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Chapter 1

A few Days Ago

Oscar was typing away on his laptop when a knock came through on the door.

“Come in,” He answered, without even looking up from what he was doing.

The person on the other side obeyed his voice, entered, and slowly shut the door.

“Still working?” The very familiar voice said with a small smile, making him look up from his laptop.

“Yeah, just trying to finish this report. But I’m glad you’re here.”

She approached his desk area and sat on the visitor’s chair, her eyes not leaving the yummy personality
that was seated opposite her.

“I’ve told you not to be sitting there again. Come here!” Oscar commanded the moment her a ss
connected with the chair.

“Someone might walk in.” She whispered, taking a glance at the door.

“That’s for me to worry about. Come to Daddy” He gestured for her to come over to where he was

Trying to hide her blush, Victoria slowly rose to her feet and approached Oscar. He made her sit on his
lap and immediately cupped her face in his hands and initiated a kiss. It was soft, passionate, and would
have gone for a little more while if Victoria hadn’t pulled away.

“Someone might walk in.” She said,


“Are you that shy of me?”

“No baby, I just don’t want problems. Literally all the ladies in this building have eyes for you. I really
don’t want my name to be in their mouth for


A small smile crept to Oscar’s lips. “Since when did you start caring about people’s opinions?” He pulled
out her tucked-in shirt from her skirt and slowly snuck his hand under her shirt, heading in the direction
of her boobs.

“I don’t. I just don’t like attention.”

“You don’t like attention and yet you’re in love with Oscar Wayde? Interesting!!”

“Don’t throw it at my face.” She smiled but the smile was soon taken over by a soft moan.

“Easy,” she said, trying to hide her blush.

“You don’t like this?” He applied more pressure fondling her nipples.
“I do. My boobs have just been so sore lately. So any movement on my nipples gets to my head.”

Before she could say anything else, he raised her shirt up, pulled down her bra, and latched on her left
nipple while fondling the right one. He sucked like a baby who had been deprived of his favorite meal.

“Oscarrr!!” She let out a soft moan, trying so hard to keep her voice at bay.

Vicky had no idea when she placed her hands on Oscar’s head, guiding him well to suck those ti ts.

In as much as she hated to admit it, She loved the painful pleasure she was feeling down there.

“F u ck, yes!”

“Oscar,” She called out the moment She felt him spread her legs the way she was seated on his lap.

“Don’t tell me you’ve started to get scared again.” He whispered, returning his lips to her nipples while
shifting her panties to her bikini line area.

“Someone might walk in.”

“Forget everyone and focus on us.”

“I love how you’re always so wet for me.” He started running a finger over her cl it.

Increasing the pace, he spoke, “Don’t hold back your moans. I want to hear all of it.” Oscar’s office was
soundproof so he knew he had nothing to worry about.
Vicky didn’t trust herself well enough to speak so she nodded.

Not being able to hold himself any longer, Oscar slid two fingers into her pu ssy.

He removed his lips from her nipples and started trailing kisses around her neck, slowly finger f u cking
her. “I love how your body reacts to my touch. I could f uck you all day.”

“Yes” She moaned.

“Yes, what?” He knowingly increased his pace, pumping his fingers into her.

Chapter 1

“Don’t stop, Oscar”


“…oh f u c k…yes.”


“I want your di ck in me.”

“Beg for it.”

“Please, baby.”
“Please what?” He groaned, not relenting on his pace.

“I want your huge fat co ck in me!!!”

“You’re gonna get what you want, Bi tch!” He gently slapped the face of her pus sy, and made her stand
to her feet, Oscar rose to his feet too, he bent Vicky over his desk, raised her skirt up, unbuckled his
pants, took down his briefs, patted her legs a bit, slapped her as s and slowly entered her from behind.

“Hmmmmm, yes baby!” Vicky moaned in pleasure as Oscar thrust into her deeper and faster. He went
rough on her until the duo came together with him emptying all of his seeds inside of her.

“I love you,” He whispered in her ear before withdrawing his di ck.

Victoria blushed as she made her way to the adjoined bathroom in his office with shaky legs. She
cleaned up, adjusted her clothes and hair, then came

out in no time.

Instead of going back to sit on the visitor’s chair, She went straight back to her lover’s lap and he willingly
embraced her.

“I want to show you something.”

Before Vicky could ask what it was, Oscar leaned forward a bit, opened his drawer, and took out a
square-shaped box.

Victoria’s throat went dry, her heart started beating twice faster at the realization of what that could be.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now but I was waiting for the right time.”

“I can’t imagine you existing in this world and not being mine. It made me realize I had to act fast
because I would be so da mn jealous if another man took you away from me.”

He opened the box.

Victoria felt tears rush to the corner of her eyes at the sight of the very gorgeous ring.

“Will you marry me?”

Present Day

Victoria blushed at what happened to be one of the best memories she has ever had. Her smile got even
bigger when her hand touched her stomach. In as much as she was really nervous about the news, She
couldn’t wait to tell Oscar about it.

Snapping out of her beautiful thoughts which she didn’t want to end, Vicky tossed her duvet aside, got
down from the bed, and went ahead to prepare

for work.

Wayde Enterprises was a very popular company owned by Oscar’s parents. Not only do they specialize in
estate, and they own the luxurious hotels and bars in the city.

tech, but the family also specializes in real

Arriving at the company, Victoria went straight into the elevator that would take her to the 6th floor
where her office was. She exited the lift once she got to her destination and took smart steps in the
direction of her office.

“Good morning. Ms. Vicky” The receptionist on her floor greeted her politely.

“Good morning, Dora.” She responded with a very polite smile.

Getting to her office, Victoria placed her bag on her desk and decided to help herself with her cup of tea
to stay hydrated.

“Good morning” She smiled at her colleagues the moment she stepped into the kitchen.

“Hi Vicky, Did you get the news?” Trina said excitedly from where she was seated.

“What news?” She said, clueless, approaching them.

“Oh, you don’t know already?” Bettie smiled. “The Boss is off the market.”

Her heart rate increased as she stopped in her tracks.

“What? What Boss?”

“Come on, stop being dramatic.” Trina rolled her eyes. “I know we have many bosses in this company
who head various departments but who do you

Chapter 1

think we would be referring to, feeling this way.”

“M_Mr Wayde’s getting married?” Victoria finally managed to say, looking intently at her colleagues.

She knew at some point that her relationship with Oscar would be out in the air but she definitely didn’t
see it coming today since they’ve not officially decided when they wanted the public to know about it.

“Yes, bi tch! What world do you even live in? Do you watch the news at all?” Bettie asked.

Trina chucked, “I doubt she does.”

“Yeah, you all don’t have to throw it in my face. I listen to the news but not the gossip ones.”

“How do you all know it’s not regular gossip? This isn’t the first time we’ve heard something like that.”
Vicky said, finding it crazy to accept that the whole world knew about her and Oscar.

“You should know us by now. We don’t do fake news or gossip.” Bettie smirked.

“Yeah, the news was everywhere last night but his sister confirmed it this morning in an interview.”

“His sister?” Victoria smiled upon hearing that. Oscar’s sister was someone she had always loved and
admired from afar and knowing that she approved of their relationship warmed her heart so much,
making her forget her fears of making the relationship known to the public.
“Even though I’m really sad about the fact that Oscar Wayde is off the market and we can no longer flirt
with him, I’m happy for him and the fact that it’s been really good news around me lately Bettie cooed.
“Hey let me see that.” She gestured at Victoria’s hand.

“Yeah, me too. I never got a close look at it.” Trina said.

Victoria blushed as she closed the gap between them and showed off her ring closely.

“This is so gorgeous,” Trina mumbled. I can imagine how super beautiful Oscar’s wife’s ring would be.”

Victoria felt a gallop in her heart. She thought they knew already.

“You all don’t know?”

The duo stared at her, looking confused.

“Oh sorry, what I mean is, you all don’t know the bride?”

“You know her?” Bettie asked.

“I’m just asking.” Vicky shrugged, trying to hide her nervousness.

“Oh, we don’t know who yet but it’s definitely going to be a rich man’s daughter, Right Bettie?”

“Of course. That’s what always happens in the end. The rich marry the rich and they get richer.”
“I…..I need to go.”

“Already? I thought you might want to chill with us for a little more while.” Trina voiced out.

“Sorry, I have work to do.” She gave them a smile that didn’t reach her eyes and exited the kitchen,
totally forgetting the tea she came there for.

Getting back to her office, Victoria searched her handbag for her phone. Coming face to face with the
screen, she let out some air as she didn’t see any call or message notification.

Plopping down on the chair behind her desk, Vicky tossed her phone aside, opened her MacBook, and
the moment it finished booting. She went straight to the browser. Before she could even search for the
topic, she saw it pop up as one of the trending lists on her tab.

Out of curiosity, Victoria took her time and went through the contents. It was just as Bettie and Trina
said, there was going to be a wedding but the bride was anonymous.

