CS 105 SyllabusRevised

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Course Syllabus & Schedule

CS 105 – Introduction to Programming

Ensign College Mission Statement:

To develop capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ

Instructor: Semester:
Email: Section:
Office: Time:
Office Hours: Room:

At the center of every Ensign College classroom is deep, Spirit-

centered, learning. Deep Learning is the result of a learner acting
in, with, and by faith in Christ.

Deep Learning is best achieved through the 4Is of course design

and the Learning Pattern. Deep Learning leads to understanding
–the capacity to know, do, and become – and is ultimately a gift of
the Spirit.

Catalog Course Description, Prerequisites, & Minimum Grade

● Course Description: Students learn programming from the aspect of a non-programmer. Basic concepts of computer
science and programming are introduced including variables, operators, input, output, conditional logic, loops,
functions, strings, and arrays. Students develop problem-solving techniques and computational thinking skills to solve
many basic problems.
● Prerequisites: NA

● Minimum Grade: A grade of C or better (not C-) is required for graduation.

Learning Resources – NA

Assessment & Grading

Grading Scale
(total points earned divided by total points possible)
Score Grade Score Grade Score Grade
94-100% A 80-83% B- 67-69% D+
90-93% A- 77-79% C+ 64-66% D
87-89% B+ 74-76% C 60-63% D-
84-86% B 70-73% C- 0-59% E
Grading Components
Assessment Activities Points
Prepare: See “Schedule” 370
Teach One Another: See “Schedule” 176
Ponder: See “Schedule” 60
Prove: See “Schedule” 547

Capabilities & Learning Outcomes

Ensign College cultivates a nurturing environment where practical skills are learned and discipleship strengthened.

There are three types of outcomes guiding curriculum at Ensign College. Students demonstrate the 1) College-Wide
Capabilities, 2) Program Outcomes, and 3) Course-Specific Outcomes through the Learning Pattern as they Prepare,
Teach One Another, Ponder, and Prove their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Course curriculum is immersive, integrated,
interactive, and iterative.

Students are encouraged where appropriate to seek part-time employment opportunities at Ensign College and other
educationally affiliated entities (e.g., the Global Service Center, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and BYU
Pathway Worldwide) where practical experience in a work environment can supplement the development of the College-
Wide Capabilities and outcomes (teamwork & leadership, communication, technical skills, problem-solving, and

Through this process, Ensign College graduates learn deeply and are prepared to contribute in their homes, communities,
the Lord’s church, and in future employment.

1. College-Wide Capabilities
To align with the mission of Ensign College to develop capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ, the
College is focused on helping learners demonstrate through classroom experiences and assessments the
following capabilities:


and sustain a culture of trust, vision, and continuous
improvement that adds value to an organization.

CWC 2 - COMMUNICATION: Share information in

diverse audiences, modes, and environments for the
purpose of mutual understanding and edification.


knowledge, skills, and abilities to accomplish
specific tasks through proper systems, processes,
and tools.

CWC 4 - PROBLEM-SOLVING: Analyze complex

problems and generate creative solutions supported
by informed evidence.

CWC 5 - PROFESSIONALISM: Exhibit behaviors

reflecting a moral foundation of strong ethics and

2. Please refer to the catalog for your Program Outcomes

3. CS 105 Course-Specific Outcomes
Upon completion of CS 105, the student will be able to:

● CO1: Write programs that use primitive data types.

● CO2: Modify and expand short programs that use standard conditional and iterative control structures and
● CO3: Design, implement, test, and debug programs that use fundamental programming constructs.

● CO4: Write a program that uses file I/O to provide persistence across multiple executions.

● CO5: Create algorithms for solving simple problems.

● CO6: Use a programming language to implement, test, and debug algorithms for solving simple problems.

The outcomes above deal with Usage. Other important, but non-graded, objectives of the course include
Familiarity objectives, such as:

 Identify and describe uses of primitive data types.

 Discuss the importance of algorithms in the problem-solving process.
 Discuss how a problem may be solved by multiple algorithms, each with different properties.

Course Policies
● All assignments are due by their assigned due dates. Assignments submitted late will not receive credit, unless
extenuating circumstances are approved by the instructor.
● Quizzes are open book and untimed, except for the Final Exam.

● To graduate with an AAS degree in Software Development, a student must receive a grade of a C or higher in all CS &
IT core courses.

College Policies
Email as the Official Method of Communication
Official College messages to students are sent through Ensign College email. Students are responsible for all information
received through their Ensign College email account. Students are expected to regularly check their Ensign College email
accounts for official information from the College and their course instructors. This policy is to ensure that important Ensign
College communication is received in a timely and consistent manner.

