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‘Think as you Read (Page 34) 1 From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rattrap? or In what sense was the world a big rattrap, according to the peddler? ‘Compartment 2014 Ans The peddler was a vagabond who went around selling rattraps made by him, One day, as he was just thinking about his own rattraps, he was struck by the idea that the world was a big rattrap. Riches, food. joys and shelter served as baits to tempt people, just like a rattrap offered cheese or meat 10 tempt rats. As soon as one was tempted to touch the bait. the rattrap closed and everything came to an cad. on 2 Why was he amused by this idea? Ans wherever the peddler went, people were to him and chased him away. So, he was aitiused by the idea of the world being a big rattrap:\He was also happy that those who chased him away Would also be tempted and caught up in the rattrap one day. 3 Did the peddler expect the kind of hospitality that he received from the crofter? ‘or Why was the peddler surprised when he knocked on the door of the cottage? ANS No, the peddler did not expect the kind of hospitality that he received from the crofter. Wherever the peddler went, people were hostile to him and chased him away. So the peddler was surprised when he knocked on the door of the cottage’and the crofter welcomed him and also gave him food and shelter. 4 Why wa the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler? peddler because he was an old man with no wife or children, living alone in his cottage. He was happy to get someone to talk to and share his feelings with. So, he welcomed the peddles, gave him food and even played a game of cards with him. 5. Why did he show the thirty kronor to the peddler? Ans The crofter showed the thirty kronor to the peddler because he felt proud that he had earned this money from selling the cow’s milk to the creamery. He thought that the stranger didn’t believe him, so he showed him the money. 6 Did the peddler respect the confidence reposed in him by the crofter? ‘Ans No, the peddler didn’t respect the confidence reposed in him by the crofter. The crofter had showed him the thirty kronor which he had earned Think as you Read 1, Delhi 2011 Delhi 2012 Ans The crofter was talkative and friendly with the fas kept in a pouch near a windoy, and where it vs J ; The next day, when the crofter had gone out 4g .w's milk to the creamery, the ped, thirty kronor from the pouch where it was kepp a the window. (Page 3» 41 What made the peddler think that he had indeeg fallen into a rattrap? or Why did the peddler keep to the woods after. leaving the crofters cottage? How did he fee!? AN India ayy, ‘Ans After stealing the crofter’s money, the peddler kept to the woods because he didn’t dare to walk on the public highway for fear of getting identified ang caught, It was a big and confusing forest. The peddler lost his way in it. Suddenly, the truth dawned upon him. He thought that the forest was a big rattrap in which he had fallen. The thirty kronor were like a bait which had been set to tempt him, and he had allowed himself to be fooled and caught, 2 Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home? or How did the ironmaster react on seeing the stranger lying close to the furnace? ‘All India 2022 Ans The ironmaster, the owner of the Ramsjé Ironworks, spoke kindly to the peddler and invited him home because he mistook the peddler for his old regimental comrade, Nils Olof, who had, perhaps, fallen on evil days. This happened when the ironmaster came to the mill for inspection and noticed the peddler dressed in rags lying close to tht furnace. Due to the dim light and the peddler’s dit appearance, he mistook him for his former colleague, 3 Why did the peddler decline the invitation? or Why did the pedaler decline the invitation of the ironmaster? Delhi 20!" Ans The peddler declined the invitation of the ironmas'* because he was carrying the crofter’s money whic! he had stolen and might have been handed ovet the police when the ironmaster discovered his identity. ‘Think as you Read (rages!) 1 What made the peddler accept Eda Willmansso"® invitation? ; ‘Ans Ela Willmansson’s kindness made the peddle! that he could trust her and this made him acce?" invitation. Edla talked to him compassionatelY 4 assuring him that no harm would come to hilt that he would be at li : ever we at liberty to leave whene The Rattrap 2 What doubts did Edla have about the peddler? ‘Ans When Edla met the peddler, he became afraid. Edla thought that either he had stolen something or he had escaped from jail. She doubted that he was her father’s old regimental comrade. Later she even told her father that there was nothing about him to show that he was an educated man, 3 When did the ironmaster realise his mistake? Ans The ironmaster realised his mistake the next day when he saw the peddler in broad daylight with a fine haircut and a well-shaven face. When the ironmaster had first seen the peddler in the dim light from the furnace, he had mistaken him for an old colleague. Now he realised that this man was somebody else. 4 What did the peddler say in his defence when itwas clear that he was not the person the ironmaster had thought he was? ‘Ans The peddler said in his defence that he had never pretended that he was the ironmaster’s friend. He made no further efforts to deceive the ironmaster. He said that it was not his fault, ashe had begged to be allowed to stay on at the mill for the night, He had even declined