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TAHUN 2022

Praise the authors present to the presence of God Almighty, because foer his grace
and guidance, the author was able to complete a paper entitled “An Analysis of the
Pronunciation of Students using Youtube Media in Grade VII students at SMPN 11 Palangka
Raya properly on time.

This paper is a requipment to fulfill one of the assignment for Research Methodology
course for students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Department of
Language and Arts Education, and English Education Study Program, University of Palangka
Raya. The research of this report could not be separated from the assistance of various
parties. Therefore,I,as the author amd in this report, would like to express my deepest
gratitude and to:

1. Ma’am Dr. Natalina Asi, MA, as Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, University of Palangka Raya;
2. Ma’am Dr. Ristati, M.Pd as Head of English Education Study Program;

The author is aware that there are many shortcomings in compiling this report. It is
hoped that this report can get suggestions and input in the form of criticism so that can be
improved. If there are errors in the writing and preparation of this report, the author apologize

Palangka Raya, 2022

Aprilia Fetrasonia
NIM. 203020201027

English at this time has become one part of the curriculum that has been set. With the rapid
development of technology, English is one of the soft skills that is needed in the current
global era. However, not all students can speak and use English fluently. For this reason,
YouTube can be a learning medium that can be used to train students' abilities to learn
Technology basically has a big influence on education, especially in learning English.
Therefore, this research was conducted to identify the influence of technology, especially
YouTube media, on learning English pronunciation for eighth grade students at SMP Negeri
11 Palangka Raya.
The author uses qualitative research methods. In this study the authors use qualitative
research by making observations that aim to make observations and interviews. The purpose
of this study was to determine the effect of ethnic background on students' English
pronunciation. In this study, the process of collecting data is by using structured interviews.
For this reason, the aim of the study was to see to what extent YouTube was able to improve
students' English skills in speaking English fluently.

Keywords: Technology, pronunciation, English, Youtube

PREFACE................................................................................................................................. 2
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. 3
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................... 4
BAB I ......................................................................................................................................... 5
PRELIMINARY ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Background of Study ................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Identification of The Problem .................................................................................. 7
1.3 Limitation of The Study............................................................................................ 7
1.4 Formulation of the Study .......................................................................................... 7
1.5 Objectives of The Study ............................................................................................ 7
1.6 Significance of the Study........................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER II ............................................................................................................................ 8
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE............................................................................. 8
A. Literature Review ...................................................................................................... 8
a. Pronunciation ......................................................................................................... 8
b. Media .................................................................................................................... 10


1.1 Background of Study

Language is one of the most important things in communication. Language is used to

communicate one person with another. They can convey their ideas, thoughts, opinions
whatever they think. In addition to the national language, there are still many languages that
are widely circulated in this world. One of them is English which is an international
language. And for us to know there are four skills in English, namely listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. But this research will only focus on pronunciation skills which are very
important abilities in English.
In general, pronunciation can be interpreted as the production of important sounds in
two senses. First, sounds are important because they are used as part of a specific language
code. Second, sound is important because it is used to achieve meaning in context (Dalton &
Seidlholfer, 1944, p.3). Then according to Kristina, Diah, et al (in Pratiwi, 2012; p.12),
pronunciation is an action or a way of saying a word or utterance. In other words,
pronunciation is a way of pronouncing a word that is generally accepted or understood.
According to some people, pronunciation in English is quite a difficult part, because if you
pronounce a few words in English it will have a different meaning, because there are many
words in English that have the same pronunciation but are different in writing. For example
someone says "I like beach" but the pronunciation is like "I like bitch" then people who
understand English and the pronunciation will think that person is saying that he is a lover of
The reason why the writer conducted this research was to examine and analyze
students' learning abilities and interests in learning English, especially in learning
pronunciation. Especially learning pronunciation for junior high school students who really
don't understand why English is so necessary when they are in the world of education and the
world of work one day. Some of the reasons that the author knows based on interviews
conducted with several students of SMP Negeri 11 Palangka Raya why most students are
unable to pronounce English well are a monotonous way of learning and no improvement
which tends to make students feel bored in class, foreign languages that are difficult to learn
studied, the lack of student interest in learning a foreign language is also a reason that is often
found among students. Therefore, in this study the writer tried to use the Youtube application
as a medium for learning pronunciation for students who had been determined, namely
seventh graders, to find out how effective the use of this Youtube application was to improve
their pronunciation skills.
Youtube is an application that has many popular video sites at this time. But to
become a video learning media in the Youtube application, it must be sorted and selected so
that it is suitable for viewing, especially for learning media. More than 100,000 videos are
watched and every 24 hours there are 65,000 new videos uploaded to Youtube. Youtube can
be a source and learning material in the current era of globalization. The Youtube application
can increase student interest in learning. There are many videos with English content,
children's animations in English and many more. Teachers can use it as learning material and
create a pleasant atmosphere in class and attract students' attention to be more diligent in
learning English.
1.2 Identification of The Problem
Based on the description of the background of the problem above, the autors identify
several problem find including :
1. Does the Youtube have an effect on improving students’ learning ?
2. Can the Youtube media improve students’ pronunciation ?
3. Can learning resource through the Youtube media improve students achievement in
English ?

