Arihant English All in One Class 12 WWW - EXAMSAKHA.IN-268-289

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MY MOTHER AT SIXTY-SIX Kamala Das G6 | | About the Poet Explanation of the Poem vara Os 184-200 reagan oe trees poet Vo wate now i er Stanza 1 “Driving from my parent's ‘tignaity,versaity and the home to Cochin last Friday penne aoe morning, I saw my mother, beside me, : sho stores in Eagle aed doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse eee eee sare Explanation The poet had gone to vist her parents home near Cochin, She had pea ey Se at ceo ee, been returning home last friday, when on her way to the airpor,, she noticed het oe ee ‘mother sleeping beside her in the car. Her mouth was open and her face was topics ncudig women's sss, apg asi hein ‘childcare and politics. She won Kerala ea less, jus body. Academy Aare and Sah a8 Se. hemes mete Stanza 2 “And realised with pain that she was as old as she looked but soon put that thought away and looked out at young Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes” Explanation The poot was alarmed by the sudden realisation that old age had be \ypon her mother. It was a reality she found hard to accept, To tako her at away {rom the disturbing thought, she looked outside the car. 7 Because the car was moving, the young green trees appeared to be running {he opposite direction, She also saw a group of children rushing out ofthe homes to play, ‘A this probably reminded her of her chidhood when her mother was youn ‘The young spznting trees represented how fast time had flown by. The chi Trecpented youth, which was full of fe and energy. Both the young trees. the children presented a sharp contrast to the mother sitting beside her whe Was old and suttering from il-heatth. “But after the aisport’s security check, standin, away, [looked again a¢ asa late winter's moon?” janation The young children and tree ws thoughts away. But after reaching the wieye0 svt her ‘stanza © airport and passing jain looked at her ds away trom her, Her alate winter's moon, use Of mist and fog, through security check, the poet ag mother, who was standing a few ya mother looked lifeless and dull ike which cannot be seen clearly beoat stanza 4 “And fle tha old familiae ache, my childhood's fear, butall I said was, ee you soon, Amma, all I did was smile and smile and emile’.” Janation Once again, she was pained t Sets condton. As she was going anay enn ene mother, her old familiar pain, her childhood fear that she would lose her mother, suddenly came back to her. So she ‘ied to hido hor emotions behind her smile. She did not want to foveal hor feelings to her old mother and bade hor farewell wth a smile, Sha gave hope to her mother {and herself by saying that they would meet again and kept on smiling WORD MEANINGS The given page numbers corespond to the pages in the NCERT textbook. Page 90 doze = sleep lightly ashen —_ very pale with shock, fear or ines corpse — adead body spiling out = — rushing out Page 91 wan —_ pall and giving the impression of itness oF exhaustion ache = pain Before you Read (Page 90) Ageing is a natural process; have you ever thought what our elderly parents expect from us? Ans Aged people usually undergo pangs of loneliness and need companionship. They long only for our love, care and attention. They expect their children to share the happenings in their lives with them and take their suggestions for making significant decisions. This will encourage them to live life enthusiastically. Think it Out (Page 91) 1 What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels? or What familiar ache and childhood fear did Kamala Das feel? Compartment 2017 4ns The poet is pained to see her mother’s dull and Colourless face. She is hurt to see that her mother’s face looks like that of a dead body. She is afraid of the fact that she may not see her mother alive next time, 2 ity are the young trees described as Sprinting? Compartment 2017; Delhi 2012 40S The car was moving when the poet looked outside at the trees. They appeared to be ‘sprinting’ because the car was speeding past them in the opposite direction. The ‘young’ trees represented life in Contrast to her mother’s approaching death. 3 Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children Spilling out of their homes? or Why has the poet mentioned ‘merry children spilling out of their homes’ in the poem? All India 2020 Ans The poet has used this imagery to bring out the contrast between children, who are energetic and full of life, and her mother, who is old, pale and lifeless. 4 Why has the mother been compared to the ‘tate winter's moon? Delhi 2015; Foreign 2011 or Why does Kamala Das compare her mother to a late winter's moon? Compartment 2017 Ans Just as a ‘late winter’s moon’ looks hazy and appears to lack brightness and lustre due to mist and fog, similarly, the poet’s mother, who is now old, looks pale and devoid of exuberance. Her face looks dull and colourless due to old age. 5 What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify? All India 2012, 2010, 2009 Ans The poet's parting words, “See you soon, Amma’, signify hope and assurance, not only to herself but to her mother also, that they will meet again, © MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1 The poem does not talk about {a) loss of a loved one (b) natural process of aging (c) human relationship (d) separation from a loved one Ans (4) separation from a loved one 2 By the phrase, familiar ache, Kamala Das refers to CBSE Term 1 2021 (a) pain of separation _(b) pain of ageing (©) painof illness (@) pain of travelling Ans (a) pain of separation 3 The sight of young trees and merry children, on the way to COCHIN, iS wmminene the poet's OgiNg mother. CBSE SQP Term 1, 2021 (a) like a divine assurance for (b) in sharp contrast to (c) a distraction from pain for (d) the bridge betweenthe poet and Ans (b) The sight of young trees and merry children, ‘on the way to Cochin, is in sharp contrast to the poet’s aging mother. 4 The phrase ‘old familiar ache’ has been used to refer to a fear, in this extract. This phrase can also be used to CBSE Question Bank 2021 (a) compare physical pain with mental agony. (b) elicit someone’s unanswered queries. (c) substantiate reasons for aches and pains. (a) describe a longing one has been aware of, Ans (d) describe a longing one has been aware of. 5 The tone of the poet in the poem is primarily a combination Of srnue OND ran » (CBSE Question Bank 2021 1, dauntlessness 2. apprehension 3. dejection 4, disappointment (a) 1,2, (b) 2, 3, (0) 3,4 (ayia Ans (b) 2.3 6 Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below. Statement 1 The poet accepts with resignation that she may not be able to meet her mother ogain. Statement 2 The poets mother sees through the poets smile. (a) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is fase {b) Statement 1 i false but Statement 2is rye {c) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 cannoy 5g inferred from the poern. (a) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 can jy inferred from the poem. ‘Ans (a) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2s fale, 7 Choose the option that best describes the sequence of the poets’ emotions in the poem, (a) joy—realisation—pain—acceptance (b) realisation—pain—negation—acceptance {¢) realisation—pain—acceptance (a) sorrow—realisation—acceptance ‘Ans. (b) realisation—pain—negation—acceptance 8 The narrator has used her smile to {a) cover up her pain (b) make herself happy (c) to make her mother happy (d) to show her emotions Ans (a) cover up her pain 9 Pick the quote that best describes the theme of the poem. (a) “There is love in holding and there is love in letting go”-Elizabeth Berg. (b) “Ageing is just another word for living”-Cindy Joseph. (c) “When one person is missing the whole world seems empty”-Pat Schwerbert. (d) “And sometimes, against all odds, against al logic, we still hope.” Ans (c) “When one person is missing the whole world seems empty”-Pat Schwerbert. 10 What does the narrative style (single sentence) of the poem highlight? {a) poets feelings {b) poets insecurities (c) poets thoughts (4) poets intertwining thoughts Ans (A) poets intertwining thoughts 11 The poem in its essential theme presents 9 universal truth. It (a) The ultimate truth is death. (b) The reality of life is despairing (c) Happiness is just a mask covering the struss! (d) The fear of old age Ans (a) The ultimate truth is death, at Sixty-Six he fact that the poem’ narrative style is single semtence, punctuated by commas shows that there is only one topic which made the poet fearful. (by there is only one thought which runs through the poem. {e) the lines are all being intermingled in the poet's mind. 14) many sub ideas are connected to the main idea of the poem. (b) there is only one thought which runs through the poem. . 