the ironmaster’s repeated invitation. He further said that he was ready to put on his rags again and go away. 5 Why did Edla still entertain the peddler even after she knew the truth about him? or Why did Edia plead with her father not to send the vagabond away? ‘All India 2014 ‘Ans Edi still entertained the peddler even after she knew the truth about him as it was Christmas eve and Edla wanted to keep the spirit of Christmas by providing him with a day of comfort and solace. She justified it, as they had invited him against his will. So she pleaded With her father not to send the vagabond away. Think as you Read (Page 42) 1 Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler? Al India 2010 Ans Edla was happy to sec the gift left by the peddler because it was unexpected. Earlier Edla was shocked to learn that their guest was actually a thief. She had pleaded with her father to let the peddler stay. She held herself Tesponsible for offering shelter to a thief. But when she found the stolen thirty kronor in a rattrap, she was overjoyed to understand that her kindness and compassion had changed the Peddler and brought out his essential Boodness, Understanding the Text Ans Initially, 2 Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain von Stahle? ‘All India 2009 Ans The peddler signed himself as Captain von Stahle because he had been treated at the ironmaster’s home like a real captain even after knowing the truth about him. He wanted to repay Edla for her kindness just as areal captain would have done. It was an indication that he wanted to retain the dignity and respect accorded to him. (Page 43) 1 How does the peddler interpret the acts of Kindness and hospitality shown by the crofter, the ironmaster and his daughter? he peddler heartily accepts the crofter’s hospitality and generosity but robs him of his hard-earned money just because it is easy to do so. When the ironmaster mistakes him to be his old regimental comrade, the peddler does not disclose his true identity in the hope of getting a few kronor. However, when the ironmaster pesters him, he again feels a sense of entrapment, having stolen the money from the crofter,and thus declines the invitation. However, on Edla’s request, he goes to the ironmaster’s home. Edla’s warmth, sympathy ~ and hospitality transforms him in the end. When. she elevates him to the status of a captain, it makes him redeem himself from being a petty thief. 1t sti the innate goodness of his heart. He no more feels trapped, but regards her kindness as an act of nobility. 2 What are the instances in the story that show that the character of the ironmaster is different from that of his daughter in many ways? ‘or Give examples from the story, The Rattrap’ to show how the ironmaster is different from his daughter. Delhi 2009 Ans The ironmaster was a man of power and ambition and was rather arrogant, He invited the peddler home more out of his sense of pride than out of sympathy or generosity. When the ironmaster realised that he had been mistaken, he called the peddler dishonest and threatened to call the Sheriff. Later on, when he learnt that the peddler was a thief, he was worried about his own silverware, On the other hand, Edla, the ironmaster’s daughter, was a kind and compassionate lady who was really sympathetic and considerate towards the peddler right from the beginning, She treated him with respect and dignity even after knowing that he was not a captain, {twas her generous attitude which finally changed the pediler, brin 1g Out the essential goodness of NCERT FOLDER NCERT FOLDER 3 The story has many instances of unexpected reactions from the characters to others’ behaviour. Pick out instances of these surprises. ANS The instances of unexpected reactions from the characters to others’ behaviour are (i) The old crofter welcomes the tramp for shelter and food at night. He even reposes his trust in him by showing him the money and the place where it was kept. The peddler’s act of stealing the crofter’s hard-earned 30 kronor is unexpected. (i) The peddler secks refuge in the forge, meets the ironmaster and the latter mistakes him to be his old regimental comrade. His invitation to the tramp to come for Christmas Eve to the manor house leaves one astounded. (iii) The peddler’s act of accepting Edla’s invitation, in spite of his guilt feeling about the stolen money and thoughts about ‘entering the lion’s den, is surprising. (iv) When the peddler, left to! himself in the manor house, has every opportunity to slip out with the valuables, he does not do so. Even the ironmaster expects something like this to happen. However, the peddler goes away, leaving behind a small rattraplas a Christmas gift and the thirty kronor he had stolen to be returned to the rightful owner. is also unexpected, (v) The peddler’s letter addressed 10 Edla, expressing his gratitude for elevating him to the status of captain, giving him a chance to free himself from the rattrap of the world and redeeming him, also give us a pleasant surprise. Thus, the story is replete with instances of unexpected reactions and surprises, 4 What made the peddler finally change his ways? Ans Edla’s kindness, compassion and caring behaviour finally made the peddler change his ways. The peddler believed in giving back to the world what he received from it, He was always treated with contempt and hostility and so he never did anything good. However, as Edla had treated him with the love and respect befitting a captain when she knew that he was a poor