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Students and schools

'Students should be required to stay in school until the age of eighteen.' To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this statement? Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience.

The education systems in schools are designed so that students will be able to develop essential
skills and values which prepare them for their future. In my opinion, I believe that students should
Intro be required to stay in school until the age of eighteen. This is because students develop quicker
mentally at a younger age and also because it is an adequate timeframe to prepare students for
the working life.

It is scientifically proven that students learn better at a younger age. This is because their minds
are still fresh and vulnerable to various types of information. They tend to adapt quickly and absorb
information easier as compared to the elderly. For example, children are able to learn a new
1st Paragraph language much quicker than the elderly. Therefore, schools are able to take advantage of this fact
and educate the students earlier on in their life.

Secondly, spending almost the first quarter of an individual’s life learning about literacy and
numeracy is essential. This is because students have to establish a foundation before moving on to
learn specialized skills that will be required in their career. For example, students have to learn
2nd Paragraph multiplication before moving on to more complex equations such as derivations. Therefore, schools
should do their best to educate students on every aspect possible until they are eighteen.

Although some people may argue that the education system is flawed, and students are able to
learn better on their own, I believe that schools are essential due to the paragraphs above.
Conclusion Therefore, I strongly believe that students should be required to stay in school until the age of

(269 words)

Education as a barrier
The only thing that interferes with my leaning is my education- Einstein. What does he mean by that? And do
you think he is correct?

Studying Overseas
'Students Traveling overseas to study are overrated. We have brilliant scholars who have studied locally. In
your opinion, is travel really required for higher studies? Support your point of view with reasons and
examples from your own experience.

It has recently been a trend for students to travel overseas in order to further their studies.
Intro However, in my opinion, traveling overseas is not required to obtain a better education. This is
because local education institutes are also capable of preparing you for your career. Furthermore,
the success of a person’s career is based on his own efforts and not dependent on where he
chooses to study.

One of the main reasons that students travel overseas to study is because they assume that they
will be exposed to a better education system. Although this may be true to a certain extent, it is
definitely not necessary for an individual to further his studies. Local education institutes are also
1st Paragraph capable of preparing someone for the future. For example, the syllabus which is covered in local
universities is the same although the lecturers are different.

Secondly, a person’s success does not only depend on the education he receives, but also the
effort he puts into his passion. Therefore, studying at a better university does not guarantee you a
job or even a career. For example, if a student were to attend a prestigious university such as
2nd Paragraph Harvard but fails to study, he will still be unable to graduate. This means that anyone who studies
locally but works twice as hard will be able to perform just as well as a person who travels overseas
to study.

In conclusion, studying overseas may have more options to further your studies, but is definitely
Conclusion not necessary to be successful in your career. Therefore, I believe that travel is not required for
higher studies.

Climate as a subject to study
You are given climate as the field of study. Which area will you prefer? Explain why you picked up the
particular area for your study?

All over the world today, it can be observed that the issue of climate change has grown in
Intro importance over the past few decades. Therefore, if I were given climate as my field of study, I
would like to study the underlying causes of this devastating global phenomenon and possible
solutions to tackle this.
To begin with, a variety of reasons can be offered to explain why I would choose this particular
area of study. Foremost among these is the fact that we have been experiencing the hottest 15
years on record in the last two decades. Linked to this is the fact that millions are at risk of drought,
chronic water shortages, bushfire, coastal flooding and hazardous air pollution. As the above-
1st Paragraph mentioned points make it clear, it can hardly be denied that the issues of climate change must be
addressed with a sense of urgency.
But what really is the proper role for individuals and institutions in addressing climate change? An
immediate and natural response may be that everyone should do their part. As individuals, we can
help by taking action to reduce our personal carbon emissions. But to fully address the threat of
global warming, we must demand action from our elected leaders to support and implement a
2nd Paragraph comprehensive set of climate solutions such as transforming our energy system to a cleaner one,
placing limits on the amount of carbon that polluters are allowed to emit, reducing tropical
deforestation and its associated global warming emissions.
In conclusion, It is my considered opinion that if we were to put in place some of the solutions
mentioned, we would at least be on our way to solving this problem. Therefore, I would like to play
Conclusion my part to contribute to the solution of climate change.

(295 words)

Private Schools
Some people think that students benefit from going to private secondary schools. Others, however, feel that
private secondary schools can have a negative effect on society as a whole. Discuss both these views and give
your own opinion.

Studying Overseas
Travel to study is over rated; we have brilliant scholars who studied locally. Is travel really required for higher

It has recently been a trend for students to travel overseas in order to further their studies.
Intro However, in my opinion, traveling overseas is not required to obtain a better education. This is
because local education institutes are also capable of preparing you for your career. Furthermore,
the success of a person’s career is based on his own efforts and not dependent on where he
chooses to study.

One of the main reasons that students travel overseas to study is because they assume that they
will be exposed to a better education system. Although this may be true to a certain extent, it is
definitely not necessary for an individual to further his studies. Local education institutes are also
1st Paragraph capable of preparing someone for the future. For example, the syllabus which is covered in local
universities is the same although the lecturers are different.