1.3 Limitation of The Study

The delimitation of the problem in this study is only limited to English subjects for
class VII-3 students of SMPN 11 Palangka Raya for the 2022/2023 academic year and
foccuses on the influence Youtube media which as a learning resource on improving
studens’ English pronunciation.

1.4 Formulation of the Study

Dealing with to the limitation of the problem, researchers want to analys the problem
as follows “Is using the Youtube media going to improve students’ pronunciation ?”

1.5 Objectives of The Study

The purpose of this research is an analysis to find out students' interest in learning
pronunciation using YouTube media in seventh grade of SMPN 11 Palangka Raya.

1.6 Significance of the Study

a. For schools, provide material for policy considerations for schools in determining
and utilizing educational technology especially videos from Youtube in order to
improve the quality of teaching and learning to achieve the competencies and
learning objectives that have been determined and expected.
b. For teachers, provide correct information about the use of videos from Youtube in
learning, so that it becomes a positive consideration in maximizing the teaching
and learning process and being able to redesign the use of Youtube in a more
positive and creative and dynamic direction, not static.


A. Literature Review

a. Pronunciation
Kelly (in Sihombing 2014) states that pronunciation is the ability to use the correct
stress, rhythm, and intonation of a word in spoken language.Pronunciation refers to the way
we make the sound of a word. In other words, pronunciation is the way a word or language is
pronounced. In addition, the pronunciation in it includes articulation, emphasis, and
intonation. Pronunciation includes language features (vocabulary and grammar) as well as
skills (speaking and listening). When we find new vocabulary, it will be better if we know the
correct pronunciation. As previously explained, emphasis is also included in pronunciation.
For example, if a word in English has two syllables. The emphasis is usually on the first
syllable for nouns and adjectives, and on the second syllable for verbs.
In general, pronunciation is the science used to pronounce English words. In
conversation, mastering the material is quite crucial. Given that English itself actually has a
difference between writing and pronunciation. Roughly speaking, English is a hypocritical
language, between writing and pronunciation is different. Therefore, in order to be able to
pronounce the vocabulary correctly, according to what is spoken by native English speakers,
the pronunciation material is a science that cannot be negotiated.
There are five elements of pronunciation that you need to master. The five are as
a. vowel
b. consonant
c. Popsound
d. final sound
e. Syllables and stress

2.1 Element of Pronunciation

The pronunciation parts include stress, rhythm, point, intonation, and tone. These
basic parts of pronunciation are very, very useful and very important to understand,
especially in listening skills because in addition to really understanding the pronunciation and
pronunciation of vocabulary, proper pronunciation can also help find out the conditions and
situations that are happening right now, through the parts the pronunciation section above
helps students know if the other person is angry, happy, or sad.