vagabond, he decided to change his ways and live with dignity and respect. Allnone ENGLISH CORE Clas, 2 5 How does the metaphor of the rattrap s, highlight the futon predicament? He peddler, in the course of his wanderip Ane i denly thinks about the whole world ae i fatirap. Just as cheese and meat are baits 8 fattrap, similarly the riches, joy, shelter ang food that the world offers are baits to entrap and ensnare people Being an embittered man, shunned by everybody, these thoughts give “unwonted j to the tramp. He thinks of all the people ary him who have fallen into the trap. nd ‘The musings of the tramp do have an iota of truth in them, We are tempted by temptation, desires and needs. We go all oUt to satisty ther, In this desire to amass and accumulate more and more, we are entrapped by the world, Just in case we do not get the things we want, we are plunged into despair and gloom. tn thi way, the metaphor of the rattrap highlights the human predicament. eve te 6 The peddler comes out as a person with a subtle sense of humour. How does this serve in lightening the seriousness of the theme of the story and also endear him to us? Ans The peddler, with his subtle sense of humour ‘equates the rattraps he makes to the world, which he believes is a huge rattrap, offering baits like comfort, food, shelter and material benefits. One day the rattrap traps us and there is no way out. The peddler’s insistence on staying in the warm forge and refusal to go with the ironmaster evokes pity. We know that somewhere he is feeling guilty of stealing the crofter’s money. ‘When the ironmaster realises his mistake, the tramp’s ‘sermon’ about the world being a rattrap, temptations and desires, is really humorous, as it seems out of context. The ironmaster’s daughter's kind and sympatheti¢ attitude changes him comple Even she realises his human worth and treats him with dignity. The tramp’s final act of leaving a token of love, the rattrap and a let signing off as the captain, is also humorous: Without the tramp’s philosophising element of the rattrap and his treatment of it ina humorous way, the story would have bee? seeped in seriousness. @ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1 The Peddler had the idea of the world in {a) Happy moments (c) Difficult moments (b) Odd moments (a) Distractive moments ‘Ans (b) The peddler lead a very monotonous life. As a result, he had a lot of free time thinking of things. It was during one of such odd instances when he was thinking about his rattraps that he had his idea of the world 2 Why was the peddler’s life sad and monotonous? (a) Because he had no family (b) Because he had to work hard. (©) Because he was poor and lonely. (a) Because he had no respect in the society. Ans (c) Peddler’s life was sad and monotonous because he was a poor rattrap seller. He was alone in the world as he had no family and due to his poverty striken condition no-one would befriend him. 3 Why was the old crofter so talkative and {friendly with the peddler? (a) Because he trusted the peddler, (b) Because the peddler was his old friend. (c) Because he lived there all alone and was happy to get someone to talk to (a) Because he thought that he peddler was a gold uy. Ans (c) The old manvcrofter was generous, friendly and talkative with the peddler because, he lived alone in his cottage. He had no family and could have enjoyed the company of another man. 4 “Left to his own meditations", one day the peddler fell into “a line of thought, which really Seemed to him entertaining”. What does the peddler’s conception of the world as a rattrap, signify about him? CBSE Question Bank 2021 (a) The peddler had a lot of time on his hands, with nothing much to do. (b) The peddler was a reflective man whose wisdom did not depend on his status. (c) The peddler was a lonely vagrant trying to take sense of his fortunes. (d) The peddler was a rattrap seller, and his work deeply inspired him. Ans (c) The peddler was a lonely vagrant trying to make sense of his fortunes. y ae n _ EXAMPRACTICE ~ 5 "Yes, that was a fine fellow you let into the house,” said her father. What light does the given line throw on the ironmaster as a father? CBSE Question Bank 2021 (a) The ironmaster was disapproving of Edla’s decision to let the peddler stay. (b) The itonmaster blamed his daughter for harbouring a criminal at home. (c) The ironmaster was being playful with Edla, and supported her decisions. (d) The ironmaster loved Edla but thought her to be too naive and idealistic. Ans (a) The ironmaster was disapproving of Edla’s decision to let the peddler stay. 6 Though the reader does not meet Captain von Stahle in person, they encounter the captain symbolically. How? (a) The ironmaster misidentifies the peddler as his old friend, the Captain and invites him home. (b) The reader realises the peddler is actually Captain von Stahle when he signs off the letter. (c) Edla attends to the peddler as respectfully, caringly and kindly, as she would have the Captain, (d) The peddler accepts the error of his ways, and displays the qualities expected of a Captain. Ans (d) The peddler accepts the error of his ways, and displays the qualities expected of a Captain. 7 The Rattrap seller says that when he reached the cottage, “instead of the sour faces which ordinarily met him’, he received a different treatment. What kind of treatment did the seller get? (a) Hostile (b) Incredulous. (b) Generous (d) Suspicious Ans (b) The different treatment received by the peddler was of kindness, friendliness and. generosity. The peddler was warmly welcomed and entertained in the cottage. 