Secondly, a person’s success does not only depend on the education he receives, but also the
effort he puts into his passion. Therefore, studying at a better university does not guarantee you a
job or even a career. For example, if a student were to attend a prestigious university such as
2nd Paragraph Harvard but fails to study, he will still be unable to graduate. This means that anyone who studies
locally but works twice as hard will be able to perform just as well as a person who travels overseas
to study.

In conclusion, studying overseas may have more options to further your studies, but is definitely
Conclusion not necessary to be successful in your career. Therefore, I believe that travel is not required for
higher studies.

(269 words)

Punishing students
Do teachers punish students for late submission of assignments in universities?

Written examinations
In the current education system, are assessments through formal written examinations still a valid method of
assessing students? What is your opinion on this and support your point of view with details from your own
experiences, observations or reading.

Intro As the development of technology is rapidly increasing, people are starting to question if
assessments through formal written examinations are still a valid method of assessing students. In
my opinion, I believe that written examinations are still valid and should be still part of the
education system. This is because it helps students to build a more stable foundation and it is also
a more proven way of improving a student’s spelling.

It has been scientifically proven that students tend to memorize information easier when they
write it. Therefore, making it compulsory for students to take down notes and eventually sit for a
1st Paragraph
written assessment is essential to build a good foundation. Furthermore, written assessments are
also a good way to ensure that students are only writing down what they know. Technology has
allowed for plagiarism which is discouraged, and writing prevents that from happening in
assessments. For example, if students were to carry out assessments through the computer, they
are able to just copy and paste articles that they find on the internet.

Writing assessments are also a good way to improve students’ spelling. When performing tasks on
computer, there are applications which are able to help correct students’ spelling. For example,
2nd Paragraph Microsoft Word has the autocorrect function which automatically corrects a spelling mistake. I
believe that this is not a good approach towards improving a student’s spelling as they would start
to take it for granted and not take their own initiative to ensure that their spelling is correct.

In conclusion, I believe that formal written examinations are still a valid method of assessing
students. Although there are applications which can improve learning better, writing assessments
should not be completely abolished.
(283 words)

Teachers role
Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong so
that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic subjects. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.

Future Illiterate
Illiterate of the future would not be one who does not know to read, but people who do not know how to learn
OR the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn,
unlearn, and relearn. Agree or Disagree?

'In future illiterate will not be those who cannot read, but those who do not learn' - By some writer. Discuss what
do you understand by this statement and state your reason.

Elaborate on your understanding and support your point of view with details from your own
Intro experiences, observations or reading. Illiterate is defined as an individual who is unable to read or
write. What I believe Alvin Toffle meant from his statement is that people are getting more
ignorant and reluctant to learn nowadays. This is because people may be taking education for
granted, whereas in the olden days, everyone was considered blessed to be given the opportunity
to learn.

Almost everyone around the world nowadays has been granted the opportunity to attend schools
by their parents. Governments are more developed as well and they can help fund the education
1st Paragraph system. For example, majority of the public schools are free for students to attend as they are
funded by the government. I believe that because of this, people are taking education for granted,
thus causing them to be less inclined to learn.

The comparison that Alvin made was based on what illiterate meant in the past. In the past,
education was rare and only selected people have the opportunity to learn. Therefore, majority of
2nd Paragraph the people in the past would have accepted if they were given the opportunity to learn, and they
would have also made the most out of it. In my opinion, learning how to read and write were the
most important things at that time, as compared to now, where people care more about money
and happiness instead.

In conclusion, Alvin made a clear comparison between the current situation and the past. In my
opinion, I agree with his statement and think that people are starting to take education for
(254 words)

10 | P a g e
New Language
Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more positive for their future aspect or have
some adverse effects. Do you agree or disagree? Give examples from your experience.

Understanding multiple languages is always beneficial especially when traveling to relevant

Intro countries. In my opinion, learning a new language at an early age is very helpful for children. This is
because when they grow up, they may be required to converse in multiple languages for business
purposes and also when travel to other countries.

There are only a few selected countries in the world that are currently flourishing in the economy.
Therefore, understanding the languages of these countries would definitely be beneficial to
1 Paragraph
business if they plan to go international. For example, if an English company plans to expand to
China, understand the Chinese language would be advantageous. It is also scientifically proven that
learning a language at a younger age is easier.

It has also become a trend that many young people around the world prefer to travel instead of
starting work as soon as they graduate. If these travellers understood the languages of the
countries they plan to visit, it would definitely enhance their experience and also broaden their
2nd Paragraph perspectives. For example, if a person visits Spain and understands Spanish, he would be able to
order food and learn their culture easier. Furthermore, there are also no disadvantages to
understanding more languages.

Although some people claim that learning multiple languages at an early age may confuse children,
Conclusion I believe that it is definitely doable with the right approach. Therefore, I strongly agree with the
statement that learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children.

(250 words)

11 | P a g e
Attending University
People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career
preparation, or to increase knowledge).Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific
reasons and examples to support your answer.

