Conversation Script of PAS Semester

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“Conversation script of PAS semester 1”

Name: Raisa & Wafa

Class: 8 imam as-suyuti

- Conversation –
raisa: wafaa!
Wafa: yes??
Raisa: let me help you to bring the book
Wafa: no, you don’t need to

Raisa: its okay!, you look terrible with the book. Just let me help you okhay??
Wafa; alright.
-------after bring the book to the library and we go to canteen-------
Wafa; thank you for helping me
Raisa; my pleasure
Wafa: I’m going to buy you some drink for helping me hhe.
Raisa: that’s very kind of you, thank you

---------------wafa buys raisa a drink ---------------------------

Wafa: this is your drink raisa.
Raisa: thank you wafa, btw how was your final exam? U did well?
Wafa : yeah not bad, I got bad grades at math but that’s not big problem, I just have to learn
more, how about u? u did it well?
Raisa: yeah I did well, there’s nothing to worried

Wafa: that’s cool, btw next week will be holiday, had you already planned your holiday
Raisa: I still thinking about it. How about you?
Wafa: Ofcourse! I’m waiting for that, and I already make a plan for holiday
Raisa:, wow really?, there are many plan that you make aren’t you?

Wafa: nope, you are wrong !, u just make five plan to do on holiday, I’ll go to library to find
some book and then I’ll go to my grandma house, I miss her so much, it’s been a long time I
don’t meet her.
Raisa: same.. I miss my grandma too I’ll go to my grandma house on this holiday

Wafa: your grandma house in bandung right?

Raisa: yeah, you right, I’ll have some trip with my cousin too, and I’ll explore all of the
street food in bandung, ause it’s always taste good I already went there for 2 times
Wafa: I want too…

Raisa: u have try it, after I explore all of the street food I’ll go to the beach, I rlly like sea, it
calms me down
Wafa: I like that too, especially the smeel,
Raisa: that’s true. I like it too. Oh ya let’s continue to the topic. What you’ll do again wafa
on holidays?
Wafa: I’ll pick up my sister from boarding school and then we’ll go to the zoo togheter.
Hehhe and I’ll go to cinema cause there’s a movie that look interesting for me
Raisa: wow that’s cool, I hop e I get along closely with my brother, but that is so hard, we
can’t understand each other,

Wafa: I think you just need to talk with your brother privately and say what you want to
strengthen the relationship between you and your brother.
Raisa: aw.. wafa thank you for your advice, I’ll try to do that
Wafa: okay, that is good, btw I have to go, my mom already call me!
Raisa: okay, bubye have a nice holidays later Wafaa
Wafa: you too!

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