8 Select the suitable option for the given statements, based on your reading of The Rattrap’ 1, The vagabond enjoyed the company of the crofter and wanted to help him out. 2. The vagabond stole the money so that he could find a living for himself EXAM PRACTICE a (2) 1 can be inferred but 2 cannot be. (b) 1 is cannot be inferred 2 can be. (€) Both 1 and 2 can be inferred. (€) Roth 1 and 2 cannot be inferred, Ans (b) The vagabond was only fecling surprised at Teceiving the warm treatment from the old crofter. Infact, he felt greedy when the old crofter showed him the money: So, he stole it to make a living for himself. 9 “Every now and then one of them got up to stir the glowing mass with a long iron bar, returning in a few moments dripping with respiration, though, as was the custom,” What was the custom? (2) To sit with the helper in the dark forge (b) To wear nothing but a long shirt and a pair of wooden shoes (©) Shovelling the charcoal into the maw of the furnace (4) Dripping with perspiration but still working through the furnace. Ans (b) The given lines indicate the custom in the iron mill for the blacksmith and his apprentice was that they wore nothing but a Tong shirt and a pair of wooden shoes while working near the furnace. 10 But although his guest was now so well groomed, the ironmaster did not seem pleased, Why was the ironmaster not pleased? (a) Because of the change i his friend (b) Because of the news of a robbery. (c) Because the guest was not his acquaintance. (d) Because his daughter had defied him. Ans (c) The ironmaster had expected the stranger to be his friend captain Nils Olof. However, when the groomed stranger came out, he did not anyhow resemble his friend but was infact a stranger. 11 Select the suitable option for given statements, based on your reading of The Rattrap’ 1. The ironmaster Is skeptical of letting the peddler stay with them. 2. This fears come out to be true as the peddler is identified as a thief. (a) Both J and 2 are true. (b) Both J and 2 are false (c) 1 is true but 2is false (d) 1 is false but 2 Is true, Ans (a) The ironmaster was suspicious of the peddler and did not really approve of letting him stay in his house. This suspicion came out 10 be true as the day after Christmas, they had gotten to know that the peddler was a thief who had looted the old crofter. EXAM PRACTICE Allnone ENGLISH CORE Cas, 1h th 42 Choose the statement that is not true the peddler. (a) The pedler wanted the ironmaster to ‘About some money. chin (b) The peier feels guilty and curses him stealing, vel (c) The peddler was enchanted by Edla even though he finds her tobe modesty beau (4) The peer wishes to live a respect ety, captain. ee Ans (c) The pediler gets affected by Eda’ kind ang compassionate behaviour so much so thar decides to lead a respectable life. There eg mention of infatuation and Edla’s beauty @ EXTRACT BASED QUESTIONS Read the extracts given below and answer the geustions that follow by choosing the correct option, 1, “It offered riches and joys, shelter and. food, heat and clothing, exactly as the rattrap offered cheese and pork, and as soon as anyone let himself be tempted to touch the bait, it closed in on him, and then ever came to an end. ‘The world had, of course, never been very kind to him, so it gave him unwanted joy to think illl of it in this way.” () How can the peddler describe the world? {a) Unjust and hostile (b) Unequal and brutal (c) Kind and compassionate (4) Sad and sorrowful (ii) Select the option the matches the reference ‘riches and joys, shelter and food’. (a) Deceit (b) Temptation (c) Materialism (a) taxury (ill) The given extract does not talk about (a) how people treated the pedler (b)_ the philosophy of the rattrap seller (c)_ the characteristics of the peddlet {d) the monotony of peddler’s life (tv) Select the option that lists the correct characteristic of the rattrap seller. 1, Shabby 2, Cunning 3. Pessimist 4, Vulnerable 5.Mischievious 6. Petty (a) 1,23 (b) 13,6 (©) 45,6 (a) 2.4.5 The Rattrap sh: (W) Why do you think that the world was not very kind to him? (vi) How had the peddler come across the phils elucidated in the given extract? ns (i) (a) From the given extract, it can be inferred . that the peddler does not think anyihing “ positive for the world. The world for him is not kind and just. (ii) (b) The ‘riches and joys, shelter and food" represents the bait or the temptations that tempt or lures the people to fall into the rattrap. (iil) (4) The given extract, in its description of the philosophy given by the rattrap seller and the reason why such philosophy came to him, characterises the peddler. There is no mention of monotony of life in the extract. {iv) (b) The rattrap seller is a shabby looking poor man. Because of the unkindly treatment meted out to him, he became a pessimist and petty individual (v) The peddler says that the world was not kind to him because he was a poor rattrap seller. He wore rags, had sunken cheeks and overall looked very dirty. (vi) The peddler had come up with the world being a rattrap while sitting and thinking about his own rattraps 2. Ashe walked along with the money in his pocket he felt quite pleased with his smartness. He realised, of course that at first he dared not continue on the public highway, but must turn off the road, into the woods. During the first hours this caused him no difficulty. Later in the day it became worse, for it was a big and