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The Chemical Production of Mutations

C. Auerbach, J. M. Robson, and J. G. Carr

Institate of Animal Genetics and Department of Pharmacology, University of Edinbargh

GENETIC MUTATION IS A CHANGE, mutpion. If, as we assume, a mutation is a chemical
presumably chemical in nature, in one of the process, then knowledge of the reagents capable of
genes which compose the chromosome thread. initiating this process should throw light not only on the
The mutated gene is as stable as the original; it goes on reaction itself, but also on the nature of the gene, the
reproducing replicas of its mutated self and thus initiates other partner in the reaction. Moreover, it could be
a new hereditary line. I t is believed that without hoped that among chemical mutagens there might be
mutation life would never have proceeded beyond its very some with particular affinities for individual genes.
first elementary beginnings. Net the mechanism of Detection of such substances not only would be of high
this important process is practically unknown. With theoretical interest but would also open up the long-
the discovery by H. J. Muller (12) that mutations can be sought-for way to the production of directed mutations.
produced artifically by X-rays, a new approach to the The search for chemical mutagens has been going on for
problem of mutation was opened up, and many new facts well over 20 years. The choice of substances tried for the
relating to this problem were brought to light. One of purpose was mainly random. Iodine, ammonia, metaI
the most important results was the discovery that the compounds, and carcinogens are only some out of the
term "mutation" includes a number of distinct processes. great number tested. Results were often clearly negative,
I n addition to gene mutations as defined above, X-rays and no clearly positive ones had been obtained up to the
produce breaks in the chromosome threads; when the beginning of our experiments in 1940 (see 1, 9, 19). It
resulting fragments join together in novel combinations, is obvious that a chemical mutagen must possess very
so-called chromosome rearrangements, hereditary special properties. I t must be able to act selectively on
changes closely resembling mutations may be produced. the genic material without at the same 'time destroying
Rules connecting quantity and quality of radiation with the cell which contains this material. I t was, therefore,
type and frequency of mutations were discovered, and only to be expected that many substances would have to
inferences could be drawn on number of ionizations be tried before an effective one was found, and the search
required, size of the sensitive gene volume, etc. (10). was continued by many workers. This search was
Yet the actual processes of gene mutation and chromo- encouraged by the accumulation of data which pointed
some breakage-if indeed these are essentially different to an influence of physiological conditions, such as age
from one another-are still as mysterious as ever. (13), sex (I), starvation (15), and of the genotype itself
X-rays are destructive and nondiscriminating. I t is (5, 11, 16) on mutation rate. If, thus, chemical condi-
conceivable that less severe methods of producing muta- tions created by the organism itself are capable of
tions might make possible a closer insight into the proc- influencing the process of mutation, it did not seem
esses concerned. An advance in this direction was made beyond hope that chemical substances introduced from
when it was found that ultraviolet light, too, is capable of outside might have similar. effects.
producing mutations. The restriction of the effective The choice of mustard gas for trials of this kind was
wave length to a comparatively narrow range which suggested by observations pointing to its interference
includes the absorption bands of nucleic acid and certain with cell division. Mustard gas burns, like X-rays
protein components supported the hypothesis, put bums, heal only with difficulty, and even after they
forward by radiation geneticists, that the first step appear to have healed they have a tendency to break
toward the production of a mutation consists in the .'down again. In addition, it was found, that vaginal
absorption of an energy quantum by some constituent of epithelium of an ovariectomized mouse which has been
the chromosome. But the hope that more specific exposed to a weak solution of mustard gas fails to mani-
effects, dependent on thewave length, might be produced, fest the mitotic activity which normally follows stimu-
was not realized. Certain differences between the action lation with estrogens, and that this inhibition of mitosis
of ultraviolet and that of the much shorter waves of X- lasts for several weeks after the exposure to mustard
and gamma rays are not yet understood, but may gas. I t is well known that the chromosome breaks and
eventually prove helpful in the analysis of the mutation rearrangements caused by X-radiation interfere with cell
process (18). proliferation, partly through mechanical disturbances of
Chemical substances with mutagenic properties should mitosis and partly through death of those cells which,
be particularly useful tools for attacking the problems of after distribution of the fragments and new chromosome
combinations into the daughter cells, do not receive a subsequently represented, in the Fz,by a whole culture
sufficiently normal set of chromosomes. I t was thought of flies, and if a lethal has arisen on a sex-chromosome, the
possible that mustard gas, like X-rays, may inhibit cell corresponding culture will consist entirely of females-
division through direct action on the chromosomes. a fact which is, of course, readily observed even by an
In the autumn of 1940, experiments were started to untrained person.
