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Teacher: .Sultanbekova Aliya

Subject/ Grade English, 11 grade
Date: Term 3, Week 5, Lesson № 1

Theme: STEM is Part of Modern

World. Intelligent Energy Storage
Learning objectives: Understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range familiar and unfamiliar general and
curriculum topics;
Use a wide range of vocabulary which is appropriate to topic
Lesson objectives To introduce key vocabulary from a text
To listen and read for specific information

Ход урока
Действие педагога Действие учащегося Оцениван Ресурсы
Planned timings ие
1 min Beginning -Good afternoon dear students! Greeting Listening
-Welcome to our English language lesson!
Let’s start.
Today we are going to :
 Learn new vocabulary
 Do listening and reading tasks
 Answer the questions

1 min Look at the screen and tell your association with these things. Chemistry Pictures of


ming Biology
3-5 min Middle -Yes, you’re right. Aerospace engineering and
And WHO WORKS in STEM? Look at the picture and say or add your operations technician
options, please. Civil engineering technician
Web developers
Nuclear technicians
Zoologist and wildlife
Network and computer
systems administrator
Computer network architects
Thanks for your answers. Health and safety engineers

Introductive Informative text Read the text. Why choose a STEM

career? Which STEM careers would you be interested in? Why?
STEM is part of our modern world.
Every time you get in car, enter a
building or pick up a smartphone,
3-5 min you are using the product of
countless people’s STEM
education: the knowledge of
science, technology, engineering Link to the video
and mathematics.

SCIENCE helps us understand the

Focus on the new words and definitions. You’ll meet all these words in the world around us and create new
text T – Cl – P1 – P2 ideas about it.

decarbonisation - the process of removing or reducing the carbon dioxide TECHNOLOGY is the product of
(CO2) output of a country's economy. our new ideas.
decentralisation - the transfer of authority from a central government to a
sub-national entity. ENGENEERING is the way we
demand an insistent and peremptory request, made as of right. develop our ideas into something
generate produce or create. tangible. ()
grid- a system of wires for supplying electricity across a large region,
country, etc. MATHEMATICS is at the core of
fluctuate– to change or vary frequently between one level or thing and Definitions of the
science, technology and
engineering. words with
Intermittent not happening regularly or continuously; stopping and
starting repeatedly or with periods in between pictures
Offshore wind the use of wind farms constructed in bodies of water, Employment in STEM professions
usually in the ocean, to harvest wind energy to generate electricity. has grown 79% in the USA. STEM
Outwegh to be greater or more important than something else is the future: a report by the
Overheating make or become too hot. Australian Industry Group
Reliable consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted. estimates that 75% of future careers
Reservoir a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply are going to require STEM skills.

Watch Video. Listen to the text ‘Intelligent Energy Storage’.

Task 2. For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer (A-,B,C,D) Ex.4p.79
3-5 min Energy Storage
Read the text ex.3 p.78 Video link

Answer: v=r7IsMKb1HBk





 Understand specific information

 Identify right meaning of the words

Task 3

Now, Dear students you have just learned about Intelligent Energy
Storage’ and you met grammar tenses and their forms. Let’s revise
grammar tenses. Look at the screen and discuss.


 write a few sentences using learned information

Complete the e-mail using the correct present or past tenses. Give
Dear Mr Alen

I 1)(receive) your proposal last week and I 2) (research) your idea for
three days now. Smart batteries are actually something I 3) (look into)
myself before my company's lithium-ion battery production take off, fact,
prior to our into this field some of my clients 4) (express) an interest in
smart batteries, although 5) (not/consider) discussing it with the board
before I read proposal. However, now that we 6) (think) of the best way to Answer: 1) received 2) am
researching 3) have looked into 4)
take our business forward, I 7) (want) to bring it to their attention. Perhaps
expressed 5) didn’t consider 6) are
you'd like to meet and discuss your proposal in person' My schedule is clear
thinking 7) want 8) was intending
tomorrow because I 8) (intend) to go on a trip, but the weather 9) … 9) forced 10) hasn’t arrived
(force) me to cancel it a few hours ago, My secretary 10) (not/arrive) yet,
but when he does I'll ask him to call you this afternoon and arrange an
appointment. Looking forward to collaborating on this project.

Yours sincerely,

Abigail Founder (CEO Next Gen Energy Inc. )

2 минут End

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