confusing forest which he had gotten into. He tried, to be sure, to walk in a definite direction, but the paths twisted back and forth so strangely! He walked and walked without coming to the end of the ‘wood, and finally he realised that he had only been walking around in the same part of the forest. All at once he recalled his thoughts about the world and the rattrap. Now his own tum had come. (@ Why did the narrator feel quite pleased? (a). For his smartness resulting in his favour (b) For deceiving his ownself (c) For befooling his friends (d)_ For robbery in the supermarket (i) What caused him no difficulty during the early hours? {ay Carrying the money he had (b) Looting the wealth of the rich Co) ws the food to cat (a) Walking in the woods (iil) ‘Now his own turn had come’ what statement reflects this? {a) He had become confused i (b), Me had been feeling guilty of what he has done (c) He had fallen prey to the rattrap (a) He had become a criminal (iv) How had the peddler fallen prey to a rattrap? (v) How would you judge the rattrap sellers being pleased with his smartness? (vi) Why does the peddler go into the forest? ‘Ans (i) (a) For his’smartness resulting in his favour (ii) (d) Walking in the woods (iii) (c)He had fallen prey to the rattrap (iv) The peddler had fallen prey to the rattrap of the ‘world by stealing the money of the old crofter. (¥) Asa reader, I feel disgusted by the fact that rattrap seller was pleased with his smartness in stealing someone's hard earned money. Further, the fact that he had broken the trust and faith shown to be intensifies the feelings of disgust (vi) The peddler decided to go into the forest to escape the police who would be looking for him. he forest 3 During one of the long dark evenings just before Christmas, the master smith and helper sat in the dark forge near the furnace waiting for the pig iron, which had been put in the fire, to be ready to put on the anvil. Every now and then one of them got up to stir the glowing mass with a long iron bar, returning in a few moments dripping with perspiration, though, as was the custom, he ‘wore nothing but a long shirt and a pair of wooden shoes. (i) What was the master Smith waiting for? {a) Pig iron to be ready to put on anvil (b) Christmas to ative (c) Fire to catch on. Ww rnace to cool down EXAM PRACTICE (ii) How were they stirring the glowing mass? {a) By shovelling the charcoal (b) By heating the furnace (€) By using a long iron bar (2) By blowing the fire hard (iil) What was the custom? {a) To sit with the helper in the dark forge (b) Towwear nothing but a long shirt and a pale of woodten shoes (6) Shovelling the charcoal into the maw of the furnace (4) Dripping with perspiration w in the extract means ‘a heavy ron block with a smooth face. (a) Maw (b) Shovell (c) Bellows (a) Anvil (v) Give the context of the given extract. (vi) What can we say about the workers of the Ironworks based on the given extract? Ans (i) (a) Pig iron to be ready to put on anvil ii) (c) By using a long iron bar (iii) (b) To wear nothing but a long shirt and a pair of wooden shoes (iv) (d) Anvil (v) The given lines have been taken from the lesson The Rattrap wherein the Rattrap peddler hears the sound of the ork going on in the Ramjso Ironworks. The lines describe the scene inside the iron works building, (vi) Based on the given extract, we can say that the workers at the iron works were hardworking people who were dedicatedly doing their task even on Christmas Eve. 4 Assoonas they got up from the table he went around to each one present and said thank you and good night,but when he came to the young girl she gave him to understand that it was her father’s intention that the suit which he wore was to be a Christmas present-he did not have to return it; and if he wanted to spend next Christmas Eve in a place where he could rest in peace, and be sure that no evil would befall him, he would be welcomed back again, (i) What does the girl want to convey to the guest? (2) That her father wanted him to wear the sult (b) That she liked him (c) That she did exactly what he wanted (4) That she wanted to thank him EXAM PRACTICE Allgnone ENGLISH CORE Class 1, i) What was the Christmas present for the gues, (a) The rat-traps (b) The daughter herself {c) The sult worn by him {a) The food he got (ii) What had the guest not to do? (a) To wash the suit he was wearing (b) To return it (c) To pay for it (d) To donate it to someone else (iv) The given extract shows that Edla was (a) Charitable (b) Cheerful {c) Benevolent (d) Haughty (W) ‘Befall’in the extract means f (vi) How does Edla’s gesture affect the peddler? ‘Ans. (i) (a) That her father wanted him to wear the suit (ii) (c)-The Suit worn by him (iii) (b) To return it (iy) (c) Benevolent {v) overtake (vi) Edlas’ kind and compassionate gestures affea the peddler for the good as he realises his folly and decides to become a good man. 5. “Since you have been so nice to me all day ong, as if I was a captain, I want to be nice to ‘you, in return, as if T was a real captain — for Ido not want you to be embarrassed at this Christmas season by a thief; but you can give back the money to the old man on the roadside, who has the money pouch hanging on the window frame as a bait for poor wanderers, ‘The rattrap is a Christmas present froma rat who would have been caught in this world’s rateap if he had not been raised to captain, because in that way he got power to clear himself. “Written with friendship and high regard, Captain von Stahle.” CBSE