49 The printing trees is a depiction of movement. This movement is a) As (a) of the car in contrast to the trees, {b) of the winds that blows the trees (6) of the car as opposite to that of the wind. (4) of the poet's thoughts moving from her mother’s age to the energetic young trees, 4ns (a) of the car in contrast to the trees. ‘th What question arises from the complexity of the situation presented in the poem? (a) What to do in old age? (b) How to make sure your parents are healthy? {c) How to accept the loss of a loved one? (a) How to strike a balance between duties and responsibilities? Ans. (d) How to strike a balance between duties and responsibilities? 15 Which of the following is NOT an example of the ‘ache’ that the poet was felling? (a) Ritika was sitting infront of her laptop all day and now her head in aching. (b) Prachi and her family went to the hill station where the cloud had burst. Now she is unable to find her brother and she feels an unknown ache. (c) Reyansh was playing with his ball when it bounced into the sewer. (4) Samiksha and her friend were aching to see the pop-star Justin Beiber. ‘Ans (b) Prachi and her family went to the hill station where the cloud had burst. Now she is unable to find her brother and she feels an unknown ache. 16 if the poet were to write or speak out the fear, then which one of the following would she most likely write/speak? (a) No, I can’t leave her, when I know i may not be able to see her again. (b) Ineed to accept that | may not meet her again. (©) She has grown old and nearing death. This may be the last time I am seeing her. (4) It hurts to realise that mother will not meet me again, when I am here in Cochin. 4n8 (c) She has grown old and nearing death, This May be the last time I am seeing her. 17 Which of the following correctly iMlustrates the poets feeling when she sees her mother? 1. Upset 2. Love 3, Sad 4, Regret 5, Anxious 6, Despairing (a) Land 3 (b) 2 and 4 (c) Land 5 (d) 5 and 6 Ans (a) 1 and 3 18 Kamala Das looked out of the car to drive away the painful thought. However, she sow an image that her pain. (a) relieved (b) heightened (c) contrasted (d) overlook Ans (b) heightened @ EXTRACT BASED QUESTIONS Read the extract given below and answer the {following questions by choosing the correct option. 1. Driving from my parent's home to Cochin last Friday morning, I saw my mother, beside me, doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that ofa corpse and realissed with pain that she was as old as she looked but soon put that thought away. All India 2013 (i) Choose the option that best applies to the given extract. 1, aconversation 2. an argument 3. apiece of advice 4, a strategy 5.a recollection 6. a suggestion (a) 1,3. and 6 (b) 2,4and 5 (c) Only 5 (d) Only 1 (i) Choose the book title that perfectly describes the condition of the poets mother. 4, Title 4 Youre Only Old Once! by Or. Seuss w 2. Title 2 The Gift of Years by Joan Y Chittister G 3, Title 3 Somewhere Towards the End = | et by Diana Athill im 4, Title 4The Book You Wish Your Parents | & Had Read by Philippa Perry = (a) Tile 1 {b) Title 2 s (6) Title3 (a) Title a a 270 EXAM PRACTICE Gil) Choose the option that applies correctly to the two statements given below. Assertion : The poet wards off the thought of her mother getting old quickly. Reason : The poet didn't want to confront the inevitability of fate that was to dawn upon her mother. {a) Assertion can be inferred but the Reason cannot be inferred. (b) Assertion cannot be inferred but the Reason can be inferred. (c) Both Assertion and Reason can be inferred. (d) Both Assertion and Reason cannot be inferred. () Choose the option that displays the same literary device as in the given lines of the extract. her face ashen like that of a corpse (a) Just as 1 and... (b) My thoughts were as heavy as lead that evening when (©) I think like everyone else who, (@) Hike to think aloud when .. (¥) What is the significance of comparing the ‘mother's face to that of a corpse? (vi) Why did the poet put the thought away? Ans (i) (c) Only 5 (di) (c) Title 3 Somewhere Towards the End by Diana Athill (Gli) (c) Both Assertion and Reason can be inferred. (iv) (b) My thoughts were as heavy as lead that evening when ... (v) By comparing the mother’s face to that of a ‘corpse, the poet highlights the old age and the fact that her mother is nearing death. (vi) The poet put the thought away because she could not stand the pain of the thought. 2. Isaw my mother beside me doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse and realised with pain that she was as old as she looked but soon put that thought away, and looked out at Young ‘Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes. CBSE Term I 2021, Modified (@ Which amongst the following options has used the same poetic device In its underlined phrase as used in the expression ‘ashen like that of a corpse’? ad this thought, she appeared All woMe ENGLISH CORE Cis, th {a) He was a lion in the battle, (b) The flood swallowed more than 4 villages, (c) He walked as slow as a snail, {al The tree blocks the free flow of wate, {ip Choose the correct option that best ex the reason for the poet ‘to put that theya* away’. veh y. {a) The mother’s face was pale and ugly (by tewas unbearable for her 05 her mg, sleeping. arora (¢) She was troubled by the thou, (©) other’ perpetual state of exhasricl (4) She was deeply pained by the thought, mother’s imminent death, (iil) What do the expressions ‘doze’ open mouthed’ describe about the poet’s mother (a) She is sleeping and relaxing. " (b) She is aged and exhausted, {c) She is tired of travelling {d) She snot in a mood to talk to her daugher (iv) Select the correct option to fill in the blank. The poet uses the image of sprinting teest emphasize the....... to the ageing mother, (a) comparison: (b) difference (6) contrast (A) simitarty (v) What mood does the expression ‘merry children spilling’ bring in ? (a) Happiness and enthusiasm () Innocence and playfulness (c) Laziness (d) Joy (v) What isthe poet feeling in the given lines? Ans (i) (c) He walked as slow as as (ii) (d) She was deeply pained by the thought of the mother’s imminent death. (iii) (b) She is aged and exhausted. (iv) (c) contrast (w) The expression ‘Merry children spilling bi in mood of happiness and enthusiasm (vi) The poet is feeling sad and sorrowful due (0 her mothers old age in the given extract. St does not want to accept the fact that het mother is nearing death. 3 And looked out at Young Trees sprinting, the merry children spline out of their homes, but after the airports security check, standing a few yards away, Ilooked again at her, wan, pale as.alate winter's moon and felt that 014 familiar ache... Comparten jpymether at Sixty-Six What is the most likely reason the at is et capitalised Young Trees? This wos to (a) convey a clearer meaning, (b) highlight the adj.-noun combination, (c) enhance the contrast. ° (a) draw a connection with the title, {i Choose the option that appropriately describes the relationship between the two statements given below, Statement 1 The poet knows her mother has aged. Statement 2 The poet feels the pain of ‘separation. (a) Beginning-Ending (b) Cause-Effect {) QuestionAnswer (4) Introduction-Conclusion ii) Choose the option that completes the sentence given below. Just as the brightness of the winter's moon is veiled behind the haze and mist, similarly, (a) the pain of separation has shaded mother’s expression. (b) age has fogged mother’s youthful appearance. (c) growing up has developed a seasoned maturity in the poet. (d) memories warm the heart like the pale ‘moon in winter. () Choose the correct option out of the ones given below. Simite Metaphor 1, |the memry children old spilling familiar ache ‘Metaphor Imagery 2 |pale as alate young Hwinter's moon —_|_trees sprinting Imagery Personification 3. | all did was smile the merry children spiling Personification some 4 pale as young ee trees sprinting _|allate winter's moon (a) Option 1 (b) Option 2 (©) Option 3 (4) Option 4 Ea (¥) What Is purpose of image of merry children? (v)) What does the phrase ‘old familiar ache’ indicate? Ans (i) (c) enhance the contrast. (ii) (b) Cause-Effect (ii) (b) age has fogged mother’s youthful appearance. (iv) (d) Option 4 (¥) The image of merry children is a contrast to the frail and dull old age of the poet’s mother. (vi) The ‘old familiar ache’ indicates that the fear felt by the poet is not new. She had felt it when she was young. 