A small smile crept to her fips, knowing Oscar did that just to respect her and her privacy. In as much as
she was dying to know if his parents already approved of her, she restrained herself from calling Oscar,
wanting to hear the good news from him in person.

She exited the browser and officially started her day by getting right to work.

Victoria had no idea she had worked for three hours until she finished her first task of the day. She rose
to her feet, adjusted her skirt, printed out the documents she had worked on, reached for the printed
copies as well as her phone, and exited her office.

“Hi Dora, do you have any idea where Masa is? I’m just coming from her office and she’s not there.”
Victoria asked the receptionist in charge of her floor.

“Miss Masa should be in the meeting”

“Meeting?” Victoria frowned. “What meeting?”

“The one for the launch of the new product.”

“Wasn’t it slated for 2 pm?”

“I think it was brought forward to 8am.”

“What? Why didn’t anyone say anything to me?”

Chapter 1

“I have no idea, Ma’am. But I’m sure a circular went around about the change in time of the meeting.”

“L refresh my email almost every hour. I didn’t see anything.” She mumbled absentmindedly, trying to
recall if she saw any memo about a change of time of the meeting.

Vicky got even more confused because Masa was a good colleague of hers or so she thought and they
mostly worked together. If Masa was truly at the meeting, she could swear that Masa would have texted
or called her that the meeting was about to hold.

“I have no idea, ma. But I was about to come to see you in the office.”

“HR requests your presence.”

“Perfect! Because I have to see him too. Why the hell would they exclude me from the meeting?”

She made her way towards the elevator, then to the 4th floor where the HR’s office was.

She knocked, didn’t wait for any response, then helped herself in.

Julian, the head of human resources, was seated behind his desk and was on a call.

Victoria respected the fact that he was speaking to the person on the other side. She gently shut the
door behind her and took gentle steps to his desk. She still had her phone and documents with her.

After about three minutes, Julian finally ended the call. Not that Victoria cared about who he was talking
to but it was evident that it was an unofficial call with the way he was laughing to his heart’s content.

“See who’s here to visit? You swear not to ever come in here, didn’t you?”

She glared at him.

“Take your seat.” He ushered.

She said nothing, still glaring at him.

“Dora said you wanted to see me but why wasn’t I notified about the change in time of the meeting?”

“This new product was literally my idea. The board liked and approved it because they fell in love with
the vision and I’ve been working back-to-back on this project. Why the hell was I not notified about the

“Take your seat, Victoria.”

“Cut that cr ap, Julian. I would have sat since if I wanted to.”

“Still feisty and stubborn. I see.”

“Just answer me!! Why wasn’t I notified?”

“I would have loved to take this the easy way but since you want it the hard way, then no problem.”

“What the hell do you mean?”

“The board came to a decision and I was told to give you this.” He picked up the white envelope on his
desk and handed it to her.

Victoria stared at Julian, at the paper, then back at Julian, wondering what the hell was in the envelope
or he was just trying to play with her feelings by avoiding her questions.

“My hands are getting tired, woman!”

Victoria sighed. She placed the papers she was holding on the table, went towards him, collected the
envelope from him, and opened it immediately. bringing out the paper in it

Following the company’s letterhead was a sack letter directly addressed to Miss Victoria Adlyn.

Vicky froze with her eyes glued on the letter. Her heart raced as she stared at the paper trying to
interpret what was actually happening.

Send Gift

Chapter 2

Coming out of her thoughts, She turned her attention to Julian. “This prank is way too expensive”

He chuckled, “You think I’m pranking you?”

“This is probably just another of your tricks to make me go out with you even after I told you I’m not

Julian laughed, “You’re so full of yourself. Aren’t you?”

“Then this doesn’t make any sense to me!”

“Not that I want to brag but I’m literally one of the most hardworking staff this company has. I do my
work diligently, I mind my business, and I’m on good terms with everyone, why the hell would I deserve
a sack letter?”
Julian chuckled, “You sure you’re on good terms with everyone? The Boss asked me to prepare the sack

“What? Oscar?”

He nodded,

“No, that can’t be true!” She shook her head, trying to shake off all that Julian was saying.

“Why? Because you’re f uc king him?”

Victoria’s heart stopped.

“Please don’t give me that look. You think no one’s gonna ever find out?”

“You pretend to be a saint by refusing to go out with me, now look at you?”

At this point, Victoria’s eyes felt itchy but she tried her best to hold back her tears.

“You know nothing about me and I’ll request you keep your mouth shut before throwing silly allegations
at my face.”

Julian shrugged, “whatever makes you sleep at night, dear. The order was from the Boss. You’re sincerely
fired ”

“How’s that even possible? The letter didn’t say why I was fired.”
“You sure? You didn’t see the grounds of misconduct there?”

“What misconduct? I’ve literally dedicated my whole life to this company. I work my a ss off every time

” F u cking the Boss?!”

“You’re nothing but a piece of sh it!”

“For someone who just got sacked, you have some balls!”

She glared at him, didn’t bother taking the document she placed earlier on his table, and took her leave.

“If you said Yes to me, I would have tried to negotiate with the boss to see…” He didn’t even finish his
statement when she slammed the door.

Getting outside Julian’s office with tear-filled eyes, Vicky unlocked her phone and dialed Oscar’s number.
She brought the phone to her ear, waiting patiently for him to answer. Her call went to voicemail but that
didn’t stop her from trying again. This time around he cut the call from his end. She dialed his number
again and got the same response.

“Oh my Go d!” She sniffled, trying to get her sh it together. She was so da mn worried but was trying not
to look like it.

Since he wasn’t answering her call, Vicky decided to go look for him in his office.

“Is Mr. Wayde in the office?” She asked Dora the moment she got back to her floor.
“No ma’am. He hasn’t been to work this morning”

“Are you sure? What about his assistants?”

“They aren’t here, either.”

Knowing that was so unlike Oscar, Vicky unlocked her phone again and dialed his number..

“There they are, ma’am” Her eyes darted at the entrance of the floor and truly she saw Oscar. He literally
just came out of the elevator and as usual, his two assistants and bodyguards were walking behind him,
and beside him was a light-skinned lady. She looked like someone that was brought out of a model
magazine. Not only did she have flawless skin, she was really pretty, her hair was stylishly done and she
was putting on one of those rich designer dresses.

Vicky’s heart fell the moment she sighted her laughing with Oscar as they came in like they both owned
the company.

Victoria was never someone that liked attention or loved being in the spotlight but she needed answers
right now and without giving a f uck, she did

what her heart told her.

She approached them, making Oscar and the gorgeous woman stop in their tracks.


Chapter 2

“How may I help you?”

Tears instantly rushed to Victoria’s eyes. She has no idea what hurt her the most. The Statement he
made to her or the fact that Oscar spoke coldly to

her in front of people which he had never done and never had he raised his voice at her.

She swallowed painfully, trying to gather some courage. “Julian served me with a sack letter.”

“So?” He glared at her, speaking without any empathy.

“So?” Her broken voice came through. She knew he had a brutal personality but he had never been
brutal towards her.

“You’re going to obey or you want me to call the securities to escort you?”

The tears in Victoria’s eyes rolled down her cheeks and at this point, she didn’t bother to wipe them off.

“Let’s go, Babe.” He circled his arm around the gorgeous lady’s waist and led the way.

“O…….car!!!” She called by his first name, wanting to go after him but was stopped by one of his
assistants. “You should leave, ma’am.”

“Why? I didn’t do anything?”

“I’ll have no choice but to call the security.”

“If everyone is being unfair to me, not you too.” She sobbed, ignoring the fact that people were
watching, a few of the staff on the floor who came out to see what was going on.

“I care about you, Miss Victoria and that’s why I want you to leave.”

“No…no…I need answers.” She sobbed even more.

“Mr Wayde ordered that you be sacked.”

“Why? I didn’t do anything to hurt him.”

“I don’t know. He has moved on and I think you should too. That woman is his fiancee and they are
getting married this weekend.”

“What????!” Victoria stared at Oscar’s assistant in horror.

“I hope you disappear forever!” He gave her a small smile before disappearing in the direction of Oscar’s

With quivering lips and tears rolling down her cheeks, Vicky rushed to her office, packed her bags,
including the sealed envelope she wanted to show him, hoping she was going to make him the happiest
man on earth but reverse was the case.

She picked up her handbag and exited her office, and subsequently, the office building.
On getting to her car, Vicky tossed her handbag to the back seat, turned on the car engine, placed her
hand on her belly, and cried.

“I promised you today was going to be a very special day because I was going to introduce you to
someone very special. I couldn’t even keep my promise. I’m so sorry.” Vicky burst into uncontrollable
tears. She had no idea which was more painful. The fact that she was sacked without any valid
explanation or the fact that Oscar just denied her when he literally proposed to her a few days ago.

Victoria had never felt this lonely in her entire existence. She cried and cried until she could cry no more.

