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DATE OF SUBMISSION 5 September 2022

Table of Contents




FLOOR PLANS WITH JUSTICIFICATION...........................................................................6

NETWORK DIAGRAM WITH JUSTICIFICATION..............................................................8


Networking is the act or process of interacting with others to share information and form
professional or social connections. In today’s society, every company must have its own
network to keep its employees running smoothly. Therefore, it uses a local area network

A local area network (LAN) is the ability to connect internal servers, web servers, and other
local area networks through a wide area network. A LAN can share devices such as printers,
laptops, and computers. This makes it easy to exchange data and information across all
devices in your company. We all know the benefits of connecting devices to the internet, but
LANs only became popular after the widespread adoption of his WI-FI technology. Wireless
connectivity also greatly expands the types of devices that can be connected to a LAN.
Almost everything can now be “connected”, from computers, laptops, printers, mobile
phones to smart TVs, door locks, CCTVs and even coffee makers and refrigerators. LANs are
now used not only in schools and companies, but also in restaurant, cafes, shops and homes.
LANs are almost everywhere.

Global Metric International School is a large branch school located in Melaka. Founded in
2013. With business expansion, the CEO decided to open another new branch of secondary
school in Seremban. The new school consists of his two buildings named Vista Court A and
Vista Court B, each of which it has two floors.

The sole aim of this assignment is to plan a proper network design. CCTV and Wi-Fi are
required areas to monitor and the entire building. It also serves as an online platform for
branches to open a new branch in Seremban.

Understanding the network needs of each department in the facility was necessary to design a
functional network infrastructure and floor plan for the branch of Global Metric International
School. As an international education institution like Global Metric International School,
cyber security is crucial to preventing the compromise of vital data and information. Such as
student data, test question, etc. Due to the fact that some thieves hack the system to obtain
student information and carry out other illicit activities.

Furthermore, Global Metric International School is a quality school, so there is no denying

that quality web services are a must. Internet service is provided both wired and wireless.
This is ensured that the entire building is covered by internet service and to allow staffs and
students to use personal or school devices to support their work. Besides that, Internet
bandwidth in both buildings should be at least 100Mbps to reduce data transfer delays.

The objective is to establish a good network infrastructure for the branch school, so that
teachers, students, or guests can smoothly transfer information and resources through wired
and wireless networks. Furthermore, the objective is to create a suitable topology diagram, IP
addressing scheme and all necessary network equipment.

Use Cisco Packet Tracer Simulation tool to set up network infrastructure and network design.
Because Cisco Packet Tracer is a virtual “networking world” for exploring, experimenting,
and explaining networking concepts and technologies. It also helps verify the effectiveness
and efficiency of network design.

The floor plans of Vista Court A and Vista Court B are tailored to the needs of the school.
Vista Court A's building structure is less complex than Vista Court B's. This is because the
main purpose of Vista Court A is for students to attend classes, rest, and consult. Since Vista
Court B is where the company's main departments are located, the structure of the building is
a little more complicated. For example, the first floor of Vista Court A is specially designed
for students and parents to ask questions, enjoy meals, and conduct large-scale activities in
the auditorium. On the other hand, both Vista Court A and Vista Court B blocks use different
network topologies to connect devices according to their needs. Ultimately, the networks of
Vista Court A and Vista Court B will be connected by routers that send data between the two
buildings using a point-to-point topology. I use point-to-point because the topology simply
tunnels unidirectionally or bidirectionally data flow between two points.

Vista Court A First Floor (GO THEE CHUEN)

Image 1: Vista Court A First Floor

The entrance to the first floor has two fire sprinkler, one smoke detector and three CCTV for
surveillance and customers / guests / staffs / students’ safety purposes. There also has an
emergency exit between cafeteria and reception room. Wi-Fi is available throughout the first
floor. Due to Malaysia is a tropical rainforest country, so the lobby is also equipped with
three air conditioners.

The cafeteria designed with dining tables, kitchen utensils. The space is dedicated to staffs /
customers / guests / students to dine and relax during breakfast, lunch, or breaks. The
cafeteria has eight devices:

1. Two coffee machines

2. One CCTV
3. Two air conditioners
4. One pc and desktop
5. One Fire sprinkler
6. One Smoke detector

The waiting area was designed with sofas for customers / guests / students. They can sit on
the sofa while waiting. They also can use the pc to do some research if need to use printer
there also available. The cafeteria has eight devices:

1. One CCTV
2. One air conditioner
3. One Fire sprinkler
4. Two Pc and Desktop
5. One printer
6. One Television
7. One Smoke detector

The toilets are open for men and women were placed beside the waiting room.