find out whether mustard gas is capable of producing gene The result of the first C1B test with mustard gas, car-
mutations and chromosome rearrangements. Drosophila ried out in April 1941, was spectacular beyond expecta-
melanogastw was used as test animal. The flies were ex- tion. Whereas the rate a t which sex-linked lethals arise
posed to mustard gas vapor, first in a closed chambe; and spontaneously in laboratory stocks rarely approaches 1
later in a container through which air mixed with mustard per cent, 90 lethals were found in about 1,300 treated
gas was sucked. The first results immediately gave prom- sex-chromosomes. This represents a mutation rate of
ise of success. Both males and females became steri- over 7 per cent. Only 3 sex-linked lethals were found in
lized to a degree which depended on the dose. Sterility an equivalent number of untreated chromosomes, rep-
was found to be due to two independent causes, both of resenting a rate of 0.2 per cent. Similar results had
which are also known to be involved in the production of previously been obtained only with X-rays or other
X-ray sterility. First, gametogenesis is inhibited, so that high-energy radiation. Further. tests fully confirmed
after a time no more ova and spermatozoa are available. and even exceeded the first success, up to 24 per cent
Second, lethality is high among zygotes from treated lethals being produced. Higher percentages can hardly
eggs and, more important still, among eggs laid by un- be expected because, concomitantly with the increase in
treated females which have been mated to treated males. mutation rate, sterility becomes more and more severe.
Since the spermatozoa do not lose their motility as a Genetic analysis of the lethals produced in the first
result of the treatment, the most likely explanation was C1B test indicated that some of them were due to, or
that mustard gas, like X-rays, produces chromosome combined with, chromosome rearrangements, and these
breaks and rearrangements in the sperm. findings were confirmed by cytological examination
In order to obtain conclusive proof that mustard gas carried out by Dr. Slizynski. A special test for the pro-
exerts an action on the chromosomes, genetic methods duction of chromosome rearrangements by mustard gas
for the detection of mutations were applied. Male was undertaken in December 1941. The method was
flies were mated to untreated females, and the progeny designed to spot translocations, i.e rearrangements
(Fz)was examined for the occurrence of mutations. through which two chromosomes have exchanged por-
Early mutation work, as well as some more recent work tions with one another. Spontaneous translocations are
on organisms which are genetically less thoroughly known so exceedingly rare that the use of controls was not con-
than Drosophila, has suffered from the impossibility of sidered necessary. The result left no doubt about
eliminating the large personal error, for a trained worker the capacity of mustard gas to produce chromosome
may spot abnormalities which may pass unnoticed by a rearrangements; 7 translocations were found in 816
less experienced or less observant person. In Drosophila treated nuclei. A report on these results was sent to
genetics this obstacle has been removed by methods the Ministry of Supply in March 1942, but, like all this
which, in the main, have been designed by H. J. Muller, work, could not be published because of the security
and without which the quantitative analysis of genetic ra- ban on work with war gases. I n subsequent experiments
diation effects would have been impossible. The essential more translocations as well as other types of rearrange-
feature of these methods is their restriction to the detec- ments were produced. Since only Drosophila had been
tion of so-called lethal mutations, i.e mutations which are used for all these studies, it was gratifying that cytological
so harmful that they prevent development of the individ- investigations on pollen mother cells of Tradesmnlia,
ual. Hence, lethal mutations are detected by the carried out by Dr. Roller in 1943, fully confirmed our
absence from the progeny of a whole class of flies, and finding that mustard gas can produce chromosome breaks
since presence or absence are characteristics about and rearrangements.