After what felt like forever, Vicky started the car engine and drove out of the office building. She had no
idea what was going to happen but she knew she needed her bed and for sure, that she needed to cry

Vicky drove in the direction of her apartment and in about Twenty minutes, She arrived.

“What the heck?!” She mumbled with a stuffy nose before unlocking the car and getting down from it.
She didn’t even pack her car well.

Outside her apartment building were furnitures as well as a couple of household items which she
identified to be hers, including her luggage and her


“What the hell is going on? These are my Stuff. What are they doing here? Why are you f uc king
touching my belongings?” She asked the first man she came in contact with.”

“Are you Miss Victoria?”

“How the hell did you get into my apartment? What are my belongings doing here?”

“We are carrying out the instructions of Mr. Wayde. He ordered us to empty the apartment.”

She stared at the man in horror as another round of tears built up in her eyes. Of all the things Oscar
made her go through today, she never thought he could be really heartless to leave her and the precious
human growing in her belly homeless.

Chapter 3

“Please you can’t do this to me. This is my home.” She sniffled, Her head already hurt from the amount
of tears shed already.

“I already told you, ma’am. We have no business with you. We are only acting on the Boss’s instruction.
And based on what I know, another person is moving in tonight.”

“What? My Home? Please I’m sure you all must be mistaken. I’m not a terrible person to warrant Oscar
to throw me out. It must be some sort of mistake.”

“Look, Oscar and 1 are not on good terms right now but that doesn’t mean that we won’t reconcile.
Please talk to the other men to take my things back in. I honestly don’t feel good and I need my sanity so
much right now.”

“If you have any problem with this, then I suggest you call Mr. Wayde. We will only stop if he tells us to
Excuse me.”

Vicky stared helplessly; a tear rolled down her cheek as she watched him approach the other men,
telling them to hurry up with clearing off the apartment. She covered her mouth with her hands, trying
to contain her so b as she watched more of her stuff being thrown out.

Seeing there was nothing she could do for now, She hurried to her car, got in, reached for her handbag in
the back seat, took out her phone, and dialed


*Please pick up your phone.” She cried as the phone rang continuously. It eventually went to voicemail.
She dialed him again and again but he didn’t pick up.

Wiping her tears with the back of her palm, Victoria started the car engine and drove out of her estate.
She honestly had no idea where she was going. She started driving in the direction of the office but
changed her mind, reminding herself that the securities were not going to allow her in no matter what.

With puffy eyes, Vicky made a U-turn and drove in the direction of Oscar’s home even when she knew
that she would probably not meet him in the


After what felt like forever, She got to Oscar’s Estate and pulled up in front of his residence.

She wound down her glass window, and punched in what she knew to be the code for the gate to open
but it declined.

Thinking that she made a mistake the first time, She carefully punched the passcode the second time.

“Please No…. Don’t tell me he changed this.” She whispered as she punched in the passcode once more.
Fresh tears welled up in her eyes upon the realization of what just happened. She reached for her phone,
and dialed Connor and this time around, his number didn’t go through.

Vicky dialed another number, in hope that she would receive some sort of response.

“Hi Rachel,” She sniffled when the person on the other end picked up the call.

“Ra….Rachel, are you there?” She removed her phone from her ear to take a glance at it, hoping Rachel
hadn’t ended the call.

Seeing that the call was still ongoing, Vicky returned the phone to her ear.

“Hi dear, I can hear you.”

“What’s going on, Rachel? Oscar blocked me!!!” She had no idea when she started crying all over again.

“He sacked me, he wouldn’t even look me in the eye to hear me out or explain to me what I did. I got to
my apartment and he directed that all my stuff be thrown out. I tried coming in but he changed the
passcode. Why Rachel?”

“I did nothing to him and yet he has done nothing but humiliated me. I need answers, Rachel. This pain
is too much for me to bear” She sobbed.

*He came to the office with a lady. His assistant said they are getting married this weekend. How is that
even possible Rachel? He literally proposed to me a few days ago. I didn’t do anything to hurt him. I
don’t know why he’s treating me this way.” Vicky said at a go, finding it hard to control herself as She
burst into another round of tears.

*Please calm down, Vicky”

“I’m trying. I just need an explanation. I lost my job, my home, and my fiance all in one day. Today’s
meant to be one of our happiest days, Rachel. I wanted to tell him something but he kicked me out of
the office. He wouldn’t even look me in the eyes.”

“I can’t remember doing anything to offend him. I don’t know what I did to deserve all of these.” She
cried over the phone.

“Please calm down, my dear”

“I don’t know what I’m going to do. My whole life is taken away from me in one day. Where do I even
start from?”

“Don’t cry, Vicky. You’re stronger than you think, I promise you.”

“Ca….can you please talk to Oscar for me? At least let him hear me out!”

There was a few seconds of silence between them.

“I’m sorry, Vicky but I don’t think I would be of help.”


Chapter 3

“Please don’t turn your back against me, Rachel. You’re literally my last hope.”
She heard Rachel sigh.

“You’ve not done anything to offend me, my child, and I don’t think you did anything to offend Oscar
either. It’s just unfortunate that all of these had to happen.”

“I need answers, Rachel. Where did I go wrong? We used to be cool. We literally can’t do without each
other and now he wants me out of his life?!”

“Calm down my child and please listen to everything I’m about to say.”

Vicky sniffled.

“You’re an amazing woman and G od knows how much I’ve been rooting for you and Oscar to be
together. I really like you for him and I’m so sorry that this had to happen.”

“I’m just as shocked as you are about everything”

“I would have come out to meet you or let you in but I was ordered not to do so. Oscar changed the
passcode, making it clear that he doesn’t want to see you in his premises. I was also shocked about the
news of him getting married to Ingrid.”

“Since I knew him to be in love with you, he had never brought any other woman home. At some point, I
thought maybe you offended him but after hearing from you, I’m beginning to think everything is all
Oscar’s decision”

“That means he never loved me. He was just in my life to toy with my feelings and ruin me.”

“Honestly, Vicky, I had never seen Oscar in love with someone the way he was towards you. He was
really crazy about you and his intentions were genuine. I honestly wish I had answers for this sudden
change but I don’t.”

you think.”

“He seems to have moved on and I want you to do the same. It might be hard but I want you to know
that you’re stronger than

Just when Victoria thought that her life couldn’t get any worse, She heard a knock on her door window.
She looked to her left and her phone almost slipped off her ear upon seeing who it was. Her heart rate
increased and she was forced to cut the call as another round of knock came through on her glass door.
This time around, the knocks were harsh.

Vicky had no idea if she should call this a dream come true or otherwise. She had never seen Mrs.
Wayde in person except on TV and in magazines. And now that she was right outside her car, She
honestly had no idea how she should react or if she could actually lay her problems before her.

With shaky hands, Vicky kept her phone aside, wiped tears away from her face with the back of her
palm, opened the door, and got down from the car.

She was hardly standing upright when she felt a hand land across her face. Hot tears instantly rolled
down Victoria’s cheeks.

Before she could even ask why she deserved such a gesture or defend herself, Lisa, Oscar’s mother, beat
her to it.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

With her lips quivering and hands by her cheek where she was hit by Lisa, Vicky tried to speak her mind
but unfortunately, no words came out of her

“You bi tch, why can’t you stay the hell away from my son?”

“You think we are gonna allow a gold digger like you to creep into his life and take advantage? What the
hell are you doing in his home?”

Victoria was about to say something. Probably defend herself when Lissa shut her up by raising a hand.”

“You, piece of s hit!!! Don’t you dare say anything when I’m talking.”

Victoria tried to mu ffle her tears.

“Wait, isn’t this the company’s car?”

“Lorenzo!!!” She called one of her guards over.

In realization of what she was about to do, Vicky broke the rule and went ahead to plead

“Please don’t take the car away from me. This is literally the only shelter I have. Please, Ma.”

Lisa ignored.

“Throw her things out and take the car in.”

“Please ma, don’t do this to me.” She cried, pleading.

“Don’t you dare lay your filthy hands on me!” Lissa glared at her.

Lorenzo did as his Boss said. He went into what used to be Victoria’s luxurious car, took out her handbag,
and literally threw it out on the Street, her phone falling harshly on the floor.

“Don’t you ever come near me, my Son, or my family anymore, you hear that?!” Lisa pushed her away.
Vicky missed her steps to balance and literally fell on the floor against her belly, with a sharp pain cutting
through her abdomen.

She cried out in pain as her hand went around her belly.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Five years Later

Victoria’s lips curved into a sweet smile the moment she stepped into her baby’s room. Her smile grew
even bigger when she saw that her little angel was still sleeping soundly on the bed.

She gently shut the door behind her and made her way over to the bed, where her bundle of joy was.

She sat on the bed beside her baby girl.

“My love.”
“Sophie darling” She called as she gently shook her little body.

“Hmmmmmm.” The little girl groaned, with her eyes still closed.

Victoria chuckled.

“You are going to be late for school.”