4 “But after the airport's security check, standing a few yards away, I looked again at her, wan, pale as a late winter's moon.” () Why did the poet look her mother again? {a) To see if she was sleeping (b) To check if she was well () To bid her good bye (4) To say something to her (ii) Mother's face has been compared to (a) full moon brightness (b) late winter’s moon and its paleness () young children (a) young tree (i) What were the reason’s of mother's pale face? (a) Mother's old age (b) Mother's depleting energy (c) Mothers illness (a) Both (a) and (b) (iv) Which figure of speech has been used in the lines “the young trees sprinting wm"? (v) What do you think the poet is feeling in the extract? (vi) Explain the significance of the late winter's moon. Ans (i) (c) To bid her good bye (ii) (b) late winter’s moon and its paleness (iii) (a) Bott (a) and (b) {iv) Personification is sed in given lines. (v) The poet is feeling a dilemma in the extract, She wants to stay with her mother and take ‘care of her but at the same time, she has to go back and take over her responsibilities, (vi) The late winter’s moon resembles a dying moon which is hazy and pate. Just like this moon, the poet’s mother is nearing her death, EXAM PRACTICE Ga Allnone ENGUSH CORE ¢j,,, Rh 6 Inthe last line of the poem, ‘My Mother © SHORT ANSWER TYPE Sixty-six, why does the poet use the 0rd Ym, QUESTIONS repeatedly? Delhi: AU India aye 1 What did Kamala Das think when she looked at Ans In the last line of the Pocm, the poet hag? her mother? Compartment 2017 repeatedly used the word ‘smile’ to mask p painful feeling of parting from her mother or What were the poet's feelings os she drove She also wanted to reassure her mother ef to Kochi airport? Delhi 2016; Compartment 2015 Ans As the poet drove to Kochi airport, she watched pope and happiness by smiling in front of her mother dozing open-mouthed. The poet zi thought that she looked old and withered, 7 What does the poet's smile in the poem, yy which disturbed the poet and she wondered Mother at Sixty-six’ show? Delhi 25 whether her mother would still be alive on her ‘Ans The poet was very sad but didn’t want tg Fetur. Her childhood fear of losing her mother show her fears to her mother, so she way again haunted her. smiling. It was just a facade. In reality she 2 How does Kamala Das try to put away the Was very sad and had fears of losing her mother soon. thoughts of her ageing mother? ‘Delhi 2014 | Ans Kamala Das finds it hard to accept the fact of 8 The, ‘pain of separation is expressed both her mother growing old, as it brings back to her literally and metaphorically in this poem. mind her childhood fear of losing her mother Elucidate. CBSE Question Bank 202, forever. She makes a deliberate effort to drive or Ans ‘The pain of separation in ‘My Mother Sixty Put away such thoughts by looking outside the Six’ is one of physical separation since the poet car at the sights passing by. was leaving her mother in Cochin while ‘ catching flight. The metaphorical separation i 3 Having looked at her mother, why does Kamala aa teeth poet fears. She fears an'crran Das look at the young CHS tas Dota a? separation from her mother because of her Ans Kamala Das looked at the young children, as they represented youth, which is full of life and 9 Comment on the tone of the poem with energy. She wanted to drive away the fearful and disturbing thought that her mother was CBSE Question Bank 2021 getting old and weak and might die soon, Ans The tone of this poem is predominantly pense r and sorrowful. The poet suddenly notices that 4 What wos the poets AUC fear? — her mother looks as old as she is. This could have surprised her since she only sees het or What were the poet's feelings at the airport? mother during holidays and not on a daily references to ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’ How did she hide them? All India 2012 basis. However, it does not surprise her because or What were Komata Das’ fears asa child? Why she has always been aware of the certainty of do they come back when she is going to the her mother's death, airport? As she does when she turns away fom bet All India 2011 mother to look at the trees and the children. ‘Ans During her childhood, Kamala Das wat tee has chosen not to think about losing her . about losing her mother just as all youn mother anytime soon. Yet, that fear has alv2¥ children often are, The same old feelings come Plagued her, and it plagues her still. This back to haunt her when she sees her ene saddens her and one can see her silent teats Pale and lifeless face. She i tortured bythe fect even when she has forced herself to smile 7 mw that she may not see her alive again. She hides 10 Imagery was an effective literary device to bt u her feelings by smiling. out the contrast between the ‘merry childret 6 5 What do the parting words of Kamala Das and and mother. ames Jon Bank 2! her smite signify? Compartanent 301 CBSE Question Bank < Ans The parting words of the poet reflect the poet's oo it erm Sad that imagery was an ose a feeling that she wants to meet her mother ih nercy fo being out re cttte post i children’ and mother. Ss azain a she = a smile on her face to away from her mother’s face in the cat (0 er s er pain and to give hope, happiness and through the window children rushing out aa reassurance to her mother. their homes, spate at Sey Sh ‘the contrast isall the sharper since the poet has juxtaposed to vastly different images - aid age and childhood - right next toeach, other. 4 The poet does not directly mention the fear of her mother's death and yet she is successfully able to convey the same through different etic techniques. Discuss, ‘ans The poct docs not directly mention the fear of hher mother’s death and yet she is successfully able to convey the same through different poetic techniques like simile, metaphors, repetitions and contrasts. The comparisons made with the corpse and the late winter's moon are central to highlight the cause of her fear. The contrast heightens it to the point wherein she is silently crying and reassuring herself and her mother with her smile. @LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS 1 Bring out the significance of the smile of the poet as she bade farewell to her mother. {ns The poet smiles as she bids farewell to her mother and assures her that they would meet again. As she looks at her mother, who looks pale and weak due to old age, her heart is pained to think that her mother might not live long. She smiles, but her smile is only an effort tocover up the hidden fear and pain in her ® heart. It is a smile put on deliberately to hide her tears. Her situation is quite ironical. Though she tells. her mother that she'll see her soon she doubts if'she will ever see her alive again, The repetition of the word ‘smile’ shows that it isa long and cheerful one. The smile is also significant because it must have comforted both the mother and the daughter and kindled in them the hope that the mother would Survive long enough for the two to meet again, 2 Bring out the poetic devices used in the poem. 'nS The poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’ captures the complex subtleties of human ielationships ina texture of symbols, imagery and other Poetic devices, The entire poem is structured in the frame of a single sentence, punctuated by commas. Mindicates a single string of thought that runs fOughout, There is a simile in the explicit Comparison of the ashen face of her mother to of a corpse. We find another simile in the Comparison between the pale visage of her other and the late winter's moon, as her face s lost its brightness. 3 Ans Ans ‘Ea There is the use of personification in the line ‘Trees sprinting’, where trees are attributed with the quality of running swiftly, for enhancing the Poctic effect. The poet has used alliteration in the use of the words ‘familiar’ and ‘fear’ the repetition of the consonant sound (f}. ft also suggests the poct’s familiarity with her childhood fear and the sorrow of losing her mother to death, Analyse the concept of losing our dear ones ‘on account of old age in the context of the poem, ‘The poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’ brings out the natural complexities of the human mind and the natural fear of losing our parents, which is common to the hearts of all humans. Ageing is an indispensible part of human life which we have to accept, irrespective of the pain it cultivates in our hearts. The poet speaks about her mother who is growing old and has a pale and weak look on her face. Her mother sleeps while travelling, as we realise that she requires rest. ‘The poet recalls how even as a child she has experienced the fear of losing her mother. Now her fear has changed into the fear of losing her mother to death, That is why she diverts her attention by looking outside the window at the trees passing by and the children coming out of their homes to play. Later, atthe airport she smiles at the mother only with the hope of meeting her soon. Imagine the mother gets to know of the poet persona’s fears. Write a leter, as the mother, telling the daughter why she must not dwell on these fears. You may begin this way: Pallipuram Cochin, Kerala 22th August 60 ‘My dear Kamala | am writing to you because when you left me at the airport | felt something wasnt right. judging by how little you spoke that day .