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Ed Ing Adjectives

Name: Result: __/20 Date: __/__/20__

1. It is not ______________ that the shop at Poperinghe was always crowded

by four in the afternoon in those old days before the second battle of Ypres.

2. He returned to England with his wife in 1874, and in the ______________

year purchased the estate of Sandford Orleigh in South Devon, where he
made his home for the rest of his life. (followed/following)

3. I opened the door to depart, and was ______________ to find that it would
not go back sufficiently to allow me to pass freely. (surprised/surprising)

4. The situation was somewhat analogous to that created after the Civil War,
in the ______________ States. (united/uniting)

5. I was ______________ to find that it didn't. (surprised/surprising)

6. In 1716 he was appointed king's painter, and he was ennobled in the

______________ year. (followed/following)

7. The instance most applicable here is that of the division which took place a
few years ago in the ______________ States. (united/uniting)

8. Did the purpose of this article permit, it would be ______________ to make

Mr. Cleveland's speech the text of some examination into the ex-President's
peculiarities of style. (interested/interesting)

9. After scenes of this kind in the bosom of his family it is not

______________ that the unfortunate Comte de la Marche sought the more
peaceful atmosphere of the camp, and engaged in a revolt against his
sovereign. (surprised/surprising)

10. He was transferred to that of Materia Medica and Medical Botany in the
______________ year, Doctor Peter having been called to the chair of
Chemistry, etc. (followed/following)

11. I'm ______________ of being insulted by you. (tired/tiring)

12. The visitors were very much ______________ at the fine playing of the
village children, who, before the convention adjourned, gave a special
exhibition of their skill in the game. (surprised/surprising)

13. It is ______________ to note that the heroes, though greatly

outnumbered and with strange weapons, always down many of the enemy
while they themselves escape unscathed. (interested/interesting)

14. But the wasted, flushed, hungry- ______________ traveller is putting the
miles behind him. (eyed/eyeing)

15. In this connection it is ______________ to note the evolution of the cross.


16. In 1853 he entered a law office in New York city, and in the
______________ year was admitted to the bar. (followed/following)

17. She was also much ______________ with the view of Naples itself, which
she obtained from this platform. (pleased/pleasing)

18. It would be ______________ to know how far the imperial leaders

perceived the process of synthesis, but consciously or unconsciously they
helped it considerably by the policy which they adopted towards the local
councils, or Synedria-Sanhedrims-as they were often called.

19. As he tramped over the reef, crushing the living, many- ______________
coral under his booted feet, his eyes were arrested by some objects lying on
the bottom of a deep pool. (coloured/colouring)

20. It is not ______________ that these monuments, together with the

memory of the events brought about by the men in whose honour they have
been erected, should be fast hastening to a level with the desolation
immediately surrounding them. (surprised/surprising)

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