 on the extent of chanye, Gs) he speed of an elector neti wave in u vacuum: @) Depends on its wavelength (b)Depends on its frequency @ is constant (@) depends on the strength of he el ie and magnetic fields GY} What is the Ne approsinate range of audible frequenc 's fora human ear? Kile (b). 20 kHz ~ 200 kHz (c) 200 kilz ~2 000 Kitz (d)2000 kHz ~ 20 000 kdt, re the {GO Which of the following will remain unchanged when a sound wave travels in air or in “water’) () Amplitude wv clength 9 Frequency (d) Speed The relationship between the sensitivi ily and specificity ofa diagnostic procedure is generally shown using a (a). curve, 48). ROC curve. (c). True-pasitive/false-positive ratio, (d).Tite-negatlive/talse-negative ratio (42) ftnage noise will generally he inereased by: 1. Blurring the image. 11, Isereasing image contrast. UL Averaging several images together IV, Subtracting one mage from another (a) WIV (b){V only — {e) Hil and 1V (d) [hand Iv S are used in hospitals? ). Oxygen, Helin and Methane Carbon dioxide, Oxygen and Nitzogen (2, (©), Oxygen, Halothane, Argon “%d), Ammonia, Oxygen 42) Which of the following gas: ZA) Dialysis works on the principles of; invasion and ultrafiljration (b). Conduction and Gitration fh 4 (©), Convection and ultrafiltration (ad), Reverse Osmos 2} Whit is the common frequency range used ia medica! imaging!? quency rang ging (QU 20 Milz 4.510 MIE ©). 25-10 MUz id). 7.8 — lO Mits 46) process of used for examining and reporting properties ef med | technology used in healtheare is: (2) Strategic tecimology planning () Technology managed echnology Incubation @3 Technology assessment y 5 ‘ ro The memory whieh is programmed al the time it is manuf arom tb). RAM Bh PROM — (d). EPROM 248) What type of control pinsa tured ae needed in micropracesinr to se lealic on the bus. in ‘order to prevent two des iees tram try Lat the same tine (a). Bus contol (bi interrupts QB. Bus arbitration (a). State (Q9)" The ALU ofa computer normal contains a number of high speed storage element Ealled (a) Semiconductor memory (WdRepisters (e) Hard disks (d) Magnetic disk OF What was the name of the first commercially available microprocessor chip? ta) Intel 308 (b) latel 33 Owe 4001 (di Motorola 639 / (ih Which of the following devices ean be sued to diveetly ima ¢ printed text? BOCK (HYYMR— (e) MICK Wy Atl oF above (S2Y'A compter program that transtates one program instructions at a fine into machine Jangnage is called wlan ‘onipiler (dl), Simulator : “@ imeerpreter—(b). CPU ws The Width ofa processor's lata path is measured in bils, Which of the following are common data paths? ca “bits (by 12 bits (e) 16 bits, (ly 32 bits (S4)AV hav type of uemory is not direetly addressable by the {PU and requires special sofiudare called EMS (expanded memory specification)? (a) Eau rele (Cb). spancted (©). Base ( Conventional ash dumb terminal bas (a) an embedded microprocessor (b) extensive memory (e) independent pro sing capability G A keyboard and sereen {§6)/Computers with 80286 micraproce ssor is Ny computer ST comptuers C)PS computer D} None of above £7) Wi nt is the responsibility of the logical unil in the CPU of computer? Aj To produce result Pro compare numbers C) To control flow of infurmation 1D) Ta do Ss works output quality of) adTDor per inet «printer is measured by Pot per sq. inch /(c), Dots printed per unit time Ina hig h resolution mode, the nuniber of dots in A320 Aios ©. 760 4 line will usually be D. 900 60. Which of the following progiam is nol a utility? ‘B] Editor A. Debugger ©. Spooler D. all of the above 4,Awo resistors, one of 1009 and the other 2000, “SCA S6KO resistor with a gold tolerance band could are connected together in series. Which of the have a resistance between ts followings. series combinations would be suitable a5. replacement? a, 85944 and 560560 “7B. 53200 and sagsen a, 1500, 1000, 2000 2 ©. $0400 and 616000. b. 309, 400, soa v 4.44800 and 672000 “£259, 1500. 2500 BPO. 200, 300 2-7! « value ® Of the resistor in biagra’n 1.33 would be 3. Ae value of the resistor in Diagram 1.34 would be d. 47K 81% a “Two factor that can increase the value ofa cs pacttor are a Smalerpntes ticker dielectric “ecece gle Se ; bh. Smaiter plates, thinner dielectric (yee eke J Larger plates, thicker dielectric Larger plates, thinner dielectric 22: (i) Two. identical capacitors connected in parallel “double the tova! capacitive effect, {i) The energy stored fu a capacitor can be calculated From Wayicl? a. only statemeni{}) is correct, 1b only statement{ijis correct fe both statement are correct d. neither statement is correct ff potaried electrolytic capactor canbe sed on 3. a.conly @ dconly both a.cand dc. d. both a.c and full wave rectified current i The capacitor connected actoss the contacts ofa starter switeh In A fluorescent luminaire circuit is to {jay Correct the power factor to the circuit B. Reduce the current taken by the lamp. Counter the inductive effect of the chokes d. Provide radio interference suppression vot ens 2. 