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:The Curse Library:-:Ctrl-S/Space:

39 columns/17 sectors/146 lines

! !
! The Real Crackers Guide! !
! !
! Written By: !
! !
! One Eye/1200 Club !
! !
! Mental Help From: !
! !
! The Atom, The Cog, The Sprout, Mom! !
! !
!<C> 85/1200 Club/T-File !
Converted to Lower Case by : The Doc

This file is written for aspiring

crackers, in order to teach them the
morals and ethics of cracking.

If you are offended by anything in this

file, thats your problem.

ok lets go.....

First, the definition of a real cracker

a real cracker can sit down and crack
95% of the warez out, no protection
scheme fools him, but he may sometimes
get lost in its magnitude(dave hall,
sir tech). real pirates are also 16 yrs
of age and older, and know at least
some assembly(hear that copy cat).

Real crackers don't have wildcards,

snapshots or replay cracking cards,
real crackers know that a copycard
seldom produces a good crack, and
when it does that crack is generally
to large(freeze didn't remeber this).

Real crackers don't use this method

! From the wrench's notebook !
! !
! How to krak: by copy/kat !
! !
! 1. boot copy/a !
! 2. hit ctrl-c !
! 3. type 70 !
! 4. type call-151 !
! 5. type b942:18 !
! 6. ware is kraked !

Real crackers don't spell crack like:

krak, krack, crak, crac, krakc or crake
crack is spelled c r a c k!

Real crackers don't read the pirates

harbour cracking board

Real crackers don't put out bad

cracks, when they know that the crack
is bad. if a real cracker does happen
to put out a bad crack, he always makes
a patch for it.

Real crackers know what it takes to

write a game, and therefore respect
every author, even the dude who wrote

Real crackers never make there own

title pages, unless of course its a
text page.

Real crackers read hardcore computist,

and morn the loss of softalk.

Real crackers didn't cheat to get their

name in softline.

Real crackers don't learn to boot trace

overnight(sirini style). a real cracker
realizes that boot tracing is an art
that can not be mastered by reading
mr xerox's or krackowitz's files. a
real cracker knows that in order to
be a proficent boot tracer, consant
practice is needed.

Real crackers don't have any orginals

that arn't un cracked(except maybe that
old copy of shadowkeep).

Real crackers don't buy their orginals,

they either steal them, or find someone
to buy/steal them for him.

Real crackers are in good groups, you

will seldom find any cracker who is
not a member of one of the following,
apg, ppg, mpg, 1200 club, rackateers,
or black bag.

Real crackers don't change title pages,

it might be easy to grab a ware off the
local ae line, then change the title
page and give it to a bunch of your
friends, but a real cracker realizes
that, doing so only bolsters one's ego

Real crackers don't put girlfriends

names on tilte pages.

Real crackers don't crack a ware after

they know that someone else has already
cracked that ware. unless they are just
doing it for practice or profit.

Real crackers don't crack infocom

Real crackers never say checksum

Real crackers have ii+'s

Thats about it....

Be looking for volume // of this C00L


Written for:

Spectrum Elite.............###/###/####
Black Market Elite.........615/377/6929
Phaze:Ttd IV...............805/658/0416
Thieves Den 3-D............801/943/4910
Thieves Den 2..............512-458-9008
Arabian Dezert.............212/543/3923

<C>85/1200 Clubo#Ce U9eM##U4ZYWV##T##Irrrrrrrrrrrrrr*#j"*BjJ##Bj#&#%#


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