Question Bank 2021 Modified (i) Which of the following CANNOT be attributed to the peddler, according to the above extract? {a) indebtedness (b) reform (c)sell-pity (a) selfawareness (il) Why did the peddler gift a rattrap as a Christmas present? (a) teas all the pedater had that he could give away: and represented his turn to honest: (b) It symbolised his successful escape from entrapment ay he returned the stolen money | | ‘The Rattrap {c) It served as a reminder for Edla to be the dangerous temptations of the ‘world. a (a) Twas a practical and convenient present th the lady of the house could effectively use. (ip The word frame’ hos been used to indicate @ rigid structure that surrounds something such as apicture, door, or windowpane, There are other meanings of frame’ too. Choose the option that DOES NOT lis the meaning of frame’ 1. aperson's body with reference to its size or build 2. asingle complete picture in a series forming a cinema, television, or video film 3. the triangular structure for positioning the red balls in snooker ae " 4, a thin solid object that seals a container or hole; a lid (a) Option (1) (b) Option (2) (c) Option (3) (4) Option (4) (iv) This communication includes 1. apromise 2. regret 3. an apology 4, shame (a) only 4 (b) only 1 (c) Land 3 (d) 2and 4 (vy) What is the significance of the letter written to Edla? (vi) Do you think the peddler would have changed if Edia would not have been nice to him? Ans (i) (c) self-pity (ii) (a) Te was all the peddler had that he could give away, and represented his turn to honesty. (d) Option (4) (iv) (c) Land 3 (v) The letter written by the peddler to Edla holds significance because it highlights how Edla brought about a change in a petty peddler. (vi) 1 do not think that the peddler would have changed if Edla’s compassion had not impacted him. it was just because of Edla’s kind treatment that the peddler changed. © SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS xd at the idea of the 1 Why was the peddler amuse Se world being a rattrap. en Ans Wherever the peddler went, people Were ly to him and chased him away: $0, he was ‘amused by the idea of the world being 4° rattrap. He was also happy that those Wilt, ‘chased him away would also be tempte ‘caught up in the rattrap on day. 2 what do we learn about the crofter’s nature from the story The Ratrap? CBSE 2016 Ans The crofter was a lonely person without wife or child. He was happy to get someone to talk to in his loneliness. He was also generous and trusting person because he hosted the peddler for a night and even showed him where he had kept his money. 3 How did the crofter entertain the peddler. ‘CBSE 2020 Ans The crofter entertained the peddler by sharing his feelings, giving him food and even playing a ‘game of cards with him, He behaved in a friendly manner with the peddler and welcomed him warmly to his house. 4 Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home? CBSE 2016 Ans The ironmaster spoke kindly to the peddler and invited him home because he mistook the peddler for his old regimental comrade, Nils Olof, who had; fallen on evil days. This happened when the ironmaster came to the mill for inspection and noticed the peddler lying close to the furnace. Due to the dim light and the peddler’s dirty appearance, he mistook him for his former colleague. 5 why did the stranger not tell the ironmaster that he was not Nils Olof ? ‘Ans The stranger did not tell the ironmaster that he ‘was not Nils Olof because he thought that if the gentleman believed that he was an old friend or ‘acquaintance of his, then he might take pity on him and help him by giving him some money. 6 Why did Edla decide to entertain the peddler? CBSE 2019 ‘Ans Edla decided to entertain the peddler against the wishes of her father because she felt very bad for him and his miserable condition. Further, it was Christmas time and as a true Christian, it was not fair fo turn away the guest ‘on the eve of Christmas. 7 Edla sat and hung her head even more dejectedly than usual. Which two reasons forced her to behave in that manner? Foreign 2010 Ans Bala had shown kindness to the peddler even, after knowing that he was not a captain. This vas the reason why she felt all the more dejected when she came to Know thar the peddler was actually a thief who had recently robbed a crofter. She felt that she had done Wrong in offering shelter toa thief. Secondly, she also felt bad because the pedter had not measured tp to the faith which she had shown a hin uw ed <= co a = < Fd a a EXAM PRACTICE Ans It 8 If the world is rid is ‘nothing but a big rattrap’, as the tramp seated in the story The Retrap, who ‘might the rattrap peddler be? Discuss. CBSE Question Bank 2021, Ans If the world is ‘nothing but a big rattrap" as per the tramp then, the rattrap peddler can become someone who sells the bats ofthe world However, he is just another human being in the world, who is tempted into the rattrap as he steals money from the old crofter. He is reduced to just a person who conceptualised the idea but is mot saved from i 9 Despite his philosophical insights, the vogabond fails to resist temptations. What would you ‘attribute this to? Explain with reference to any instance from the text. (CBSE Question Bank 2021 Ans Despite is philosophical insights, thie vagabond fails to resist temptations simply because of his hhumanness. The vagabond is a poor and a deprived man who is treated and unkindly by the social world around him. Just like every other individual, he is also vulnerable to the baits of food, shelter, luxury, etc. Herice, the bait comes to him when the old crofter shows him his money. Blinded by the bait, he also falls in the rattrap. 