which any two observers are likely to agree, these The similarity between the genetic effects of mustard
methods reduce the personal error to a minimum, while gas and of X-rays are so striking that only gradually did
a t the same time allowing the study of large samples certain differences between the two types of action come
without excessive labor. Particularly useful for large-scale to light. Yet special interest attaches just to these
tests are methods like the famous CZB test which are de- differences, because a comparison between chemical and
signed to detect sex-linked lethals, i.e. lethals on the sex physical mutagens seems a hopeful approach to the
chromosome, of which the male has only one, while the problem of mutation. The first difference appeared in
female has two. A sex-linked lethal prevents the develop- work on translocations. I t has been shown that the
ment of a male carrying it, while it usually does not frequencies of X-ray-induced lethals, on the one hand,
interfere seriously with development of the female. I n the and of X-ray-induced translocations, on the other, bear
C1B test each treated or control sex-chromosome becomes a mathematical relationship to the dose administered,
the first increasing directly as the dose, the second agencies which involves not the types of mutation which
approximately as its 3/2th power (10). Consequently, they produce, but the way in which the mutations
for a given dose of X-rays (as measured in roentgen become manifest in the offspring of the treated flies.
units) there exists a numerical relationship between the After X-ray treatment of males most of the mutated
numbers of lethals and translocations produced. Thus, a offspring show the induced abnormality (such as yellow
dose of 3,000 r-units produces about 9 per cent sex-linked body color instead of the normal gray) over the whole
lethals and about 6 per cent translocations between surface of their body. Only a small proportion (less
chromosomes I1and I11of D. melanogaster. After mustard than 15 per cent) of the mutated individuals are mosaics,
gas treatment, this relationship is shifted very markedly i.e. show the abnormality in a part of their body, the
in favor of sex-linked lethals. Instead of the expected remainder being normal. In the progeny of mustard-
6 per cent, only 0.5 per cent translocations between chro- gas-treated males, on the other hand, mosaics form a
mosomes I1 and I11 were produced in an experiment in high proportion (usually between 30 and 50 per cent) of
which the rate of sex-linked lethals was 9 per cent, and a all mutated individuals ( 2 ) . Moreover, whereas the
siinilar relative shortage of translocations was observed gonads of X-ray mosaics rarely contain both normal and
in subsequent tests. At first sight, these observations mutated cells, those of mustard gas mosaics quite fre-
seem to indicate that mustard gas is less efficient than quently appear to do so. A special study has been made
X-rays in breaking the chromosome thread. However, of such "gonadic mosaicism" with respect to sex-linked
it is well to be cautious in drawing this conclusion. It lethal mutations (3). A female, daughter of a treated
has to be kept in mind that with the methods used we male, whose ovaries contain a patch of tissue in which
could not detect the primary breaks, but only a pro- the cells carry a sex-linked lethal, will have fewer sons
portion of the subsequently formed rearrangements. I t than a normal female, the shortage of sons depending on
is conceivable that chemical treatment interferes with the relative sizes of the normal and mutated portions of
the process of rejoining of broken ends in such a way that the ovary. A similar depression of the sex ratio occurs
a given number of breaks results in fewer observable also in the progeny of females who carry, evenly distrib-
rearrangements than would be formed by the same uted through all cells of their ovaries, a sex-linked
number of X-ray breaks. Special tests are required to "semilethal" mutation, i.e. a mutation which weakens the
decide this point. males so that only a proportion of them are capable of
On the other hand, mustard gas does not seem to be completing development. Analysis of females giving
less efficient than X-rays in the production of very a low sex ratio has shown that among daughters of ir-
small, so-called "minute" rearrangements. Slizynski and radiated males this abnormality is almost always due to
Slizynska (17),in a cytological of sex-linked lethals pro- a semilethal mutation affecting the whole of the ovary.