12 | P a g e
Advertisements in Schools
Some people think placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public schools that need additional
funding, but others think it exploits children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate sponsors.
Choose which position you most agree with and discuss why you chose that position. Support your point of
view with details from your own experiences, observations or reading.

13 | P a g e
Best Invention
What is the best invention of last 100 years, the computer, antibiotics, the airplane, and explain why?

14 | P a g e
Daily Invention
Talk about the pros/ cons of this era as is full of daily inventions.

15 | P a g e
Recent Invention
Any recent Invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society. ? Support your point of view
with details from your own experiences, observations or reading.

There have been numerous inventions in the world due to the rapid development of technology.
Intro One of the inventions that have brought about various benefits is the smart phone. The smart
phone is a very intelligent device and is able to allow us to perform video calls and also work
related tasks.

Videos are a very efficient way of delivering and presenting information. For example, companies
st have introduced video interviews which are very convenient for both the company and the
1 Paragraph
candidate as well. Therefore, being able to make and watch videos via the smartphone allows
numerous methods of delivering information between various parties.

Furthermore, the smart phone also enables people to work on their phone. Various applications
have been introduced that simplifies tasks such as calculators and notepads. People are also able to
2nd Paragraph access e-mails on their phones and respond immediately to urgent matters. This can improve the
efficiency of work related tasks and can also lead to an increase in the business’ revenue.

In conclusion, I believe the smartphone which is a recent invention is very beneficial as it has
Conclusion brought about numerous benefits in our lives. As technology continues to develop, there will
eventually be more inventions that will simplify Daily tasks.

(204 words)

16 | P a g e
Communications change
Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss the positive and negative impacts of this

Due to the rapid development in technology over the last 10 years, communication methods have
Intro changed drastically. The appearance of smart phones have made communication much more
convenient but may have some drawbacks as well such as causing people to be anti-social.
Therefore, it can be seen that there are pros and cons in this development.

Smart phones have benefitted people all around the world in terms of communication. People no
longer have to make the effort to send a mail to a friend. For example, whenever a person wishes
1 Paragraph
to contact a friend or family member, all the person has to do is simply press a few buttons with
their fingers. This form of communication has saved people lots of time and effort.

However, communicating only through the virtual world may cause some people to be anti-social.
The lack of organizing meet-ups or going out to meet people may eventually cause an individual to
2nd Paragraph be more introverted than he previously was. For example, people nowadays tend to constantly be
caught up on their phone during meals with others. Furthermore, people may also be too
distracted with their phones when they actually do meet up.

In conclusion, it can be seen that the development of communication has brought about both good
and bad changes. In my opinion, the benefits greatly outweigh the drawbacks, and the drawbacks
Conclusion are able to be countered as long as the person uses it wisely.

(220 words)

17 | P a g e
Mobile and Internet
With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and the Internet, but old
people have little chance to be exposed to them. What ways could mobile phone and the Internet is useful to old
people? How can old people be encouraged to use this new technology?

18 | P a g e
Information revolution
Positive and negative effects of the information revolution through mass media. OR Information revolution has
changed the way of mass communications and had some negative and positive effects on individual lives as well
as on society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Information revolution has changed the ways of mass communication and had some negative and positive
effects on individuals’ lives as well as on society. To what extent you agree or disagree?

19 | P a g e
Rapid Development
Do you think that the rapid development of new technologies in recent years is a boon or curse for societies
around the world? What is your opinion on this and support your point of view with details from your own
experiences, observations or reading.

Due to the rapid advancement of technology, there have been many inventions that have
Intro benefitted our lives. I believe that this rapid development is a great boon for societies around the
world. This is because various inventions are able to boost the economy and also help societies
keep connected around the world.

One of the greatest inventions up to date is online shopping. Online shopping has brought about
numerous benefits and has also made daily tasks much more efficient. People don’t have to put in
1st Paragraph
the physical effort to travel a certain distance to purchase products. They are able to do it at the
comfort of their own home and at any time that is convenient. This has helped people save a lot of
time and effort.

There are also many other inventions that have helped us keep connected with our loved ones.
Video call applications such as Skype allow family and friends to keep in contact with each other
2nd Paragraph even though they are thousands of miles apart. For example, parents are able to see their children
through the video application even though their children are studying overseas.

Although some people disagree and claim that the rapid development of new technologies have
made us less productive, I believe that it is up to the people on how they allocate their time.
Conclusion Therefore, I strongly agree that technology has been a great boon to societies around the world.

(237 words)

20 | P a g e
Accomplishments’ influences
Do you think that the place where a person was brought up has an influence on his accomplishments? Elaborate
on your opinion on whether you agree or disagree with an example of a successful person you know.

Some people think that the place where a person is brought up influences his accomplishments. I
Intro disagree with that idea because there are numerous successful celebrities today that did not have
the best childhood. For example, Dwayne Johnson was brought up in the slums by a single mother
but still turned out to be one of the most successful and influential person today.

