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Early morning Thursday on the 03/08/2023 around 07:20am my class was graced and honoured with the
presence of the Esnala Banda, a multi-talented award winning Author, Poet, Journalist, Blogger,
scriptwriter and Photographer. She is an Afro-creative whose passion is seen in her original and authentic
creativity that overflows with African stories.

Before I go any further I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to my PRA 2020 lecturer
who made it possible for us to meet such an important person in the media field through an invitation, this
is none other than my favourite lecturer Ms Roberta Muchangwe.

So Esnala Banda came to talk to us on the topic BRAND BUILDING AND CONTENT CREATION, this
topic excited me because I want to become a content creator and want to know how I can build my own

She started off by highlighting some important factors to take into account as you build your brand and
creating your content. My key takeaways of this meeting ae relisted below

1. Brand identity

Brand identity is how your audience identify you to be. You need to have a unique selling point that your
audience will be able to easily identify you with.

2. Target audience

As a brand it is imperative to know who your target audience is. This will help you come up with content
that is suited to your audience. You need to know what your audience likes this will help you come up
with content that is tailored to the need of your audience

She also talked about content and strategy. She highlighted the importance of the content creator to know
the or understand what they offer, what and why is the content made? is it for entertainment, education or
for informing the audience. She highlighted other key and important things to know for a content creator
who is trying to build their own brand.

3. Create Content Calendar

A content calendar help you help to be more consistence with how you create you content because you
will know when and what exactly to published. And ensure that the content as planned.

My overall experience of the whole talk was exciting, insightful and very helpful to me who is trying to
figure out the whole digital content creation and brand building. It has given me feel of what to do a
successful content creator.

Am very grateful to Esnala Banda for sharing and imparting that well needed knowledge that will be very
useful in building my career as well as my profession..

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