Activity in Class

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Ingles III

Teacher: Ingrid Tatiana Meneses

John Faber Ospina Vanegas

Activity in class

1. What happened while he was working on the house?

- I was working in my house and I saw a mouse on the roof
- I was working in my house and I fell off the stairs

2. When did she get the idea?

- I was reading the book of the Guinness World Records and I could think of
an idea of breaking one
- I was reading my engineering notes and I could idea of created something

3. When did the food catch fire?

- The food burned when the clock stopped working
- The food burned when we were making the drink

4. When did she put her fingers in her ears?

-I was put my fingers in my ears when my uncle placed the song of silvestre
- I was put my fingers in my ears when I leave go the disco

5. When did he propose ?

- He proposed married when they were on vacation in Paris
- He proposed to marry when they had a house

6. When did they learn about the earthquake?

- I was on Twitter when I learned out about the earthquake
- I was washing my clothes when I felt the earthquake

7. How did they meet?

- I was in the park when I met my girlfriend
-I was on my bike when I fell, she helped me and we met
8. How did he cut his finger?
- I was cutting onions when I cut my finger
- I cut my finger when I was making a mockup.

9. What happened while he was going home?

- I was leaving home when he stepped dog poop
- I was leaving home when saw pass the garbage car

10. What was he doing when he spilt the wine?

- I was talking about a family anecdote when the wine spilled
- I was sneezing when the wine the spilled

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