Success depends on hard work and efforts, not where you were brought up. It was evident in
Dwayne’s childhood as he only lived day to day with minimal money. He did not have the privilege
1 Paragraph
to attend good schools, but his hard work and determination has managed to get him a career in
wrestling. That was only a start to his successful career.

Apart from that, perseverance was also another value he emphasized on. The ability to always pick
yourself up when you fall will help you face numerous challenges. This means that, although you
face more hardship than other people, you should not give up and continue to pursue your dreams.
2nd Paragraph In Dwayne’s situation, it was clear that the place where he was brought up was not optimal to be
successful, yet he managed to get to where he is today by perseverance.

In conclusion, it is evident that the place where you were brought up does not affect your
accomplishments. In Dwayne Johnson’s case, it was his hard work and perseverance that managed
Conclusion to help him to get where he is today.

(247 words)

21 | P a g e
Native region
Many people think regions affect successful persons. What is your opinion about native regions and
accomplished person influence on the regions they belong to?

Many people think that it is very rare for a person of native background to be successful. This may
Intro be due to the fact that native regions are regions of the less fortunate as they are behind in terms
of economy and technology. However, I believe that it is possible for a person to be successful if
the right amount of effort and guidance is provided. A success story will also be able to influence
the others in the native regions.

Success depends on the sheer effort that an individual puts in to achieve his goals. Despite the lack
of studying material or technology, it is still possible to gain knowledge via other sources such as
1st Paragraph
books and writings. For example, although there may not be computers in a third world country
which limits children’s learning they are still able to gain knowledge through books and certified

When a person of native background reaches success, not only will he be able to bask in his glory,
but he is also able to share his knowledge and experiences with his fellow native residents. For
2nd Paragraph example, he is able to hold seminars in schools to share with the students his life experiences and
influence them to work as hard as he did.

In conclusion, it definitely is one of the rarer sights to see a successful person of native background,
but it is not impossible. Success is achievable through hard work and determination. However, the
Conclusion successful person must not forget his roots and play his role in ensuring that the future generations
are also exposed to his experiences.

(267 words)

22 | P a g e
Laws and behaviour
Some people believe laws change human behaviour. Do you agree with it?

The law has been created in order to preserve peace and harmony in various communities.
Intro However, some people believe that law changes human behaviour. In my opinion, I believe that
the law does not change people because the law exists in order to protect people only. This means
it only prevents people from causing harm and does not change how people should behave.

Firstly, different people behave differently, and it is based on their daily habits and exposure to
surroundings. For example, a person tends to behave similar to his company, such as his parents or
1 Paragraph
friends. Apart from that, it is also based on the social media that he involves himself in. Based on
this exposure, an individual will act accordingly depending on the situation he is in.

Secondly, when people break the law, it is usually not because of his behaviour. A person’s
behaviour is how he acts every day, whereas a committed crime is usually because of desperation
or some other reasons. For example, a criminal would only steal money from someone if he is in
2nd Paragraph terrible conditions such as starvation. The law was set up to punish these criminals and to ensure
that the general public is able to live in peace. Therefore, it is evident that the law does not change
human behaviour.

In conclusion, although some people believe that the law may change human behaviour, I believe
that the law is just playing its role in ensuring that people are able to live happily. The behaviour of
Conclusion a person is not defined by law but by people who they interact with daily.

(268 words)

23 | P a g e
Parents and Children
Parents should be held legally responsible for their children’s actions. Do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Support your point of view with details from your own experiences, observations or reading.

Some people think that parents should be held legally responsible for their children’s actions. This
Intro is because it is the parents’ responsibility to shape their children and instil good values into them.
However, I strongly disagree that they should be legally responsible if their children were cause
harm or break the rules. This is because it is not only the parents who would influence children’s
thoughts, but also exposure from the society and from friends.

Parents play an important role in children’s upbringing as they spend most time with them.
However, when children get sent to school, the may be exposed to different activities and people.
1 Paragraph
At a young age, children get easily influenced from what they see. For example, if a boy’s friend
were to show him a video of violent material, he may be influenced and carry out a similar thing.
Parents would not have had control over this occurrence, and it would not be fair if they were to be
charged for it.

Majority of children also undergo a rebellious stage in their life. This is a stage when they become
extra stubborn and frequently disagree with their parents’ suggestions. However, this does not
mean that they are criminals as it may just be a phase of life. Therefore, if they do something
2nd Paragraph wrong due to misguidance or bad influence, parents should definitely not be held legally
responsible for their children’s mistake.

In conclusion, although parents play a crucial role in ensuring that their children are brought up
well, they should not be held legally responsible for their children’s actions as a person’s action is
always based on his own thoughts.
(274 words)

24 | P a g e
War of Ideas
“In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed”. Does a common man suffer from a group’s ideology? Express
your opinion, and support the same with reasons and examples.

Intro A group’s ideology can sometimes harm the general public. A famous saying that represents this is
“In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed”. I personally agree with this statement because it is
evident that when various groups with different ideas come into an argument, it will usually hurt
the public. A good example that can be used is the government.

