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Specimen of Project Work

Project Title: Non Performing Assets and its impact on Financial Performance: A
study on Public Sector Bank in India

A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Commerce


Roll No: ……………

Registration No: …………
Session: ……….


Dr. / P r o f . . . . . . . . . . .

Faculty of Commerce, Karim City College, Jamshedpur

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Faculty of Commerce
Karim City College, Jamshedpur

The foregoing project report entitled“………” is hereby
approved as acreditable study of project topic and has
been presented in satisfactory manner to warrant its
acceptance as prerequisite to the degree for which it has
been submitted.
It is understood that by this approval, the undersigned do
not necessarily endorse any conclusion drawn or opinion
expressed there in, but approved the project report for the
purpose for which it is submitted.


Dr./Prof. ............

I express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to my project

supervisor Dr. /Prof…………….. for providing precious guidance,
inspiring discussions and constant supervision throughout the course of
this work. His timely help, constructive criticism and conscientious
efforts made it possible to present the work contained in this project. I
am also thankful to our HOD Dr…………………….. for his help
during my project work.
My sincere thanks to all faculty members of Commerce who helped
directly or indirectly in the completion of this project.
I am also thankful to our Honourable Prof-in-charge Dr. Mohammad
Reyaz for their inspiration.
Last but not least I feel pleasure and privileged to fulfill my parent’s
ambition and I am greatly indebted to them for bearing the
inconvenience during my B.Com Course.

Name of the Student: ………………

University Roll No.: ...…………..

Reg. No.: ……………


1. List of Abbreviations...........................................................

2. List of Tables............................................................................

3. List of Figures.............................................................................

4. ABSTRACT ………………………………………….............

5. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………


7. Chapter 3..........................................

8. Chapter 4........................................

9. Chapter 5........................................

10. Chapter 6.CONCLUSION…………………………………

11. REFERENCE…………………………………………………

12. APPENDICES............................................................................
List of abbreviations

1. SBI State Bank of India
2. NABARD National Bank for Agriculture
and Rural Development


SL.No. Description Page.No

1. 1.1
2. 2.1


SL.No Description PageNo.

1. 1.a
2. 2.a

ABSTRACT (specimen)
(Overall about the study in maximum of 200- 250 words)
In abstract, following contents should be mentioned in maximum three to four

1. General Problems
2. Objective of the study
3. Research Methods
4. Findings

1. General Problems: Non-Performing Assets, one of the key indicators of

banking sector to measure the performance of banks. A high level of NPAs leads to
large numbers of credit defaults which affect the profitability and wealth of
banking companies.
2. Objective of the study: This project describes the consistency level in profit
and NPA of Public sector banks. The objective of this study is to find out the trend
of NPA and profit of Public Sector Banks and to measure the relationship between
NPA and profitability of Public Sector Banks.
3. Research Methods: This study is based on secondary data those are
collected from the Reserve Bank of India website.

4. Findings: This paper finds that, in Public Sector Banks, increase in NPA
leads to decrease in profit

Keywords: Non-Performing Assets, Portfolio, Wealth, Public Sector Bank,


Keywords related to research in the study (maximum 6 keywords)

In Introduction, following contents should be covered:
1. Background or context for the research problem For Example:
• Overview of financial performance of Public Sector Bank in the
• Meaning of NPAs
• Impact of NPAs on financial performance of banks
2. Justify the choice of the topic and to state clearly the objectives
Example of the Objective:
To find the impact of Non-Performance assets on the financial
performance of Banks
Example of Research Problems:
• What is the level of NPA in the banks?
• What is the financial performance status of the selected bank in
terms of profit, liquidity, recovery etc?
3. Scheme of Chapters
4. Literature Review
What is already known and what is remaining to be investigated.
5. Methods
A. Research Design
Research type design should clearly describe the type of study design
• Descriptive or
• Observation or
• Experimental or
• Intervention
B. Data Collection Method
C. Sampling Design
D. Statistical Tools used
5. Results
Discriminately selected data compared the results and
interpretations to other studies citing references from the
6. Discussion
Must try to justify, how the results have contributed to the
existing knowledge and profession practice
7. Summary and Conclusions
• State the conclusion of the study based on the analysis
performed and results achieved
• Limitations of the study
8. Recommendations
On the basis of results recommendation should be placed before
the policy makers, society and stakeholders
9. References
Put the references which are used to complete the project.
Other than references, gather the knowledge directly or
indirectly but not use as references.
10. Appendices
 Format of data collection
 Format of Questionnaire

Prepared By
Dr. Md. Moazzam Nazri
HOD & Faculty In-charge of Commerce, Karim City College, Jamshedpur

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