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‫ االشتقاق‬Derivation

Adjective: ent / ant / ous / ical / ic / al / able / ible / ish / ful / ive / ing / ed / less / y

great / good / full / correct/ contradictory / complementary / revolutionary / voluntary / dietary

1- A country that is ____________ advanced is a rich country.

( economy / economic / economically / economize )

2- Fruits and vegetables are ______________ beneficial for our health.

( naturally / nature / natural / naturalize )

3- The operation has been_______________ done.

( successfully / successful / success / succeed )


Noun: ledge / ance / ancy / ence / ist / ism / ness / ess / tion / sion / ship / ment / age / ity / er / or
/ an / on / ee / y / ‫ مواد‬ics

industry / method / person / people/ job / textbook/ advice / diseases / views / history /
discovery / remedy / philosophy / surgery / nutrients / sceptic / critic

4- It was a very _____________ occasion. I really enjoyed my time.

( memory / memorise / memorable / memorably )

- Please do not send ______________ documents with your job application.

( origin / original / originate / originally )

5- It was a _____________ learning experience.

( criticism / criticize / critical / critically )

6- Strangers want your information on websites for ____________fraud.

( identically / identify / identity / identical )

Trade agreement / life expectancy figures / business creation / surgery programme / immune
system/ car – oil – gas production / extraction industry / appreciation letter )

7- You must ______________everything before the final exams.
( revision / revise / revised / revisable ) )

8. Their efforts didn’t ____________ as the war has started again.

( succeed / success / successful / successfully )

9- Be careful when you _____________ with Chinese business people.

( negotiate / negotiation / negotiable / negotiating )

- Farmers of the Jordan Valley ______________ their field to guarantee good products.
( fertile / fertilize / fertilizer / fertilization )

- The painters _______________ many fine works of art.

( produce / productive / production / product )

10- Your information on websites might be ______________ by others.

( access / accessibility / accessible / accessibly )

11- Is one side of the brain more _____________ than the other?
( dominant / dominance / dominate / dominantly )

12- Who was the most ______________ writer?

( influence / influential / influentially / influences )

13- Most of my friends are well- _______________.

( qualify / qualified / qualification / qualifying)

not / never / really / self- / also / always / often / sometimes


14- He has solved the question ________________.

( correct / correction / correctly / correcting )

- The company is certain to reinvest its profits ________________.

( produce / production / productively / productive )

15- _________________, they can generate many jobs.

( Ideal / Ideally / Idealism / Idealise )

16- Physical activity is very important, ______________ when you are studying.
( particular / particularity / particularly / particularise )

17- It’s amazing to watch the _______________ of a baby.
( develop / developed / development / developmental )

- One of the good things about teaching young children is their ______________.
( enthusiasm / enthusiastic / enthusiastically / enthusiast )

- The government’s project shows its ________ to improving the quality of the city’s spaces.
( commit / commitment / committed / committal )

18- We must give children a good ________________.

( educate / education / educational / educationally )

- The significant _______________ of the study will be discussed further later.

( contradiction / contradict / contradictory / contradictorily )

- Slow breathing allows for full _____________ of the lungs.

( expand / expansion / expansive / expandable )

19-_______________ gives people the ability to resist infection.

( Immune / Immunisation / Immunize / Immunized )

- Several errors in this report need _____________ as soon as possible.

( correct / correctly / correction / corrective )

- It is believed that ________________ starts to decrease after half an hour.

( concentrate / concentration / concentrated / concentrates )


Noun ‫انتبه لألمثلة التالية على االسم‬

- Sameer is an _______________. He believe that good things will happen.

( optimism / optimistic / optimistically / optimist )

- My father teaches _______________ at university.

( linguistic / linguistics / lingual / linguist )
( philosophy / philosophically / philosophical / philosophize )

- Mona is a ______________. She’s always having doubts.

( sceptic / scepticism / sceptical / sceptically )
‫انتبه لألمثلة التالية على العطف‬

- Some medicines are not normal and ______________.

( convention / conventional / conventionally / conventionality )

- The findings of the study are ____________ and confusing.

( contradiction / contradict / contradictory / contradictorily )

- Frequent breaks will help the brain to recover and ______________ to return.
( concentrate / concentration / concentrated / concentrates )

- Trees absorb carbon dioxide and ______________ oxygen.

( produce / productive / production / product )


 The shopping centre was close for two hours till the ____________ opened it.
( secure / secured / securely / security )

 Amer was ______________ much more successful than his older brother.
( academician / academy / academic / academically )

Literature Spot ‫المادة األدبية‬
( 1 ) Around the world in eighty days

1. bungalow: a house with one floor.

