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Nama : Aprilia Fetrasonia

NIM : 203020201027

Subject : Research Methodology

(Juniar & Maros, 2016) The pronunciation is as follows, per the Dictionary of the
English Language: "The act or manner of speaking; an expression of speech). English
pronunciation is "the way English words are spoken," according to the Oxford Dictionary
(English pronunciation is the way in which a word is spoken). According to the definition
given above, "English pronunciation" is defined as the pronunciation of word sounds in
conformity with established English norms. According to Tarigan (2011:132), "Because it
requires differentiating between sounds that combine to create words and concepts,
pronunciation is crucial to the growth of vocabulary. It takes consistent and methodical
practice to perfect good and correct speaking.

(Naiborhu, 2019) One of the learning objectives in junior high school is to develop
speaking skills in English. These objectives in the Education Level Unit Curriculum are
stated in terms of Basic Competencies. The Basic Competence of Learning English in
SMP/MTs is "understanding the meaning in very simple conversational and interpersonal
conversations to interact with the closest environment". The four language skills that we gain
when we learn English—listening, reading, writing, and speaking—are the four essential
components of teaching English as a foreign language.

(Karyaningsih & Siswanto, 2020) Pronunciation itself is how to pronounce or make

the correct sound when mentioning a word[9]. Therefore, in order to avoid errors in
understanding the sound system in pronouncing English during distance lectures, the
importance of this E-Learning media as a Pronunciation learning medium. With this media,
face-to-face substitutes and knowing the ability to pronounce the English system well can be
delivered directly and can also be used as a correction medium if students make
pronunciation errors. In addition, Pronunciation cannot be done with text-based media.

(Hidayati & Rosyid, 2020) The goal of learning pronunciation is not for English
learners to mimic a native speaker's accent, but rather for language learners to be able to
pronounce things properly enough for the listener to understand them. This is due to how
challenging it is for non-native language speakers to have impeccable accents. (2016)
Begum-Hoque. You may learn to pronounce words correctly by learning how to pronounce
them (Cakmak, 2019). In order to avoid mistakes in reading or speaking, it is important for
students to comprehend how to pronounce English words. Because mispronouncing English
words can have fatal effects, pronunciation in English is important. Mispronouncing a
consonant or a vowel in a word can make word differences which will result in an error in the
intended meaning. Theory is needed to comprehend the difference in pronunciation, and a lot
of practice is needed to be able to create. Learning results for students are mostly influenced
by their learning motivation, flexibility to learning, participation in the learning process,
capacity to accept and process learning materials, and of course, how often they practice.

(Maimunah, 2016) The characteristics and abilities of each media need to be

considered by teachers so that they can choose which media suits their conditions and needs.
For example, audio media is an auditive media that teaches verbal learning topics such as
foreign language pronunciation. For learning foreign languages, this media is quite
appropriate because if it is directly given without media, there are often inaccuracies in
pronunciation, repetition and so on.

Hidayati, P. S., & Rosyid, A. (2020). Pembelajaran English Pronunciation Melalui Mobile
Assisted Language Learning (Mall): Potensi Dan Hambatan. Pedagonal : Jurnal Ilmiah
Pendidikan, 4(2), 61–66.
Karyaningsih, D., & Siswanto, P. (2020). Rancang Bangun E-Learning Pronunciation Bahasa
Inggris STKIP Setiabudhi Rangkasbitung Berbasis Web. Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem
Informasi Dan Komputer), 9(2), 236–241.
Maimunah, M. (2016). Metode Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran. Al-Afkar : Jurnal
Keislaman & Peradaban, 5(1).
PRONOUNCIATION. 6(September), 1–23.
Naiborhu, R. (2019). Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Melalui
Metode Bermain Peran. Jurnal Global Edukasi, 3(1), 7–12.

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