“I want to sleep some more” She mumbled, still not opening her eyes.

Victoria chuckled out loud this time around. No matter how early her daughter went to bed, the little girl
was never a morning person.

“Okay, what if I tell you that I’ll drive you to school today”

Her eyes flashed open.

“Really mama?”

Vicky nodded, smiling. “Gloria has something to take care of so she got the day off. I’ll drop you off at
school and also pick you up.”

The edges of Sophie’s lips curved into a smile. She helped herself into a sitting position and crawled
towards her mother.

Victoria eagerly embraced her daughter in a warm hug,

“Good morning, mama.”

“Good morning, my love.” She kissed her forehead twice, then made her sit on her lap.

“You slept well?”

She nodded, smiling.

“I had a dream.”

“Okay…..with the smile on your face, I bet it’s a good one.” She said, always eager to hear her daughter’s
dreams, no matter how silly they may sound.

“Yes, I made a new friend.”

Victoria chuckled, softly caressing her daughter’s cheek. “Honey, you have lots of friends already,” Vicky
said in all honesty as she hardly kept track of the names of all her friends in school.

“I know, mama. They like me and I like them too. But the friend in my dream was very special.”

“How do you know that?” Vicky couldn’t help but ask.

“Because he played with me.”

“He?” Vicky arched her brows as she stared intently at her little girl. “I thought we agreed to slow down
on Male friends.”
Sophie shrugged, “He was very friendly.”

“Would you mind describing him?”

“Uh….” she mumbled, with her tiny finger against her chin, trying to recall the description of the person,

“I don’t know but he had a beautiful face.” She smiled.

Vicky chuckled, “Good to know”

“What do you want for breakfast? Cereal or eggs with bre…”

“Froot loops, please.” She grinned and at the same time, giving her mommy a puppy dog face.

“We are out of froot loops.”

“No, Mama. There’s some in the cabinet.”

“Oh really?”

Sophie nodded.

“I don’t think so.”

“Please, Mommy. Let me have froot loops for breakfast. I can have vegetables for dinner.”

“How old are you again, Miss?”

“Four” She giggled, raising four fingers.

“I’ll think about it, but let’s get you ready for school, okay?”

Sophie nodded, smiling.

After placing the little girl on her feet, Vicky got up too. She arranged her baby’s bed after which she led
Sophie to the bathroom.

In approximately an hour, both mother and daughter had breakfast and were ready for work and school.

Sophie was well buckled in the back seat, pretty occupied with the cartoons she was watching on her
iPad while Vicky drove and at the same time attended to three calls, using the car’s speaker. Soon
enough, they arrived at Sophie’s school.

Vicky pulled up in the driveway, got down, then went to the backseat to unbuckle her baby.

“I miss you already.” She showered Sophie’s face with kisses after unbuckling her seatbelt.

The little girl giggled. “But I just got to school.”

“I still miss you already.”

She smiled, “I’m gonna miss you too, Mommy.”

Victoria smiled back, caressing her daughter’s cheek, wondering how she got so lucky to have the most
amazing four-year-old as her baby.

“Mama, are you crying?” Sophie’s sad voice came through.

“No baby” She sniffled, just noting that her eyes were glossy. “I feel so lucky you chose me to be your
mom.” She stared at her daughter’s beautiful eyes, even though it reminded her of someone very

Sophie smiled. “I love you, Mommy. I love you forever.”

“I love you too, sweetheart.” She embraced her daughter into a long warm hug after which she placed a
deep kiss on her forehead.

“Now let’s get you to class.”

“Yes, Mommy. I want you to see my friends.”

Vicky chuckled, bringing her daughter down from the backseat. “Honey, I’m not sure I have enough time
to say hello to everyone.”

“You do, Mommy. It’s not going to take time.” She pouted.
Victoria shook her head in disbelief as she reached for her baby’s backpack and wore it for her. She
reached for her lunch bag too, shut the door, intertwined her hand with Sophie’s little ones, and led her
to her class.

Vicky and her daughter took a bit longer in getting to Sophie’s class as Sophie stopped a few times to
greet the familiar faces she saw on her way to


Sophie delayed her mom a little by introducing some of her friends. Victoria chatted with them for a few
minutes after which She said her goodbye, stealing a kiss from Sophie.

Victoria did her very best not to go beyond the speed limit and after what felt like forever, she finally
pulled up in the parking lot of the office building.

She picked up her handbag from the backseat, then got down from the car, heading into the direction of
the office building.

“Good morning Ma’am.” That sweet, familiar voice greeted her the moment she stepped into the
reception area of the office building.

Vicky tried to hidefier blush as she stared at the owner of the deep but beautiful voice she was starting
to get addicted to.

“Good morning” She said with a polite smile as they walked side by side in slow steps toward the

“You look good.”

“Thank you.” She said in a whisper. Something he would have missed if he wasn’t listening attentively.

“Had a good night?”

She nodded.


“She’s fine. Dropped her off at school before coming here.”

“I miss her.”

Vicky chuckled. “I would say the same.”


“So, Ashton nervously scratched the back of his neck as he spoke. “You’re still up for dinner tonight?”

Vicky stopped in her tracks, turning around to face him.

Chapter 5

“Vee?!” Ashton whispered, giving her a pleading look.

“Yeah, the dinner.”

“I’ll pick you up at 7.”

“Please don’t cancel on me this time.”

“I won’t.” She said with a smile that wasn’t reaching her eyes.

“I can’t wait to pick you up ” He smiled at her as they resumed their steps.

They got into the elevator and even though they stood side by side, they couldn’t make conversation
because a few other staff were with them.

In a couple of seconds, the elevator stopped at their floor, and the duo walked out.

“I hope you have a lovely day, and yeah, I’ll see you later.” Ashton smiled at her before going in the
direction of his office.

“I saw that! Now spill! Don’t leave any detail.” Vicky heard that very annoying voice say beside her.

“Not now, Katherine, I’ve been through a lot today already.” Vicky resumed her steps, walking in the
direction of her office, with Katherine trying to catch up with her, holding her tab.

“You know I’m not going to believe that, right?”

“I have nothing to say. Maybe you can meet him for the information instead.”

Katherine shook her head. “I wanna hear it from you. The story is always sweeter from the source.”
Vicky rolled her eyes at Katherine as she stepped into her beautiful and luxurious office. It had a visiting
area on one side to relax and welcome guests and on the other side of the office was Victoria’s desk area
with an adjoined bathroom.

“Okay let me guess?” Katherine said as Vicky made her way behind her desk.

“He reminded you of the date and you got furious.”

“How did you know that?”

“Girl, I know everything!!! The last time he asked you, you came up with an excuse and gave today’s date
as your free day. So he did well by waiting for you at the reception to remind you.” Katherine smiled.

“He waited?” Vicky frowned.

“I’m sure he did. He was here earlier to ask of you. Told him you weren’t around yet. I saw him through
the glass wall going into the elevator. He definitely waited downstairs to talk to you so you wouldn’t
change your mind.”

“So?” Katherine’s smile got bigger. “We have a date to plan right?”

“Don’t worry about what to wear. I’ll get you something really chic and se xy.”

Vicky glared at Katherine.

“What? Don’t give me that look. I’m only here to help.”

“Your help is not needed. There’s no date. I’ll come up with an excuse.” She mumbled, plopping down on
her chair.

“What excuse?”

“I don’t know. That Sophie got a cold. I’m sure I’ll think of something before tonight.”

“You used that excuse before. Give Sophie a break and stop using her for your schemes.”

“It’s too early to start this argument, Kathie. I just want my coffee and want to get straight into work.”

“This is going to be the 9th date you’re canceling with Ashton.”

“Perfect?! I had no idea you were keeping track.”

“What are you afraid of Vee?”

“Afraid? Of course, I’m not afraid of anything”


Kathie took a seat on the visitor’s chair opposite Vicky.

“You’re a terrible Liar!”

“Don’t start, Kathie. With all of the excuses I’ve given, can’t he just comprehend that I’m not interested
in whatever schemes he has in mind? “Don’t be brutal. I’m sure he knows that. That’s why he insisted
that you guys be friends first. He has been patient enough if you would ask me. And


Chapter 5

the least you can do is go on a friendly dinner date with him.”

“Friendly date or not, I’m not interested. Especially not in an office romance.”

“Babe, you know not everyone is going to be like him, right?”

“I don’t care! I just want to focus on my daughter and my career.”

“Or you’re looking down on him because he’s just a manager but you’re the senior manager and your
earnings are slightly higher than his.”

“I wouldn’t look down on Ashton if I were you. He has a couple of investments as well. He got the looks
too, so?”

“Oh G od, Kathie. Can you just shut up and let me know what’s on my to-do list today?” She massaged
her temple.

“How can I tell you what’s on your to-do list if I keep my mouth shut?”
She sighed. “You’re going to be the end of me in this office.”

Kathie giggled. “Ashton is an amazing guy. I might have done a background check on him so there’s
nothing to worry about.”

