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Republic of the Philippines


Camarines Sur

Module 8

Name of Student Parone, John P. Week No.: 17-18

Course Code: PHYG3 Name of Faculty: AMADO T. CLEDERA JR.
Course Title: Thermodynamics Semester/AY: 2nd Sem, 2022-2023

Discuss the thermodynamic cycles, examples, and applications.


Specific Tasks

1. Choose one of the following thermodynamic cycles and discuss using a diagram. Cite your
a. Carnot Cycle

Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot (1796-1832), a French military engineer, published

Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire in 1824. The book proposed a generalized theory of heat
engines, as well as an idealized model of a thermodynamic system for a heat engine that is now
known as the Carnot cycle. The Carnot cycle consists of four processes. For the first process,
process 1-2 this process is called isothermal expansion in thermodynamics this means there is no
change in temperature, the next process is 2-3 which is called an adiabatic expansion, adiabatic
in thermodynamics means that there is no heat transfer between surroundings and your system,
on this process the volume increases and the pressure decreases. The next process 3-4 is called is
the isothermal compression so by compression it means volume is decreased and as a result
pressure increases. And finally the last process the last process is called the adiabatic
compressions since it it's an adiabatic all change in temperature is contained within a system and
our entropy is zero also since this is compression it means our volume decreases while our
pressure increases.

2. Give a specific practical application of the thermodynamic cycle that you have discussed in task number 1.
Explain based on your understanding of the concept. You may use a PowerPoint presentation or an actual
demonstration. Film yourself while doing this task number 2.
Carnot engine.pptx d=true
3. Submit your output in the submission bin provided in the Moodle Classroom.

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