(continue).. With love Amma 22 August “60 My dear Kamala. 1am writing to you because when you left me at the airport, I felt something wasn't right. Judging by how little you spoke that day Lwas Worried about what was making you anxious, CBSE Question Bank 2021, EXAM PRACTICE 274 Ans After much thinking I now know that you are ‘worried about me, my health and my impending death. Sweetheart, both of us know that whoever is born must die. lam a mortal and would have to be separated from you. But remember that I will always love you. So why waste your time and worry with such fears. Let's spend the time we have together will much, fun and frotic. 1 know, my saying this would not reduce your stress, but worry not, your mother will forever be with you. ‘With love amma Imagine you are the poet's friend. Write a dialogue exchange between yourself and the poet where the latter confides in you about her fears and asks for your advice. What would your ‘advice be -to face her fears, to ignore them or something else? CBSE Question Bank 2021 Poet: I am worried this was the last time I saw my mother. Allinone ENGLISH CORE Class i395, Just the thought of this separation is, unbearable to me, What if, 1am not there yi, her when she dies? What will I do without her? Friend: Kamala, relax! I know your fears, ‘Trust me, Thad felt the same. But look at me now, I have accepted the reality and to tell yoy the truth she is alive and you still have some time to spend with her, Poet: But we will be separated! Friend: Kamala, that is the reality of life Everyone must die one day. We need to accept this truth and make the most of the time we have with our friends and family. Your worries Kamala would not go away but it would hamper the time you have left with her. So why worry? Poet: I guess you are right, Mom also wrote the same thing to me. I cannot promise obviously but will try. SELF ASSESSMENT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 4 Smile and smile and smite is (a) alliteration ia simile (b) repetition c) sit (d) metaphor 2 The mother’s old age and lack depiction of (a) the poet's helplessness (b) joy and fun of old age (©) bonding of mother with family members (d) sickness and ill-health @ EXTRACT BASED QUESTIONS Read the extract given below and answer the questions by choosing the correct ‘option. but soon put that thought away and looked out at young trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes .........” Of energy is a following Delhi 2011 (i) Which thought did the poet put away? (a) Mother was ageing (b) Due to age she may die any time () Will not be able to meet her again (d) Both (b) and (c) (ii) What do ‘sprinting trees’ signify? (a) Running against time (b) Time does not wait for any one (c) Tree sprinting used as contrast to mother not moving much (d) Both (b) and (c) (il) What is merry children spiling’ symbolic of? (a) Reminder of mother’s young age (b) Youth-full of life and energy (©) Mother-life and energy missing (d) Used as contrast to mother’s old age (iv) Choose the correct ‘synonym of ‘sprinting’. (2) Walking (b) Relaxing (©) Dashing fast (4) Shooting (W) What were the poet's parting words? (@) Take care Amma (b) Get well soon, Amma (0) Go back, Amma (d) See you soon, Amma (vi) What is the theme of the poem? © SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS Answer the following questions in 40-50 words. 1 What is the central idea of the poem? 2 Bring out the contrasting images in the poem. 3 What isthe poet's familiar ache and why does it return? 4 Explain face ashen like that of a corpse’ @© LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS Answer the following questions in 120-150 words. 1. What kinds of contrasts can you find in the poem? 2 What means did the poet employ throughout the poem to forget the pain of the poet's expected separation from her mother? CHAPTER KEEPING QUIET Pablo Neruda About the Poet Explanation of the Poem Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) was @ Chilean poet who was awarded the Stanza 1 “Nowwe will count to twelve Nobel Pie for Literature in 1971. His and we will all keep still. ee eras ass tone a For once on the face of the Earth beautiful, He was also a diplomat {et’s not speak in any language, and politician. He received numerous let's stop for one second, Prestigious awards, including the and not move our arms so much.” International Peace Prize in 1950, the Lenin Peace Prize and the Stalin Peace Prize in 1953. Explanation The poet urges each one of us to count upto twelve and then be quiet Te poet might have used the phrase ‘count fo twelve" as there are 12 hours represens ‘n.a clock or twelve months in a year. He might have wanted the people to keep sl z 7 as long as they could. He wants a moment of silence on the Earth when no Poem Oulline language is spoken. In this way, there will be no language barrier between people ere erada Wi this poem hes No harsh words will be spoken. In this moment of silence, the poet doesn't wart ‘emphasised the importance of anyone to move their arms. introspection. Man has become very ‘sefish and his own actions cause Stanza 20 “Irwould be an exotic moment / him many miseries. The world today Becta ea by re eos ened without rush, without engines, boundaries of caste, creed, race, we would all be together fli, snguane. cle, ratory ina sudden strangeness.” ‘geographical divisions. We ne Ce eee ance Hats Explanation The post feels that such a moment of silence would be an unusual and ‘and look atthe larger picture. The exciting one. It will have miraculous consequences. There will be no hurry othe reas about ine necessity of sound of machines to pollute the atmosphere. It will be a strange and untamilat Creating a feeling of mutual moment wit stilness all round. in this unusual period, the bonds of humanity tunderstanding among human get stronger. beings. Stanza 3_ “Fishermen in the cold sea would not harm whales = ” Eiclanstion 1 ind the man gathering salt would look at his hurt hands. planation inte moment of inactviy, the sherman would not be eathig fh , es in the sea will be safe, This idea is suggestive of the thous! eeping gules “Those who prepare green wars, wars with gas, wars with fie victory with no survivors would put on clean clothes and walk about with their brothers in the shade, doing nothing” tion The poet now speaks of those incuding the use of chemicals or poisonous gases, wars that bring death and destruction, wars that leave none te caebrate victory He says that such men shoud stop thir ett, shed their clothes stained with the blood of humanity, put on new clothes and walk with ther brothers, The poet implies that the war-torn world should be replaced by one with an atmosphere of peace, brotherhood and harmony, stanza 4 stanza 5 “What I want should not be confused with total inactivity. Life is what it is about, I want no truck with death.” Explanation The poet makes a clarification that though he is ‘advocating the need for silence, his advice should not be confused with total inactivity. He does not want any association with death. He says that lfe is meant to be lived. Stanza 6 “If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves and of threatening ourselves with death.” Explanation The poet further advises that people should stop being sel-centred and selfish, For one moment they should not think of Keeping their ives moving, meeting their ends or fulfiling their duties. Ea That huge silence, which will aris from such a moment, will only serve to help the people. It wil help them introspect and overcome their sadness of fang to Understand themselves People have been threatening themselves with death by thei activities. This moment of silence will ge them tne {0 understand themselves better. Stanza 7 “Perhaps the Earth can teach us as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive. NowT'll count up to twelve and you keep quiet and I will go.” Explanation