Governments usually consist of various groups or parties that have different approaches towards
the betterment of the country. Whenever one party is unhappy with another due to a loss, they
usually take it out on the residents by increasing costs of products or even property. For example,
1st Paragraph
if the current government does not obtain sufficient votes to win, they may reduce the benefits of
the pension scheme. This is unfair for the residents as they have only minded their own business
but still have to deal with these unfortunate events.

Secondly, governments usually rollout an idea onto the residents even though it is not accepted by
the public. They claim that it will help the growth of industries in the country but never considered
how the residents may feel. For example, governments introduce projects despite the negative
2nd Paragraph feedback from residents. In this case, it is clear that common man do indeed suffer from ideologies
that have been forced onto them unwillingly.

In conclusion, it is true that the in a war of ideas, people do get killed. Therefore, I strongly agree
with the statement as it is very clear that people are bound to get hurt if their opinions are not
Conclusion considered before deciding on an idea.

(271 words)

25 | P a g e
Much time work
Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for their personal life.

26 | P a g e
Professional Life
People usually mix their private and professional life. What are the pros and cons of this?

27 | P a g e
Marriage age
It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good choice. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

28 | P a g e
Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged products or it is the responsibility of the producer to avoid
extra packaging of products?” Give your views or any relevant example with your own experience.

Over the past few decades, over-packaging of products has become a trend in our competitive

Intro world. Producers are trying to tempt consumers with eye-catching packaging of their products. In
my opinion, it should be the accountability of the producers to limit the consumption of the
resources in the form of unnecessary packaging .As a result, while packaging does enhance safety,
provide convenience and reduce theft, it also comes with a number of disadvantages where it can
be bulky, expensive and environmentally damaging over the course of its life cycle.

To begin with, while wrapping can do a lot to get customer attention, and may even add worth to a
product, it also increases the cost of production and the eventual retail price. For example,
1st Paragraph
According to The Economist, packaging may represent as much as 40 precent of the ultimate price
of goods in the cosmetic industry. Thus, new packaging can be costly to develop, adding to the cost
of production.

Further, packaging is responsible for significant portions of the waste stream. Such as, according to
the Ashland Food Cooperative, wrapping is accountable for about one-third of the municipal waste

2nd Paragraph in the United States. Some waste can be recycled, but many materials are not appropriate for
reprocessing. Therefore, much of the waste produced by packaging ends up in a landfill.

To summarize, rewards of wrapping ranges from increasing safety, provide suitability and reduce
robbery, does not worth the disadvantages of being bulky, expensive and source of pollution.
Consequently, governments should commence laws controlling packaging, besides lunching
campaigns to raise the consumers’ awareness.

No. of words: 261.

29 | P a g e
Tobacco, mainly in the form of cigarettes is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. Over a billion
adults legally smoke tobacco every day. The long-term health costs are high- for the smokers themselves, and
for the wider community in terms of health care costs and lost productivity. Do Governments have a legitimate
role in protecting citizens from the harmful effects of their own decisions to smoke, or are such decisions up to
an individual?”

30 | P a g e
Climate Change
Climate change and about the roles that Government, Corporates and Individuals can play to improve it.

31 | P a g e
Environmental Pollution
'Environmental problems are too great to be managed by individuals so real change can only be achieved at
government level.' To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Support your point of view with
reasons and examples from your own experience.

Environmental problems have gotten worse over the past few years to the extent that if nothing is
Intro done about it, it may cause irreversible damage. However, given how major this issue has become,
I believe that the government has a crucial role to play in fixing this. This is because governments
have the power to influence other people, and they also have the ability to enforce laws.

Governments are considered as the authorities that are able to make decisions and influence
people. Therefore, they should assume the role of a leader and take various initiatives to address
1st Paragraph
the current environmental problems. For example, they are able to form societies and groups that
are able to be proactive in forming solutions for environmental problems such as global warming.
Furthermore, governments are also able to fund these societies which will allow them to produce
results more efficiently.

Secondly, governments are also able to enforce laws against any action that may cause harm to the
environment. For example, they can issue fines and permits to factories which output excessive
2nd Paragraph amounts of harmful gasses or liquids. Issuing these fines will limit the output of factories, which will
then reduce the total amount of harmful substances that are produced.

In conclusion, governments have a much bigger role to play in ensuring that environmental
Conclusion problems are addressed. Therefore, based on the reasons above, I believe that the current
environmental problems can only be managed at government level.

(241 words)

32 | P a g e
Imitating Celebrities
Imitating celebrities in sports and movies is good or bad

33 | P a g e
Stars as role model
Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are a role model for youngsters. Do u support it or not?

34 | P a g e
Marketing Strategy
A common marketing strategy for big companies is to introduce various offers and discounts. However, these
strategies may have impacts on their reputation. What are some of the impacts? Support your point of view with
details from your own experiences, observations or reading.

Big companies share the same marketing strategy to improve sales, which is to introduce various
Intro offers and discounts. However, these strategies may sometimes affect their reputation. For
example, if a product were to always have discounts, people may have doubts on the product’s
authenticity. Furthermore, it may also cause people to think that the discounts may just be a way
to influence consumers.