“Okay, I’ll stop talking about him.” She responded to the glare Vicky gave her.

“Today is Ashton’s birthday. I don’t know how it slipped my mind. I wanted to tell you yesterday.”

“Perfect! Now you have to guilt trip me!”

“No. This is all your fault. You were the one who promised to go out with him today, not knowing you
chose his birth date.”

“He didn’t say anything to me when we saw each other.”

“Well, that’s because he isn’t always loud about his birthdays. He mostly celebrates alone at home.”

“And how do you know that?”

“I stalk him, remember?”

“Look, Kathie, you can have him if you want.”

“No. He’s not my type. I just like him for you because you both fit each other.

“Last one, I’ll get a dress for you regardless. Just in case you change your mind.”

“By the way, How’s Sophie?”

“Since you all tend to like Sophie more than me, then I suggest you get her personal contact.”

Kathie laughed. “What’s there not to love about that little angel? I love her”

Victoria nodded with a proud smile. “I can’t imagine my life without her.”

“I’m proud of you both but let’s get to work now,” Katherine said, swiping through the tab before her.

“Darlington will soon be here with the coffee. You have a meeting with the board by 11. You need to
wrap up the project on the new product and submit it to the Boss for review of the presentation which is
in three days.”

Victoria nodded, typing away on her laptop.

“Then you have an outdoor meeting at 2 pm.”

She looked up from her lappy. “What meeting?”

“With a new client. They have a proposal to make to us. I think it has to do with some sort of
partnership. The Boss nominated you to have a meeting with him. They want to know your opinion on
whatever the Client’s company has to offer.”
She nodded, taking note

“Anything else?”

“That’s all for today.”

“Glad to hear that because I don’t think I would stay long in the office today.”

“Linda had to take the day off so I’m in charge of Sophie. I have to pick her up from school.”

“Okay. But I’m sure the meeting wouldn’t take long and just so you know, I’m free tonight in case you
need me to watch her so you can go on the


Vicky glared at her assistant who had a grin on her face.

Victoria buried herself with work, attended her meeting, had a light brunch, then got ready to leave the
office at some minutes past 1 pm for her outdoor meeting with a Client.

Vicky got to the cafe at exactly 1:52 pm.

Chapter 5

Thank you.” She smiled at the security who opened the door for her.
Reese’s Cafe was a very popular cafe around the area and by this time, it only had a few customers in it.

Vicky took a 360 glance at the place, trying to figure out who her client was and that was when she
sighted him.

The man in suit. He was the only business-looking person in the cafe. Even though his back was turned to
the entrance where she stood, she noticed that not only was he in suit attire, he was the only one
occupying the table which made sense because he was waiting for her.

With gentle steps, Vicky made her way over to where he was seated.

Getting to the table, she saw that the Client had his head down as he was focused on typing away on his

Vicky was about to greet the client since she met him there but he beat her to it.

“Why are you just coming?”

Vicky froze, clutching her handbag tightly. It wasn’t the statement that made her heart start beating
twice faster or the venom and harshness contained in the tone of the voice but the familiarity in the

She could recognize the voice, any time, any day. The same voice that kept torturing her in her dreams
for the past five years.

“Can’t you talk? I said what took…..” The stranger was saying but suddenly looked up and got lost in his
Victoria’s heart stopped.

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Chapter 6

His face was the same, just like she remembered. Round, chiseled jaw, little mustache, his hair was
neatly styled and his beautiful eyes… was as though she was staring into the eyes of the little angel
she dropped at school this morning.

Vicky had no idea how long she continued to stare at him as her heart ached. She couldn’t wrap her
head around one thing. What the hell he was doing here in Australia.

And that was when it hit her. That he could be the client she was there to meet. “No.” She mumbled,
shaking her head in disbelief.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she saw his mouth quiver and thought he was about to say

“Viii…Victoria?” He finally voiced out, looking really surprised to see her.


“Vicky?!” He called again.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Who’s Vicky?” She responded with a stern look, still on her feet,
wondering what excuse she would come on with to avoid this meeting with him.
“Victoria.” He mentioned again and this time around. She swallowed painfully, as he rose to his feet.
Even though there was a table in between them, separating the duo, she couldn’t help but feel
intimidated by his presence and his muscular body. She remembered him being taller than her and that
hasn’t changed a bit as she would always tiptoe just to steal a kiss from him.

“Victoria?? Is this really you?” He looked confused and lost confronting her.

“What? Victoria? I don’t know who that is.”

Oscar sighed, rubbing his face with his palm to know if he was dreaming or if this was real. He had
mistaken her for other people on the street in the past few years. He just wanted to clarify if he was
daydreaming this time around.

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw the same figure. She looked exactly the same and anyone who knew her
before would be able to testify to that.

Except that she looked even more mature, more beautiful than he could remember. He couldn’t help but
notice that she had fuller boobs, wider hips, and even a well-defined as s. He knew Vicky had never been
a fan of excessive makeup and she looked just as beautiful as he remembered. She looked really
gorgeous in her work clothes, Oscar was tempted to take a look at her lower profile and saw that her
long legs were still there. Heaven knew how much he missed the way her legs were usually wrapped
around his waist whenever they were having a good time and how could he forget those beautiful eyes
which never failed to hunt him everywhere he went in the past few years.

“G od, Vicky? Is this really you?” He was still stunned that he couldn’t even form a proper sentence nor
did he even know how to react or what exactly to say to convey his emotion.

He was almost walking towards her with the intention to hold her to know if she was real but she
stopped him with her voice.

“Don’t come near me, please. I don’t know you or who the hell Vicky is.” She tried to say with so much
confidence but eventually turned around and rushed towards the exit.

The moment Vicky was out of the Cafe, She rushed into the car and buried herself in the driver’s seat,
started the engine, and tried to catch her breath, with her mind trying to replay what just happened in

As far as Vicky was aware, Oscar was very rich and would get anything that he wanted at the snap of his
fingers. She started panicking at the thought of him coming down to Australia to come to ruin her again.

At this point, Victoria’s eyes were filled with tears, thinking of what to do. She was almost losing it with
her deadly thoughts when the buzzing sound of her phone caught her attention.

She sniffled, reached for her handbag which She had placed earlier in the front passenger seat, opened
it, and took out her phone.

It was a text message from a stranger, apologizing for being late and promising to be with her in the next
ten minutes.

Vicky sighed in reljef as she kept her phone aside, glad that he wasn’t the client that she was dealing
with. She men tally slapped herself for approaching him, thinking he was her client.

Victoria’s relieved heart started pounding really hard again when she thought of the fact that she saw
him again. She knew Oscar to be more of a traveler but fie would never go as far as Australia no matter
what. This country had been her safe haven and now that he was here, She had no idea what was going
to be her fate.

“Breathe, Vicky, Breathe.” She tried to do a few breathing exercises, ignoring the tears in her eyes.

Even though she had thought She would never set her eyes on him again, She felt all weak and teary not
because their path crossed again but because his presence reminded her of all her struggles and pain
she has had to endure.

With Vicky being lost in her thoughts, She had no idea how time passed her by, and soon enough, her
phone buzzed beside her.

She reached for it and it was her Client, telling her that he was already in the cafe. He told her the color
of the suit he was putting on for easy identification. She responded that he would see her soon.

Chapter 6

Oscar froze on the spot as he saw Vicky walking away from him. Just as she did years ago. He wanted to
say something. Perhaps tell her to stay but he was short of words. He watched as her hair bounced
behind her and she took fast steps towards the exit of the cafe.

As far as Oscar remembered, he loved her hair. He loved when she put them down and wouldn’t hesitate
to run his fingers through them..

But her hair was no longer straight. It was now wavy and was a different color, unlike the golden brown
he was used to.

But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t recognize her with a different hair color.

Oscar snapped out of his thoughts when she was nowhere in sight anymore. He was torn between
running after her but he knew that she would have escaped with the fast pace she took out of the cafe.

Oscar picked up his phone on the table and plopped down on the chair he was previously seated on and
aggressively scrolled through his contact list.

Seeing the number he was looking for, Oscar dialed it immediately and waited for the person on the
other end to answer.

“Good day, Boss.” The thick husky voice came through.

“What was the last update you gave me conceming Victoria.” He said with venom, trying hard to control
the tone of his voice since he was in a public place.

“We couldn’t find anything about her, Sir.”

“Did my mother threaten you?”

“I don’t understand you, Sir. But No. Madam didn’t threaten me. We just didn’t find any information on

“If I find out you’re lying to me, I swear I’m going to cut off your balls and feed them to the dogs”

“I just set my eyes on my Vicky here in Australia but she escaped me by chance before I could grab a hold
of her. She’s also denying her identity so perhaps you should look that up too. I want to know all about
her and I need a valid report in an hour.”

“I’ll get to work right away Sir.”

Oscar ended the call.