The poet feels that the Earth can enlighten us and guide us in his process of keeping quiet He wants us to observe that there is some actiay uncer apparent slllness; for instance, a seed appears to be ‘dead’. but ‘huge fruit-bearing trees are ‘bom’ from such seeds lying ‘dead’ here and there. Finally, the poet thinks that he has said what he intended to. Now he wants us to keep quiet while he is counting to twelve, after which he will leave. WORD MEANINGS The given page numbers correspond to the pages in the NCERT textbook. Page 95 exotic — unusual and exctng engines — machines strangeness. — unusual moment Page 96 ‘feen wars — wars against rature or envicrmment inthe shade — under the ees conlusedwih — mistaken for inactivity — not doing anything wantrno truck — refuse to deal with wih single-minded —_ thinking about or focusing ony on one thing ‘NCERT FOLDER Before you Read (Page 95) 2 Do you think the poet advocates total inactivi What does the title of the poem suggest to you? and death? _ Delhi aon What do you think the poem is about? Ans No, the poet does not advocate total inactive Ans The title of the poem suggests the importance of angigleath, He clarifies that he has no truck silence. The poem is about the importance of with death, According to him, life is meant tp Quict introspection for all. Our speech and be lived to the fullest. He just wants the activities often bring abou troulle ana inhuman and destructive activities to stop suffering, so they need to be controlled. 3 What is the Sadness’ that the poet refers tain Think it Out the poem? Alladin any, (Page 96) Ans The poet refers to the sadness that arises from ¢ failure to understand ourselves. Today, 1 What will counting upto twelve and keeping still the so engrossed in achi me we help us achieve? Delhi 2015; Foreign 2009 success that we have no time to introspect op about our actions and their consequences, nce, n end up hurti irselv¢ Why does Pablo Neruda want us to count till inne aa twelve and keep stil? Compartment 2017 8 4 What symbol from nature does the poet invoke : to say that there can be life under apparent What will keeping still help us achieve? (Keeping Bie? Quiet) Compartment 2017 Ans Counting up to twelve and keeping still will help us to get some time to stop all our normal activities and self-introspect our actions, helping us change our destructive ways and promote brotherhood among men. Delhi 2015 Ans The poet uses nature as a symbol to explain his idea that there can be life under apparent stillness, An example from nature is the Earth itself, as, when everything seems dead, it later proves to be alive. @ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 4 Inthe given poem, the poet uses q conversational style to (a) teach an important lesson to mankind, (b) tell something important to mankind {c) show intimate bonding to mankind, (d) get actoss his message to mankind gns_(b) tell something important to mankind, 2 what statement does Neruda make about wars? (a) Wars are of varied kinds ~ internal, wars with gas, with fire, te (b) Wars are wasteful and cause irrecoverable loss and damage to property and life, (c) Wars never yield any winners, and the loss is far greater than what can be measured. (a) Wars ate unavoidable in the enduring struggle for human dignity and power. Breen wars, Ans (c) Wars never yield any winners, and the loss is far greater than what can be measured. 3 "What | want should not be confused with total inactivity.” CBSE Question Bank 2021 Choose the option that draws the most accurate parallel, keeping quiet: total inactivit (a) reflection and death (b) silence and chaos (c) stagnation and introspection (d) mindfulness and fear {a) reflection and death Ans “Now Il count up to twelve and you keep quiet 4nd I will go.” Why does the poet wish to go at the end of the poem? CBSE Question Bank 2021 (a) The poet does not believe people will be quiet. (b) The poet has already invested enough time. {€) The poet will move on and seck to inspire others. (4) The poet is marking the end of the poem by leaving ANS. (c) The poet will move on and seek to inspire others. 5 In Keeping Quiet, through the expression ‘Fishermen in the cold sea would not harm Whales’, Pablo Neruda expresses his concern for CBSE Term 12021 (a) cruelty to ani (b) the plight of (6) food scarcity (4) environmental destruction Ans (a) cruclty to animals 6 In Keeping Quiet’ the poet does not want the reader to confuse his advice for . with total inactivity. CBSE $QP Term 1 2021 (a) experimentation (b) relaxation (c) isolation (d) introspection Ans (d) In the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’, Neruda differentiates between silence and total inactivity. For him silence is synonymous with introspection: 7 Read the statements given below. carefully. Choose the option that best describes these statements, with reference to the poem. CBSE Question Bank 2021 Statement | The poem ‘Keeping Quiet calls for change as much in the individual as human society at large. Statement Il The poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ implies that individual change will lead to bigger societal change. Statement Ill Neruda believes that when people come together as a community, they will be able to bring a transformation in each person. (a) Statement 1 is True, Statement Il is False, and Statement 111 cannot be inferred. (b) Statement I and I cannot be inferred, Statement II is True. (c) Statement 1 is True, Statements tl and It cannot be inferred. (4) Statement 1 cannot be inferred, Statement I cannot be inferred, Statement IIL is False. Ans (a) Statement Lis True, Statement IL is False, and Statement III cannot be inferred. 8 “And we will all keep still’ Choose the option that does not refer to ‘still’. 1.tranquil 2.withal 3. subdue 4, assuage 5. stagnant 6, serene (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 4.and 5 (c) 1, Sand 6 (d) 3, 4 and 6 Ans (c)1,5and6 EXAM PRACTICE 9 The poet of the poem specifically uses number 12, What do you think the number 12 ithe poem signifies? {a) the months of the year (b) the number of sun-signs {c) the numbers represented on the clock (a) All of the above Ans (a) Allof the above 10 Pick out the option that correctly describes why the poet makes a mention of languages. 1. Itleads to misunderstandings. 2. Itleads to violent quarrels and debates. 3. It creates noise. 4, Itstops the process of introspection, (a) Land2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) Land & (4) 2 and 4 Ans (a) Land2 11 Pick Phrases that portray ‘exotic moment’ in the poem. 1. Fisherman would not harm whales. 2. Salt gatherers would not have hurt hands 3. Victory with no survivors 4. People would walk around with their brothers 5. | want no truck with death (a) 1. 2and4 (b) 2,3 and 5 (c) L2and 5 (4) Only 1 and 2 Ans (a) 1,2and4 12 There is ‘a sudden strangeness’ on counting to twelve in ‘Keeping Quiet’, With reference this statement, which of the following is incorrect? (a) People are always in a rush and thus, there is strangeness, (b) People cannot stop their work for silence. (0) Total inactivity resulting out of this is strangeness (d) Fraternising with people in this silence is strange. Ans (c) Total inactivity resulting out of this is strangeness 13 Choose the correct option with respect to the ‘two statements given below, Statement 1 Pablo Neruda focuses on all kinds of violence, Statement 2 He mentions that fisherman fish for whales resulting in violence against the environment. Alone ENGUSH CORE Class jp {a) Statement 1 can be Inferred but Statemeny 2 cannot be Inferred. (b) Statement 1 cannot be Inferred but Statemen, 2 can be inferred. {c) Statement 1 and Statement 2 can be inferreg, (a) Statement I and Statement 2 cannot be inferred. ‘Ans (c) Statement 1 and Statement 2 can be inferteg 14 How ‘Keeping Quiet’ Is going to help the man who works as ‘Salt gatherer? (a) Me will get time to take care of his wounded hands. (b) He will not work as ‘salt gatherer’, {c) He will introspect about the type of work he does. (d) None of the above Ans (a) He will get time to take care of his wounded hands. 15 What statement does Neruda make about wars? CBSE Question Bank 2021 {a) Wars are of varied kinds-internal, green wars, ‘wars with gas, with fire, etc (b) Wars are wasteful and cause irrecoverable loss and damage to property and life (c) Wars never yield any winners, and the loss is far greater than what can be measured. (d) War are unavoidable in the enduring struggle for human dignity and power. Ans (c) Wars never yield any winners, and the loss is far greater than what can be measured. 