2. hamlet: a small village. It suggests or indicates: few people and houses.
3. growing warm: getting annoyed
4. Steamer: a ship powered by steam.
5. made a wry grimace: pain or unhappiness or worry.
6. Parsee – a person living in South Asia but descended from Persia.
7. howdah – a seat for riding an elephant

1. Mr Fogg 2. Sir Francis 3. The elephant 4. Passepartout

A. polite ‫ مؤدب‬A. surprised ‫متفاجيء‬ A. Name kiouni ‫اسم‬ A. worry / pain /
B. not amused / Unhappiness
not surprised B. cheated ‫انخدع‬ B. Why reared ‫ألم و عدم سعادة‬
‫غير متفاجيء‬ ‫لماذا تم تربيته‬ B. Surprised
C. precise (numbers) C. getting annoyed C. Not aggressive money
‫دقيق‬ ‫انزعج‬ ( descriptions ) ‫متفاجيء بمبلغ البيع‬
D. prepared to walk ‫غير عدائي‬
‫مستعد للمشي‬

5. The Guide (Parsee) 6. The conductor 7. The train

A. enthusiastic A. unapologetic A. why stopped /
‫متحمس‬ ‫غير أسف‬ not continued
‫لماذا توقف و لم يكمل‬

The train stopped at eight o’clock, in the midst of a glade some fifteen miles beyond Rothal at
the hamlet of Kholby, where there were several bungalows and workmen’s cabins. (7- A )The
railway isn’t finished. (2- A ) What! Not finished? No, there is still a matter of fifty miles to
be laid from here to Allahabad……. (2- B )Yet you sell tickets from ………….Francis, (2- C
)who was growing warm. (6- A )No doubt, replied the conductor.

1. When … where …. The train stopped?

2. types of houses.
3. How far…….Rothal / Allahabad?
‘Sir Francis,’ said Mr Fogg quietly, ‘we will, (1- A ) if you please, look about for some means
of conveyance to Allahabad.’ …………(1- B ) ‘No, Sir Francis; it was foreseen.’
(2- A ) ‘What! You knew that the way—’
(1- C )I have two gained days to sacrifice. A steamer leaves Calcutta for Hong Kong at noon,
on the 25th. This is the 22nd, and we shall reach Calcutta in time.’

1. Examples of two cities.

(1- D ) ‘I shall go afoot,’ said Phileas Fogg.

Passepartout, who had now rejoined his master, (4- A )made a wry grimace, as he thought of
his magnificent, but too frail Indian shoes. After a moment’s hesitation, he said, ‘Monsieur, I
think I have found a means of conveyance.’

1. Two adjectives to describe the Indian shoes.

They soon reached a small hut. Enclosed within some high palings, was the animal in question.
(3- B )The elephant was reared for warlike purposes…….was reared as(3- C ) a half-
domesticated animal….still preserved its natural gentleness. Kiouni was the name of the
elephant. ……could doubtless travel rapidly for a long time.

1. Why did the Indian bring up or rear Kiouni?

2. …… the elephant is very fast?

Elephants are not cheap…….as …..scarce. Male elephants…….Mr Fogg persisted, offering the
excessive sum of ten pounds an hour for the loan of the elephant to Allahabad. Refused. Twenty
pounds? Refused also. Forty pounds? Still refused. At two thousand pounds the Indian yielded.
(4- A )What a price, good heavens!..... cried Passepartout for an elephant.

1. Which expression indicates that the Indian thinks he would make a great bargain?
2. How does Mr Fogg feel while he negotiates ……….? ( Mr Fogg’s attitude / character )
3. How much ….price….sold…?

(5- A )A young Parsee*, with an intelligent face, offered his services, which Mr Fogg
accepted,.. while Sir Francis and Mr Fogg took the howdahs* on either side, Passepartout got
astride the saddle-cloth between them. The Parsee perched himself on the elephant’s neck, and at
nine o’clock the animal marching off through the dense forest of palms by the shortest cut.

1. How many people ……on the elephant?

2. where ……places of sitting….
* Compare the train and the elephant. ( The train fails, whereas the animal passes.)
* What is the main idea? 1. Time 2. Money 3. Transport
( 2 ) A Green Cornfield

- Speck: small
- in accord: in agreement
- Tender: fresh and young
- Nest: where a bird lays eggs
- Stalk: The long part of the plant which supports the leaves
- Swift: fast

The earth was green, the sky was blue: - examples of colours.
I saw and heard one sunny morn - how is the weather?
A skylark hang between the two, - Time: morning
A singing speck above the corn; - How does the poet feel? Content and happy
- The skylark was flying in the sky.

A stage below, in accord, - … butterflies move…quickly

White butterflies danced on the wing, - The skylark doesn’t sing as it flies lower.
And still the singing skylark soared, - The skylark sings as it flies higher.
And silent sank and soared to sing.

The cornfield stretched a tender green - Which line indicates that the nest is hidden /
To right and left beside my walks; invisible?
I knew he had a nest unseen - Reference:
Somewhere among the million stalks.

And as I paused to hear his song Why ….stopped? How ….time …pass?
While swift the sunny moments slid, - Which lines indicate that the poet is
Perhaps his mate sat listening long, imagining/speculating / the poet is leaving?
And listened longer than I did. - Reference:

1. The poet uses many examples of alliteration. Find one example. ( What rhetorical device …)
Lines: 4 – 15 – 16 – 7 – 8 – 14

2. Describe the rhyme scheme in this poem. ( abab )

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