10 A mistaken identity led to a discovery of a new one for the rattrap peddler. How did this impact him? CBSE SQP Term I, 2020 true that the mistaken identity led to a discovery of a new one for the rattrap peddler. ‘The mistaken identity of the Captain and the resultant goodness received by the peddler gave him the power to clear his conscience. It brought out the latent goodness that was hidden due to the cruel treatment he had received from the world The kindness and compassion he saw lent him the conviction to become a better human and allowed him the opportunity to behave in a dignified manner befitting a Captain. © LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS cory speaks on a general level to ra different outlook towards dividuals who can be redeemed by compassion and understanding. In the light of the story The Rattrap’ mentioned, how do you think society can help individuals, speciolly juvenile delinquents, from falling prey to petty crimes and bad habits? 1 The peddler’s ste society, urging for those maligned in Ans Ans Alllone ENGLISH CORE Class; i th oa rriaire nana Sacre aay oot pao ne ese petty thefts. Nobody treated him with King,? Se eter ty cal hee touched. Y See ee cen nena ned Hearn aera eomee ee the human heart which can be brought out by” aa pee anieue re eran i RAN cries indeas, passa Compare and contrast the character of the iron master with that of his daughtercBSE 2017 The ironmaster was a man of power and ambition. He was so hardwarking, disciplined {nd sober that he did rounds in his mills to make sure that everything was working properly. But he was also impulsive and Completely non-persuasive. He invited the peddler home without confirming his identity and even when the pedder he sent his daughter to convince the latter to come to his home. The ronmasters also a realist He is praca and morally strict. As soon as he sces the peddlers true identity he orders him to leave File he does not show any softness with the pedles he docs so with his daughter whose fishes he accepts. On the other hand, Edla, the ironmaster’s hughter sasaki and compassionate ladY who svas really sympathetie and considerate towards the peddler right from the beginning, She is observant and suspicious of the peddle identity. She treated him with respect and dignity eve” after knowing that was lot a captain. 11 W38 hher generous attitude which finally chaneed the peddle, bringing out the essential goodee of his nature, The Rattrap 3 The peddler belleved that the whole world Is a rattrap. How did he himself get caught in the some? nse 2017 ‘Ans The peddler in the story “The Rattrap’ believed very strongly that this world was a big rattrap. troffered comforts and joys just like the rattrap offered food {0 a rat. As soon as a rat was tempted to touch the bait, It trapped him. In same way food, joys and shelter served as balts to tempt people who get trapped thereafter. But one day peddler himself was caught in such a trap. ‘One day when he sought refuge at a crofter's house, he came across a bait. The old crofter showed him the money which he had earned. The crofter’s hospitality served as a bait for the peddler as, the next morning, he stole the ‘money and fled into the forest. He got lost there and felt the forest was a big rattrap into which he had fallen, Later, he again gets caught into the trap when Edla invites him home with the assurance of Christmas cheer. Devoid of happiness, food and shelter, the peddler repeatedly surrenders to worldly temptations, 4 To be grateful is a great virtue of a gentleman. How did the peddler show his gratitude to Edla? CBSE 2015 ‘Ans is truly said that a gentlemen shows the virtue of gratefulness. This statement stands true for the character of the peddler in the story “The Rattrap’ wherein the peddler transforms into a gentleman due to the compassion and kindness shown by Edla Edla knew that her father was mistaken when he invited the peddler home thinking he was his long lost friend. Later it was revealed that he was a complete stranger and not her father’s acquaintance. Despite this Edla begged her father not to send him away on Christmas Eve. She invited him home and gave him food, shelter and clothes. Her kindness, compassion and sympathy bring out the goodness in the peddler. He leaves a packet for her as a Christmas gift which contains a rattrap and three ten kronor notes stolen from the crofter. I also contained a letter in which he signs himself as captain and requests her to return the stolen money to the crofter. Hence, by transforming himself into a dignified gentleman the peddler showed his gratitude to Edla and Edla’s care and concern. 