2.2 Challenge in Pronunciation Skill

Students' difficulties in pronunciation can be described as follows. First, construction
is a form of abbreviation in everyday speech that is often used. "Construction" is intended to
shorten the two words. So that when written there are words or letters that are omitted, and
some are combined, for example the form "I am" becomes "I'm", "are not" becomes "aren't"
so that the pronunciation is different. In this case, many people have difficulty in pronouncing
it. Second, Plural-s is the pronunciation of words that have changed or improved –s or –es as
a result of changing a single word to become plural. For example "book" becomes "books",
"book" is pronounced \'buks\. Approximately 46.66% of students pronounce it wrong, most
of the words "book" and "books" are pronounced the same, namely \'buk\. Third,
Pronunciation-ought consists of several different wasy, including although and enough, while
pronunciation-ought, for example bought. Even in this word, students still make a lot of
mistakes in their pronunciation. Fourth, the pronunciation of ch is the pronunciation of words
consisting of elements of the letter ch, for example charge, Christian, and machine. This type
of pronunciation consists of three ways, including; ch sound as in wach (ch is pronounced
[t/]), ch sound as in chemicall (ch is pronounced ['k], and ch as in chef (ch is pronounced ['/]).
Fifth, pronunciation –etm is the pronunciation of the word that the ending –et is pronounced
[It]. As in the word basketball, there are still many people who pronounce it wrong like the
pronunciation in Indonesian, which is pronounced ['ba:sket] while the correct one is ['ba:skit].
This word is an English word. which is absorbed directly by the Indonesian language so that
the pronunciation is often equated. Sixth, the pronunciation of –ment is the pronunciation of
words that end in -ment like the word tournament. Seventh, Silent letters are words where
one of the letters disappears when spoken. Silent letters consist of silent b, silent d, silent g,
silent h, silent l, silent n, and silent p. For example climb is pronounced [klaIm], the letter b at
the end of the word is not pronounced or is lost.
The words above are very often heard when learning English, but even though they
are familiar and widely known, there are still many mistakes in their pronunciation. Lack of
pronunciation practice can make students often make mistakes, it is a challenge that must be
considered by the teacher and must be overcome immediately.

b. Media
Etymologically the word "media" comes from the Latin, namely "medius" which
means "middle", "introduction" or "intermediary". While in Arabic, the media is written
"Wasail" in the form of the plural 'changed to the word "wasilah" which is synonymous with
the word "al-wath" which means "middle" or "intermediary". Media as something that carries
information from a source that is intended for a recipient. The use of media is intended to
facilitate communication in the learning process. Azhar Arsyad defines media as an
introduction to messages from the sender (communicator) to the recipient of the message
(communicant). Media in the learning process can be defined as graphic, photographic, or
electronic tools for capturing, processing, and rearranging visual or verbal information.
Epistemologically, the notion of media can be studied through the opinions of several experts
Epistemologically, the notion of media can be studied through the opinions of several
experts below :
1) The National Education Association (NEA) defines media as anything that can be
manipulated; seen, heard, read, or taken along with the instruments used for these
activities (Koyo K., et al, 1985: 42).
2) Association of Educational and Communication Technologies (AECT). Media is
anything and a channel that people use to transmit messages or information.
3) Robert. M. Gagne explains that the media are various types of components in the
student's environment that can trigger them to learn.
4) Henry Briggs defines media as all physical tools that can present messages and
arouse students to learn, such as books, films, tapes, and others.
5) Fleming calls the media "mediator" which is defined as a cause or tool that
intervenes in two parties and reconciles them.

In learning activities there is a communication process that occurs between teachers

and students. The communication process will involve the media as one of the main
components in learning activities. In carrying out learning activities, teachers must have ideas
that are embodied in learning planning. In order for the learning communication process to
run effectively, teachers need to use media to activate student activity in learning activities.

With learning media, teachers can easily establish good communication with students in
achieving learning objectives. Something will be said to be a learning medium if it meets two
elements, namely;
1) There is no equipment or hardware (hardware) that is the means or equipment used to
present the message.
2) There is no message (message/software) that is information or learning materials in
certain themes that will be conveyed or studied by children.
Learning media is the most important part that is inseparable from the learning
process, because by using learning media the educational process will be more successful if
children are actively involved in the educational process.

c. Media Function
1. The function of the media is to be a source of information and knowledge.
2. The function of the media is to overcome the limitations of space, time, and the
ability of the human senses.
3. The function of the media is a means to express opinions, ideas and ideas more
4. The function of the media is for entertainment, relaxation, and diversion from
social tensions experienced by a person.
5. The function of the media is an educational tool that facilitates all learning
6. The function of the media is supervision and certain social control.
7. The function of the media is to seek the attention of the public.
8. The function of the media is to influence audiences.
9. The function of the media is to show existence.


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