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. III.

Emperor Nero
SUNOG SA ROMA A. He was in Antium during
the fire, 35 miles from Rome
B. That’s why many believed
Introduction that Nero was the one who
The book of Acts were written by Apostle Luke. It wanted Rome to be ruined.
ended on the imprisonment of Apostle Paul in Rome. The This is his way to build new
next topic about the continuation of Christianity from roads, building and
infrastructure to honor his
generation to another generation will not be based on the
Bible, but it will be found in the tradition of men. C. He blamed that
CHRISTIANS were the ones who started the fire.
I. Death of the
Apostles IV. The Fate of the Christians
A. Not only Paul & A. Weeks after the fire, Christians were abducted.
Peter followed the B. They were tortured and killed once they stand for Jesus Christ.
great commision of C. They were fed to lions during gladiator matches, and they often lit
Jesus Christ. the garden of Nero with the burning carcasses of Christian human
B. All of the Twelve torches.
Apostles were scattered
abroad to preached the V. Revival at Rome
Gospel. A. Many Romans feels sympathy for the cruelty of Emperor to the
C. Just like Paul & Peter, some people believed what they preached Christians.
but some don’t believed. B. They know that all of this is to cover up the sin of Nero.
D. This is the reason why all of them experienced persecution and C. Despite all the suffering of the Christians, they noticed that they
suffering for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. are still meek and having good testimonies.
D. God used this attitude of Christians to influenced the Romans
around them to turned to the Lord. And many Gentiles believed the
II. Start of Fire Lord Jesus Christ.
A. On July 10, 64 AD, a fire
broke out among the shops
lining the Circus Maximus, Application
Rome, Italy. Apostles & Christians suffered persecution, many of them
B. The flames raged for 6 were put to death for the sake of their belief but they remain
days before coming under meek and kind to others because they want to have a Christ-
control but the fire reignited like life. Some people do not listen to what we say, they
for 3 more days that covered
look at what we have done. As a follower of Christ, it is
much of the city of Rome.
important to have a good testimony, because sometimes, God
C. Rome’s population is more that 2 million.
D. 10 out of 14 of Rome’s District were ruined by fire uses it to be then reason why people around us will
believed more to the Lord.

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