He was thinking of what he was going to do to maintain his sanity for the next one hour till he got a
response when his eyes flashed towards the entrance door and he sighted her again.
He had no idea why his heart rate suddenly increased. But a part of him was glad that she was back. He
felt a little excitement down there seeing that she was walking towards him but the excitement died
down when she passed where he was seated and took a seat opposite a man in a dark blue suit.

Victoria dabbed the corner of her eyes with a handkerchief just to put the tears away. In as much as
being in the same environment with him still made her feel a bit tense, she gathered enough courage
and got down from the car with her handbag.

Vicky felt those particular eyes on her the moment she stepped back into the cafe but she ignored the
reactions on her body by trying so hard not to look at him. She headed straight to the table her Client

“Miss Adlyn?” Vicky’s client rose to his feet the moment she approached the table reserved for them.

“Mr. Moore Cornell.”

He nodded when Vicky said his name

“Good afternoon, I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting. I’m deeply sorry about it.”

“It’s fine, Good afternoon.” She gave him a polite smile even though it didn’t reach her eyes. They shook
hands after which they sat opposite each


The Client waited for Vicky to take a seat, then he sat.

“You look beautiful?

“Thank you.” She said with a polite smile.

“Do you want anything before we go into details? Of course, it will be on my tab.”

“No, it’s fine.” She replied immediately, trying to hide the fact that she was nervous. Vicky honestly had
no idea how long the meeting was going to be but she hoped it was going to be as quick as possible.

“I insist. It’s the least I can do for keeping you waiting.”

Knowing he might continue to bug her, she decided to give in to something. “I’ll have iced latte”

He nodded, called the attention of the waiter, and ordered two glasses of iced latte.

While the Client made conversations with the waiter, Vicky could feel that familiar eyes bore holes into
her body but she tried not to think too much about it by distracting her mind.

“Do you know him?”

Chapter 6

Vicky arched a confused brow. “The waiter?”

“No, the man behind us.”

Vicky swallowed painfully. “No. Why do you ask?”

“If it were possible for looks to kill then I think I would be buried long ago. He’s staring at you and at the
same time, throwing an ugly glare at me.”


The client nodded.

“It must be some Maniac. Please let’s proceed with the meeting.” She said, refusing to look behind.

Vicky brought out her tab, then started the business conversation with Moore.

The convo lasted for about twenty minutes after which they decided to call it a day.

The said Twenty minutes were said to be one of the most tense couple of minutes Vicky had ever
experienced. Oscar’s scare really made her uncomfortable. At some point. She was hoping he would
leave but he didn’t, making her wonder if he had better things to do.

The moment the meeting was over, she tucked her tab and phone into her handbag and rose to her feet
with the same emergence of someone who had a flight to catch.

Moore rose to his feet too.

“We hope to hear from your company soon. Thank you for having me.”

“Sure, see you soon.” They shook hands again after which Vicky turned to take her leave. She was only a
few steps away when she felt a strong arm grab her by her hand.
Chapter 7

As someone who was used to having everything on a platter of gold, and every situation falling in place
just to suit his desires, Oscar smiled gracefully seeing his Darling again.

What crossed his mind was the fact that She was back to apologize and make it up to him. But the smile
on Oscar’s face slowly faded when she passed his side and went to join the person at the table before

Oscar watched as the duo shook hands, and made little conversation, before taking their seat.

He had no idea why but he felt a big lump in his chest, something that could be defined as jealousy. He
bawled his fist as a way to control his temper as he saw the duo make conversations.

As someone who was used to getting what he wanted, he was confused as to how to react. He thought
of going there to intrude their conversation but again, he didn’t know how to go about it.

He had no idea how long he had to be patient for but he glared at the duo till the end of their

Seeing Vicky putting her stuff in her bag with so much speed, he knew she was about to escape but he
was determined not to let that happen.

With a flash, he was already by her side, holding her arm.

He saw how she froze in his arms when he held her. He felt a jolt of electricity run through him as his skin
collided with hers. His heart started thumping really fast and that empty feeling that has been in his
heart for a long time was suddenly replaced by some sense of fulfillment.
“Let go of me.”

“We need to talk.” He said calmly, trying not to create a scene.

“I don’t know you, get the f uck off me!”

“Why are you denying? What the hell has come over you? Do you know how much I’ve looked for you?”

As if his words just angered her even more. She glared at him. “Get your filthy hands off me!!”

“I won’t leave you until you listen to me.”

Sensing that there was a problem, Comel rushed to where they stood.

“You know him?” He directed at Vicky who shook her head instantly.

“She’s f ucking lying.” Oscar responded, still not letting go of her hand no matter how much she bugged.

“Let go of her, you creep. She said she doesn’t know you.”

“Mind your business and get the hell out of here.”

“I’m going to call the cops if you don’t let go of her.”

“Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?”

“And who the hell are you to hold her against her will?” At this point, attention was already on them.

“I’m her fiance.”

Cornel frowned, taking a glance at Vicky, then back at the stranger.

Vicky was taken aback by his statement, making her stare at him in confusion.

“Is this a family matter so I can excuse you all? I thought you needed some help, that’s why I came over.”

“I don’t know him. I’ve never seen him before. He’s just a ps ycho. Please tell him to get his hands off me.

Even though Oscar felt as though a very sharp object just sliced his heart into two, he tried his hardest to
control his temper.

“Get your filthy hands off her.”

“And what will you do if I don’t?”

“Don’t dare me!” Moore said with venom, taking slow steps towards him.

“I’m not who you think I am. I don’t know you from any f ucking place. Let go of me!”

“Is this how you want to keep embarrassing me? For f ucks sake, it’s been years since you ran away. I
want us to talk. Why are you so f ucking stubborn?”

Let go of her and stop cooking up false stories.” Cornel held his hand, trying to come to Vicky’s rescue.

“Get the f uck away from me.”

It all happened so fast that even Victoria didn’t see him coming. He pushed Cornel off him, the innocent
man fell against the Chair after which he drew Vicky closer to him and covered his lips against hers,
kissing her.

Chapter 7

Tears instantly welled up in Vicky’s eyes. With all the strength she had in her, she pushed Oscar off her,
followed by her hand landing across his face, hitting him very hard on the cheek, not caring that
everyone’s attention in the Cafe was on them.

Despite the fact that he was furious that she hit him on the face, Oscar tried to ignore that part, after
which he cupped her face in his hands.

“It’s you,”

“Even if you say otherwise, the taste of your lips told me what I needed to know.”

“You’ve always been a terrible liar and f uck you for pushing me away!”

“You are always mine and there’s no way I’ll let go of you, most especially now that I’ve found you after
years of sleepless nights.”
“Let go of me!!!!” She tried to shake his hands off her face.

“Why? You are scared of what I’m going to do to you? Huh?”

“F uck off!!!””

“You’re mine, Vicky. If I can’t have you then no one else can.”

“I’m not Vicky. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“If you say that word again, I’m going to kiss you senseless and smooch you so bad that you would beg
me to stop!”

Victoria unconsciously swallowed her words.

“This is not over! I’m going to make you pay for making me worried about you all these years while you
hide your f uckkng a ss here.”

“Watch your back and stay the f uck away from people like him. We are engaged, remember? I don’t
want to see you with any man or you’re going to be punished.”

Victoria swallowed painfully. She was in between turned on and furious. Turned on by his words and
furious by his words and attitude because he was being so stupi dly possessive and acting like they were
actually cool before he decided to make her life a living hell.

“You’re insane. I don’t know you. Get the f uck away from me.” She shrugged his hands off her face.
“I’ll be back for you.” He said, then stormed out of the cafe.

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8

“What a ba stard!” He mumbled.

“Are you fine?” Comel rushed to her side.

“Yh…yeah…. I’m fine. Sorry about it all.”

“I’m okay. Just worried about you. If you don’t know him, maybe you should file a police report.”

“I’ll work on it. Thank you.”

“Please do. He seems really dangerous. He’s definitely mistaking you for someone who hurt him.”

“He’s a ps ycho. But I’ll be fine. Sorry, you had to experience all of that.”

“It’s okay. Will be expecting a response from your company.”


The duo made their way outside the cafe. Cornel’s driver was waiting for him. They said their final
goodbye before he got into the car.

With a very heavy heart, Victoria hurriedly made her way to her car, got in, and made sure everywhere
was well secured by locking up.

With shaky hands, She took out her phone from her bag, scrolled through her contact list, and dialed the
number when she saw it.

“Gabriel, he’s here.”

“Who? And why do you sound nervous? Everything okay?”

“No.” She sniffled, “….I just saw him…he attacked me.”

“Who? Oscar?”

“Yes.” She wiped tears off the corner of her eyes with her finger.

“F u ck!!! Where are you? He laid his hands on you?”

“Went to meet a Client at the Cafe so I bumped into him. He still recognizes me. He told me to watch my
back and that he would be coming back for me. I’m scared, Gabriel. I don’t want him to come close to
me and Sophie.”
“Please calm down. There’s no way he’s going to come close to you again. Even if it’s going to cost me my

“He’s a ba stard and I will make sure to protect you and Sophie at no cost.”