207] 5 The people we meet in Ife leave an impression ‘onus, How Is the rattrap seller affected by meeting the crofter and Edla? CBSE 2017 ‘Ans Is truc that the people we mect in life leaves ‘an impression on us. In the story. The rattrap’, the peddler comes across two people who ‘change his life for the better The Crofter He was the first person that the pediler found to be hospitable. He treated him like a guest, gave him food and entertained him by playing a game of cards with him after dinner. The crofter also shared his confidences with the peddler, but the peddler robbed him of his money. Thus, the crofter’s hospitality did not affect the peddler’s behaviour although, later on, the peddler’s conscience pricked him for robbing the crofter’s money. Edla She persuaded him to come home for Christmas and treated him with dignity and respect befitting a captain and a guest even afterircalising the truth that he was not the person her father thought him to be. She was kind and compassionate, spread Christmas cheer and gave him gifts. All this finally brought about a change in the peddler. He decided to change his ways and live with dignity and respect. When he got the chance to show his goodness, he returned the stolen money with a note to give it back to the crofter. He also left a rattrap for Edla as a Christmas present 6 A good deed or an act of kindness can change a person's view of the world. What characteristics of Edla’s conduct inspire the peddler to redeem himself and change his ways? = CBSE 2020 Ans There is great transforming power in the act of kindness. There are many fictional and real life stories which reveal us how compassion and kindness changed bad people into good human beings; these stories teach us the lesson of being kind. Edla’s empathy and kindness changed the life of the vagabond rattrap seller, Edla restored his dignity and self-worth and treated him like a Captain of the army though she was avvare that he was a common tramp. She was empathetic towards the peddler and the kindness and concern she showed towards the peddler touched the core of his heart and transformed his way of thinking. Her kindness and caring nature transformed the unscrupulous vagabond into a good human being EXAM PRACTICE a ‘This shows that the peddler was not a bad man at heart, but was only bound by his poor and unfortunate circumstances, whieh forced him to steal things. But the love, trust and understanding shown by Edla brought out his basic human goodness. 7 ‘The Rattrop’ focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others. Comment CBSE 2019 Ans All the characters in the story, ‘The Rattrap’, suffer from loneliness and are dreary souls, First of all, the tramp appears to lead a sad, monotonous existence, left to his own musings. He is always greeted by sour faces and cold words wherever he goes, Next, the old crofter lives all alone in a cottage by the roadside, E ib Allgwone ENGLISH CORE Clas; 12th He is happy 10 get someone t0 talk 10 ang over his sense of loneliness. That's the na, ‘why he is s0 generous and hospitable as a hae” Then the ironmaster and his daughter Eda aie have no company for Christmas. The ironmar takes the tramp home, mistaking him to bem old comrade. He, with his daughter is happy'p, play the perfect host to his former colleague Thus, all of them have a strong desire for bonding and comradeship. The crofter is hap to be friends with the peddler, although only iy a night. Similarly, the ironmaster and his daughter have an opportunity to practise ther Christian virtues of kindness, sympathy and hospitality. The compassion and sincerity show by Eda changes peddler into a man who is one of the members of society. SELF ASSESSMENT @ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1 What would have happened if Edla would have gone by her father's decision? (a) The peddler would have gone back to his old ways. {b) The peddler would have changed any way. (c) The peddler would have never got out of the forge. (4) The peddlers perception would have changed. 2 On the Christmas Eve, The peddler spent most of the time because he had no fear of being caught. (a) Enjoying (b) Sleeping (c) Reading (4) Dancing @ EXTRACT BASED QUESTIONS Read the extracts given below and answer the geustions that follow by choosing the correct option. 1 One dark evening as he was trudging along the road he caught sight of alittle gray cottage by the roadside, and he knocked on the door to ask shelter for the night. Nor was he refused. Instead of the sour faces which ordinarily met him, the owner, who ‘was an old man without wife or child, was happy to get someone to talk to in his loneliness. ©) Why did he knock at the door? (a) To ask for an address {b) To ask shelter for the night (6) Toask for food and water (4) To ask for monetary help (]) What response did he get in return? (a) He was refused entry (b) He was allowed with dubious looks {c) He was neither refused nor entertained (d) He was greeted with warmth (ii) Who greeted the peddler? (a) An old man (b) A beautiful girl (c) An aged lady (d) Ayoung boy (iv) The word ‘trudging’ in the extract means (a) tiptoe (b) slumber (c) walking heavily (4) hurrying (v) How did the peddler feel when he was met with awelcome? (vi) Why was the peddler shocked to receive a good treatment by the old crofter? © SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS Answer the following questions in 40-50 words. 1 What amusing idea about the world struck the peddler? 2. The crofter was happy with the peddler's behaviour during his stay. But he may have been disappointed afterwards. Why? 3 How did the peddler feel after cheating the crofter? 4 Why did the ironmaster behave sternly towards the peddler after seeing him properly at home? © LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS Answer the following questions in 120-150 words. 1 What impression do you form of the peddler? 2 Given the right motivation, human beings possess the innate quality to change their ways for the better. Discuss 3 To be grateful is a great virtue of a gentleman. How did the peddler show his gratitude to Edla? ‘Compartment 2018 SELF ASSESSMENT

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