For companies to gain revenue from sales, they have to sell products at a higher price compared to
the production price. This means that for products that are of good material, the price would be
1st Paragraph
relatively high. However, if discounts and offers are always introduced for certain products, it may
cause customers to question the authenticity of the product. For example, if a product was to be
made of leather but was sold at a very cheap price, customers may wonder if the product is really
made of genuine leather.

Furthermore, if a product always remains on discount, customers may have the idea that it is just a
method of influencing customers to buy products. The reason why discounts and offer appeal to
2nd Paragraph customers is because they think that they are obtaining these products at a good price. However, if
the products were to always be on sale, customers will question if they are getting a good price at

In conclusion, although discounts and offers are a good marketing strategy to boost revenue, they
should be used strategically and not every time. This is because customers are smart and will
always figure out scams when they come across them.

(263 words)

35 | P a g e
Global Trade
As global trade increases between different countries, many daily necessities are produced in other countries.
Such goods are usually transported a long distance. Do the benefits of this trend outweigh its drawbacks?

36 | P a g e
Shopping Mall
Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion about this? Discuss with appropriate

37 | P a g e
TV & lineless
Does television removes our loneliness or not?

38 | P a g e
TV role
Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. Medium to spread news & awareness and for some, it acts as
a companion. What is your opinion about this?

The television has become an essential in almost everybody’s household. It serves multiple
Intro purposes, such as a medium to spread news and awareness to others, whereas some people treat
it as a companion. In my opinion, people should utilize the benefits that television provides and
not treat it as a companion.

Televisions give us access to numerous programs that are being broadcasted from all over the
world. This includes news and entertainment programs. These programs allow us to keep up to
1 Paragraph
date with occurrences all around the world and may even help us to make future plans.
Furthermore, there are also education programs which are able to help kids in their learning.

However, some people may get too attached to their televisions as they become too engrossed
with certain programs, specifically entertainment programs. This can cause people to spend their
2nd Paragraph time unproductively and may even cause illnesses. This habit may also cause them to be antisocial
which can affect their future careers.

In conclusion, although television has become an essential in every household because it has a lot
of benefits, people must still use it wisely. It is not encouraged for a person to spend all his time
Conclusion watching television. He should utilize the benefits instead such as learning new things or keeping
up to date with the news.

(219 words)

39 | P a g e
Mass Media
The mass media, including TV, radio, and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people’s ideas. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

Advertisements that we obtain through the mass media influence our opinions. Mass media may
Intro consist of TV, radios and newspapers, which are things we have access to everyday. I believe that
some of the reasons why we are influenced by mass media are because the mass media usually
represents the general public and we tend to think it is right.

The news that we obtain through mass media are usually perceived as the correct news. We simply
believe what is presented to us without doing our own study or research on the topic. This is
1 Paragraph
because people are usually only interested in stories that may affect their wellbeing. For example,
if we were to come across news that tells us there has been a robbery recently in our
neighbourhood, we would start to become more wary and take necessary action.

Furthermore, people also believe that the news represents the general public, and that is why we
go along with it. It is scientifically proven that people tend to agree with the majority when little is
2nd Paragraph known about the topic. For example, if an advertisement promoting a new type of toothpaste was
presented through the mass media, we may simply believe that it is the best and proceed to make
the purchase before performing actual study on it.

In conclusion, people are easily influenced by the mass media because they only take interest in
Conclusion situations which affect them. Therefore, I agree with the statement that the mass media influences
our society and shapes our opinions and characters.

(256 words)

40 | P a g e
TV function
Television has many useful functions to play in everyone's life, for some its relaxation, for some it is
companion. Discuss your viewpoint and support your answer with examples and discussion point.

41 | P a g e
Tourism Disadvantages
It is said that for some developed countries, tourism may cause some disadvantages. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this? Support your point of view with details from your own experiences, observations or

Tourism is a source of income for countries around the world. However, some people claim that
Intro tourism causes disadvantages such as overpopulation. I strongly disagree with the mentioned
claim and believe that tourism brings nothing but benefits to a country. This is because tourism is a
major source of income for governments and is also an opportunity to advertise the country’s
pride such as animals or culture.

Tourism generally refers to the industry where people across the world visit one country for a
holiday. When tourists visit a country, they will tend to purchase local products and visit hotspots
1st Paragraph
that will require spending. This will not only provide jobs for the locals but also allow the
government to earn more income, leading to an increase in the country’s economy.

Furthermore, tourism also allows visitors to experience a country’s culture and food. If a tourist
enjoyed his experience in a country, he may share his experiences with friends or colleagues and
2nd Paragraph that may eventually lead to more visits from tourists. These visits will not only help the country’s
economy, but will also allow the country to be more known amongst the other countries in the

Although there is the possibility of tourism bringing some disadvantages such as overpopulation in
a country, I believe that the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, countries
Conclusion should definitely put in effort to promote tourism.

(230 words)

42 | P a g e
Space Travel
Discuss both sides of Space travel vs. Current crucial problems faced by humans?