duced by various agencies, have found that in about 20 On the other hand, in 9out of 20 daughters of mustard-gas-
per cent of cases the genetic change underlying the pro- treated males, the shortage of sons was due to the
duction of a lethal is a minute deficiency in the chro- presence in their otherwise normal ovaries of a mosaic
mosome, and this frequency appears to be the same after patch carrying a sex-linked lethal. Finally, mention
X-rays, after ultraviolet radiation, and after mustard should also be made of a striking case of mosaicism in
gas treatment. These findings emphasize the similarity, which a son of a mustard-gas-treated male was, both in
often pointed out by geneticists, between true gene the gonads and in the soma, a mosiac for two different
mutations and minute chromosome rearrangements, and mutations of the same gene, although it must be assumed
they do not contradict the possibility that so-called gene that in the treated spermatozoon each treated gene was
mutations may be nothing more than chromosome present only once.
rearrangements of so minute a size that they elude An explanation which seems particularly satisfactory
detection by cytological methods. I t will be of great in accounting for all these observations is that the gene
interest to determine whether small deficiencies form an affectedby treatment does not always mutate at once, but
equally high proportion of lethals which have been pro- may acquire a tendency to mutate which remains latent
duced by less potent chemical substances than mustard until a later cell division. Support for this hypothesis
gas. was obtained when it was found in several cases that the
A second difference between the actions of X-rays and offspring of gonadic mosaics for a mutation again were
of mustard gas came to light in the course of a study of gonadic mosaics for the same mutation. In these cases
visible mutations after chemical treatment. In one an induced specific instability seems to have been trans-
respect this study was disappointing since the mutations mitted from one generation to the next before giving rise
observed were of the same types as those found after to a stable change. No parallel observations have been
X-ray treatment, and there was no indication of any reported in literature on radiation genetics; but it seems
specific effects of the gas on individual genes. Mustard worth noting that so-called "unstable" genes, i.e. genes
gas seems to act as indiscriminately as X-radiation. which tend to mutate repeatedly in the same direction,
There is, however, a differenke between these two have been found several times in untreated material (6).
The difference between the mutations produced by these compounds are slightly mutagenic. By analogy
short-wave radiation and chemical reaction may be with the vesicant action of the :S compounds, the
tentatively ascribed to the different amounts of energy chlorethylacetones might be more active. I t has not
involved in the two types of reaction. I n short-wave yet been possible to test these substances.
radiation the energy made available is usually suffi- Other groups which might replace the :S and i N of the
ciently large to produce a catastrophic alteration in the mustards and retain the additive ability of the molecule
structure of the gene, by transforming it from one stable include :As, although compounds with i As are rather
configuration to another. On the other hand, reaction of unstable under physiological conditions and are mostly
the gene with a chemical substance, because of the smaller toxic. The corresponding i P compounds are apparently
amount of energy involved, may produce a less drastic out of the question in this connection, as they are spon-
effect, by transforming it to an intermediate metastable taneously inflammable in air. The :SOzcompounds may
configuration. Such a configuration will, of course, tend similarly be expected to show some activity, but not the
to undergo "spontaneous"a1teration to another and more :SO ones. This parallels their vesicant action. There
stable configuration, i.e. an "unstable" gene is produced. is also the possibility of using nitrile, isonitrile, and the
After the first positive results with mustard gas had corresponding thiocyanates and isothiocyanates for the
been obtained, the search for chemical mutagens was coordinating group, and attention was therefore directed
extended to substances which either in their chemical to ally1 isothiocyanate. A weak but definite mutagenic
structure or in their pharmacological action are related activity could be demonstrated for this compound (4).
to mustard gas. Mustard gas is a fixative of protoplasm On the other hand, this type of chemical structure does
with unusual power of penetration. I t was soon seen not seem a necessary prerequisite for a mutagenic sub-
that these two properties by themselves are not suffi- stance. This is shown by the fact that Hadorn and
cient to make a substance mutagenic, for neither osmic Niggli (8) have obtained considerable numbers of
acid nor picric acid affected the mutation rate in tests in mutations by exposing explanted ovaries of Drosophila
which the majority of the treated individuals were killed. to weak solutions of ~henol.