16 What does the expression ‘put on clean clothes” imply? (a) Leave the evil ways (b) To make peace with fellow human beings (c) Attend a conference in decent clothes. (a) Both (a) and (b) Ans (qd) Both (a) and (b) 17 “If we were not so single-minded... "In the Siven line, single minded can imply 1, Materialistism 2, Greed 3. Selfish nature 4, Hypocritical 5. Religious 6. Caring (a) 1,3 anda (by 1, 2and 3 (0) 4,5 and 6 (a) 3.and 4 Ans (b) 1, 2and3 18 What can be said about the poet's perception of life? (a) 11 is about introspection (b) Is about harmony. (ce) His about chaos and noi (a) 18s a continuous evolution, Ans (i) Iisa continuous evolution. identify the tone of Pablo Neruda in the rltowing line. CBSE SQP Term 1 2021 perhaps the Earth can teach us ) confident and clear about future events {hy Dramatic about the prediction he made fc) convinced about the Sequence of events to follow 4) Uncertain, yet hopeful about the possiblity, aps cancertain. Yet hopeul about the possi. @ EXTRACT BASED QUESTIONS athe extract given below and answer the sallowing questions ‘by choosing the correct option. 4 Foronce on the face ofthe Earth Jets not speak in any language, Jets stop for one second, and not move our arms so much, Irwould be an exotic moment without rush, without engines, wwe would all be together in asudden strangeness. CBSE Question Bank 2021, All India 2009 Modified ( The poet uses the word “lets” to (a) initiate a conversation between the poet and the readers, (b) invite readers as part of the poem’s larger call to humanity. (c) welcome readers into the world of the poem and its subject. (4) address readers as fellow members of the ‘human race. (i) Margaret Atwood said, “Language divides us into fragments, | wanted to be whole.” Choose the option that correctly comments on the relationship between Margaret ‘Atwood's words and the line from the above extract - “let's not speak in any language’. (a) Atwood endorses Neruda’s call to not speak in any language. (b) Atwood justifies Neruda’s request to not ‘engage in any speaking, (c) Atwood undermines Neruda’s intent to stop and not speak in any language. (4) Atwood surrenders to Neruda's desire for silence and not speak in any language. (ii) Why do you think the poet employs words like “exotic” and “strangeness”? (a) To highlight the importance of everyone being together suddenly for once, (b) To emphasise the frenetic activity and chaos that usually envelops human life, (¢) To indicate the unfamiliarity of a sudden moment without rush of without engine. (a) To direct us towards keeping quiet and how we would all be together in that silence. (iv) Choose the option that correctly matches the idioms given in Column A with their ‘meanings in Column 8. Column A 1. Ontho face of the earth 2, What on earth Column B () Inexistence {i) To do al possible to accomplish something (ii) To express surprise or shock (@) Tobe good and worthy (a) 1 = (i 2- i 4~ (ii) (b) 1~ (i); 2~ City, 3 ~ is 4 - Civ) (c) 1 ~ (i); 2= i): 3 ~ (iv); 4 (ii) (d) 1 = (iv); 2= (ii); 3 - (iti 4 - (0) (v) Whatis the poet propagating through the given lines? (vi) What do we mean by ‘arms' in the given extract? ‘Ans (i) (b) invite readers as part of the poems larger call to humanity. (ii) (a) Atwood endorses Neruda’s call to not speak in any language. i) (b) To emphasise the frenetic activity and chaos that usually envelops human life. (iv) (b) 1 = (i); 2~ (ily; 3 = (i); = (ivy {v) Through the given lines, the poet is propagating the need for peace and brotherhood. (vi) The word ‘arms’ in the given extract can refer to general movement and chaos in the world. It can also refer to the use of weaponry. ‘3. Move heaven and earth 4. The salt of the earth 2 If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves and of threatening ourselves with death, CBSE Question Bank 2021, Compartment 2014 Modified (i) What do you think is the mood of the poet in the above extract? (a) Gloomy, cynical (b) Reflective, inspired (c) Introspective, aware (d) Critical, demotivated EXAM PRACTICE (ii) Pick the option that DOES NOT complete the ‘given sentence suitably, as per the extract. Threatening ourselves with death {a) feeds on the fear of death. (b) challenges finiteness of life. {c) keeps ts rushing through life. (a) makes us restless and impatient. Gi) What might the “huge silence” signify? (a) Melancholy (b) Understanding (¢) Discomfort (a) Flexibility (iv) How are we single-minded? (v) Why is silence essential for us? (vi) Why do we threaten ourselves with death? Ans (i) (c) Introspectiv (Gi) (b) Challenges finiteness of life, (iii) (b) Understanding ) The poet calls all of us humans to be single minded because of our selfish nature. We only work for the benefit for ourselves and have no regard for anyone else. (v) According to the poet, silence is essential for us because it helps us self-introspect and become self-aware. (si) According to the poet, we are threatening ‘ourselves with the lack of self-awareness which leads to our death. aware 3° “Itwould be an exotic moment without rush, without engines, we would all be together ina sudden strangeness. Compartment 2017, 15, (9 Which moment has been described as exotic? (a) When everyone is still and quiet. (b) When everyone is praying. (c) When everyone is pleading others to be quiet. (4) Listening to the poet. (i) Why, according to the poet, the moment will be exotic? (a) 1t will initiate non-violence. (b) It will foster peace and brotherhood. (c) As it will be something extraordinary. (d) All of the above (il) Explain : Without rush, without engines’ (2) Presently, everyone seems to be in a hurry. (b) Mad noise of engines coming from different types of vehicles. (c) Everyone is involved in multiple activities to for material gains. (d) All of the above (iv) Which figure of speech is used in the last lines of the stanza? (a) Metaphor(b)Personification (c) Alliteration (d) Simile EXAM PRACTICE Allfiome ENGLISH CORE Class 3, (u) Does the poet propagate total inactii when he says without rush, without engines’ (vi) Why will the moment be strange? ‘Ans (i) (a) When everyone Is still and quiet (ii) (b) 1 will foster peace and brotherhood (ill) (d) All of the above (iv) (c) Alliteration (v) No, the poet docs not propagate total inact as he himself later states in the poem that he wants people to be silence to introspect, (vi) The moment will be strange because in oy, everyday lives we do not have a moment of silence or quiet. There is chaos all around whicy will not be there in the moment of silence, 4 “Fishermen inthe cold sea would not harm whales and the man gathering salt would look at his hurt hands.” AM India 2005 () What does the poet expect of the fisherman? (a) To stop going to sea (b) Due to introspection he abandons kiling whales (c) Not harm any sea creature (d) To still and do nothing (ii) How ‘Keeping Quiet’ is going to help the man who works as ‘Salt gatherer’? (a) He will get time to take care of his wounded hands. (b) He will not work as ‘salt gatherer’, (c) Hewill introspect about the type of work be does. (d) None of the above (ii) What does the expression ‘hurt hands' imp)? (a) Destruction that humans have caused © themselves, (b) Destruction caused to em pursuit of man’s selfish needs. (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above (iv) What figure of speech has been used in th first line of the stanza or in words ‘Cold Se0? (a) Metaphor (b) Personification (c) Transferred Epithet (d) Simile (”) What does the given extract say about mankind? (vi) What is the tone of the poet in the given extract? Ans (i) (b) Due to introspection he abandons killings whales (ii) (a) He will get time to take care of his wounded hands (iii) (c) Both (a) and (b) (iv) (c) Transferred Epithet conment it ee ing Quiet 1) The given extract highlights that manki ( has become exploitative: Itexploig environment as well as other hy ‘material benefit. nagar lor, ‘) In the given extract, the poet's tone i oie given fone is hopeful 5 “Those who prepare green wars, wars with gas, wars with fire, victory with no survivors, would put on clean clothes and walk about with their brothers, inthe shade, doing nothing” (9 The types of war the poet talks about are {a) nuclear wars (b) technologi (c) verbal war (d) green wars, wars with gas or fire (i) What does the poet mean by ‘Green Wars? (a) Chemical war {b) War with firearms (c) War against environment (4) Wars against nature (i) Explain the phrase : “Victory with No Survivors" {a) Celebrating victory {b) Due to mass deaths no one is left to celebrate victory (c) Huge loss of human life (d) Huge loss of property (iv) What does the expression “put on clean clothes" imply? (a) Leave the evil ways (b) To make peace with fellow human beings {c) Attend a conference in decent clothes (d) Both (a) and (b) i) Which literary device is used in the given lines? (vi) What does the poet want people to do? Ans (iy (4) green wars, wars with gas oF fie (ii) (c) War against environment {iil)(b) Due to mass deaths no one is left to celebrate victory (iv) (d) Both (a) and (b) (¥) Enjambment is used in given lines (i) The poet wants people to enjoy a mom Peace and promote fraternity. 