0.00310 b. 1008 ica Bg TOOOpE J.0.01pF LC “Aydrochloric acid dissociates in water ta forma positive hydrogen ion and a negative chlorine lon, The typeot bond represented by hydrochloric acid i a tonic. BF Covalent, © =~ pe . “Hydrogen. oe U. Thermodynamically unstable. e. Both (a}and (bjare correct Entropy ey ze 's @ phenomenon that governs all system in the universe 2 Drive a system and its surrounding to an overall state of greater randomness, Take energy to overcome for system which build increased order, Dp 4. Jstelated to the temperature of a system IN of the above are correct, 27 Ksolution that | “a _Isacidie. B <5 Isbasic Has a large concentration of hycirogen atoms compared to wate! Has a hydrogen ion concenteation of 0,0imol ©. {a)and|c) are correct # Both (bjand{d) are correct. _ Ac AN increase in entropy fora reaction se the change in free energy for the reaction. b. Decrease the change in free energy for the reacticn, G Means that more energy is invested in maintaining order. 4. Requires ies engggy at high temperature, re Both faand{c} are correct. 3 Ane wilibrium constant isa measure of The rate of formation of product in a reaction, Jaf exists in a system in equilibrium, p) isthe relative amount of the product versus reactant 'c. The amount of free hydrogen ion. d, The entropy content of the system. 8! The presence of a butter will es a. Increase the change in free energy of a reaction. ie ._Buifor the change in free energy of 2 reaction. J Reduce the change in pH for a reaction that releases or absorbs hydrogen fons. 4.” Shift the equilibrium constant for a reaction that release orabsorbs lydrogen ions. 7. The oxidation uf carbon, @. Causes the valence electron lo move Lo a lower energy state. b. Releases energy Produces reduced from of hydrogen” Gd. Drives the process of lite, e. Allare correct. 8.,/ We know that bacteria and archaea are closely related because af They share RNA sequences that eukaryotic cells do not have. b, They both have a cell wall They both prokaryotic. d. All of the above are correct. e. None of the abuve are correct. The cell membrane forms a bilayer because ‘2. The lipid portions of the molecules cluster together. b. ‘the polar portions of the molecules are attracted to one another. ¢. The exterior of the cell is hypertonic to the interior, forcing the membrane to close d. Cell processes actively fold the membrane into a circle. @. Both {aj and (b) are correct. AB. The large surface area of many cell membranes reflects the fact that a. Endocytosis has resulted in the intake ofa large portion of the cell membrane. Uf Important metabolic processes occur across membrane surfaces. ©. Membranes help to segregate chemical processes. Gd. Membranes help to regulate the influx and efflux of water. (a). Bus conwal—(b). Interrupts @ Bus arbitration — (dl). Status (ayy he ALU of a computer normaly contains a nunber of high speed storage elen (a) Semiconductor memory GDR: sters (c) Hard disks (d) Magnetic disk 459F What was the name of the liest commercially available microprocessor chip? (a) Intel 208 (bp Intel 33° EP intel 4004 eh Molorola 639 caf whien of the following devices can b ied (o direeily image printed text? BOCK GH)OMR (ej MICK Wd) All ofabove YA computer program that translates one program insieuetions at a fime into machine G@ wwierpreter—(). CPU YF. Conspler_—_(), Simulator : 4, (35) The Width of a processor's data path is measured in bits, Which of the'following are common data paths? (by 12 bits (© lo bits (al) 32 dits (34)AV hai type of wemory is not direetly addressable by the CPU and requires special software called EMS (expanded memory specifivationy? (a) Extenled (Ci). Fespancted (©). Base (a) Conventional as 48574 dumb terminal has (a) an embedded microprocessor — (b) extensive memory (c) independent processing capability Gr keyboard and sereen 26y/Compasers with $0286 microprocessor A) XT computer ow T compliers: C)PS/2 computes —_D) None of above £7) Whac is the responsibility of the fogieal anit in the CPU of & compute? , . A) To produce result Pro compare numbers Co eontrol ow of information D) Te do works ‘© wutput quality ofa printer is measured by Brot per sq. ineh “(¢), Dots printed per unit time c. 760 »b. 900 60. Which of tie follovwi A. Debugger tor C. Spooter D. all of the above

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