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."his devotion to duty never wavered"

2."take care, lots of love, Judy"

3."she was singing along without a care in the world"

: 4."I remember it with great fondness"

5."‘Of course not,’ he snapped, with a warmth that he regretted"

Neeti: 6."she felt affection for the wise old lady"

: 7."they were lost in admiration of the scenery"

: 8."I have immense regard for my teachers."

9."they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds"

: 10."rituals showed honour and reverence for the dead"



1."half the children who were in the class showed no improvement in attentiveness"

2."I did not notice the time fly by as I was too engrossed in the lecture of world history"

3."her absorption in the problems of the Third World"

4."he should have heeded the warnings ! Now look at him."

5."I was attracted to the idea of working for a ballet company"

6."their silence did not escape my notice"

: 7."the policy came under scrutiny last month"

8."filled with curiosity, she peered through the window"

9."one of his particular enjoyments was campfire singing"

10."an experience guaranteed to delight both young and old"


1."a source of great sadness"

2.Do you regret not taking the job?

3.I realized to my dismay that I was going to miss the plane.

4."it was a great sorrow to her when they separated"

5."an air of despondency"

6."self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression"

7."to his distress he saw that she was trembling

8."they mistook my mortification for an admission of guilt"

9."to my chagrin, he was nowhere to be seen"

10."his disillusionment with education was due to a number of factors"


1."a letter scorning his offer of intimacy"

2."her upper lip curled in disdain"

3."growing disrespect for the rule of law"

4."one of the most noticeable changes is the deprecation of third-party cookies"

5."I witnessed the denigration of anyone who failed to toe the line"

6."the opprobrium of being closely associated with gangsters"

7."he incurred widespread odium for military failures and government corruption"

8."conduct to which no more obloquy could reasonably attach"

9.Her comments were met with derision

10.She couldn’t face any more of their mockery


1."news of the attack will be met with sorrow and revulsion"

2."our repugnance at the bleeding carcasses"

3."he had a deep-seated aversion to most forms of exercise"

4."Harry nurtured a distaste for all things athletic"

5."the thought of marrying him filled her with abhorrence"

6."the thought filled him with loathing"

7."the thought filled him with loathing"

8.They watched in horror as the building collapsed.

9."a wave of nausea engulfed him"

10."I am not surprised that some members of the House should disrelish your report"

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