5 “What I want should not be Confused with total inactivity. Life is what itis about; Twant no truck with death.” I warfare ent of () About which confusion the poet is referring to here? (a) Keeping still means total inactivity. (b) Introspect for sometime while being active (c) Stillness and keeping quiet for some time. does not mean end of everything. (d) All of the above (ii) What is life about according to the poet? (a) Living it gainfully (b) Living a hectic life with no time for anything else () Multiple activities to eam as much money as possible (d) Gainfully occupied with time to analyse and introspect i) What should not be confused with total unproductivity? (a) Putting on clean clothes {(b) Stopping wars (c) Practising to Keep still and quiet (4) Relaxing for a while (iv) Explain : ‘No truck with death’ {a) Inactivity mean death (b) No association with death as life is to be lived fully (c) Stillness and inactivity for few minutes in different from death (a) Both (b) and (c) (W) Why does the poet make the clarification between inactivity and death? (ui) What does the use of double quotation in the extract indicate? Ans (i) (a) Keeping still means total inactivity (ii) (d) Gainfully occupied with time to analyse and introspect (iii) (c) Practicising to keep still and quiet (iv) (d) Both (b) and (c) (v) The poet makes a clarification between inactivity and death because people often assume total activity to be death, For him, total inactivity is a moment of peace and self-introspection, (vi) The use of double quotations in the extract indlicates that the poet is speaking to someone. The lines are quoted in the manifesto of silence. 7 “Perhaps the Earth can teach ws as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive. Now I'l count up to twelve and you keep quiet and I will go”. All India 2013; Delhi 2008 EXAM PRACTICE @ What does the Earth teach us? {a) Stillness not equal to death (b) There is life under apparent stillness (c) We can still be alive and kicking though mainting stillness for few moments (d) Both (b) and (c) (ii) What is the significance of ‘Keeping Quiet? (a) Very peaceful atmosphere {b) No involvement in harmful activities {c) Establishing peaceful coexistence (@) All of the above (ii) The poet uses conversational style and personal pronouns or you; we'and ’ because (a) he wants to establish contacts easily (b) third person talking is ineffectiv. {c) he tries to reach out to the reader. (a) he wants us to be friendly with whole mankind. (wv) Which poetic device has been used in second line? (a) Imagery (b) Irony (c) Paradox (a) Transferred epithet (v) What message does the poet give in the extract? (vi) Where does the poet go? Ans (i) (d) Both (b) and (c) (ii) (d) Allof the above (iii) (d) he wants us to be friendly with whole mankind (iv) (d) Transferred epithet (v) The poct wants to give a message that there is life even in the moment of total inactivity. This moment of total inactivity leads one to grow and become a better version of oneself: (vi) The poet has gone to himself be silent and center the moment of self introspection. @ SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS 1 Which is the exotic moment that the poet refers to in ‘Keeping Quiet? Delhi 2014 ‘Ans The poet refers to the moment of stillness and quietness as an exotic moment because it will Hhitiate peace and brotherhood. There would be no movement, no talk, no activity and consequently. no violence. 2 Why does one feel ‘a sudden strangeness'on twelve and keeping quiet? a : All India 2015 ‘Ans Normally people are active and sounds of chines are heard. When we keep quiet and Tntrospect, it will be a strange and unfamiliar moment; thus, we will feel ‘a sudden strangeness’ at this moment. Ans Ans Ans ‘Ans The images of fishermen not harming the Ans Keeping quiet will help us to int Ans Keeping quiet does not mean complete ‘Allénone ENGLISH CORE ¢;,.- 124, 3 How would keeping quiet affect life in ap ground the sea? All India 2017, naw, Keeping quiet would affect life in and are? The sea in two ways. By keeping quiet, ine" fisherman will not kill whales for some tin Also, the salt gatherers will get some time heal their hurt hands. 4 How will ‘keeping quiet’ protect our environment? All Tada, Keeping quiet and introspecting will initiate peace and brotherhood among men, halting destructive activities like waging wars whi sha) harm people besides damaging the environment. Thus, the environment will be protected. 5 What are the different kinds of wars mentioneg in the poem? What is Neruda's attitude towar these wars? Daan, ‘The poet writes about wars against humanity and nature. Green wars, wars with poisonous gases and wars with fire are the kinds of wars mentioned in the poem. Neruda’s attitude towards war is one of rejection. He feels that such wars may bring victory but there are no survivors to celebrate the victory. 6 Which images in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ show that the poet condemns violence? Compartment 204 whales in the sea and wars leaving behind no survivors to celebrate victory show that the poet condemns violence. The poct’s refusal to have any association or dealings with death also shows that he is not in favour of any form of violence. 7 What will possibly be the effect of keeping quiet? Foreign 20 ‘or How, according to Neruda, can keeping: quiet change our attitude to life? Compartment 201 rospect on OU destructive actions like waging wars oF otherwise harming the environment. This will give us a better idea of the uy consequences of the actions, thus changing attitude to life, 8 ‘Life is what it is all about’. How is keeping au related to life? ‘All Indi inactivity, but stillness and quietness 9 as introspect on what we are doing. This MEY stopping our normal day-to-day act reflect on our actions. Thus it is relate’ although this may not be visible outa" i eeping Quiet 9 How con suspension of activities help? © LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS ; All India 2012 ans suspension of activities will give people time to jntrospect and analyse their actions, This will help them in solving their problems and conflicts. They will develop a new ‘understanding and hence will mend their destructive ways, 40. According to the poet, what is it that human beings can learn from nature? AN India 2010 ‘ans Life under apparent stillness is the message which human beings can learn from nature, The Earth is never in a state of total inactivity ‘Nature continues to breathe and work even when there is stillness all around 41 How is the Earth a source of life when all seems dead on it? All India 2017; Delhi 2017 or How is total inactivity on the Earth in the winter months full of life? All India 2017; Dethi 2017 ‘Ans In the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ the Earth is a source of life because itis never in a state of total inactivity even when there is silence all around. Nature continues to work even when everything is still and silent. 12 Ina world that is constantly running after ‘more’ chasing the next new thing, would it be fair to think of Neruda’s call as merely a {fanciful idea? ‘Ans think that especially in a world that is constantly running after more, Neruda’s idea would resonate with the people, Silence and stillness are therapeutic for the chaos that plagues modern life. In a place where, Yoga and meditation are becoming popular, Neruda’s idea would be readily accepted. 