“Are you still at the cafe?”

“Yes. But in the car, about to take my leave.”

“You’re heading back to work?”

“No. After what happened, I don’t know if I feel safe to be outside or even in my own home. But I’ll
probably head to Sophie’s school to pick her up and then we will go home.”

“I’m sorry you had to see him after all he had put you through. Then, you had no one but now you have
me, so you’ve got nothing to be afraid of”

“Go pick Sophie as you said. Then you both should head home. I’ll arrange for bodyguards and more
security around the house. They will follow you everywhere but you wouldn’t even notice them. I won’t
let that ba stard come close to you and my niece. I promise to protect you both.”

“Thank you.”

“You don’t have to, Sis. It’s my duty to keep that ba stard away.”

“I just felt so scared. Cos1 know who Oscar truly is. He’s capable of getting information to strike now that
he knows where I am.
“I’m even more confused because I don’t know why he’s acting like a victim.”

“He’s trying to be manipulative. Don’t fall for his acts.”

“Yeah, thank you. I feel better talking to you.”

“Anything for you, Sweets. I’ll send Lara over to come check on you.”

“Thank you, Gab.”

“Anything for you, Angel.”

The moment Oscar stormed out of the Cafe, he went straight into the car where his driver was waiting
for him.

He got settled in the back passenger seat.

“Where to, Sir?” He asked.

Chapter 8

“Just drive!!!!” His words came out rather harshly but the driver obeyed and drove off.

Looking out, through the well-tinteti glass window, Oscar was deep in thought. His mind running through
what happened earlier at the Cafe. He had searched for her. Well, not him directly. He had paid people
to search for her and never for once did they give him positive report. It was as if she vanished off the
face of the earth.

Never in Oscar’s wildest dream did he think that he was going to set his eyes on Vicky today.

“Take me to the hotel.”

“Okay Sir,” The driver responded and drove in the direction of the hotel.

Oscar was drowned in his thoughts throughout the ride and soon enough, they arrived at the five-star
hotel where he was lodged in.

He didn’t even wait for the driver to come open the door for him. He helped himself down and made his
way into the hotel.

Once Oscar got to his suite, he took off his jacket, and shirt, then proceeded to the bar area to pour
himself a strong drink. He literally gulped down all the content in the cup, then refilled the glass cup.

He took out his phone from his pocket informing the pilot that there had been a change of plan for the
time he would be leaving Australia.

Almost immediately after he sent the text, The Personal Investigator’s call came through.

Oscar clicked on the answer button and brought the phone to his ear.

“Yes, Drew.”
“You’re right, Sir, Miss Vicky is in Australia and right now she has quite some net worth.”

“What do you mean?” Oscar said, remembering that though she was hardworking but she had no family,
was poor, and literally depended on him for everything.”

“Not long after you both separated…..”

“Shut the f u ck up, we didn’t separate. Use the right word!” Oscar literally yelled at him.

“Sorry, Sir.

Oscar mumbled some incoherent words.

“Around the time she disappeared, She reunited with her stepbrother who is the heir to all his Mother’s
properties. He helped her come to Australia, wiped off all her old records, and changed her identity. She
chose to maintain her first name Victoria but changed her surname and last time. That was why it was
difficult for us to locate her.”

“That ba stard!!”

“She has been in Australia since then, With her brother’s connection, she was able to get a job in the
best marketing firm in the capital of Australia. She’s now the senior manager there. She has quite a
number of properties and investments in her name.”

“And she lives in her newly acquired home with her Daughter,”

Oscar’s heart fell. “Daughter?”

“Yes sir.”

“You idiot! You’ve gone to investigate the wrong person. Don’t you listen properly?”

“I didn’t investigate the wrong person, Sir. She now has a daughter.”

“A daughter? How is that possible? No, I don’t believe so.”

“She now has a daughter, Sir. Her name is Sophie and she’s Four years old. Based on my research, She’s
really smart and charming, And Miss Vicky

loves her so much.”

“No. That can’t be possible.” Oscar shook his head even though the personal Investigator couldn’t see

“I didn’t see any ring on her finger today.”

“Yes, sir. She’s not married nor is she in any serious relationship. But she has got quite a number of

“If the child is four years old, that means she had an affair with someone else, immediately after she left
me. That bi tch!!!!”

“I really don’t know about that, Sir.”

“What’s her name?”

“Sophie Emilia Adlyn.”

“Adylyn is now Miss Vicky’s surname. So her baby was named after her”

“I tried to trace the name to any man in her life but no luck on that side.”

“I tried to get a picture of Sophie too but no luck. Mrs. Vicky has done so well in keeping her daughter’s
identity safe.*


Chapter &

“Her daughter?”

“Yes sir, I’ve forwarded other details to your mail Sir. Details of Miss Vicky’s home address, where she
works, and other essential things you need to


“I’ll check them out. Thank you.” He mentioned absentmindedly.

“You’re welcome sir,” Andrew muttered, ending the call.

Oscar froze where he stood. His heart was heavy and suddenly filled with disappointment and hate. He
was so jealous, seeing her talking and making conversations with the man at the cafe but the thought of
Victoria having an affair with another man to the point of making a child, made jealousy run

down to his bones.

All Oscar could see was red. He hated the fact that his eyes were getting watery.

“You bi tch!!!!!!” He yelled, slamming the glass cup he was holding against the wall with the drink in it
spilling on the floor and the couch, and soon enough, the pathway was filled with broken glasses.

Chapter 9

All that Oscar could see was red. He wasn’t an emotional person nor was he someone to show his

He had no idea why he was feeling terribly hurt. It was as though his heart were shattering into pieces
with the information that he heard. He felt deep pains that he had never felt before and before he knew
it, he was struggling to fight his tears.

He plopped down on the couch beside him, and burled his face in his hands, wondering what the hell
was going on.

In the next three minutes, he took his head away from his hand, reached for his phone, and went
through the mail sent to him by the personal Investigator, Drew.

The email contained well detailed information about Vicky, as well as her daughter, Sophie, who was four
years old.

Sniffling, in order to push back his tears, Oscar went through his contact list, he scrolled through until he
found the number he was looking for.
“What’s up. Man.”


“Yeah, you sound terrible. What’s going on?”

“I saw her, Greg.”


“Holy sh it….wait…”

“You saw Vicky?”


“F uck….where? I thought she died already”

“Here in Australia.”

“Holy sh it!!! How….where did you run into her?”

“At the Cafe. She was shocked to see me too. But she said she didn’t know me.”
“Drew did a quick investigation. She’s my Vicky. She has leveled up a lot. She left me with nothing and
now she has so much more. She works in a top marketing firm as the senior manager. She has properties
in her name and to crush it all, she has a daughter.”

“What?? A daughter???? Holy sh it, she’s married? She has moved on? Are you for real?”

“Drew said she’s still very much single and I remember not seeing any ring on her linger. Even though she
is still single, he made it known that she has lots of admirers.”

“The daughter?!”

“I don’t know, Greg.”

“How old is the child?”

“Four years old.”

Things were silent between the duo for a couple of seconds.

“She left five years ago. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking but all I see here is Betrayal. She moved on so quickly. It means she
didn’t feel anything for me. Everything was just a lie.”

“Calm down, Oscar and No that’s not what I was thinking. Is there any probabil….I mean, could she be
“Based on calculations, it makes sense if the little girl is yours?”

Oscar went deep in thought for a couple of seconds as his friend’s explanation dawned on him.

“No… I don’t think so. If she’s mine, I would have known. Vicky always told me everything. She never
kept anything away from me.”

“It’s obvious that she moved on. She had an affair immediately after she disappeared and so the baby
came through.”

“I get where you’re coming from. You could be right but that girl could also be yours.”

“Vicky would not keep any news as important as this away from me if the pregnancy was mine.”

“The four-year-old is bearing her now acclaimed surname. It’s so hard to find out who the father is.”

“I can’t believe I was over the moon a while ago. I even texted the pilot that I won’t be leaving tomorrow
anymore, hoping I would sort things out with

her before I leave here.”

“I should probably text him back not to change anything.”


Chapter 9
“Calm down, Oscar.”

“I can’t. This pain is too much for me to bear. I need to leave here as soon as possible.”

Greg sighed.

“I know this is crazy, dude. But I want you to calm down.”

“It doesn’t matter if the child is yours or not. I feel you still need to talk to her. I’m sure you both have a
lot to talk about.”

“I have nothing to say to her.”

“No, don’t do that bro. Do you know how long you’ve been searching for her? Now you know where she
is, you want to let go of all of it?”

“It’s worthless, what’s there to fight for?”

“You will regret it if you leave without talking it out with her.”

She denied me. She disrespected me. She humiliated me and now she has a daughter!”

“This is what I want you to avoid. It’s okay to feel betrayed, to feel lost, to feel hurt but rushing back
home isn’t the wisest thing to do.”

