Retinette Iia

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a Kodak Pe Setting the Film Spee: The exposure depands onthe spd of he fi in your cervera. Th iron loot encloved with evry fim ave YoU dae for the appropriate ASA or DIN figure fet you have to et on fhe Prontomet Special ster. To do ths, pres in he ating lever (nd puch it long unl the tianguler 2 Index pont tothe r= (ured ASA or DIN figute {The DIN ratnge opely ‘nyo Germon fine] (index mark points The required ditnce igure on “he lane of your camer reproduces shrply not only Ihe ebiet of the ditonce ot which ts actualy ose, now othe depth of fil With your RETINETTE IA iN ray aoty 10 red off this daph of «glance for ‘ny shot As you rote he shuter rng, you te of the ra time the two rad pointes of the automatic depth Of eld icestor moving olong th focsing scale These The two red igre (19 nd 35) on he feasing sale ore Uf zone focn stings For near sbjects, st the tone othe rd figure 10; For more dite subiacs Set the red figure 35. The postion ofthe depth of Fel indeate always shows you the sharp zone ov Pictures Outdoors The shutler ving of your RETINETTE IA cari two ‘uldocr enge it marke by @ small un the ash range bya fash bal, Torn the shulter ing ut the symbol of ‘he su i eppotite the black dot) f you now lok through the finder you wil se8 © bright Wwonauor Holding and Viewing Hod your RETINETTE mai 4 Cocking and Releasing ‘ances the fin inthe camera (ooge 12 by one Into original postion If i shuld not fy have your subject niealy fromed in the lore goin fr every sha. Experts Choose Kodak Films Colour Fs: Deck-andoieFl ‘eazchrome Dayle pe fim THASR Todoctvens tee A Fn T6ASA Ehoehrone Dayloht toe Aim RASA Facomex ag a aE, Funk Fon ToDASA TaxPen ABA Inserting the Film {is svbdved lob) Frees he opening busin inthe bos of he comer, The comer back wil spring ape Fully pull ot the rewind kn Tur the bultn tokeup speat(g) by it sercted flange uni one ofthe sis points upwards. Push immed end of the fim into hal, 3 0 To anchor {Speforton hele inthe ila hook of the it 4. Drow the film ecrors the fil rack, ond inser he Atonsport sprocket) most poperyengoge bot per 5. Now puth beck the rewind knob (fond tn i the tome time inthe crcton ofthe orrow uni you Fee 6 Finally, los te camera back by presting the Bock Setting the Film Counter and Film Indicator The expe cunt (te ly how many shots 4 sil hove Turn the Block thumb rin [coer {lochs divcion uni he slomend mak) ie ‘roa opposite the inangular mark Yh Aeexperre ‘tgorioe “set! mark butwscn T ond 36; erpore ‘ogezine =e mock oS Cac he shite an eee, san noe asin ond coe 0 ie. The 12h tension the fim. ile bit ere age 13 The Wino is now eppore No. ar 20 respocirey To seth film incor cil (below, hold the rewind nc and turn the inner sere ragon th lock ctr fo the ype of fim ved inte comer = Block onde fm Color ~ Dorit colour film Color <= Attica! ight celour Fim Unioading the Film ve rewound, Depress the clch bution in the comers tote and turn th find kno (clockwise, onda (woleh blaeh dot on butlon). Open the camera back in abdved light ul out the rewind bab ond remove Hf you should of ot ony tine hove omit 10 vst the the roid wind lever conmol be titched o The lint of ‘anid remind lover to cmolate is novel The film con wy Flash Shots Time Exposures For time exposures moun! the cameron a tied by ‘eons of he ripe soctt in he comer bese. Expose with cable release which srewe ino th ved of ‘he release bution avoid camera shke, Tarn the ster ing Un the Iter “Bis opposite the bck dot (b). This isthe tine expoevro sling. the ‘hullr now remains open or long ox yeu keep the Dutlon depressed. With line excones the len it slays st to #22 The righthand figure 22 i¢ weed for ime exposures, the lethond 12 Sting fr fash sho The coupled ‘xpowure contol of your RETINETTE A connol be [Adstonces below fost aso-colled pera ‘rer cepacia ofbar wor, te Bel of iow outinad by the Brion Fame inthe Finder no longer corresponds excl the ‘iow roorded onthe fim, To compansote for this poral of © abject distance of See imagine o line between the two mor fon the Frame (dete inthe iran) ot the upper limit ofthe isl of wwe AP di Aonees gestr than $ fee, ti io ard ly moves vpward, nil ot 8 fect i xin - With ofiter speci! afte moy be abtined, Mox fiers hae a filler fel. Yew allow forthe withthe RETINETTE I1A before Tekin the. ice by Teducing the fim speed ating by the nmber of svslne given he ble boom Kodak Filters for Black-and-white resp. Colour Films. tn ‘Soh iter for Kodociome Drlioht ye in = ar Utrosvotet iter eV Divisione Uah-aow iter 1) Doylgt fer for Kedachrome type F fm = ght olancng filer {St Kedachrame ty fl ~ Daylight filer {or Kedcebrome yp Alm 2elvisone Meaiom yellow i and yalon-grean i fiers” Photon fter for Kodachrome Ooylight ln ein Poloseraen~ Ble V fer farmer! ‘Sronge titer (Fi Savions Red iter eV] Oaiione You want 1 use o yllow-ceen fer (Il) for shot on blackond-wile fm, You hove sel the fim speed 1 {ELASA. Inthe able opposite you il se thet wih the vollow-rcen (Fl itt th film speed salting murt be ‘edad by 3 iisions in other words 1032 ASA ils Station lt rember fo reset he fv sped rotingeccordingy. The interlock sytem of the RETINETTE IA prevents accidental dovble x poture, To make a deliberate double exporre for speci elect, depen the Eluteh baton (09015) alter he i! of the hws exporeres,Keping down nd 6 the sme ime allo the ropid wind laver efor oe i wil go. The film than remains in postion for @ second expotura onthe some frome, The fim curer however i oavenced by ene frome Deliberate Double Exposures Care of the Camera Protect your lens andthe finder window ogc inivy and finger mors For cleonng, ot @ sof sob brth oro sof rag. Ure The bth fom line to i cao fr dating he Film rock nd supply chombe. Close-ups In the near ronge bslow the et int you for on inion word in miniature. The clase op rangefinder for 45mm lena, ured wih he NL, NII ond Nill cloreup lenee cover © neorrange from 39 Inch (97 10 2 The Lens Hood Use the tne hood fr ell your shot sreant, ‘if sry light nd also pratect the ens opine! rain or now. I shold in fac Be © pot of your

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