13 The world has become a global village and people across boundaries, nationalities and communities are now connected to one ‘nother. With the advancement of technology, ‘ond the advent of social media, do you think that the task of keeping quiet, as envisaged by Neruda, has become easier or more com 2, r stance. aces St ee ‘Question Bank 2021 Ans tis precisely because we are more connected than ever before that the task of keeping quiet has become more complicated. Earley, it was possible to divide day and night activities but Now everything is on for twenty-four hours whether that is the media or the internet. Keeping quiet is necessary but also more difficult at this time. 1 Analyse the importance of the dramatic count to twelve in ‘Keeping Quiet.” Ans The pocm opens with the poet's appeal to begin with a count to twelve followed by a moment of silence. The poet links silence with hope for a moment of togetherness. The repetition of the poet’s request to count to twelve in the first and the last stanzas creates a personal space of silence in the poem. The poet secks this moment of silence as a ‘moment to introspect and meditate, to share a feeling of oneness. The poet wishes that in this selected moment, the fishermen would not kill the whales and the men gathering salt would give rest to their injured hands. The threat of destruction of the world would come to a halt. in this chosen moment we would have time for self- assessment, The number ‘twelve’ is dramatically significant to represent our clock time, a moment in real life. 2 How isthe poer’s appeal for keeping quiet different from absolute sluggishness ? Ans, The poet, in his appeal for keeping quiet, ‘emphasises the importance of self-introspection in a man’s life, He urges us to seek a moment to ‘understand ourselves and analyse our actions as we experience the sadness of death. The poet’s appeal for a moment of silence or stillness should not be mistaken as a plea, as a ‘moment of inactivity or absolute sluggishness. He secks a silence where people are not obsessed with work and give a personal moment to think about their actions. This moment of silence will help them to overcome their woes and defects. The poet even feels that the Earth will enlighten men in this process, as silence is only a moment captured where there is activity under apparent stillness. 3 Analyse the poetic devices that the poet adopts in the poem. Ans The poet has incorporated the use of repetition in the line “let’s not speak’ and ‘et’s stop for fone second” to create the poetic effect of emphasis on his readers. Even the plarases ‘count to Uvelve’ and ‘count up to twelve’ are symbolic, as the poet repeats his request to keep quiet for a second time. The word ‘twelve’ symbolises a ‘meastte of time representing our clock time in real life, capturing a moment from our present time. The phrases hurt hands’ and “clean clothes’ are examples of alliteration. ‘Man will cleanse his soul, heart and mind in the process. EXAM PRACTICE 286 EXAM PRACTICE Ans Ans The word *brothers’ here implies brotherhood and a yyncedoche is used by using a concrete object instead of an abstract concept. There is use of metaphor in ‘put on clean clothes’, as the poet wants the warmongers to shed their blood-soiled clothes (meaning, stop Wars) and put on fresh clothes (meaning, follow. brotherhood). What kind of an imaginary and ideal world does the poet visualise? The poet longs for a calm, quiet and peaceful world, devoid of all forms of violence, as he visualises ‘togetherness’ of the people in a ‘moment of silence and peace. According to the Poet, this moment will give us time in silence for self-introspection, when we can spiritually attain our moral self through a moment of meditation. This moment will bring an end to all destructive activities in the world. The fishermen will not be Killing whales and the men gathering salt will have time to rest their injured hands. Environmental degradation will come to an end. ‘The warmongers will be silenced in a moment of brotherhood to meditate and cleanse their souls, The poet hopes that it will be an ideal world Where man will be able to come out from his self-centred attitude to gain moral peace. It could be said that the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ Presents the poet's philosophy for a different kind of world. {f you were asked to highlight elements of Neruda’s vision that resonate in your specific Social, political and cultural context, which three main ideas would you engage with? Use relevant textual details to support your analysis, CBSE Question Bank 2021 Pablo Neruda imagines a beautiful work which silence and stillness becomes a regular art of one's life and which increases understanding of oneself and reduces environmental conflict and war. Neruda’s vision can be adopted into a social, political and cultural context in the following ways, The first is Neruda’s suggestion of keeping quiet can be adopted into the social context of a school curriculum. Ans All#one ENGLISH CORE Class 12th Students can devote 30 minutes of silence jy week which could be spent in a library or meditation hall. They would be taught to be yy and silent under any circumstances, Second, Neruda’s suggestion of stillness can pe suggested to political parties who can incorporate them into their political doctring, Third, at a cultural level, stillness and sileneg can be adopted at a grassroots level movemen, starting with Stillness Clubs (where people gr to stay still and be silent) for the public whieh can then be replicated in companies and neighbourhoods. {deall, stillness and silence should be taught ap home and from there, it should spread all over the world, The last two years of school tend to be about planning for life after school. This can be ‘motivating, overwhelming or encouraging for some and stressful for others. Write a diary entry recording your thoughts on the following: ‘Neruda's ideas in ‘Keeping Quiet’ as a Buide in this situation, Thinking differently about your decisions with reference to Neruda’s ‘Keeping Quiet’ CBSE Question Bank 2021 Dear Diary 1 reflected on something today. This reflection did not come out of the blue. It came about deliberately after reading the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ by Pablo Neruda. In the poem, the poet Promoted stillness and quietness for self reflection. Now, you know how I have been confused about my future career and life. $0, 1 decided to follow the technique suggested by Neruda. And it worked, Mocked myself in the study and just thought What I liked doing, whether I will be able to make my life in the field and how will | go about it. It took me some days of research and thinking, But now Ihave a solution, L want to Pursue hotel management and convert out old ancestral haveli into a hotel business, | know the decision will not be met with optimism but Thave thought about it as well, Nov, L will take your leave. XYZ SELF ASSESSMENT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 4 Howwill silence benefit the man a (a) Both will be friends, {b) Man will know nature better. (q Man will be healthy, (d) Man will stop hurting nature a heal themselves, nd both will ind nature? 2 The poet calls man single-minded to highlight its (a) selfishness (b) greed (@ hatred (€) all of the above 3 Which of the following does the ‘Poet use as an example of evolution? (a) Rain (Q Earth (b) Seed (d) Tree @ EXTRACT BASED QUESTIONS ead the extract given below and answer the following questions by choosing the correct option. 1 ‘For once on the face of the Earth let's not speak in any language, let's stop for one second, and not move our arms so much.” Delhi 2012 (i) Why does the poet want us to keep quiet? (a) To avoid headache (b) To think about strategies (c) To get time to introspect (d) To do nothing at all (ii) Why does he advocate silence? (a) To create a peaceful atmosphere (b) Men is able to take stock of harmful activities done by him (c) To have a meeting (4) To practice yoga (iii) What does he mean by ‘not move our arms’? {a) To sit in active (b) To lie down (©) Sit still and not get involved in any activity (d) To get some physical relief (iv) What happens when no one speaks in ony language? (2) There is calm and peace all around (b) No misunderstanding (©) No debate or altercation between people (d) To forget ourselves (v) What will be special about this moment? (vi) Which literary device has been used in the given lines? © SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS Answer the following questions in 40-50 words, 1 Why does the poet want everyone to keep quiet after he counts to twelve? 2 How can a few moments of introspection affect our lives? 3 What is the single-mindedness that the poet talks about? 4 What are the causes of ‘sadness’ according to Pablo Neruda? G LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS Answer the following questions in 120-150 words. 1 How, according to Pablo Neruda, can keeping quiet change our attitude to life? Explain. 2 Inthe poem ‘keeping Quiet, the poet highlights the need for quiet introspection and mutual understanding leading to peace. Do you think that keeping quiet may prove the way to peace even in today’s world? Discuss. 3 “Under the apparent stillness there is life." Do you agree with this statement? Justify your ‘answer with examples,

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