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Prepared by: EILLEN IVY A.

Siari John H. Roemer Memorial National High School
 A protocol is a set of rules.
 Part of the protocol specifies where on the envelope
the delivery address needs to be written. If the
delivery address is written in the wrong place, the
letter cannot be delivered.
 Internet protocols are set of rules governing
communication within and between computers on a
 Identifying
 Compressing the data
 Deciding how the data is to be sent
 Addressing the data
 Deciding how to announce sent and received
 TCP/IP: The transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol suite
protocols has become the dominant standard for internetworking.
TCP/IP represents a set of public standards that specify how
packets of information are exchanged between computers over
one or more networks.
 IPX/SPX: Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet
Exchange is the protocol suite originally employed by Novell
Corporation’s network operating system, NetWare.
 NetBEUI: NetBIOS Extended User Interface is a protocol primarily
on small Windows NT networks. NetBEUI cannot be routed or
used by routers talk to each other on a large network.
- suitable for small peer-to-peer networks, involving a few
computers directly connected to each other.


Commonly Used Internet Protocol

AppleTalk: AppleTalk is a protocol suite to network
Macintosh computers
- designed to run over LocalTalk, which is the Apple LAN
physical topology,
- also designed to run over major LAN types, notably
Ethernet and Token Ring
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol governs how files such as
text, graphics, sound, and video are exchanged on the World
Wide Web (www).
 FTP: File Transfer Protocol provides services for file transfer
and manipulation. FTP allows multiple simultaneous
computer that lacks security features.
 SSH: Secure Shell is used to securely connect to a remote
 TelNet: An application used to connect to a remote computer
that lacks security features.
 POP3: Post Office Protocol is used to download e-mail from
remote mail server.
 IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol is also used to
download e-mail from a remote mail server.
 SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used to send e-mail
to a remote e-mail server.
 An IP Addressing is a number that is used to identify a device
on the network.
 Each device on a network must have a unique IP address to
communicate with other network devices. Network devices
are devices that move data across the network, including
hubs, switches, and routers.
 On a LAN, each host (device that sends or receives
information on the network) and network device must have
an IP address within the same network to be able to
communicate with each other.
 An IP address consists of a series of 32 binary bits (1s and
0s). It is very difficult for humans to read binary IP address.
For this reason, the 32 bits are grouped into four 8-bit bytes
called OCTETS. An IP Address, even in this grouped format,
is hard for humans to read, write, and remember.
Class A Used for large networks, implemented by large
companies and some countries.

Class B Used for medium-sized networks, implemented

by universities.
Class C Used for small networks, implemented by ISPs
for customer subscriptions.
Class D Used for special use for multicasting
Class E Used for experimental testing
DIRECTION: Identify what is being described in the following sentences and write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
_____ 1. It is a set of rules in the internet
_____ 2. It is a number that is used to identify a device on the network.
_____ 3. An internet protocol used to send e-mail to a remote e-mail server.
_____ 4. It represents a set of public standards that specify how packets of information are
exchanged between computers over one or more networks.
_____ 5. What do you call the grouped of 32 bits and 8 bits binary IP?
_____ 6 & 7. Give 2 functions of Internet Protocol.
B. Give the meaning of the following Acronym.
9. WWW
11. TCP/IP
12. POP
13. FTP
14. IMAP
15. SMTP
 Indicates the network portion of an IP
 Like the IP address, the subnet mask is a
dotted-decimal number.
 Class A, which indicates that the first octet of the
IP address is the network portion
 Class B, which indicates that the first two octets
of the IP addresses are the network portion
 Class C, which indicates that the first three
octets of the IP address are the network portion.
 Class D addresses are used for multicast groups. There is no
need to allocate octet or bits to separate network and host
 Class E addresses are reserved for research use only.
 Is a command used to find out the IP address
of a certain network you are connected to.
1. Click the Start Button, then type cmd (command prompt)
on the search box,
2. A black screen will appear as shown in the figure.
3. Type ipconfig and press enter. The figure below shows the
IP configuration window using the ipconfig command. The
information from this window will be useful because it
shows the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway of
a network you are connected.
Here are the procedures in assigning an IP address on a
windows base computer system.
1. Open the Control Panel’s Network Connection icon.
2. Open the icon representing your computer’s network
3. Click the Properties button in the Status dialog box

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