Neither can it be said that every potent vesicant is a Ally1 isothiocyanate, or mustard oil, occurs naturally
mutagen, for lewisite gave entirely negative results in two in plants of the genus Brassica. We do not know
ClB tests. So far only three substances have been found whether it acts as a mutagen in these plants, but it is
which give genetic effects similar to those of mustard interesting to speculate how far naturally occurring
gas. These all belong to the class of nitrogen- or sulphur- mutagens may be responsible for spontaneous mutability.
mustards. Their chemical formulas are: (1) O(CH2. I t has been shown by Muller and Mott-Smith (14) that
CH2.S. CH2. CHzC1)2, (2) N(CH2. CHzCl),, and (3) CHI. cosmic radiation and natural radioactivity are quanti-
N(CH2. CH2Cl)z. tatively insufficient to account for the observed rates of
As the chemical mutagens presumably attack the genic spontaneous mutation. Timofkeff-Ressovsky, Zimmer,
material directly, it was noted with interest that these and Delbriick (20) have suggested that random tempera-
active compounds all contain an unsaturated atom ture oscillations inside the nucleus may occasionally
(:S or i N) which might combine with materials composing overstep the energy threshold required for the production
the gene, and that this activity would be enhanced by of a mutation. In the light of the results reported here
the type of side chains present in the vesicant musbrds it seems possible, however, that a certain proportion of
(e.g. C1CH2.CH2-). With this type of structure is asso- natural mutations may be due to the action of mutagenic
ciated the tendency to intramolecular cyclization to substances within the organism, and whose production
form onium compounds (7), characteristic of the active may itself be the consequence of gene action. Such an
tN and :S vesicants. Assuming that the mutagenic assumption finds support in the known cases in which
action is due to the reaction on the unsaturated atom of definite genes influence mutability of the rest of the genes
the uncyclized compound with the gene, it was thought or even of a specific gene (2, 11, 17). Search for natural
likely that replacement of the :S and i N by :0-wouldnot mutagens is therefore of high interest, but may well turn
produce active materials, as the addition compounds of out to be exceedingly difficult. By its very nature a
divalent oxygen are not stable in aqueous solution (and natural mutagen can have no drastic effect in the species
"0 mustard" is not a vesicant). Stable addition com- in which it occurs; otherwise, the species could not
pounds are, however, formed by compounds having the survive. Moreover, a physiological system which in-
:CO group, and though the corresponding "CO cludes mutagens whose production is controlled by genes
mustards" were not tried, the tear gases, chloracetone will, in the course of its evolution, have attained a finely
and dichloracetone (compounds with C1CH2-side chains attuned equilibrium between the strength of the effective
instead of the C1CH2.CH2- of mustard gas) were substances and the sensitivity of the gene or genes on
examined. The activity of these compounds was which they act. Removed from its normal genotypical
extremely weak; in fact, the results were not clearly environment, a natural mutagen may produce quite
positive, although they suggest the possibility that both different effects or none a t all. Therefore, results
obtained with one organism may not be transferable to 6. DEmREC, Me S~mfios. Want. Bio1.P 1941,9,145-150.
. , PHILIPS,F. S. Science, 1946,103, 409-4'15.
7. G I ~ A N , A and
another, in contrast to results gained with such drastic 8. HADORN, E., and NIDDLI,H. Nature, LO&.. 1946,157.162-163.
agencies as X-rays and, presumably, mustard gas. 9. LAW, L. W. Proc. nat. cad. Sci. wash., 1938, ?4;5461550.
10. LEA,D . E. Actions of radiations on living cells. Cambridge, Engl.: Cam.
Nevertheless, it is tempting to consider the possibility bridge Univ. Press, 1946.
that one of the means by which evolution adapts mut- 11. MAYPELL,K. PIOC.nat. Acad. Sci. Wash., 1943,29, 137-143.
ability to environmental 'requirements is the achieve- 12. MULLER,H. J. Verh. V . int. Kongr. Vererbungsw., 1927, 234-260; 2.
indukt. Abstamm. Vererb Lehre (Suppl. I ) , 1928.
ment of a balance between the production of mutagens 13. MULLER,H. J: Genetics,1946,31,225.
and sensitivity to them. 14. MULLER,H. J., and MOTT-SXITH, L. M. PIOC.mat. Acad. Sci. TVash.,
1930,16, 277-285,
References 15. OLENOV, J. M. Amer. Nat., 1941,75,580-595.