Space travel has always been a topic of interest between scientists as they believe that the Earth
Intro would eventually come to an end. Research on space costs huge amounts of money and some
people argue that governments should be spending that money on resolving current
environmental problems in Earth instead. In my opinion, I believe that governments should
continue to fund space travel because it may help secure our future and also because money is not
enough to change people.

Environmental problems around the Earth have become worse as time passes. This is because
there are more factories being built each year to support various industries. Therefore, if this
1st Paragraph situation continues, there might be a time when we will have to consider another planet to live in.
Although it is impossible for us to travel to another planet at the moment, scientists should
continue carrying out their thorough research and hopefully they will eventually make a

Secondly, human behaviour, which is the source of most environmental problems, is hard to
change. Therefore, even if governments were to spend more money on trying to improve the
2nd Paragraph current environmental problems, it may have too little of an impact and it would not be enough to
improve the current issues. For example, although the governments have introduced numerous
recycling initiatives, some ignorant people still fail to abide the laws.

In conclusion, I do agree to a certain extent that governments must take more action towards
resolving current environmental problems. However, they should not sacrifice the funding for
space travel as this is an important research that may lead to the possibility of a future for us.

(274 words)

43 | P a g e
Travel and People
International travel and tourism makes people prejudiced rather than broad-minded. What are its causes and
what measures can be taken to solve this problem

44 | P a g e
High Authorities
A company’s higher level authorities should get their employees’ inputs during decision-making processes.
Discuss. Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience.

Business industries around the world are getting more competitive due to bright young people that
Intro come up with fresh ideas. In my opinion, I believe that bosses and managers of various companies
should include their employees’ input during decision-making processes. This is because obtaining
multiple suggestions may lead to better decisions and also brand new ideas.

When making decisions, compiling various ideas is definitely better than just having one idea. This
is because when various people with various backgrounds contribute to the decision-making
1 Paragraph
process, it would allow them to exchange ideas and maybe produce a better result. For example,
an international employee is able to share his insight on different approaches than the usual one.
Therefore, bosses and managers should definitely include the inputs of their employees’ when
making decisions.

Furthermore, as mentioned previously, younger people with fresher ideas are appearing every day
in this competitive industry. Therefore, when inviting the younger employees to attend meetings,
2nd Paragraph they may be introduced to more innovative and sustainable designs. For example, new employees
may prefer to perform work through digital applications instead of writing, which may improve
efficiency. These approaches that may be suggested by the younger employees may even boost the
company’s revenue and lead it to success amongst other competitors.

In conclusion, I believe that a company’s higher level authorities should definitely include their
employee’s inputs during decision-making processes. In order to be successful, bosses and
managers must also be willing to learn, and who better to start with than their own employees.

(252 words)

45 | P a g e
High Authorities
Some developing countries invite large multinational companies to open offices and factories in order to help
their economy. However, others feel that foreign companies should be shut out and instead the government
should help the local companies to contribute to the economic growth. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

46 | P a g e
Dangerous Activities
Dangerous activities like extreme skiing, bungee jumping etc. And whether u support them or not

47 | P a g e
Team sports
Team sports are generally promoted as a great way to keep fit and build character. However, sporting events
such as soccer matches are often accompanied by violence between rival supporters and other forms of
antisocial behaviour. If sporting events can lead to antisocial behaviour, can team sports really be good for us?

Team sports are usually favoured by the majority as it is a great way to keep fit and build character.
Intro However, it seems that there is the occasional violence between rival supporters which may lead
to antisocial behaviours. Due to this, people question if team sports are really good for us at all. In
my opinion, I believe that team sports are indeed good and the drawbacks that are derived from it
can be solved with strict laws and penalties.

Some people claim that sporting events are often accompanied by violence between rival
1st Paragraph
supporters. However, I believe the opposite is just as true as well. Supporters are able to befriend
one another when attending these events. For example, supporters of a single team who attends
the sporting event are able to share the joy together when their team wins. Although I do not deny
that violence are occasionally involved, it is possible to resolve this by introducing strict laws of
penalties to those who are involved.

Secondly, team sports are also good for the sporting industry. Team sports tend to have the most
2nd Paragraph fans and that can lead to the appearance of numerous businesses such as advertising and sporting
merchandise. This also means that team sports are able to create job opportunities for people
around the world. For example, having more sporting events will allow food vendors to sell more

In conclusion, although some sporting has drawbacks, I believe that the advantages greatly
Conclusion outweigh them. These advantages do not only include character building, but also the
aforementioned points. Therefore, team sports are good for us and should continue to be

(272 words)

48 | P a g e
Foreign languages
Foreign languages should be compulsory in the primary school. How far do you agree with the above statement?

49 | P a g e
Do you think that the English Language will continue to remain as the global language despite globalization?
Support your point of view with details from your own experiences, observations or reading.

There are many spoken languages around the world, but the English Language is considered in the
Intro international language. In my opinion, although globalization is bound to occur, English Language
will still remain as the global language. This is because the English Language has already been the
international language for centuries and also because almost every country already lists their
international products in English.

