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An increasing number of people decided to migrate from rural

areas to urban areas due to their occupational requirements,

what are the negative and positive points of this phenomenon?

2. Recently, more and more people favor dangerous sports, like

jump diving and parasailing. Do you like it? And explain the

reasons for your choice.

3. Global climate change is a serious issue, like Green House Effect.

Who has the main responsibility to take action to prevent this

change? Governments, large corporations or individuals? And

explain why.

4. A famous writer said:” The illiterate of people will not be

assessed by people’s reading ability, but by their learning

ability.” To what extent do you agree or disagree?

5. People have different opinions about success. Some people

think working hard and meeting their occupational targets is

successful, while some others value their free time more than

getting wealthy. Which value is closer to yours and explain the


6. Information revolution caused by mass media has both positive

and negative effects to society and individuals. To what extent

do you agree or disagree? Discuss both and give your opinion.

7. Do you think telecommunication is a positive development to

the whole society and individuals? Discuss the positive and

negative points of telecommunication and give your opinion.

8. In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do

you agree with the notion of compulsory voting? If voting is

compulsory in democratic society, what conclusions we can

draw about ‘Nature of democracy’?

9. Some people believe that humans should spent more on doing

space travel, while the others embrace the idea that we should

pay more attention on resolving the problems that occur on the

earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10. Written examination is a very normal and common way for

schools and universities to assess their students’ learning

ability. Do you think it is a good and proper way to value? And

do you have any other ways to assess students’ learning


11. Some employers involve their workers in decision making of

products and services. What are the advantages and

disadvantages of this action?

12. There are many technological inventions over the past 100

years, such as antibiotics, airplane, and computers. Which of

them do you think is the most important? And explain the


13. It is argued that getting married before finishing school or

getting a job is a foolish idea. To what extent do you agree or


14. What problem do you think is the most pressing in the world

right now? And providing some solutions to this issue.

15. Some people believe that human behavior can be changed by

laws, while some others argue that laws have little impacts on

human behaviors. Discuss both opinions and give your own


16. The means of communication has changed a lot compared

with the past. Do you think it is positive development? Discuss

the both positive and negative impacts caused by this change.

17. Some people believe that places where people grew up will

influence ones’ life. Do you agree or disagree this? And

explain the reasons and provide examples to support your idea.

18. Do you think consumer should avoid over packed products or

it is responsibility of producer to avoid extra packaging of

products? Give your opinion and explain.

19. Should Company Top Level Authorities take or not take

employees’ suggestions or ideas to take any decisions? Give

your opinion and explain.

20. Some people think successful sports starts and glamorous

film stars are a role model for youngsters. To what extent do

you agree or disagree with this opinion?

21. Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. Do you think

it is a positive development to the society? Discuss with

appropriate examples.

22. Parents should be held legally responsible for their

children’s acts. What’s your opinion? And explain.

23. Marketing strategy for big companies should be placed on an

offer or a discount, and in what ways this can impact on their

reputation? Give your opinion with proper examples.

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