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Hanoi National University of Education PRAGMATICS MID-TERM TEST (C68)

Faculty of English Time allowed: 45 minutes

The test includes 4 parts. Please TRANSFER your answers onto the answer sheet.
Part I (2 points): Choose the correct answers.
1. Identify the type of reference of the word in bold in the following sentence: All of my friends have read
that teenage fantasy novel: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
A. cataphoric reference
B. anaphoric reference
C. definite reference
D. exophoric reference
2. How many temporal deixis can be found in the following conversation: IPH at 6p.m next Sunday?
Okay, I’ll meet you there then.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
3. Identify the type of presupposition of the sentence in bold: I regret having cheated on you  I cheated
on you.
A. factive regret, relize, notice
Non-factive dream, imagine, pretend
B. existential definite, “the”
C. structural wh-ques
D. lexical start, stop, again
Counter-factual cau dk loai 2
4. Fill in the blank: In cooperative principle, the listener presumes that the speaker is being cooperative
and is speaking truthfully, perspicuously, relevantly and _____________.
A. carefully
B. sincerely
C. loudly
D. informatively
5. Identify the type of speech act of the following utterance: If you don’t stop eating, I will call Mom.
A. directive (asking sb to do sth)
B. commissive (commit to future act: promise, threat, pledge, refusal)
C. expressive (show feeling)
D. declarative (change the world via utterance)
6. What is the reversal of the anaphoric reference?
A. Cataphora (forward reference)
B. Exophora (outside the discourse but is shared the same knowledge between speaker and listener)
C. Endophora
D. Anaphora (backward reference)
7. Which utterance below employs positive politeness strategy?
A. Could you please give me that book? (bald-on with mitigating device)
B. I know you are busy, but can I borrow your laptop? (negative)
C. That’s a nice haircut you got, where did you get it?
D. Can I give you some advice?
8. Which utterance below employs negative politeness strategy?
A. If you wash the dishes, I will sweep the floor.
B. Let’s go to the party tonight!
C. If we help each other, I guess we’ll both pass the exam.
D. I’m sorry to bother you, but could I use your phone for a minute?
9. Which cooperative principle is violated in the utterance in bold: Can I have your teacher’s email?
Sure,, he is a very strict teacher.
A. maxim of quality B. maxim of relation
C. maxim of quantity D. maxim of manner
10. Which hedging expression below is used to show that the speaker is conscious of the maxim of
A. As far as I know, …(quality: may not accurate) / I may be mistaken, but/ im not sure if this right, but
B. So, to cut a long story short, … (quantity)/ as you probably know
C. This may sound like a dumb question, … (relation: may not connected)/ I don’t know if this is
important/ not to change the subject
D. I’m not sure if this makes sense, …. (manner: may not clear/ brief)/ this may be a bit confused/ I don’t
know if this is clear at all
Part II (2 points): Fill in the gaps with the words given below.
knowledge indirect linguistic forms public
Distant proximal recognition intention
interpretation awareness direct antecedent
threatening participants contexts expression
Actions private anaphora saving
antecedent (subject that is refered)
11. Politeness is a means to show __AWARENESS______ to another person’s face.
12. “May I help you, Sir?” – This is to show awareness to a socially __DISTANT______ person’s face. -
13. A face __SAVING______ act can be done to lesson a possible threat to another person’s face.
14. Face means __PUBLIC______ self-image of a person.
15. Symbolic usage requires only knowledge of the basic spatio-temporal parameters of the speech event
for their _INTERPRETATION_______.
16. Reference is an act in which a speaker, or writer, uses _LINGUISTIC FORMS_______ to enable a
listener, or reader, to identify something.
17. Because there is no __DIRECT______ relationship between entities and words, the listener’s task is
to infer which entity the speaker intends to identify by using a particular expression.
18. Anaphoric reference is the process of continuing to identify exactly the same entity as denoted by the
19. When deictic expressions are used in ways that shift this deictic centre to other
20. Illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker’s _INTENTION_______, the act performed in
saying something.
Part III (3 points): Read the following utterance and then:
(i) Specify two possible illocutionary forces for the utterance (promising, predicting, asserting,
inquiring, ordering, warning.)
(ii) Provide a situation for each illocution.
I can’t hear a word.
 Aserting:The mother is asking her son if he broke the flower vase. The son admitted for
breaking it but afraided of being punished so he is mumbling. His mom said: I can’t hear
a word
 Ordering: There was a breaking news on TV. The father and his daughter were watching
it, but the sound was too small and the daughter was sitting next to the remote. So the
fatehr wanted her to turn up the TV’s volume by saying: I can’t hear a word.
Part III (3 points): Analyze the following conversation from a pragmatic perspective. You
can use the notion of speech acts, implicature or inference to analyze.

I saw on TV that some guy won 10 million dollars in a lottery.

 Direct speech act: Declarative for making statement: telling about seeing on TV there was a guy
won 10 million dollars in a lottery.
 I -> the boy
 Some guy -> existing entity
Have you ever won a big prize, grampa?
 Direct speech act: interrogative for making question
I won your gramma’s heart.
 Violate the principal of relation
 Conversational implicature: havn’t won any prize on TV but the boy’s gramma is the big prize
his grampa got
 Indirect speech act: no his grampa have not
Yeah, me neither.
 Inference: the boy guess what his grampa wanted to convey.
 Violate the principal of relation
 Particularized implicature: the boy understood that his grampa have not won any big prize.

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