Ever since ancient times, English Language has been declared the international language and has
always been a language of conversation between different countries. For example, when different
1st Paragraph
countries around the world gather for events such as the Olympics, English will be the main
communication language. Therefore, it is a difficult and tedious process to alter this tradition that
has already been ongoing for centuries to another language as the global language.

Furthermore, majority of the countries around the world has already made it a habit to translate
their products to English when marketing globally. If the global language was to be changed, these
2nd Paragraph countries will then have to go through tedious processes to change the language on every product,
which I believe will not be the preferred situation

In conclusion, although some countries are developing in the economic industry, the English
Conclusion Language will still remain as the international language. The chances of another language being the
international language are not impossible, but will take a long time.

(230 words)

50 | P a g e
Xenophobia has accelerated rapidly in the Western countries. According to you what solutions can be proposed
by the government and individuals?

51 | P a g e
Compulsory voting
In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you agree with the notion of compulsory voting?

52 | P a g e
Animal Rights
The claim that animals have “rights” has been the subject of much debate since the 1970s. Are zoos helping or
hurting our animals? Should zoos be banned? Do you agree or disagree?

The topic of animals’ rights has been a heated topic of debate since the 1970s. People claim that
Intro putting animals in zoos are not giving animals their rights and should be banned. However, I
believe that the zoos are in fact doing their best to preserve and promote the awareness of
animals. Therefore, I disagree with the idea that zoos should be banned.

Majority of the animals that are placed in zoos are species which are facing extinction. The reason
as to why they are placed in zoos is because these animals require shelter to prolong the
1 Paragraph
continuation of their species. Zoos play their role and provide food and care for these animals
every day. Although some people may think that zoos mistreat animals and only use them as a
source of income, I strongly disagree with these.

Secondly, zoos are also a good way to promote the awareness of these animals. Many people
around the world do not realise the importance of certain species in our ecosystem. Therefore, a
2nd Paragraph zoo is a good place to promote and share the importance of playing our roles and helping these
animals to prolong their species. This advertisement is best when introduced to children as that will
lead them to understanding the importance as they grow older.

In conclusion, I believe that zoos should not be banned and should continue to be funded. This is
Conclusion because zoos are playing an important role in spreading information regarding animal lives and
they are not taking away the animals’ rights.

(254 words)

53 | P a g e
Age discrimination
Age discrimination occurs when a decision is made on the basis of a person’s age. In the workplace, these are
most often decisions about being employed in the first place, winning promotions or being unfairly dismissed.
Should discrimination against older workers be made illegal?

Age discrimination is an occurrence which is frequently seen in workplaces. This situation usually
Intro arises when decisions are made about being employed, winning promotions or even being unfairly
dismissed. In my opinion, discrimination against older workers should be made illegal. This is
because the capability to work isn’t based on age, but based on relevant skills and experience.

Employing an older person may have several advantages that can lead to improving the company’s
workplace. An older person would have more refined skills as he would have had previous working
1 Paragraph
experiences that provided him with the opportunity to improve. For example, an older person
would have had more number of jobs previously as compared to a younger employee.
Furthermore, he would also be more familiar with various tasks and perform them more efficiently
as compared to younger staff.

Secondly, decisions made within a workplace should be based on their capabilities to perform
2nd Paragraph tasks. An older person may have the edge in his role due to his vast network that he has built over
the years in the industry. For example, the older employee may find certain tasks easier to
complete due to habit. Therefore, disregarding the older person’s efforts just because of his age
would not be fair and would also be very unreasonable.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that discrimination against older workers should be made illegal. If
Conclusion employers were to make decisions based on a person’s age and not his capabilities, it would be an
unfair and unjust call.

(250 words)

54 | P a g e
Medical Care
As a result of advances in medical care. Average life expectancy is increasing for men and women. Do you
think most people will see this as a positive development? What are the disadvantages of an ageing population
for individuals and society? Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience
or observations.

Intro Due to advances in medical care, the average life expectancy is increasing for both men and
women. I believe that most people will see this as a positive development as it means that their
loved ones such as their parents are healthier and are also able to live longer. However, an
increase in life expectancy may also have some disadvantages to individuals and society.

1st Paragraph Firstly, one of the disadvantages of an increased life expectancy is the financial stress that may
affect certain families. The elderly are more prone and vulnerable to sickness, and they would have
to be sent to hospitals regularly for check-ups. These check-ups are usually very expensive and will
have to be funded by family members if the patient does not have the adequate funding. Situations
like these can severe family ties or even cause arguments within families.

Furthermore, an increase in life expectancy also means that there will be an increase in
2nd Paragraph unemployed people. Governments may not see this favourably as it means that there will be a
need to build more residential units that may cost money. The economy of the country may also be
affected by the construction of new houses which limits the space that can be used for tourism

In conclusion, although an increase in life expectancy is usually regarded highly, there are also
Conclusion some underlying disadvantages that have to be recognized. Therefore, governments should start
making plans to ensure that these disadvantages are controlled.

(244 words)

55 | P a g e

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