“Remember that she’s hurt too? The way things ended between you both, how hard things must have
really been for her, so to some extent, her actions are justified.”
“You weren’t expecting her to jump on you when you saw her right?”

“I don’t know, Greg. This is a whole lot. Finding who has literally given me sleepless nights for the past
years and regretting it.”

“Stop overthinking, dude. Take a couple of hours off if you need to. Take a nap if it will help to reduce the
heartache. And trust me, bro, this is the best time to do away with every form of Ego left in you.”

“Not only must you talk with Nadia. Don’t come back home if you don’t settle with her!”

Oscar didn’t say anything for a few seconds.

“I got to go.” He finally mumbled.

“Take care. And don’t forget to do the right thing.”

Just as her brother suggested, Victoria drove straight to her daughter’s school to pick her up. She got
there in no time and Sophie was really excited to see her mother. They walked side by side to the car,
with her hands intertwined in Sophie’s smaller ones after which they walked towards the car.

Vicky buckled her daughter up after which she helped herself into the driver seat and drove out of the

The duo got home in no time. Vicky helped her daughter undress after which She took her bath for her.

Sophie occupied herself with her cartoons while her mother took a shower.
Once Vicky was back in the living room, the little girl got down from the couch, and ran towards her
mom, hugging her legs.

Victoria chuckled. She picked her daughter up in her arms, hugged and kissed her cheek, after which she
placed her on her hip and proceeded to the


“What do you want to eat?” She asked, placing her daughter on the kitchen counter.

“What’s wrong, Mommy?”

Victoria arched her brow. “What do you mean?”

“You look sad.”

Chapter 10

“Sad?!” She chuckled. “No Honey, I’m not.”

“It’s not good to tell lies, Mommy”

“I have you. So why would I be sad?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged with her tiny shoulders. “Someone made you sad.”
“I’m not sad, my love.” She caressed her daughter’s rosy cheeks. “I might be a little tired from work but
I’m not sad. I have no reason to.”

“Okay, I know what will make you happy.”

“Really?” Vicky folded her arms. “What is it?”

“I drew a picture of us. It’s in my school bag.”


Sophie nodded. “It’s very pretty. My teacher said I did an excellent job.”

“No doubt you did. My baby is very smart and I love her so much.” She kissed Sophie on her forehead,
making the little girl giggle.

“What’s the picture about?”

“A family tree.”

“Daddy, Mommy, Sophie, and baby brother.”

The smile on Victoria’s face slowly faded.

“But it’s just me and you, remember?”

“I know.” She mumbled.

“Then how did Daddy and Baby brother get into the picture?”

She shrugged.

Victoria sighed. In as much as her daughter was really smart and the fact that she wouldn’t hesitate to
give her anything she would ever ask for, She wished her little daughter had it all. A happy family with a
very loving father in the picture.

Even though her elder brother, Gabriel, tries to play that role perfectly whenever he is around, She knew
it wouldn’t suffice for having a real loving and caring father who was actively involved in one’s life.

“I know you told me Daddy is dead.”

Vicky’s heart almost flew out of her chest at the mention of her daughter’s statement. She had no idea if
it was guilt from the fact that she saw him earlier or the fact that Sophie brought the ‘Daddy topic’ today
which happened to be the same day he chose to show up again in her life.

“I know you told me that he’s no more. But I know I’ll still have a family. I don’t know how.” She shrugged
again. “But I think it will happen.”

“Trina is a big sister. She tells me of how much she cares for her baby sister. I think it’s cool. I want to be a
big sister too. But I want a baby brother.” She smiled, waiting for her mom to say something.

Victoria sighed, looking deep into her daughter’s eyes. “You know that I love you, right?”
Sophie nodded. “I love you too mama.”

Vicky leaned closer to her and placed a deep kiss on her forehead.

“I know life isn’t perfect, but as your mom, I promise that I’m going to love you beyond words and give
you Everything you ever think of”

“I love you, Mommy”

“I love you too sweetheart.” She returned her daughter’s hug.

Vicky made some food for herself and her daughter. They ate, and watched tv for a bit after which Vicky
helped her daughter with her homework.

“Hi Sis,” Lara smiled the moment Vicky opened the door for her to come in.

The duo exchanged a hug after Vicky shut the door.

“Where’s my baby?” She asked after Sophie.

“In the living room. So good to see you, Sis. Gabriel said he would get you to come to check up on me
but I didn’t think you would actually come.”

“Oh, come on. You know how possessive I am about you and Sophie. You don’t expect me to hear that
and don’t stop by.”

Vicky sighed. “Thank you.”

Chapter 10

“Aunt Lara!!!” That happy and charming voice came through.

“My loveeeeee.” She picked the little girl up and embraced her in a warm hug after which she showered
her face with kisses, making her giggle.

Victoria smiled as she stood aside and watched the duo.

“I miss you, Aunt Lara,”

“I miss you too, my love.”

“Have you been a good girl to your mom?”

“Yes!” She nodded.

“I got you something” Lara handed the gift bag she was holding to the little girl.

“Thank you, Auntie.”

After one final hug, Sophie made her way to the living room with her gift bag.

“Thank you for the gift, Lara. You hardly come here without anything for Sophie.”
“It’s nothing, Sis. I love that little girl as much as I much as I love you and I would do anything for you

“Thank you.” She smiled. “It warmed her heart to know that her brother was with a very good woman.

“You want something to eat?”

“No, I’m fine. We will talk over a glass of wine.”

“So sorry about today. Do you still feel nervous?” Lara said the moment they settled on the couch in the
living room.

Sophie was on the carpet rug, playing with the new toy Lara got her

“I was but now I don’t know.”

“Gabriel already told me about the securities and that has calmed me a little.”

“I’m just still scared.”

“About what?”

Victoria sighed. “He’s……Oscar can be really dangerous. If he wants something, there’s actually no one
that can stop him from getting it.”

“You think he’s going to come back for you? He’s the one who betrayed you, remember?”
“That’s what confusing me.”

“He looked at me like someone who ruined us and when in the other way around, he and his family are
the ones who ruined me. It’s hard to believe that he’s making me look like a bad person.”

“I feel there’s more to this.”

“I don’t think so!”


“He’s just a narcissist. He wants things to go his way.”

“Did he look remorseful or some sort?”

“He was really shocked to see me. I don’t know why he expected me to embrace him. I saw pain and
betrayal in his eyes. He deserved every form of pain he would ever have but I don’t understand the
Betrayal when he was the one who betrayed me.”

“Then he got really jealous, seeing me with my Client, and really wanted to cause a riot.”

“Your client is a male?”


“I see,”
Vicky arched her brow at Lara.

“This shows he’s very jealous and that he still likes you.”

“Like me? No?” Vicky shook her head. “That can’t be possible.”

“How can you like someone and you bear to see that person in pain? He literally ruined me, and
deprived me of my job, house, and literally everything on the same day. Maybe if not for my brother,
Sophie and I would be dead by now”

“I understand you. He did really terrible stuff to you. But from all you said, I think he still likes you.”

Chapter 10

“I don’t believe so. I just want him to stay the hell away from me.”

“Do you still feel something for him?”


“Be sincere.”

“What are you saying. Lara? How would you even think that? Oscar literally humiliated me and ruined
everything I had.”

“I understand you, Sis. Please don’t get angry about my choice of words. I’m only saying this based on
your reaction when you were saying how you

“You know, sometimes, we can’t help with the way our heart feels when it comes to the person we love
no matter how much they’ve hurt us.”

“Wait,” She interrupted before Vicky could say anything.

“Did you guys by any way make any contact?”

“Not really. He touched me against my will.”

“Did you feel anything? Like those things you felt in the past?”

Victoria stared in disbelief as she thought back to her encounter with Oscar when he held her.

“I………don’t know…..! was really nervous.”

“Your cheeks are turning red.”

“Lara please…..”

“Oh, sis. I’m not trying to make you feel uncomfortable. I just want to see the reality of how things are. If
you told your brother you still feel some kind of things for him, I’m sure he would be brutal to you and
I’m sure it would also be something you will find really hard to come to terms with.”

“I don’t mean to startle you. I just like knowing the realities of situations.”
“I really don’t care about him. G od knows I don’t give a f u ck about him. I just want him away from my
life forever and there’s no way in hell I’m going to allow him to come close to my daughter. With all that
he and his family put me through, there’s no way I’m gonna reunite with him.”

“Will you ever give him some attention if he comes to you?”

“Sorry If I’m pushing your sensitive buttons. Before I came across your brother, I’d been with really
terrible guys. Whenever they want to reconcile with me, they come with manipulating talks, giving
reasons why they acted dou che.”

“There’s nothing Oscar would say that would justify his brutality towards me. He’s a ba stard for all I care
and I don’t want him anywhere near me or my daughter.”

“Mama, who is Oscar?” Sophie’s curious voice came through as she approached her mommy.

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