16. RHOADES, M.M. Symfios. quanl. Biol., 1941, 9, 138-144.
1. AUERBACH, C. I . Genet., 1941,41,255-265. 17. SLIZYNSKI, B. M., and SLIZYNSKA, H. PIOC.TOY. Sot. Edinb., in press.
2 . AUERBACH, C. Proc. roy SOC.Edinb., 1916, 62, 211-221. 18. STADLER,L. J. Symfios. quant. Biol., 1941,9,168-178.
3. AUERBACH, C. PYOC.roy. SOC.Edinh., in press. 19. TIMOF~EFP-RESSOVSKY, N. W. Biol. Rev., 1934,9, 411-457.
4. AUERBACH, C., and ROBSON,J. M. Nature, Lond., 1944, 154, 81-82. 20. TIMOF~RPF-RESSOVSKY,N. W., ZI=R,K. G.,and D ~ ~ s n i t c k , M .
5. D E ~ X E M.
C , Genetics, 1937,22,469-478. Ges. TViss. Gfittingen (Math.-Phys. Kl., Biol.) 1935, 1, 234-241.

Henry Helm Clayton organization of the International Cloud Committee and

1861-1946 the international series of measurements of heights and
velocities of 1896. The colored pictures for the Atlas of
With the passing of Henry Helm Clayton, on October clods, issued in 1897 by the U. S. Hydrographic Office,
26, 1946, there ended a life of exceptional activity and were painted under Clayton's supervision. He was also
eminence in meteorology, public service, and business. consultant in the preparation of the first Iflter9tational
Clayton was born on March 12, 1861, a t Murfreesboro, atlas (1905).
Tennessee. Because of delicate health, early education
was acquired in private schools and by study a t home. Clayton's invitation to William A. Eddy to try his
I t was during this period that his interest in meteor- meteorological kites a t Blue Hill led to the first use of
ology developed. kites to lift recording instruments, August 4,1894, and to
Studies of local storms, beginning in 1878, were the adoption throughout the world of this method of
followed in 1882 by his first activity, aid in the organ- sounding the atmosphere. Important results of Clayton's
ization of the newly formed Tennessee Weather Service, analyses of the accurate data obtained included the
including analyses of reports and a gift of 30 rain gauges. discovery of persistent, sharply defined stratifications in
In 1884-85 he was assistant a t the Observatory of the the lower atmosphere, and previously unsuspected, vari-
University of Michigan and associate editor of the able effects of mountains upon the surrounding atmos-
American Meteorological Journal. In February 1886, after phere. Interest in this new method of research, later to be
three months a t Harvard College Observatory, he joined named "aerology," is indicated by his generosity in allow-
the staff of Blue HillMeteorologicalObservatory, founded ing free use in aerology, without royalty, of the form of
by Abbott Lawrence Rotch in the preceding year, where Hargrave kite patented by him, which came into use a t
he remained as assistant and meteorologist until 1909. all aeronautical laboratories. Always envisaging improved
During this period many important advances were techniques and advances in aerology, he encouraged Blue
initiated by him with the enthusiastic approval of Direc- Hill to develop the first radio sonde, in 1935.
tor Rotch. At first there was no assistant, and a t various He described the solar eclipse as "a kind of laboratory
times, at his own expense, Clayton employed others to experiment in which are eliminated practically all in-
share his rapidly expanding program of research. fluences upon the atmosphere except that of a fall of
Clayton's studies of clouds, begun in 1886, yielded the temperature," and original studies led to his suggestion
first definite information concerning the circulation of of the eclipse cyclone caused by the cooling of the air
the atmosphere over America and established the Clayton- by the shadow.
Egnell law of the increase of velocity with height. Clayton's great interest in forecasting was first in-
The detailed observations during the period 1886-90 dicated by his paper, "A lately-discovered meteorological
are the only hourly data of changes in form, height, and cycle," published in the Amer6cam Me~eorologicalJournal
movement of clouds in the Western Hemisphere, and, in August 1884. Later, a t Blue Hill, his proof that fore-
with Clayton's discussion, undoubtedly stimulated the casts made locally are better than those issued a t a

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