Course Credit Hours & Classroom Preparation Time

Ensign College measures academic credit in credit hours. In accordance with federal regulation, a credit hour at the
College is the amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement
that reasonably approximates not less than:
● One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each
week for approximately fourteen weeks for one semester hour of credit.
● An average student can expect to spend a minimum of two hours in outside preparation time for every hour in class.
For example, in a 3-credit hour class, an average student can expect six hours of outside preparation time each week.
This represents the average student who is appropriately prepared; more time may be required to achieve excellence.
The course materials used in this class may be protected by copyright laws. Students are expected to make a good-faith
effort to respect the rights of copyright holders. For more detailed information, please see the Ensign College Copyright
Policy. Students who disregard the policy may be in violation of the Church Education System Honor Code, may place
themselves at risk for possible legal action, and may incur personal liability.

Ensign College follows the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which is a federal law that protects the
privacy of student education records. The following are rights under FERPA: (1) inspect and review education records; (2)
have records amended; (3) have some control over the disclosure of information contained in the records; and (4) file a
complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if Ensign College fails to comply with FERPA. More information can be
found on our website at https://www.ensign.edu/family-education-rights-and-privacy-act.

Disability Services
Ensign College abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which stipulates that no student shall be denied
the benefits of an education "solely by reason of a disability." If you have a disability that may impact your work in this
class and for which you may require accommodations, please contact Disability Services so that such accommodations
may be arranged. For more information, visit https://www.ensign.edu/disability-modifications.

Counseling Services
As a college student, there may be times when personal stressors interfere with your academic performance and/or
negatively impact your daily life. If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health challenges at Ensign College,
please contact Counseling Services on the 9th floor or call (801) 524-8151. Services are free and confidential. For more
information, visit https://www.ensign.edu/counseling-services.

In a crisis situation, or after hours, contact Campus Security at (801) 240-2771 or the Police at 911. The National Suicide Prevention
hotline also offers a 24-hour hotline at 1-800-273-TALK.

Honor Code Policies and Procedures & Academic Honesty Policy

Students should be aware and review each semester the Honor Code Policies and Procedures and the Academic Honesty
Policy (https://www.ensign.edu/honor-code-policies-procedures). The Ensign College learning environment and culture are
created and preserved through commitment to personal conduct that reflects these ideals and principles. Adherence to
these principles creates a community of saints where the Spirit may be in greater abundance.

Title IX
Preventing & Responding to Sexual Misconduct

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Ensign College prohibits unlawful sex discrimination
against any participant in its education programs or activities. The college also prohibits sexual harassment—including
sexual violence—committed by or against students, college employees, and visitors to campus. As outlined in college
policy, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking are considered forms of
"sexual misconduct" prohibited by the college.

College policy requires all college employees in a teaching, managerial, or supervisory role to report all incidents of sexual
misconduct that come to their attention in any way, including but not limited to face-to-face conversations, a written class
assignment or paper, class discussion, email, text, or social media post.

Incidents of sexual misconduct should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator at titleix@ensign.edu or (801) 524-1920 or
room 929. Reports may also be submitted online or by calling 1-888-238-1062. This number is available 24-hours a day
and can accept anonymous reports.
Ensign College offers resources and services that may be helpful to those affected by sexual misconduct. Additional
information about Title IX, the college’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, reporting requirements, and resources can be found at
https://www.ensign.edu/title-ix or by contacting the college’s Title IX Coordinator as previously outlined.
Schedule of Learning Experiences & Assessment Activities
This document is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. Any changes made to this document during the course of
the semester will be reflected and finalized in Canvas. Please check the Canvas daily/weekly pages for updates
throughout the semester.

Week Learning Prepare Computational Skills Prove

Outcomes Assignments Assignments Assignments

Week 1 CWC3, CWC4 Install IDE 1.8 Pseudo-code and 1.5 IDE Screenshot
Cornell Notes: flowcharts 1.8 Pseudo-code and flowchart

Week 2 CO1, CO3, Cornell Notes: 2.4 Abstraction 2.5 First Programs
CWC3, CWC4 Variables and 2.6 Python at Work

Week 3 CO1, CO2,CO5, Cornell Notes: 3.4 Flowcharting 3.5 Tilling the Soil
CWC3, CWC4 Blocks,

Week 4 CO1, CO2, CO3, Cornell Notes: 4.4 Pseudo-code 4.5 Nature of Numbers.
CO6, CWC3, Repetition.

Week 5 CO1, CO2, CO3, Cornell Notes: 5.4 Decomposition, 5.5 Tracking Finances.
CWC3, CWC4 Functions. Modularity,

Week 6 CO1, CO2, CO3, Cornell Notes: 6.5 Turtle

CO5, CO6, Modules and 6.4 Recognizing
CWC3, CWC4 Libraries. Patterns

Week 7 CO1, CO2, CO3, Wrap-up: Exam Exam

CO5, CO6, Final Exam

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