The reception room is a place for employees to work and entertain guests / customers /
students. The purpose is to give guests / customers / students an easy to get an information
place. There are nine devices in reception room:

1. Two PC and Desktop

2. One CCTV
3. Two air conditioners
4. One printer
5. One fire sprinkler
6. One IP phone
7. One Smoke detector

An auditorium is a place for private and public use or hold some events. Such as lectures,
singing competition, etc. The auditorium has nine devices:

1. One PC and Desktop

2. Two air conditioners
3. Two CCTV
4. One fire sprinkler
5. Two projector screens
6. One Smoke detector

The elevator can access to the second floor is placed beside the toilet. The stair also can
access to second floor is placed beside the elevator.

Vista Court A first floor

Image 2: Network Diagram of Lobby

Image above is shows the network diagram of lobby. All the devices were connected to one
switch (2960-24TT switch4) with cooper straight-through wires. There were three CCTVs
(loT21, loT22, loT23) which nearby toilets, stairs, and entrance. It is prevented someone is
doing illegal things in the lobby. There are also have three air conditioners (loT18, loT19,
loT20) in the lobby, because Malaysia weather too hot. Beside that, there also have one
smoke detector (loT28) and two fire sprinkler (loT24, loT25) it prevents fire disaster. When
the smoke detector detects a certain amount of smoke, then fire sprinkler then receives
commands from the smoke detector and activates the fire extinguishing system.

Image 3: Network Diagram of Cafeteria

Image 3 is shows the network diagram of Cafeteria, which have eight devices only installed.
There are two air conditioners (loT0, loT1), one fire sprinkler (loT3), one CCTV (loT2), two
coffee machines (Appliance loT3, Appliance loT4), one PC (PC-PT PC0) and one smoke
detector (loT26) installed and connected with one switch (2960-24TT switch0). Therefore,
teachers, students or guests can use the coffee machines (Appliance loT3, Appliance loT4) to
make coffee. Also, if teachers, students, guests are not convenient, can also order with the
cafeteria staff, who will help you make a coffee by using the coffee machines. After finished
making, can pick it up at the counter. There is also a PC-PT (PC0) for staff to collect money.
CCTV (loT2) installed in cafeteria to prevent illegal things happened and maintain personal
safety. All the devices are connected to a switch (2960-24TT Switch0).

Image 4: Network Diagram of Reception Room

Image 4 is shows the network diagram of Reception room. Reception room was filled with
two PC-PT (PC1, PC2), while one is connected with VoIP phone (7960 IP Phone0) that allow
staff to contact with others department easily. Staff also can use PC-PT to view office
document. Besides that, there also have a printer (Printer-PT Printer0) connect with a switch
(2960-24TT Switch1). So, the printer can used from two PC. In reception room also have one
CCTV (loT8), one smoke detector (loT27), one fire sprinkler (loT9) and two air conditioners
(loT6, loT7). There are two air conditioners in reception room to ensure the comfort of the
staff. CCTV in reception room it is prevent staff being lazy. All the devices are connected
with a same switch (2960-24TT Switch1).

Image 5: Network Diagram of Auditorium

Image 5 is shows the network diagram of auditorium. There are nine devices installed in
auditorium. The area of the auditorium is very big. In order to ensure the fresh air in the
auditorium so installed two air conditioners. Beside that, there are two projectors (TV-PT2,
TV-PT3) are connected with Cloud-PT (Cloud 2, Cloud3) using coaxial. Then Cloud-PT
connect to switch (2960-24TT Switch3) by using copper cross-over. So, the projector can use
from the PC-PT(PC5) that connected in the same switch. There also have two CCTVs (loT15,
loT16) to supervise student in class. In auditorium also got installed one fire sprinkler (loT17)
and one smoke detector (loT29). All the devices in auditorium are connected with the same
switch (2960-24TT Switch3).

Image 6: Network Diagram of Waiting Area

Image 6 is shows the network diagram of waiting area. There were 2 PC-PT (PC3, PC4)
installed in waiting. Student/guest/teacher can use the PC to do some research, there also has
a printer (Printer-PT Printer1) which is connected with the same switch (2960-24TT
Switch2), they also can use it to print some documents. Moreover, there also has a TV-PT
(TV0) connected to Cloud-PT (Cloud 0) with coaxial, then the (cloud0) using copper cross-
over connected to the switch (2960-24TT Switch2). When waiting, they can have a seat in the
waiting room and watching video. In addition, there also has a CCTV (loT12) to monitor the
situation in waiting room, and also has a fire sprinkler (loT10) and a smoke detector (loT30).
All the devices are connected to the same switch (2960-24TT Switch2).

1. Cisco DNA Center - Device 360 for Wireless LAN Controller and Access Point in Cisco
DNA Center Assurance. (2022, August). Retrieved September 1, 2022, from Cisco
‌2. Proctor, B. (2018). Mesh, Star and Point-To-Point Topology In IoT | Link Labs. Retrieved
September 1, 2022, from website:


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